The scariest thing that ever happened to you?



  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    Thankfully I've lived a pretty charmed life, but are good for when I want to freak myself out.
  • mrslcoop
    mrslcoop Posts: 317 Member
    Almost drowned and got hit by a train. My mother pulled me from the water and my cousin pushed me off the tracks and we went tumbling just in time.
  • Lisa1971
    Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
    When I was 12 my brothers and I were walking on what we thought was a frozen pond. My one brother fell through and as I tried to rescue him, I also fell through. My other brother started screaming for help. A stranger came out of the woods (the pond was in the middle of the woods) and pulled us all out to safety. He told us to go home immediately and then he disappeared. I have NO idea who he was but he saved our lives. Later on I learned that several kids had drowned in that pond doing the same thing we did. Very very scary!
  • tequila09
    tequila09 Posts: 764 Member
    A few years back i was in a club in Tijuana Mexico and it got shot up by cartel people. We were sitting in a booth and all of a sudden i see sparks and loud noise which were the gunshots coming in. At first i had no idea what happened while everyone else was ducking for cover then i ducked. I was fairly certain thats how i was going to die. Thankfully the shooter did not go inside the club but one of the security guards out front got shot and later after we were allowed to leave the club my moms car had a gun shot hole. The whole thing was so surreal though i wasnt really scared at the time and thinking back it still feels like it was a dream. A friend who was with me though is scarred for life and will never go back to anywhere in Tijuana ever again.
  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    My parents dog got really sick this past weekend and choked on his vomit. His tongue went dark blue in a matter of second, he went stiff, and fell over and evacuated his bladder. :( My mom was super quick to pry his jaw open and stick her hand down his throat to make sure he was seizing and swallowing his tongue, and it was enough to let the vomit out and he revived (as I ran screaming for my dad). I have -never- witnessed anything more terrifying, I thought we were losing him then and there.
  • Oscarinmiami
    Oscarinmiami Posts: 326 Member
    I was 17 and home alone, I heard some noise coming from my parents room...I went in to investigate the noise and there were two guys digging in my parents drawers, I went up to the first guy and kicked him in the face as i turned to go to the other guy he pulled out a gun. As he was raising the gun i grabbed his hand and the gun went off...I was shot in the leg, i continued struggling with the second guy for a few seconds and the first guy hit me in the head with the gun...then i had two guns pointed in my face. they started yelling at me, where is the money, i know your dad has money...I told them both that they were too late! That I had deposited the money that afternoon. They searched around for a few minutes and they left...I called 911 and they never found the guys...that wasn't scary at the time, but i think of it once in a while and think I was very lucky!
  • Mustgetbuff
    Mustgetbuff Posts: 267 Member
    I got into a car accident this past Sunday with my husband. We were all very lucky and everyone involved was unharmed, but I can't stop thinking about how close my husband was to ending up in the hospital. Had I been in a different lane, or the vehicle had struck my passenger door rather than my passenger wheel, I don't think we both would have gone home that night. We've only been married for two months and I'm terrified by the thought that I could have lost him so soon.

    On a less serious note, when I was young and dumb I got stupid high around the campfire. I become ridiculously paranoid and was confident a bear was in the bush next to me and I was about to die. I don't know if I sat by that fire for hours or minutes, but I ended up making my peace with God and accepting the fact that I was a goner. Finally I pried myself away to bed and slept it off.
  • Hadabetter
    Hadabetter Posts: 942 Member
    Gunshot to the groin when I was in high school.
  • the_oncomingstorm
    Saw two people get struck by lightning about 20 yards away when I was 12. Lightning still freaks me out.
  • Timothy1962
    I have had a couple of scary moments in the past and of the two I don't know which would be considered the scariest. The first was when I was out in the country with my dad driving down a dirt road. It had gotten dark and I got out of the truck and suddenly headlights came on behind us. We first thought a farmer or even game warden looking for poachers possibly. I got in the truck and we drove off and the lights went out again. My dad then knew they were up to no good so he turned the truck around real fast and they were following us again with their lights off. My dad pulled out his shotgun and fired a blast into the air and that was enough to make them turn around and leave us alone then. The second, I was living with my girlfriend when around 2 AM there was a banging at her door. She got up and rushed in and told me to stay there and not say anything as her ex-boyfriend was at the door. Not only that but he had a temper and was like a special forces man for the Turkish government! Told me he was always armed with knife or gun and didn't know what he might do if she caught her with someone. I have held my own but never thought I would be able to take someone down trained to kill without thought! Luckily, I am here today to look back and thank my lucky stars that I had common sense at least once in my life! :D
  • Firefighter4ever
    Raising two daughters
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    I went to elementary school in a bad part of town. There was a lot of poverty and crime. One day during recess, a man leapt over the fence into the playground area with a MACHINE GUN and ran across the soccer field. Luckily he didn't open fire on us, he was running from the cops. I will never forget the teachers screaming for us to "run for our lives". All the adults basically took off running, not even looking back or trying to round us up. I was only 8-9 at the time, and ever since then I have hated those teachers for abandoning us out there.
  • raaraa17
    raaraa17 Posts: 1,225 Member
    My mum being diagnosed with cancer was pretty scary.....
  • Gaby_BV
    I got married
  • CallMeCupcakeDammit
    CallMeCupcakeDammit Posts: 9,377 Member
    The first would be when I realized my 3 yr old daughter was drowning in a lake we had gone to for a family reunion. My cousin was standing right next to her, but it was so loud with the water and all the kids that he couldn't hear her. I couldn't even speak, I just ran, jumped off a 4' boulder wall and ran into the water. I could hear his wife yelling "BABY! BABY!" behind me. He realized what was happening and grabbed her. The bottom had dropped right where she was trying to reach for her blow-up donut. She actually wanted to get back in the water!

    Second was when I was walking to my car, in front of my house, and a car was sliding down the icy street, popped up onto the sidewalk and was headed right for me. It was like in the movies where you're in shock and you can't move. My mom was at the front door and about had a heart attack. Luckily the car veered away from me and ended up hitting the dogwood in the front yard instead. The driver was fine.
  • Sovictorrious
    Sovictorrious Posts: 770 Member
    Received the balance of my college loan.
  • heylookitsval
    heylookitsval Posts: 1,141 Member
    I was making Kool-Aid and I realized we were out of sugar...

    Turns out it was in the other cabinet, crisis averted. Still scary though.
  • TheGymGypsy
    TheGymGypsy Posts: 1,023 Member
    A few years back i was in a club in Tijuana Mexico and it got shot up by cartel people. We were sitting in a booth and all of a sudden i see sparks and loud noise which were the gunshots coming in. At first i had no idea what happened while everyone else was ducking for cover then i ducked. I was fairly certain thats how i was going to die. Thankfully the shooter did not go inside the club but one of the security guards out front got shot and later after we were allowed to leave the club my moms car had a gun shot hole. The whole thing was so surreal though i wasnt really scared at the time and thinking back it still feels like it was a dream. A friend who was with me though is scarred for life and will never go back to anywhere in Tijuana ever again.

    This is some Breaking Bad *kitten* right here.
  • ChristinaOrtiz23
    ChristinaOrtiz23 Posts: 1,546 Member
    I have 4 and they all involve my son lol smh.

    1. When he was about 7 months old, he had this pimple in his diaper area, kind of looked like a white head. I guess he scratch it and it got infected. It was hard and looked like a whole in his skin, like a bullet hole. We went to the doctors and stuck him a bunch of times to get blood test but because he was so young it was hard to get a vein. FINALLY, they got it in and the results said he had MRSA. He was transferred, by ambulance, to the children’s hospital and was there for 4 days before he was better. Come to find out, the doctor said he probrably got it when we went to the hospital to visit my mother a little while back!!

    2. When he was 2, I left him on our bed to grab his diaper form his room, when I came back in the room, I caught him climbing the dresser drawers and the whole dresser fell on him. I called the doctor and he said bring him to the ER now, a little girl his age died last year for the same thing, but the mother didn’t bring her to the hospital and she died of internal bleeding, I rushed there and he had all these test and scans done, but everything ended being ok, thank god

    3. He was about 2 ½, he had a strange lump growing on his side under his skin. It started out as a grape size and got as big as a golf ball. We went to the ER and they couldn’t figure out what it was. They made an appointment for us for Yale and they check it out a still could figure it out. They wanted to remove it. So he had to get surgery and get put under! I think the putting under part scared me the most! It ended up being a benign tumor/Fatty tissue. To this day they don’t know how or why this appeared. It was in such a weird place!! He has about a 2-3 inch scare on his side, but it doesn’t bother him, which i'm happy about!!!

    4. We were in my apartment complex, he was riding his bike and took off on me and was going through two cars while another car (dodge charger) was zooming into the parking lot. I had to be about 15 feet away from him. Till this day, I don’t know how I did it, but I got to him just in time and yank him off his bike right before the car hit him!!! I lost it!!

    So, as you can see, my son a damn handful lol