1200cal/day really works.



  • cbwill0220
    cbwill0220 Posts: 6 Member
    This thread is really confusing to me. I just started this two days ago... and I have never tried to lose weight before so I don't know much of anything as far as how to do so.

    I am a 24 yr old female, 5'1 and 144 lbs. I've always weighed considerably more than I should because I used to be VERY muscular...so don't let the numbers make you think I'm completely obese. In high school I was very athletic... gymnastics, cheerleading, softball, and running. At my tiniest (at a size 2) I still weighed about 125 lbs.

    I gained about 20-30 lbs in the last 3 years when I boyfriend passed away. I stopped waiting tables and got an accounting job sitting down 8-10 hours a day and completely stopped working out or doing anything. I literally have done nothing except sit around the house. All of a sudden I woke up one day and realized 3 years had passed and I lost all of my friends, I'm fat, and I essentially have no life because I let it slip away....This realization has really depressed me even more than I already was.

    With that said, I am desperate to get back to my old self. I want to feel good about myself and look in the mirror again and smile. I don't believe I'll necessarily lose the 25 lbs I would love to lose because like I said, I've always "weighed" a lot even when I was so small.... but what do I know?? I've never tried to lose weight before!!

    I would truly appreciate ANY insight or help I can get on this topic. Please look at my food diary the past two days and please let me know if you think I should be doing something differently?

    I have completely stopped drinking, I only drink water now (about a gallon per day)... I am trying to stay under 1,000 calories per day on a low-carb diet. (I had realized that all I eat was carbs and I was eating roughly 2 fast food meals a day plus drinking 3-4 beers or 1 entire bottle of wine a night! NO WONDER I got so fat!)

    I also have been doing about 45 minutes of cardio per day which I plan on doing 6 days a week. And strength training again...arms one day, abs another, legs another, butt another...etc.

    I have lost 4 lbs although I know that is just water weight right now...

    Please help me!
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    This thread is really confusing to me. I just started this two days ago... and I have never tried to lose weight before so I don't know much of anything as far as how to do so.

    I am a 24 yr old female, 5'1 and 144 lbs. I've always weighed considerably more than I should because I used to be VERY muscular...so don't let the numbers make you think I'm completely obese. In high school I was very athletic... gymnastics, cheerleading, softball, and running. At my tiniest (at a size 2) I still weighed about 125 lbs.

    I gained about 20-30 lbs in the last 3 years when I boyfriend passed away. I stopped waiting tables and got an accounting job sitting down 8-10 hours a day and completely stopped working out or doing anything. I literally have done nothing except sit around the house. All of a sudden I woke up one day and realized 3 years had passed and I lost all of my friends, I'm fat, and I essentially have no life because I let it slip away....This realization has really depressed me even more than I already was.

    With that said, I am desperate to get back to my old self. I want to feel good about myself and look in the mirror again and smile. I don't believe I'll necessarily lose the 25 lbs I would love to lose because like I said, I've always "weighed" a lot even when I was so small.... but what do I know?? I've never tried to lose weight before!!

    I would truly appreciate ANY insight or help I can get on this topic. Please look at my food diary the past two days and please let me know if you think I should be doing something differently?

    I have completely stopped drinking, I only drink water now (about a gallon per day)... I am trying to stay under 1,000 calories per day on a low-carb diet. (I had realized that all I eat was carbs and I was eating roughly 2 fast food meals a day plus drinking 3-4 beers or 1 entire bottle of wine a night! NO WONDER I got so fat!)

    I also have been doing about 45 minutes of cardio per day which I plan on doing 6 days a week. And strength training again...arms one day, abs another, legs another, butt another...etc.

    I have lost 4 lbs although I know that is just water weight right now...

    Please help me!

    Sorry to hear about your loss.

    Honestly though, you aren't doing this the right way. You don't need to eat as little as 1000 calories a day to lose weight, particularly if you have a higher lean body mass than most.

    Ideally I'd need your body fat percentage to give you the most accurate count possible, but based on what info you've provided, your BMR is approx 1455 calories. This means it's the amount of energy you burn just be staying alive.

    Your TDEE is your total daily energy expenditure. This is the amount of energy you burn in a 24 hour period. Think of it kind of like your BMR + exercise calories.

    Sedentary (little or no exercise, desk job) 1746
    Lightly Active (light exercise/sports 1-3 days/wk) 2001
    Moderately Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/wk) 2255
    Very Active (hard exercise/sports 6-7 days/wk) 2510
    Extremely Active (hard daily exercise/sports & physical job or 2X day training, i.e marathon, contest etc.)

    Really you are going to be lightly - moderately active depending on how physical your day and exercise is.

    To lose 1lb a week, you need to subtract 20% from the figure that's most applicable. So for example, if you were lightly active, you would need to eat 1600 calories.

    Trust me, 1000 is far too little and you will lose muscle mass as well as fat eating that low. Not counting the other damage it can do if maintained for too long.
  • belindanjumo
    belindanjumo Posts: 109 Member
    Why is arguing about 1200 calories even a thing? How have we gotten so off track about living active lives and eating to support them that this is even a consideration for 99% of people?

    Eating dirt won't kill you either, but it's not that smart and it can be a symptom of a bigger problem. It's probably sustainable in the long term, though.

    I feel bad for the OP because of everyone attacking her. I don't live an active lifestyle either so I was giving her perspective on doing it to diet and then easing up for maintenance.
    And I completely appreciate you for that. I am actually surprised that so many people have turned on you instead. Lol. Well most didn't read the thread where I said am only doing this for a while until I can start exercising again.
  • Shaylyn1986
    Shaylyn1986 Posts: 164 Member
    Why is arguing about 1200 calories even a thing? How have we gotten so off track about living active lives and eating to support them that this is even a consideration for 99% of people?

    Eating dirt won't kill you either, but it's not that smart and it can be a symptom of a bigger problem. It's probably sustainable in the long term, though.

    I feel bad for the OP because of everyone attacking her. I don't live an active lifestyle either so I was giving her perspective on doing it to diet and then easing up for maintenance.
    And I completely appreciate you for that. I am actually surprised that so many people have turned on you instead. Lol. Well most didn't read the thread where I said am only doing this for a while until I can start exercising again.

    Haha.. I'm used to it. I posted yesterday about not liking heavy lifting but that the ladies look amazing and got flamed to all hell. I think 5 people have me on ignore. ;P

    [puts flame shield on]
  • Shaylyn1986
    Shaylyn1986 Posts: 164 Member
    Why is arguing about 1200 calories even a thing? How have we gotten so off track about living active lives and eating to support them that this is even a consideration for 99% of people?

    Eating dirt won't kill you either, but it's not that smart and it can be a symptom of a bigger problem. It's probably sustainable in the long term, though.

    I feel bad for the OP because of everyone attacking her. I don't live an active lifestyle either so I was giving her perspective on doing it to diet and then easing up for maintenance.
    And I completely appreciate you for that. I am actually surprised that so many people have turned on you instead. Lol. Well most didn't read the thread where I said am only doing this for a while until I can start exercising again.

    Haha.. I'm used to it. I posted yesterday about not liking heavy lifting but that the ladies look amazing and got flamed to all hell. I think 5 people have me on ignore. ;P

    [puts flame shield on]
    You got "flamed" because you popped into a success stories thread where people were posting pictures of their successes to tell people that doing crossfit for a couple of weeks gave you man-arms. How did you think it was going to go?

    I said I think everyone looks great and posted a COMPLIMENT but that I tried it and it wasn't for me because my arms gained muscle and got bigger faster than losing the fat in my arms. I didn't think everyone would get their toned-*kitten* panties in a bunch and scream at me relentlessly for not liking heavy lifting. Not very nice for a website called my fitness pals.

    Supposed to be pals.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I love that this rolled. In for round 2 of OMG You MUST try 1200/cals! vs. Um... no.

    I missed the first part..... and have no desire to catch up.

    I'm just in to find out what's so amazing about 1200 cals/day that people defend it so voiciferously....

    This ....so this....

    Not sure why people feel the need to deprive themselves of food they want/love just to ensure they consume 1200 a day. No need to. That leads to failure because you can only do that for so long then you break, feel bad, try to get back to 1200 break again...feel bad and before you know it you have gained the weight back and you feel bad...

    When in reality you can eat more and still lose weight without a tonne of exercise.

    But whatever...if the people who are staunch supporters of 1200 a day want to do that to themselves then have at....has no effect on the rest of us who are doing it differently we just wish that you could see you don't have to deprive yourself....

    PS to those who say "I've kept the weight off for x years" eating 1200 for most of the time and splurging a couple days...good for you but I bet if you were to actually weigh your food on a kitchen scale you are eating more then you think...and that is the kicker.

    You are here defending your choice when probably in reality you are eating closer to 1600 a day on normal days and closer to 1800-2300 on splurge days...but that being said you wont admit it now or even doube check...

    My diary is open, feel free to view my 1200 cal a day foods.

    OK, so you've been doing it for 4 days. Lots of processed food, and you aren't hitting all of your macros even at 1200. I'm not impressed. :noway:
  • Shaylyn1986
    Shaylyn1986 Posts: 164 Member
    I love that this rolled. In for round 2 of OMG You MUST try 1200/cals! vs. Um... no.

    I missed the first part..... and have no desire to catch up.

    I'm just in to find out what's so amazing about 1200 cals/day that people defend it so voiciferously....

    This ....so this....

    Not sure why people feel the need to deprive themselves of food they want/love just to ensure they consume 1200 a day. No need to. That leads to failure because you can only do that for so long then you break, feel bad, try to get back to 1200 break again...feel bad and before you know it you have gained the weight back and you feel bad...

    When in reality you can eat more and still lose weight without a tonne of exercise.

    But whatever...if the people who are staunch supporters of 1200 a day want to do that to themselves then have at....has no effect on the rest of us who are doing it differently we just wish that you could see you don't have to deprive yourself....

    PS to those who say "I've kept the weight off for x years" eating 1200 for most of the time and splurging a couple days...good for you but I bet if you were to actually weigh your food on a kitchen scale you are eating more then you think...and that is the kicker.

    You are here defending your choice when probably in reality you are eating closer to 1600 a day on normal days and closer to 1800-2300 on splurge days...but that being said you wont admit it now or even doube check...

    My diary is open, feel free to view my 1200 cal a day foods.

    OK, so you've been doing it for 4 days. Lots of processed food, and you aren't hitting all of your macros even at 1200. I'm not impressed. :noway:

    I've been back on this site for 4 days. I joined in 2012 doing the same diet.

    I'm not here to impress you either.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    I eat a bowl and a half of multigrain cheerios and almond milk which is delicious and filling.

    I'm not sorry that it fills me up. I'm not sorry I don't exercise and eat those calories either. ;P This is how I live, who are you to judge?

    I don't want you to be sorry, and I'm not judging you. I just think that's a depressing way to live - in my opinion. If you are genuinely happy eating that, then good on you, but many 1200 calorie eaters on here are not happy and do struggle.

    Out of curiosity, what do you do when you want to go out for a meal? And don't you get bored of cheerios every night?

    Yah no judgement here except for the fact you have been tracking on here for less then 1 week and you "appear" to eat almost the same thing everyday...yah no thanks.

    I will not support a low calorie diet no matter what nor will I accept that the fact that they are "easy" you just have to get used to it to much imperical evidence to suggest /prove otherwise.

    And the fact that 90% of people who lose weight on a VLCD gain the weight back only to yo yo until they can accept that it's not healthy (mentally or physically esp when you are under 1200 consistently), it doesn't work and that they can eat food if they are willing to lose the weight slower then they wish...

    Yeah, but she doesn't track weekends and estimates 2000 calories per day on weekends. So she is NOT on 1200 a day. Not even sure why she posted in this thread?

    ETA: Ah, she's a flame baiter I see. LOL
  • Shaylyn1986
    Shaylyn1986 Posts: 164 Member
    I eat a bowl and a half of multigrain cheerios and almond milk which is delicious and filling.

    I'm not sorry that it fills me up. I'm not sorry I don't exercise and eat those calories either. ;P This is how I live, who are you to judge?

    I don't want you to be sorry, and I'm not judging you. I just think that's a depressing way to live - in my opinion. If you are genuinely happy eating that, then good on you, but many 1200 calorie eaters on here are not happy and do struggle.

    Out of curiosity, what do you do when you want to go out for a meal? And don't you get bored of cheerios every night?

    Yah no judgement here except for the fact you have been tracking on here for less then 1 week and you "appear" to eat almost the same thing everyday...yah no thanks.

    I will not support a low calorie diet no matter what nor will I accept that the fact that they are "easy" you just have to get used to it to much imperical evidence to suggest /prove otherwise.

    And the fact that 90% of people who lose weight on a VLCD gain the weight back only to yo yo until they can accept that it's not healthy (mentally or physically esp when you are under 1200 consistently), it doesn't work and that they can eat food if they are willing to lose the weight slower then they wish...

    Yeah, but she doesn't track weekends and estimates 2000 calories per day on weekends. So she is NOT on 1200 a day. Not even sure why she posted in this thread?

    Because I DID 1200 calories a day to lose the weight! I'm maintaining like I've said a billion times.

    [let me repeat this for the next 10 posts].
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member

    Yeah, but she doesn't track weekends and estimates 2000 calories per day on weekends. So she is NOT on 1200 a day. Not even sure why she posted in this thread?
    Because I DID 1200 calories a day to lose the weight! I'm maintaining like I've said a billion times.

    [let me repeat this for the next 10 posts].

    Then why do you have 19 lbs left to lose on your ticker?
  • Shaylyn1986
    Shaylyn1986 Posts: 164 Member

    Yeah, but she doesn't track weekends and estimates 2000 calories per day on weekends. So she is NOT on 1200 a day. Not even sure why she posted in this thread?
    Because I DID 1200 calories a day to lose the weight! I'm maintaining like I've said a billion times.

    [let me repeat this for the next 10 posts].

    Then why do you have 19 lbs left to lose on your ticker?

    Because I never update it or use it. I put something in there as my goal weight when I joined the site. I don't use anything but the food tracker.
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    And you want a cookie... oh wait probably not.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member

    Yeah, but she doesn't track weekends and estimates 2000 calories per day on weekends. So she is NOT on 1200 a day. Not even sure why she posted in this thread?
    Because I DID 1200 calories a day to lose the weight! I'm maintaining like I've said a billion times.

    [let me repeat this for the next 10 posts].

    Then why do you have 19 lbs left to lose on your ticker?

    Because I never update it or use it. I put something in there as my goal weight when I joined the site. I don't use anything but the food tracker.

    I would suggest you update your profile unless you expect people to magically read your mind and know that you only eat 1200 calories 5 days a week because you are in maintenance. You can't expect people to comb through every back thread to read your story when you post simply that '1200 works for me, check my diary'. And then we go there, see 4 days of tracking and a ticker with 19 lbs left on it. :noway:
  • NataBost
    NataBost Posts: 418 Member
    I think this debate is usually between the newer members and the ones who have been ongoing for some time. Most people will start at the magic 1,200. Most people will lose a good amount of weight on 1,200. Those who experience this will sing its praises and say they will live on this forever because they're 'not hungry' and 'couldn't imagine eating more', but you WILL eventually get to the point where it will no longer work for you, and you'll then have to deal with the inner-debate of eating more, which, eventually, you will. It's an experience thing. I don't know why you keep arguing the point.

  • Shaylyn1986
    Shaylyn1986 Posts: 164 Member

    Yeah, but she doesn't track weekends and estimates 2000 calories per day on weekends. So she is NOT on 1200 a day. Not even sure why she posted in this thread?
    Because I DID 1200 calories a day to lose the weight! I'm maintaining like I've said a billion times.

    [let me repeat this for the next 10 posts].

    Then why do you have 19 lbs left to lose on your ticker?

    Because I never update it or use it. I put something in there as my goal weight when I joined the site. I don't use anything but the food tracker.

    I would suggest you update your profile unless you expect people to magically read your mind and know that you only eat 1200 calories 5 days a week because you are in maintenance. You can't expect people to comb through every back thread to read your story when you post simply that '1200 works for me, check my diary'. And then we go there, see 4 days of tracking and a ticker with 19 lbs left on it. :noway:

    Updated my profile. :] Can't change the tracker thingy or don't know how.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    Why is arguing about 1200 calories even a thing? How have we gotten so off track about living active lives and eating to support them that this is even a consideration for 99% of people?

    Eating dirt won't kill you either, but it's not that smart and it can be a symptom of a bigger problem. It's probably sustainable in the long term, though.

    I feel bad for the OP because of everyone attacking her. I don't live an active lifestyle either so I was giving her perspective on doing it to diet and then easing up for maintenance.
    And I completely appreciate you for that. I am actually surprised that so many people have turned on you instead. Lol. Well most didn't read the thread where I said am only doing this for a while until I can start exercising again.

    Haha.. I'm used to it. I posted yesterday about not liking heavy lifting but that the ladies look amazing and got flamed to all hell. I think 5 people have me on ignore. ;P

    [puts flame shield on]
    You got "flamed" because you popped into a success stories thread where people were posting pictures of their successes to tell people that doing crossfit for a couple of weeks gave you man-arms. How did you think it was going to go?

    I said I think everyone looks great and posted a COMPLIMENT but that I tried it and it wasn't for me because my arms gained muscle and got bigger faster than losing the fat in my arms. I didn't think everyone would get their toned-*kitten* panties in a bunch and scream at me relentlessly for not liking heavy lifting. Not very nice for a website called my fitness pals.

    Supposed to be pals.

    That is not possible unless you were on 'roids. Most likely what you experienced was water retention in your muscles due to a new exercise routine, not gain in actual muscle, as that takes months or years to do, and once you get use to the new routine your muscle would have shed the water anyway.
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    I used to eat 1200 cal/day. It sucked. At some point I half wised-up and at least started hitting ~100g of protein with 1200 cals (mentioning this because I can't imagine getting 40g of protein or less a day...). Even then, I realized my workouts were suffering- and that's when I was only doing cardio.

    At some point I realized I needed to start lifting to get the results I wanted, and the light-bulb came on that I could and SHOULD eat a lot more to fuel myself for that.

    I bumped up to an average of ~1600 calories/wk when I was still "cutting".

    Now I'm eating between 1500-2000 calories a day (closer to 2k on the weekends, mmmm beer :drinker:), and I'm in maintenance(ish). I only lift three days a week, and my only cardio comes from my 2-3 recreational softball games every week. I'm 5'5" and my weight ranges from 121-126 depending on the day.

    I could never go back to 1200 calories.
  • Shaylyn1986
    Shaylyn1986 Posts: 164 Member
    Why is arguing about 1200 calories even a thing? How have we gotten so off track about living active lives and eating to support them that this is even a consideration for 99% of people?

    Eating dirt won't kill you either, but it's not that smart and it can be a symptom of a bigger problem. It's probably sustainable in the long term, though.

    I feel bad for the OP because of everyone attacking her. I don't live an active lifestyle either so I was giving her perspective on doing it to diet and then easing up for maintenance.
    And I completely appreciate you for that. I am actually surprised that so many people have turned on you instead. Lol. Well most didn't read the thread where I said am only doing this for a while until I can start exercising again.

    Haha.. I'm used to it. I posted yesterday about not liking heavy lifting but that the ladies look amazing and got flamed to all hell. I think 5 people have me on ignore. ;P

    [puts flame shield on]
    You got "flamed" because you popped into a success stories thread where people were posting pictures of their successes to tell people that doing crossfit for a couple of weeks gave you man-arms. How did you think it was going to go?

    I said I think everyone looks great and posted a COMPLIMENT but that I tried it and it wasn't for me because my arms gained muscle and got bigger faster than losing the fat in my arms. I didn't think everyone would get their toned-*kitten* panties in a bunch and scream at me relentlessly for not liking heavy lifting. Not very nice for a website called my fitness pals.

    Supposed to be pals.

    That is not possible unless you were on 'roids. Most likely what you experienced was water retention in your muscles due to a new exercise routine, not gain in actual muscle, as that takes months or years to do, and once you get use to the new routine your muscle would have shed the water anyway.

    Exactly. I'm not saying I got gigantic massive arms but after 4 months they were still stretching my shirts so I decided to stop. Also hate exercise. I'm sure in the long run it would look totally different and I do not disagree.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Edited ****
    PS to those who say "I've kept the weight off for x years" eating 1200 for most of the time and splurging a couple days...good for you but I bet if you were to actually weigh your food on a kitchen scale you are eating more then you think...and that is the kicker.

    You are here defending your choice when probably in reality you are eating closer to 1600 a day on normal days and closer to 1800-2300 on splurge days...but that being said you wont admit it now or even doube check...

    My diary is open, feel free to view my 1200 cal a day foods.

    Yup I did and I was right in your particular case you don't use a kitchen scale for your food...you use cups and packaged item details....and "measurments" like 1 small...when in fact if you read this thread


    or this one from another person just recently who is a "common" user who didn't weigh her food either until recently...


    You will understand my statement better.

    Esp considering the TDEE of a sedendary woman who is 5 ft 2 and weights about 138 is appx 1577 to maintain (that is the average daily intake) so if in fact a woman with those stats eats 1200 a day for 4 days (while weighing food to be sure) then she is consuming 2000 the other 3 days.

    I probably am close to 2000 on the weekends. Bf and I like to go out to dinner. :D

    If you are eating 2000 on the weekends, then you are not eating 1200 calories/day
  • Shaylyn1986
    Shaylyn1986 Posts: 164 Member
    Edited ****
    PS to those who say "I've kept the weight off for x years" eating 1200 for most of the time and splurging a couple days...good for you but I bet if you were to actually weigh your food on a kitchen scale you are eating more then you think...and that is the kicker.

    You are here defending your choice when probably in reality you are eating closer to 1600 a day on normal days and closer to 1800-2300 on splurge days...but that being said you wont admit it now or even doube check...

    My diary is open, feel free to view my 1200 cal a day foods.

    Yup I did and I was right in your particular case you don't use a kitchen scale for your food...you use cups and packaged item details....and "measurments" like 1 small...when in fact if you read this thread


    or this one from another person just recently who is a "common" user who didn't weigh her food either until recently...


    You will understand my statement better.

    Esp considering the TDEE of a sedendary woman who is 5 ft 2 and weights about 138 is appx 1577 to maintain (that is the average daily intake) so if in fact a woman with those stats eats 1200 a day for 4 days (while weighing food to be sure) then she is consuming 2000 the other 3 days.

    I probably am close to 2000 on the weekends. Bf and I like to go out to dinner. :D

    If you are eating 2000 on the weekends, then you are not even doing what you say you are doing.

    Okay. I don't track weekends, I eat mostly what I want but not gorge a whole pizza. More active on weekends too.

    But okay.
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