going bat $#!@ crazy



  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    If I understand this right, you're dieting and he's not, and sometimes he brings sweets home for himself that he won't share with you because he knows you're dieting...

    Is that about right?

    That sounds right to me. What a horrible inconsiderate guy, eating food that he likes while not sharing with her due to the commitment she made to herself, notwithstanding her apparent lack of will power. She should definitely break up with him.

    Either he knows she has no willpower to resist cupcakes, in which case he should not be eating them in front of her 'cause that's an *kitten* move, or he knows she does have the willpower, in which case he's got no business telling her she can't have one (another *kitten* move). It's a lose-lose for the guy either way.

    I can tell you that no guy I date would dare do such a thing. Not twice, anyway. I probably wouldn't kick him in the nutz - I'm more of a 'snatch all the cupcakes away to enjoy at my leisure while kicking boyfriend out of my house' kind of girl.

    ETA: But then, I also wouldn't blame the guy for bringing home temptations that I've decided I shouldn't have, and I know there are women who would.
  • osothefinn
    osothefinn Posts: 163 Member

    I see you're new here.

    At MFP, when there is ambiguity in OP, we *never* assume it is the least controversial interpretation. If a woman has a problem with her husband or boyfriend, the correct assumption is that he is an evil, vile person and she deserves better. Always. You may be tempted to want to consider *his* side of the story. Don't. It is completely irrelevant to providing her the support she needs to do what must be done...and that is almost always dumping his @$$ to the curb and finding better. Occasionally, the advice may be that she should talk with him (or a counselor) about the problem and not to a bunch of strangers on the internet, but her message to him should almost always be that she's leaving him because he is a worthless piece of trash and that she is going to find someone she deserves.

    Welcome to MFP. :flowerforyou:

    Truer words have never been written good sir.