So...what HAVE you stopped eating?



  • klaff411
    klaff411 Posts: 169 Member
    I haven't stopped eating anything, but I really limit liquids that have calories in them. I hate the idea of drinking my intake when I could be eating it, so I grab a diet soda when I want some fizzies and will maybe have one cup of milk or a juice box per day. The only exception I make is for smoothies, since I load those up with stuff that will keep me out of hunger for a few hours.

    You should give up soda period.

    drink more water...
  • KardioKim
    KardioKim Posts: 160 Member
    Cheese and bread.
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    I have cut out sugar for now. I'll move onto other things later, but I'm not going to cut them out completely, otherwise I'll be setting myself up for failure :P
  • Eleonora91
    Eleonora91 Posts: 688 Member
    Well there are lots of things that I didn't eat and I'm not eating yet, while some things that I used to eat in moderation now are just allowed when I'm not counting calories (e.g. having dinner out, birthdays etc...). For example I only eat pizza when dad comes to visit me, so usually once a month (even though sometimes I eat it more often, but I try to never exceed 1 every 2 weeks). Same thing for french fries. I allow myself ice cream more often because it actually has less calories but it's not something you eat everyday anyway. Chocolate bars, candies, cakes and so on are almost banned to be honest. I never buy them myself. And it's been a long time since I had some non-diet foods anyway.
  • goodnamegone
    Bread, pasta, rice. Trying to cut down on dates they are high in carbs and sugar and way too yummy. Cut out dairy 90% and butter 90%.

    I started eating more fruit, vegetables, eggs, meat, fish and salads.
  • wonkosane
    wonkosane Posts: 42 Member
    Minimizing carbs, watching my booze.

    This body is sponsored in part by, beer and pizza.
  • matchbox_girl
    matchbox_girl Posts: 535 Member
    Regular soda....I switched to diet (worse I know!!) but it wasn't worth the extra I can't tell the difference except that regular is sugary sweet. Bleck.
  • SakuraRose13
    SakuraRose13 Posts: 621 Member
    cheese fries , fast food burgers use to love burger king and now I loathe that food and almost all fast food , losing my taste for any of it , I was never a huge fan but now its like why bother for the most part , I only have mc Donald's nuggets if my daughters don't eat al theirs or chic a fil a nuggets if they are grilled most of the time and friendly's 3 scoop sundaes its just to much sweetness anymore I do love sweets but not like I once did which is good because I could eat sweets all day .So its fine with me know if I could just crave only fruits as sweets id be set :) but I love to bake so that would be hard to do .
  • epazia
    epazia Posts: 126 Member
    I won't say I have all together stopped eating anything. I don't drink soda and I rarely eat sweets like I used to. Fast food rarely ever alchohol is a non issue for me just doesn't interest me. Now bread that I will never give up just learning to do it better.
  • TheRealParisLove
    TheRealParisLove Posts: 1,907 Member
    DQ Blizzards. So not worth it.

    Also Stone Cold Creamery, Jamba Juice, and White Chocolate Latte at Starbucks.
  • lucystacy71
    lucystacy71 Posts: 290 Member
    The only thing I really gave up is soda.

    I didn't have to give up alcohol because I've never drank.
  • MamaBear57
    MamaBear57 Posts: 336 Member
    Salad's from restaurants....thought I was being good then realized not so much. Rather have yummier foods if I am going to eat that amount of calories and sodium. Sodium is huge for me since I seem to retain it all.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    The only foods I actually cut out are ones that make my ulcerative colitis flare up (pain beyond description). Even those I will have once in awhile, just a very small amount. I have also found that my body functions best when I get my carbs from more natural sources (or unprocessed, at least) and concentrate on getting more protein/fat. I have "cut out" pasta, because honestly I would rather eat more chicken parmesan than waste room in my stomach and take up calorie with simple carbs. I also avoid sugary, processed foods. I do eat them, aiming for an 80 /20 split (clean eating/ other foods). I don't think there's anything I truly WOULDN'T eat.
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,110 Member
    Food wise, nothing really.. all in moderation.

    I don't drink pepsi anymore

    I use Almond milk instead of other kinds

    Wheat bread instead of white
  • 3azeema
    3azeema Posts: 17 Member

    This body is sponsored in part by, beer and pizza.

  • BrittyBby10
    BrittyBby10 Posts: 12 Member
    I've cut back on a lot of salty things. I loooove salty foods, but all that sodium really isn't good for me. No more eating a whole block of ramen in a sitting, no more mounds of goldfish or cheezits or saltines or what have you. I can still eat a bit of those things, but MFP has really made it sink in just how much salt I've consumed!

    omg when i was 14 i could eat 2 blocks of roman and it made me curious so i used the calorie counter and found that one block is like my entire calorie intake for the day... thank god i started eating clean and wont even eat a bite now.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    I've stopped eating Domino's Pasta Bread bowls. There is no such thing as eating one of those in moderation, not if I want to sleep all weekend. :laugh:
    That being said, I've not completely cut out pasta or bread - it's just in tiny amounts on things I really enjoy.

    I have completely cut out sugary soda - except yesterday I was given regular Coke by mistake. :) I tossed it, but I got a few sips.
  • suzyfj8
    suzyfj8 Posts: 257 Member
    Takeaways and fast food!
  • aliasbee
    Some days I'll eat nothing but junk because it's what I am in the mood for. Ice cream for breakfast? Sure!

    Though a lot of times I've reduced my eating of bread or starchy things by about 80%. If I have a choice between a lot more meat or a hunk of bread, I much prefer the meat.

    I'm partial to whole milk so some meals if I want it I end up having to decide on milk instead of whatever.

    It's helpful to be able to eat whatever I want, and just have either/or questions for every meal because I used to take so long to decide what to eat. Now it's a lot easier to narrow down. I do, however, look forward to being able to eat without a deficit in march, if I stay on schedule.