Thoughts on pepper spray?



  • jsecret
    jsecret Posts: 606 Member
    Any weapon you carry has the chance of being used against you. If I run (which is rare) I take my dog. She may only be 30 lbs but when she decides to be not so friendly she can definitely discourage about anyone from approaching. Or else I take my horse, which may seem silly but keeping a 1200 lb animal between you and an attacker is quite a defense mechanism.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    Pepper spray is illegal here but bear spray (bought at any army surplus) is not and I'd have no problem using it on someone. My only concern is that the wind be going the wrong way and I"m not able to use it how I intend, or worse I use it on myself. I wish we could concealed carry in Canada :(

    In Canada, bear spray is legal but it is not legal to be sold in small canisters that allow you to carry it easily. Bear spray should be in larger cannister. As I mentioned above, it isn't as strong either, so bear that in mind (no pun intended). I also believe it isn't in a stream like OC spray.
  • highervibes
    highervibes Posts: 2,219 Member
    Pepper spray is illegal here but bear spray (bought at any army surplus) is not and I'd have no problem using it on someone. My only concern is that the wind be going the wrong way and I"m not able to use it how I intend, or worse I use it on myself. I wish we could concealed carry in Canada :(

    In Canada, bear spray is legal but it is not legal to be sold in small canisters that allow you to carry it easily. Bear spray should be in larger cannister. As I mentioned above, it isn't as strong either, so bear that in mind (no pun intended). I also believe it isn't in a stream like OC spray.

    Going to have to get a good knife then, also useful for zombie attack (which I'm more irrationally frightened of vs a person lol)
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,525 Member
    I carry pepper spray when I run, walk, and cycle. My neighborhood is a good one, but it is in the middle of my city, and it is not a gated type community, so anyone can be there. I have only felt threatened one time in four years of running.

    But I carry the spray more for dogs. I have actually used it twice on dogs. Once while the owner was standing and watching his dog corner me and try to attack. I should have used the spray on him!!

    I feel safer having the spray with me, but I will say that you have to be careful. One of the times I used it, it got all over my hands without me knowing. I was determined not to let a dog ruin my run, so I had kept running after the "attack" (the dog did not actually touch me, the owner finally got it under control). As I was sweating, I wiped the sweat out of my face with my hands. Soon my face started burning. I still hadnt made the connection. I ran home and hopped in the shower, washing my face with my hands (yet another mistake). I ended up with the stuff in my eyes. It was really pretty awful, but it could have been much worse. I just stayed under the shower and let it run over my face for about 10 minutes and the burning finally stopped.

    So use with caution. But I still feel better carrying it.

    I once had a combo pepper spray/personal alarm that I loved. The alarm made a high pitched sound that was supposed to repel dogs (and bears too lol! I never tested that!). It worked, and I could use that first before going to the spray.

    Eventually it stopped working, and I havent been able to find another like it.
  • MagicalLeopleurodon
    Good gust of wind and you mace yourself. I wont use it, but im getting my concealed carry.

    You attack me, you are making me chose my life or yours.
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    I feel like this thread has the potential of turning into stranger danger part 2.
  • KinoM
    KinoM Posts: 359 Member
    There's a good piece related to this topic here:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,691 Member
    If it's really a concern, then either run in designated running places where there are lots of people, or run where there is a lot of public. Attackers usually go after isolated people and don't want to be seen.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • astroamy
    astroamy Posts: 977 Member
    I carry pepper spray when I walk or cycle, mostly for dogs. Dogs are particularly a problem where I cycle, which is in the country so there are lots of non-fenced aggressive dogs.
  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    Really? I could care less wether it was legal or not. It's my safety and life that may be in jeopardy. If somebody messes with me while I'm running, they'll learn to not do it again!

    To all the posters above me that think it's wrong to defend yourself against an attacker....... good luck!

    Pretty much how I feel about that too :laugh:

    I don't have pepper spray, but I do have dog spray attached to my keys, just in case. I'm not 100% sure, but I'm told it's fairly close to using pepper spray, but not as strong - I would only want to use it to spray in an attackers eyes, giving me more time to get away and/or defend myself in other ways, not use it as my only defense technique. It would be a last resort only type of measure, and if you would feel more comfortable with it, then I don't see a problem. ]

    Keep it somewhere safe where your kids can't get to it, and you'll be fine - just like you probably don't leave your kitchen knifes laying on the floor. Be smart about it and I don't think there would be an issue.
  • amberlykay1014
    amberlykay1014 Posts: 608 Member
    My partner wants me to carry some when I walk. So we're looking into it I guess. I'm not opposed to it- I feel like if someone was seriously going to try and attack me they deserve whatever they get. I only go out in broad daylight on a fairly busy street so it's not a huge concern anyways. Honestly I should probably be more worried about getting hit by a car or attacked by a stray dog, lol. Dogs are a much bigger fear for me since I've run into an aggressive (and big) one before and had no defense- not a good feeling. I think my cousin sometimes runs with bear spray- I'm not sure what the difference is between that and pepper spray- need to do some research.

    Bear spray is not as strong. Both work great for dogs and you don't even really need to hit them, just spraying it will likely deter them.

    Actually Bear Spray is MUCH stronger! It's made to stop grizzlies.. If you spray pepper at a bear, you're just going to piss it off.

    Bear spray is sold in larger canisters than pepper spray and you'll most likely require a holster to carry it. When used, it sprays in a large cloud as opposed to pepper spray, which is more of a stream. This could be good if you need to defend yourself against a group of people.
  • crazorbaq
    crazorbaq Posts: 74 Member
    I carry pepper spray on me at times. The times I don't, I usually wish I had it, not so much for the humans but for the animals that cross my path! I have come face to face with mean dogs, opossums, racoons and other misc things that at times like to stand off..LOL...Best advice is to walk/run in well lit or on sidewalks of main public streets when it is dark out. It is always a good idea to have a phone too.
  • Still_Fluffy
    Still_Fluffy Posts: 341 Member
    A couple of things to consider:

    1. In most states commerical grade pepper spay is not the same as Law officerment
    2. For my job, I was sprayed with OC (a stronger version of pepper spray) and was still able to fight and react.
    3. If you're carryig it in a pocket or fanny pack it will be hard to get to quickly and acidental sprays do occur.
    4. Like any defensive weapon, you need to practice with it and train to use it affectively.
    5. Just because you have doesn't mean you will have the abilty to use it.

    So what do you do:
    1. Run a preplanned well light route
    2. Tell someone were you are running and the time you plan to return
    3. Send a text to the same person on your walk breaks so they know you're ok.
    4. Consider taking a defensive tactics class, if you do regularly practice what you learned
    5. If you have the option, run with a dog, the bigger the better.

    Good luck
  • PennyM140
    PennyM140 Posts: 423 Member
    I carry pepper spray or a knife. If I had a gun small enough I might take that instead. (Christmas present hint).
    I do have a concealed weapons permit. I don't buy into that crap about your weapon will be taken and used against you.
    If it happens, so be it. But at least I was prepared and tried to defend myself.

    No, I don't care if someone attacks me and then dies from my pepper spray. Why should I? If they were attempting to rape and/or kill me why should I feel guilty for defending myself with whatever means necessary?
  • gramanana
    gramanana Posts: 762 Member
    My husband bought me a little canned air horn (I'm not sure exactly what it's called). We have deer, coyote, fox, possum, etc., in our area and the noise scares them off. Might do the same for an attacker and your neighbors would hear the noise and be alerted that something was wrong.
  • AshleyMeggg
    AshleyMeggg Posts: 148 Member
    I've been considering it, but I'm a naturally jumpy person and I don't want to pull it out on someone innocent!
    I have seen iPhone cases that have pepper spray built in some how. I've also considered this a lot.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Pepper spray isn't legal here, but even if it was, I probably wouldn't carry it. Too much chance of getting it on yourself, or not having the time to pull it out and use it effectively, etc etc.

    In my opinion, the best thing you could probably do is get a rape alarm and learn some form of self-defense, like kick-boxing, for example. A rape alarm is easily activated and most attackers are cowards and will be scared off. Kick-box is a great exercise and will help you with your weight loss goals in the meantime.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    Anything that will help you defend yourself is a good thing. I use it because I walk my dog and she sometimes gets attacked by dogs who are not fenced. So far, so good, probably more so because I used my phone to video said dogs in front of their homes while their owners were outside. If that didn't work, they were going to get an anonymous letter from me stating that they would have a high vet bill, fines and a visit to court if I had to spray them, or their dogs, haha.
    I also walk, jog, run and hike alone. I take the pepper spray and carry it IN my hand, ready to use. I have even practiced how quickly I can flip the cap and aim it towards a face, and I stay aware of the wind direction. You do NOT want it to spray back into your own face! And, I have small children in my home so I keep it put away at all times. The one time one of the little ones saw it, I told him it would burn his eyes, just like his mother tells him other 'chemicals' will burn his eyes.
    My next plan is concealed carry and I'm excited about it! I already have my gun picked out and its so small no one will see it until Its too late for them. I do not plan on using it unless I feel threatened and 'they' have not backed off. However, I would find it useless after dark because I know Id not be likely to get it out in time. I will mostly use it while hiking and camping alone.
    I also alter my routes so no one catches on to me 'going by' at the same time every day.
    Try to walk/run where it is well lit, not a lot of low shrubbery/weeds, and try to stay in a populated area.
    Take a self defense class. I need to do that myself.
    Good luck and stay safe!
  • Vincentsz
    Vincentsz Posts: 407 Member
    It great for clearing the sinuses!
  • KeViN_v2pt0
    KeViN_v2pt0 Posts: 375 Member
    Anything you used to defend yourself with, always be prepared for it to cause some harm to you as well....
