maybe tmi but im deathly scared!!



  • Sjwedeking20
    i went to er last week and it was a guy dr. and everyone acted like i was crazy and pretty much said that its just a bad period and to follow up with a gyno. it made me feel low and stupid for going. should i go again? and i do have the money to go to gyno but they will not take self pay patients and my jobs insurance i just enrolled in wont start until january. didnt mean to confuse anyone.
    please for the ones saying dont ask pple on the internet. i KNOW you are not doctors i was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this so i dont feel crazy and alone.

    i do have a health department i didnt even think about that! ill call first thing monday morning.
  • Firefighter4ever
    You need medical attention tonight. Right now. I'm just a dumb paramedic but you need medical attention soon and don't take NO for an answer!
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    If you go to an ER, they'll make sure that you aren't in immediate danger. You will still likely need a primary care physician to get a proper diagnosis and long term treatment.
  • YesIAm17
    YesIAm17 Posts: 817 Member
    You need medical attention tonight. Right now. I'm just a dumb paramedic but you need medical attention soon and don't take NO for an answer!


    Please listen. Better safe the sorry, or not being alive at all.
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    Get to an ER stat. I am a RN. You must be seen immediatly. Go Now!!! There is no such thing as a 5 month period. And dont let yhem belittle you, stand up and fight.
  • aakaakaak
    aakaakaak Posts: 1,240 Member
    i went to er last week and it was a guy dr. and everyone acted like i was crazy and pretty much said that its just a bad period and to follow up with a gyno. it made me feel low and stupid for going. should i go again? and i do have the money to go to gyno but they will not take self pay patients and my jobs insurance i just enrolled in wont start until january. didnt mean to confuse anyone.
    please for the ones saying dont ask pple on the internet. i KNOW you are not doctors i was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this so i dont feel crazy and alone.

    i do have a health department i didnt even think about that! ill call first thing monday morning.

    Did you explain to the er guy that you had been bleeding consistently for four months straight? Many ER docs just want to spin you out if they can. Its your health. Take care of it. Nobody else will.

    Yes, planned parenthood is another good option.
  • YesIAm17
    YesIAm17 Posts: 817 Member
    Get to an ER stat. I am a RN. You must be seen immediatly. Go Now!!!

  • servilia
    servilia Posts: 3,452 Member
    i went to er last week and it was a guy dr. and everyone acted like i was crazy and pretty much said that its just a bad period and to follow up with a gyno. it made me feel low and stupid for going. should i go again? and i do have the money to go to gyno but they will not take self pay patients and my jobs insurance i just enrolled in wont start until january. didnt mean to confuse anyone.
    please for the ones saying dont ask pple on the internet. i KNOW you are not doctors i was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this so i dont feel crazy and alone.

    i do have a health department i didnt even think about that! ill call first thing monday morning.

    Did you mention to them that you gained 14lbs in a week? That I would consider a more urgent issue. Not that the 5 month long bleeding isn't serious but sudden bloating can indicate serious emergency issues.
  • YesIAm17
    YesIAm17 Posts: 817 Member
    Pop quiz hotshot...

    A paramedic and a registered nurse tell you that you need emergency medical attention and should go to the ER immediately... what do you do?

    Cmon Keanu you know the answer to this one.
  • Sjwedeking20
    yes i told the er dr that it has been going on for months now and he did a pregnancy test that came back negative and did a blood test and said my hemoglobin (sp?) is fine.... which surprised the heck out of me because how i feel. after that test came back he said it was just a bad period and common for my weight and to go see a gyno regularly. i told him no gyno will take me without insurance and he suggested i see my primary dr. ii called primary dr and he said he doesnt handle that kind of stuff. so im stuck until monday to see when health dept can take me. i have 3 hospitals in area tho so im going to go try another one tonight.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    i went to er last week and it was a guy dr. and everyone acted like i was crazy and pretty much said that its just a bad period and to follow up with a gyno. it made me feel low and stupid for going. should i go again? and i do have the money to go to gyno but they will not take self pay patients and my jobs insurance i just enrolled in wont start until january. didnt mean to confuse anyone.
    please for the ones saying dont ask pple on the internet. i KNOW you are not doctors i was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this so i dont feel crazy and alone.

    i do have a health department i didnt even think about that! ill call first thing monday morning.
    Go again. You're not crazy. This is obviously not normal. Even if they tell you to see your regular doctor, at least they have to check you out and make sure that you don't need care before Monday. I've never had the exact things that you describe, but I have had painful, heavy female trouble. If you can take the pill, that is one of the options for getting bleeding under control. If you can't, there are other alternatives. Please let me know how you're doing.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    The fact that your feet are so swollen that you can't wear shoes is very concerning.
  • dizzysmile
    dizzysmile Posts: 71 Member

    So if you described your symptoms and a dozen or so people all urged you to go to the ER immediately... you wouldn't? you'd make an appointment and wait? really?

    Not if I got a ton of responses saying to go, no, probably not. Again, I was just saying what I would do with her symptoms, not what I would do if all of these replies were for me. I wasn't saying "don't go," just that based on the symptoms alone, *I*, personally, wouldn't automatically think to go to the ER.

    Like I said, I was just giving her another option. I'm not the only one who did. If 99% of the responses say to go an a few don't explicitly say that, it's still up to her to make the choice. It's not like I'm at OP's house holding them hostage and not letting them go because of a forum reply.

    Regardless, I'm not going to waste any more time arguing a misunderstanding of my original comment. Best of luck, OP!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    Not if I got a ton of responses saying to go, no, probably not. Again, I was just saying what I would do with her symptoms, not what I would do if all of these replies were for me. I wasn't saying "don't go," just that based on the symptoms alone, *I*, personally, wouldn't automatically think to go to the ER.

    Like I said, I was just giving her another option. I'm not the only one who did. If 99% of the responses say to go an a few don't explicitly say that, it's still up to her to make the choice. It's not like I'm at OP's house holding them hostage and not letting them go because of a forum reply.

    It's true, going to the ER for medical care is not ideal. It's only for emergencies. And she already went and was turned away. A free clinic is a better option and they may even know more and will be able to refer her to the correct way to get the medical care she needs. If she needs a hospital they will call the ambulance.
  • lithezebra
    lithezebra Posts: 3,670 Member
    I called 911 and took the ambulance to the ER once for what turned out to be heartburn. I felt like an idiot, but it felt like chest pain. It's better to go, and not need anything than it is to wait until it's too late.
  • Howdoyoufeeltoday
    Howdoyoufeeltoday Posts: 481 Member
    i went to er last week and it was a guy dr. and everyone acted like i was crazy and pretty much said that its just a bad period and to follow up with a gyno. it made me feel low and stupid for going. should i go again? and i do have the money to go to gyno but they will not take self pay patients and my jobs insurance i just enrolled in wont start until january. didnt mean to confuse anyone.
    please for the ones saying dont ask pple on the internet. i KNOW you are not doctors i was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this so i dont feel crazy and alone.

    i do have a health department i didnt even think about that! ill call first thing monday morning.

    I'm not sure how heavy it's been for the 5 months you've had it so I can't tell you what you should or should not do, I can just tell you my experience. From the moment I first started my period till I was about 15 my period was ALL OVER THE PLACE. I would miss it for about 1 month then get it for 2 straight. miss it for 2 months then get it for 3 weeks and it never cam at the same time. finally one time I had it very heavy for about 3 months and one morning I woke up and it was so bad I fainted. I went to my general doctor and he sent me for a blood test all of which came back normal so he told me to make an appointment with a gyno (which took about 4 months to see cause he was booked solid.) He put me on the pill and I've been perfect ever since. No issues at all. Now I don't know if you've always had bad periods or what but if you're feeling really terrible then it's time to go to the emergency. I pretty much knew mine would stop eventually and it did so I had time to find a doctor and breath a little but if it doesnt seem like it's slowing down then go again and demand some answers. tell them it's affecting you're daily life and you cant even work. Good luck and mostly try not to panic.
  • JEMQuilter
    JEMQuilter Posts: 30 Member
    I will agree with the majority of posts. Go to the ER--they have to treat you.
  • starrycarina
    I have PCOS and I've bled so bad, months on end, that my hemoglobin dropped to 6 and I had to get two blood transfusions. You need to see a doctor. In fact...go to the hospital. That's what I did. They admitted me. You really need to go. When all of that happened to me, my hemoglobin was so low I was having chest palpitations and shortness of breath and was very dizzy and extremely pale. I was bleeding so badly, I was sitting on towels and it was literally (and I'm sorry this is TMI but hey) massive chunks of endometrium coming out with so much blood - it was unreal.

    Seriously, go to a hospital.
  • skadoosh33
    skadoosh33 Posts: 353 Member
    Pop quiz hotshot...

    A paramedic and a registered nurse tell you that you need emergency medical attention and should go to the ER immediately... what do you do?

    Cmon Keanu you know the answer to this one.

    Actually I didn't realize she just went to ER last week. If everything was negative and it is just dysmenorrhea without any new/worsening symptoms then you probably don't need to get rechecked. If you think it is worse and/or have new symptoms then go.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    i went to er last week and it was a guy dr. and everyone acted like i was crazy and pretty much said that its just a bad period and to follow up with a gyno. it made me feel low and stupid for going. should i go again?

    If a man told me "it's just a bad period" my reply would be pretty snarky, but also strong... "when was the last time you bled from your penis for 5 months? oh? never? well, it's not "just" a bad period, it's menorrhagia (medical term for excessive menstruation) and I'm not going home until someone helps me." NEVER let someone tell you that having your period for 5 months isn't serious. (I'm assuming from your OP that you have been bleeding every day, or almost every day) I agree that someplace like Planned Parenthood is a good option, but...if you feel that terrible, and you are scared, go to the ER and INSIST that this is a real issue that has come to a head and you are afraid and need help now. BE STRONG.