Pastry Chef: Immoral and Unethical?



  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Here is the situation I’m currently facing and I don’t know what to do.

    So I have a friend who announced that she was moving into a new profession. SHE IS BECOMING A GOURMET PASTRY CHEF!

    So everyone is congratulating her on this big step in her life and all I can think is…WHY!? ...

    What do you do for work?

    I think he sells Body by Vi or Herbalife or something.

    Wouldn't surprise. I'd really like to know how he is personally working so hard to fix the problems he's so concerned about re: Obesity.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Here is the situation I’m currently facing and I don’t know what to do.

    So I have a friend who announced that she was moving into a new profession. SHE IS BECOMING A GOURMET PASTRY CHEF!

    So everyone is congratulating her on this big step in her life and all I can think is…WHY!? ...

    What do you do for work?

    I work in finance
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Here is the situation I’m currently facing and I don’t know what to do.

    So I have a friend who announced that she was moving into a new profession. SHE IS BECOMING A GOURMET PASTRY CHEF!

    So everyone is congratulating her on this big step in her life and all I can think is…WHY!? ...

    What do you do for work?

    I think he sells Body by Vi or Herbalife or something.

    Wouldn't surprise. I'd really like to know how he is personally working so hard to fix the problems he's so concerned about re: Obesity.

    I never said I was but I'm certainly not working against it...Other than having a sedentary office job.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I never said I was but I'm certainly not working against it...Other than having a sedentary office job.

    Finance. What kind? One could think of many ills visited upon society by people in finance that are much worse than obesity.

    Who are you to judge what another does? Do you want your friend to be happy? Do you want them to be successful or fulfilled? Do you feel that people are unable to make their own decisions?
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I would go and be supportive of your friend but bring a veggie tray with low fat yogurt dip so that there will be healthy options. You should NEVER eat pastries if you're trying to lose weight. I feel sorry for the po' uneducated pastry eaters that are going to get the diabeetus :(

    clearly my weightloss gurney has been a lot more fun than yours.

    OP - I had pastries with my Starbucks today. Come at me bro.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    I never said I was but I'm certainly not working against it...Other than having a sedentary office job.

    Finance. What kind? One could think of many ills visited upon society by people in finance that are much worse than obesity.

    Who are you to judge what another does? Do you want your friend to be happy? Do you want them to be successful or fulfilled? Do you feel that people are unable to make their own decisions?

    Securities related. Investing isn't inherently bad, but crooks to take that and mispepresent it to the public. Investing also doesn't have addictive qualities. It serves to meet a positive end (ie financialy secure in retirement)

    Sugar, what does that serve other than gluttony and a litany of health maladies?

    ETA: Also, I do want my friend to be happy, but I still need to stand by my convictions...Hence this thread.
  • Liz75
    Liz75 Posts: 80 Member
    She won't be in a factory mass producing the rubbish that gets churned out for supermarkets, even if she was, she is not the problem, the food industry is!
    Some might say its an art. I would have a taste of her samples!!
    Wish her well. It might lead to bigger better things for her!
    If she bought a vineyard would she be contributing to alcoholism..?!
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Here is the situation I’m currently facing and I don’t know what to do.

    So I have a friend who announced that she was moving into a new profession. SHE IS BECOMING A GOURMET PASTRY CHEF!

    So everyone is congratulating her on this big step in her life and all I can think is…WHY!? ...

    What do you do for work?

    I think he sells Body by Vi or Herbalife or something.

    Funny story...My friend was advertising it all over facebook, and she had quite the transformation...I bought into a round, but the cold calling was not for me, plus it tasted awful and the ingredients read more like a science project rather than food :noway:
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
    She won't be in a factory mass producing the rubbish that gets churned out for supermarkets, even if she was, she is not the problem, the food industry is!
    Some might say its an art. I would have a taste of her samples!!
    Wish her well. It might lead to bigger better things for her!
    If she bought a vineyard would she be contributing to alcoholism..?!

    Yeah! It's not my fault! It's the food industry's fault!

    See, Ry?

    Now stop this. I'm willing to forgive you and you can still come to the party.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I never said I was but I'm certainly not working against it...Other than having a sedentary office job.

    Finance. What kind? One could think of many ills visited upon society by people in finance that are much worse than obesity.

    Who are you to judge what another does? Do you want your friend to be happy? Do you want them to be successful or fulfilled? Do you feel that people are unable to make their own decisions?

    Securities related. Investing isn't inherently bad, but crooks to take that and mispepresent it to the public. Investing also doesn't have addictive qualities. It serves to meet a positive end (ie financialy secure in retirement)

    Sugar, what does that serve other than gluttony and a litany of health maladies?

    ETA: Also, I do want my friend to be happy, but I still need to stand by my convictions...Hence this thread.

    No addictive qualities, so the studies on trading addiction are bunk? Securities trading isn't one of the core reasons the US economy is in the crapper? (It's far more nuanced than that, but includes fun stuff like market and economic manipulation starting at controlling interests in the Fed and spiralling out.)

    Your question about sugar isn't relevant, it's like someone asking what the point of art, ****ing, owning a gun, or a myriad of other things.

    As for your convictions... it's good to stand true to what you feel. Personally, I think you're a touch off base, but YMMV. See, it's extremely easy to pick apart what someone does to pull out the nuggets of evil and worthlessness in them. That doesn't validate the hate it one bit, it just means that you feel negatively about it. I personally find the culinary arts to be far more worthwhile and purer forms of art than most of that crap you see hanging up in the MoMA, or the Met. Doesn't mean my disdain for modern art has any validity, and it wouldn't make it ethical for me to deride someone's choice to be a modern artist.

    Simply as an example of course. It's just a matter of being that it's easy to deride what others are doing without putting oneself through the same level of scrutiny, or to claim one industry is completely responsible for all of the world's ills, without remembering the simple matter of human choice.

    *shrug* I know if a friend told me that my choice of industry was part of the world's ills, and I wasn't at a DoD contractor... I'd probably take a poke at their nose. :)
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    I would go and be supportive of your friend but bring a veggie tray with low fat yogurt dip so that there will be healthy options. You should NEVER eat pastries if you're trying to lose weight. I feel sorry for the po' uneducated pastry eaters that are going to get the diabeetus :(

    clearly my weightloss gurney has been a lot more fun than yours.

    OP - I had pastries with my Starbucks today. Come at me bro.

    All right "sis".

    Fun is good and all...But are you taking a short side view of your health? All of the links to obesity and cancer...How do you know what damage you are doing long term?
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    I never said I was but I'm certainly not working against it...Other than having a sedentary office job.

    Finance. What kind? One could think of many ills visited upon society by people in finance that are much worse than obesity.

    Who are you to judge what another does? Do you want your friend to be happy? Do you want them to be successful or fulfilled? Do you feel that people are unable to make their own decisions?

    Securities related. Investing isn't inherently bad, but crooks to take that and mispepresent it to the public. Investing also doesn't have addictive qualities. It serves to meet a positive end (ie financialy secure in retirement)

    Sugar, what does that serve other than gluttony and a litany of health maladies?

    ETA: Also, I do want my friend to be happy, but I still need to stand by my convictions...Hence this thread.

    No addictive qualities, so the studies on trading addiction are bunk? Securities trading isn't one of the core reasons the US economy is in the crapper? (It's far more nuanced than that, but includes fun stuff like market and economic manipulation starting at controlling interests in the Fed and spiralling out.)

    Your question about sugar isn't relevant, it's like someone asking what the point of art, ****ing, owning a gun, or a myriad of other things.

    As for your convictions... it's good to stand true to what you feel. Personally, I think you're a touch off base, but YMMV. See, it's extremely easy to pick apart what someone does to pull out the nuggets of evil and worthlessness in them. That doesn't validate the hate it one bit, it just means that you feel negatively about it. I personally find the culinary arts to be far more worthwhile and purer forms of art than most of that crap you see hanging up in the MoMA, or the Met. Doesn't mean my disdain for modern art has any validity, and it wouldn't make it ethical for me to deride someone's choice to be a modern artist.

    Simply as an example of course. It's just a matter of being that it's easy to deride what others are doing without putting oneself through the same level of scrutiny, or to claim one industry is completely responsible for all of the world's ills, without remembering the simple matter of human choice.

    *shrug* I know if a friend told me that my choice of industry was part of the world's ills, and I wasn't at a DoD contractor... I'd probably take a poke at their nose. :)

    Honestly, I think you do bring up a lot of good points. But I fail to see how the sugar comment is irrelevant.

    If we were friends and if it was my dream to be a black market bookie, but you were against gambling, if you didn't support me you would be a bad friend?
  • FitCurves444
    FitCurves444 Posts: 169 Member
    I think that your point of view is extreme. That's what I think.
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    I just think it’s wrong for someone to knowingly provide sugar laden treats to others knowing the harm it causes.

    Grow up, geeeez.

    Pastries and sugar are not evil. They are beautiful creations to be enjoyed sometimes. A friend of yours is doing something cool with their life and all you can do is demonize them and the tasty art they create? If your friend was strapping diabetics down in chairs and shooting them up with sugar, then I might agree that it's unethical. But you're stretching this way too far. Learn to appreciate good things.
  • __Di__
    __Di__ Posts: 1,632 Member
    Here is the situation I’m currently facing and I don’t know what to do.

    So I have a friend who announced that she was moving into a new profession. SHE IS BECOMING A GOURMET PASTRY CHEF!

    So everyone is congratulating her on this big step in her life and all I can think is…WHY!? So she will be preparing pastries and directly contributing to the obesity epidemic in America. What’s next, should I congratulate the Marlboro man on the new gourmet cigarette brand he is coming out with? I just think it’s wrong for someone to knowingly provide sugar laden treats to others knowing the harm it causes. And even worse, these are gourmet treats which people are likely to eat even more of!

    I don’t know. If it were me, I don’t think I would be able to live with myself if I knew I would be harming people like this long term. They are throwing her a going away party in a few weeks and she is going to be providing a sampling of her work for us. I’m still undecided if I should attend with these concerns. I’m not sure what kind of message that will be sending ya know?

    What you guys think? Am I right? Or should I ease up, be happy for my friend and go to the party even if I feel like I’m compromising on my morals and ethics?
    I have just about heard it all now.

    Just say goodbye to your friend, wish them all the best and then crack on with your own morals.

    Morals over pastry???? I can think of a sight worse things than sweets and pastry believe me. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Showcase_Brodown
    Showcase_Brodown Posts: 919 Member
    Maybe you should tell your friend you need a "friendship break" until they can take a good hard look at what their doing to themselves (and others).

    If their your true friend they will reconsider.
    I sure hope this was a joke.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I'd be bothered much more if she was going to work for Little Debbie snack cakes figuring out more ways to create cheap chemical desserts that people eat by the dozen.

    Just sayin'

    Mmmm, chemical desserts...
  • AllonsYtotheTardis
    AllonsYtotheTardis Posts: 16,947 Member
    I would go and be supportive of your friend but bring a veggie tray with low fat yogurt dip so that there will be healthy options. You should NEVER eat pastries if you're trying to lose weight. I feel sorry for the po' uneducated pastry eaters that are going to get the diabeetus :(

    clearly my weightloss gurney has been a lot more fun than yours.

    OP - I had pastries with my Starbucks today. Come at me bro.

    All right "sis".

    Fun is good and all...But are you taking a short side view of your health? All of the links to obesity and cancer...How do you know what damage you are doing long term?

    My health markers are all good. Well, I'm assuming they are. I can't find a family doctor (Quebec, you see). I feel good, so I must be fine. All the preservatives in pastries keep me going - kinda like Keith Richards and booze.
  • PhoenixEve
    PhoenixEve Posts: 131 Member
    My dad eats pastries cakes and pies all the time. He LOVES desert. He always has. He doesn't have any health issues.

    He's also 64 years old, in great physical shape (13% body fat) and runs at least 13k per day (uphill).

    He just recently ran a half-marathon and finished 1st place for his age category. (he ran 21k in 1 hr 42 min) He's training to run a full marathon soon too.

    I don't think pastries or his love of desserts are hurting him. He seems to be doing just fine to me. :)

    Now if people overeat treats and don't do enough physical activity to burn it off... that's hardly the fault of the pastry chef. That's like blaming spoon manufacturers for causing people to eat too much ice cream.

    My dad would be sad if all the pastry chefs suddenly quit their jobs. Why should he be deprived of pastries just because some people don't know their own limits or how to take care of their own bodies? Nobody is forcing people to buy pastries.... or eat them.

    There is nothing immoral about being a pastry chef.

    Maybe instead of focusing on the negatives of pastry, focus on the positive side... like the joy and pleasure and enjoyment people experience when eating a well-crafted treat. Enjoying life's simple pleasures responsibly does not mean the same thing as overindulging.
  • Howdoyoufeeltoday
    Howdoyoufeeltoday Posts: 481 Member
    I never said I was but I'm certainly not working against it...Other than having a sedentary office job.

    Finance. What kind? One could think of many ills visited upon society by people in finance that are much worse than obesity.

    Who are you to judge what another does? Do you want your friend to be happy? Do you want them to be successful or fulfilled? Do you feel that people are unable to make their own decisions?

    Securities related. Investing isn't inherently bad, but crooks to take that and mispepresent it to the public. Investing also doesn't have addictive qualities. It serves to meet a positive end (ie financialy secure in retirement)

    Sugar, what does that serve other than gluttony and a litany of health maladies?

    ETA: Also, I do want my friend to be happy, but I still need to stand by my convictions...Hence this thread.

    No addictive qualities, so the studies on trading addiction are bunk? Securities trading isn't one of the core reasons the US economy is in the crapper? (It's far more nuanced than that, but includes fun stuff like market and economic manipulation starting at controlling interests in the Fed and spiralling out.)

    Your question about sugar isn't relevant, it's like someone asking what the point of art, ****ing, owning a gun, or a myriad of other things.

    As for your convictions... it's good to stand true to what you feel. Personally, I think you're a touch off base, but YMMV. See, it's extremely easy to pick apart what someone does to pull out the nuggets of evil and worthlessness in them. That doesn't validate the hate it one bit, it just means that you feel negatively about it. I personally find the culinary arts to be far more worthwhile and purer forms of art than most of that crap you see hanging up in the MoMA, or the Met. Doesn't mean my disdain for modern art has any validity, and it wouldn't make it ethical for me to deride someone's choice to be a modern artist.

    Simply as an example of course. It's just a matter of being that it's easy to deride what others are doing without putting oneself through the same level of scrutiny, or to claim one industry is completely responsible for all of the world's ills, without remembering the simple matter of human choice.

    *shrug* I know if a friend told me that my choice of industry was part of the world's ills, and I wasn't at a DoD contractor... I'd probably take a poke at their nose. :)
