I just don't care about the 'obesity epidemic'



  • carolina822
    carolina822 Posts: 155 Member
    How does the obesity epidemic effect me?

    1. Not enough fit young people to to serve in war time. The military even has a program to get overweight and obese teens who wish to join into a "pre-boot camp" to see if they can get the weight off.

    Sending young people to get shot at and blown up by IED's doesn't indicate much of a concern for their health.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    How does the obesity epidemic effect me?

    1. Not enough fit young people to to serve in war time. The military even has a program to get overweight and obese teens who wish to join into a "pre-boot camp" to see if they can get the weight off.

    Sending young people to get shot at and blown up by IED's doesn't indicate much of a concern for their health.

    Well, just see what happens to the United States and our freedom when we no longer have a strong military.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    Not touching the political arguments...

    As for the "Obesity epidemic", personally I don't care what others do till it effects my family or myself. Saying obesity does not affect others is just plain silly. The reasons are mentioned all through this thread. On a personal note, I try not to judge, but when I see people flaunting an unhealthy life style and not trying to help themselves; it pisses me off. I also really, really hate when I am trying to park and I get stuck behind someone waiting on the close parking space, unless you are handicapped it will not kill you to walk 100 meters, it may just help ( this especially irritates me at the gym, I mean really the warm up will kill you).

    Seeing obese children, really upset me and confuses me;I have tons of junk and healthy snacks in my house and both of my girls are slim, yes I know genetics play a role but I think sitting down to family cooked dinners and teaching moderation as well as being active and engaged with your kids plays a much larger role.

    Now for the really B!tchy judgmental statement.. I absolutely hate that society has ok'ed not being physically fit. When I was a teen you were self aware, you did not wear low-rise jeans with a belly shirt when you had a roll (you know the whole if you got it flaunt it , if you don't ...please don't). I am happy for girls to think that curves are great but I think it has gone too far. I tell my teen not to judge but to never think it is healthy or ok to be in that bad of shape, and then to show it off.

    If I offended anyone, sorry but somethings need to be said whether they are politically correct or not.
    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    I'm not a big commenter: I'm pretty busy. But I will say this:

    I'm from Canada. We have universal healthcare, and I understand that there are Americans who think it's so great. It's not.

    Because in Canada, if you have medical insurance, you can eat like a pig, lie around like a sloth, smoke like a chimney, sleep around like a rabbit... and if you get sick, you pay the same premiums as everyone else. Of course, since the pricing is so great, the wait times are long enough that some people choose to pay for their procedures in the United States. Imagine that.

    Take my dad. He's from the Indian sub-continent. He recently had 4 veins replaced on his heart. He eats better now, but he didn't pay much out of his pocket for his surgery and care. How is that fair to healthier folk?

    $64 / month for British Columbia Medical Services Plan premiums... that's what we both pay (well, mine is covered through work, but whatever).

    Honestly (in Canada), if you wanna be unhealthy, fine. Be my guest. But it makes no sense that most people in British Columbia (Canada's most western province) pay $64 / month for Medical Services Plan (MSP) premiums (it's lower if you have less money or are a student) when the providers of insurance really don't care about your lifestyle choices.

    I know the Canadians on this thread will not like what I'm saying. In Canada, "user fees" is the dirtiest word in health care (next to "two-tier health care system"). But the current model makes no sense.

    Maybe you should move to Ontario, we don't pay for OHIP (separate from regular taxes for everything else I mean) and I've never had to wait for an inordinate amount of time to have any medical services done, from diagnostic tests to actual surgery. Because I care about people other than myself, I have no problem with the perceived "unfairness" of paying for someone else's open heart surgery, if it is needed. I think that if I'm in a position to help other people due to the fact that I can work where someone else may not be able to, I'm happy to do so. I don't mean to hijack the thread from the original topic, but I just don't understand all the resistance to universal health care, maybe I just don't understand how it's being set up in the states and maybe it's not an effective model there, but if given the option, why would you want to pay for health care when you can get it for free? Or not "free", I realize it's paid for by taxes, but then everyone can benefit instead of just a select few, where's the problem there?
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I hate it when they discuss this late at night on talkshow radio. It inevitably heads towards which food should be avoided and all the fun stuff gets listed so I go to bed craving burgers, chips, cakes etc. :laugh:
  • CountryGirl8542
    CountryGirl8542 Posts: 449 Member
    I don't care what anyone else is doing except for myself! I don't care if I am classified as obese or anything like that... it is just a label... All I care about it is feeling strong and healthy!
  • MichMunchkin
    MichMunchkin Posts: 94 Member
    I've learned, just in the past few hours, that there are some people who seem intent on making other peoples' food choices their business. I know there's this attitude that "Well, why ask for advice if you can't handle the advice you get?" but honestly...I think there's a way to offer advice without being a complete and utter judgemental *kitten* about it.

    MFP in and of itself is a useful tool....but the forums? People can just be so needlessly cruel. And there's absolutely no need. I know it's easy to be a complete *kitten* when you're hiding behind a computer screen, but people should have better sense.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    I hate it when they discuss this late at night on talkshow radio. It inevitably heads towards which food should be avoided and all the fun stuff gets listed so I go to bed craving burgers, chips, cakes etc. :laugh:

    Lmao, I find it funny too that the food won't get you, but having no sense of moderation will.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I've learned, just in the past few hours, that there are some people who seem intent on making other peoples' food choices their business. I know there's this attitude that "Well, why ask for advice if you can't handle the advice you get?" but honestly...I think there's a way to offer advice without being a complete and utter judgemental *kitten* about it.

    MFP in and of itself is a useful tool....but the forums? People can just be so needlessly cruel. And there's absolutely no need. I know it's easy to be a complete *kitten* when you're hiding behind a computer screen, but people should have better sense.

    Full disclosure: I'm just like this IRL too.

  • Siansonea
    Siansonea Posts: 917 Member
    I've learned, just in the past few hours, that there are some people who seem intent on making other peoples' food choices their business. I know there's this attitude that "Well, why ask for advice if you can't handle the advice you get?" but honestly...I think there's a way to offer advice without being a complete and utter judgemental *kitten* about it.

    MFP in and of itself is a useful tool....but the forums? People can just be so needlessly cruel. And there's absolutely no need. I know it's easy to be a complete *kitten* when you're hiding behind a computer screen, but people should have better sense.

    Full disclosure: I'm just like this IRL too.


    I'm way more of a c___ in real life. I tone it down for the Internet. :bigsmile:
  • carolina822
    carolina822 Posts: 155 Member
    How does the obesity epidemic effect me?

    1. Not enough fit young people to to serve in war time. The military even has a program to get overweight and obese teens who wish to join into a "pre-boot camp" to see if they can get the weight off.

    Sending young people to get shot at and blown up by IED's doesn't indicate much of a concern for their health.

    Well, just see what happens to the United States and our freedom when we no longer have a strong military.

    Halliburton won't be able to make as much money rebuilding the stuff they just blew up?
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I don't care about the epidemic when there are far more pressing things in our world to be mad about.

    But I will say I am annoyed when obese people complain about things that are a result of their lifestyle. For example, I am part of a PCOS awareness group and many of the women are distraught by infertility. But many of them are a solid 100lbs overweight and do nothing to try to lose weight! I have little sympathy for the women who cannot get pregnant because that is natures way of saying you are not fit for it. I have known many women to lose weight and find themselves pregnant, even with PCOS.

    IF you choose to be overweight, live with it and I won't judge you. Just don't complain that life is unfair because of it.
  • nena49659
    nena49659 Posts: 260 Member
    I've learned, just in the past few hours, that there are some people who seem intent on making other peoples' food choices their business. I know there's this attitude that "Well, why ask for advice if you can't handle the advice you get?" but honestly...I think there's a way to offer advice without being a complete and utter judgemental *kitten* about it.

    MFP in and of itself is a useful tool....but the forums? People can just be so needlessly cruel. And there's absolutely no need. I know it's easy to be a complete *kitten* when you're hiding behind a computer screen, but people should have better sense.

    Shhh, don't tell anyone that I agree with you. This just makes us a target for the smarta**es.
  • nena49659
    nena49659 Posts: 260 Member
    I don't care about the epidemic when there are far more pressing things in our world to be mad about.

    But I will say I am annoyed when obese people complain about things that are a result of their lifestyle. For example, I am part of a PCOS awareness group and many of the women are distraught by infertility. But many of them are a solid 100lbs overweight and do nothing to try to lose weight! I have little sympathy for the women who cannot get pregnant because that is natures way of saying you are not fit for it. I have known many women to lose weight and find themselves pregnant, even with PCOS.

    IF you choose to be overweight, live with it and I won't judge you. Just don't complain that life is unfair because of it.

    What?! I have known MANY overweight women that have babies just fine. In fact, I know one young woman that went to a fertility doctor and he told her (VERY RUDELY I might add) that she would never have children because she was too fat. Smartass doctor. I hope she went back and showed him her GORGEOUS TWINS.
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    I get sick and tired of the argument that someone has the 'right' to complain about other people's obesity because it affects everyone's healthcare costs. Guess what, we all make decisions that affect healthcare costs. The 'hook up' culture has created an increase in STDs and single mothers. Who do you think pays for their healthcare costs? We do. Courtesy of the new ACA all plans must now cover addiction treatment. So we all pay for those healthcare costs too.

    And while an obese person might have a higher cost of health care while they are alive, their life is also likely to be shorter. The largest healthcare expenses are during end of life care. Who do you think has a lower lifetime healthcare cost - the obese person who keels over from a heart attack at age 60 or the 100+ year old lady who needs round the clock nursing home care?

    People should be valued for who they are, not what they cost.

    I am obese and have been so for most of my life. It has also made me miserable. I am trying to change, not because it will reduce my healtcare costs, but because I will feel better.

    Rather than criticizing and shaming fat people, try inviting one for a walk. And then be willing to walk at whatever pace they need to go at. Don't make them feel bad for being slow. Encourage them.
    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    I don't care about the epidemic when there are far more pressing things in our world to be mad about.

    But I will say I am annoyed when obese people complain about things that are a result of their lifestyle. For example, I am part of a PCOS awareness group and many of the women are distraught by infertility. But many of them are a solid 100lbs overweight and do nothing to try to lose weight! I have little sympathy for the women who cannot get pregnant because that is natures way of saying you are not fit for it. I have known many women to lose weight and find themselves pregnant, even with PCOS.

    IF you choose to be overweight, live with it and I won't judge you. Just don't complain that life is unfair because of it.

    What?! I have known MANY overweight women that have babies just fine. In fact, I know one young woman that went to a fertility doctor and he told her (VERY RUDELY I might add) that she would never have children because she was too fat. Smartass doctor. I hope she went back and showed him her GORGEOUS TWINS.

    And on the opposite side of the spectrum, I have PCOS but am not terribly overweight (say 10 lbs) and have tried unsuccessfully to have children for almost 8 years now. So that's nature telling me I'm unfit to parent? I'm assuming you either had kids with little difficulty or prefer to remain childless, as that tends to be the sorts of people to make statements like that.
  • nena49659
    nena49659 Posts: 260 Member
    And, just because you're at a "healthy" weight does not make you healthy. Just because you're overweight doesn't mean your unhealthy in any other way.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    How does the obesity epidemic effect me?

    1. Not enough fit young people to to serve in war time. The military even has a program to get overweight and obese teens who wish to join into a "pre-boot camp" to see if they can get the weight off.

    Sending young people to get shot at and blown up by IED's doesn't indicate much of a concern for their health.

    Well, just see what happens to the United States and our freedom when we no longer have a strong military.

    Halliburton won't be able to make as much money rebuilding the stuff they just blew up?
    Yes. That's it.

  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I don't care about the epidemic when there are far more pressing things in our world to be mad about.

    But I will say I am annoyed when obese people complain about things that are a result of their lifestyle. For example, I am part of a PCOS awareness group and many of the women are distraught by infertility. But many of them are a solid 100lbs overweight and do nothing to try to lose weight! I have little sympathy for the women who cannot get pregnant because that is natures way of saying you are not fit for it. I have known many women to lose weight and find themselves pregnant, even with PCOS.

    IF you choose to be overweight, live with it and I won't judge you. Just don't complain that life is unfair because of it.

    What?! I have known MANY overweight women that have babies just fine. In fact, I know one young woman that went to a fertility doctor and he told her (VERY RUDELY I might add) that she would never have children because she was too fat. Smartass doctor. I hope she went back and showed him her GORGEOUS TWINS.

    It's pretty well known that obesity is a high risk factor for infertility. If you're infertile and obese and want to get pregnant, it does seem like trying to lose weight would be a logical step to take, yes? Doesn't mean that there aren't obese people who manage to get pregnant just fine. On the other hand, I'm fairly pissed by this part of the comment:
    I have little sympathy for the women who cannot get pregnant because that is natures way of saying you are not fit for it.

    Really? So I guess all of the in vitro fertilization children are/were just complete mistakes, then. I can tell you that infertility means absolutely zero as far as a woman's fitness to handle pregnancy and motherhood either physically or emotionally.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I don't care about the epidemic when there are far more pressing things in our world to be mad about.

    But I will say I am annoyed when obese people complain about things that are a result of their lifestyle. For example, I am part of a PCOS awareness group and many of the women are distraught by infertility. But many of them are a solid 100lbs overweight and do nothing to try to lose weight! I have little sympathy for the women who cannot get pregnant because that is natures way of saying you are not fit for it. I have known many women to lose weight and find themselves pregnant, even with PCOS.

    IF you choose to be overweight, live with it and I won't judge you. Just don't complain that life is unfair because of it.

    What?! I have known MANY overweight women that have babies just fine. In fact, I know one young woman that went to a fertility doctor and he told her (VERY RUDELY I might add) that she would never have children because she was too fat. Smartass doctor. I hope she went back and showed him her GORGEOUS TWINS.

    And on the opposite side of the spectrum, I have PCOS but am not terribly overweight (say 10 lbs) and have tried unsuccessfully to have children for almost 8 years now. So that's nature telling me I'm unfit to parent? I'm assuming you either had kids with little difficulty or prefer to remain childless, as that tends to be the sorts of people to make statements like that.
    I don't think she meant unfit to parent, but that the body is not in a healthy state to carry a child.

    This also happens to very underweight women.

    But it's also possible there's a problem other than weight causing those women to not get pregnant. If their periods stopped, though, that's probably the reason.