What Are These 'so called' Parents Doing!!



  • PaintedSwan
    My parents never let me eat crap like that.
    And I don't think it's right to let them either.
    This is why we have an obesity problem,because people get mad if you judge them on how unhealthy their diet is...and it is unhealthy.Since when are goldfish nutritionally sound?!

    We have an obesity problem because people consume more calories than they burn. The reason for this is multifaceted and complex, encompassing access to excess and lack of access to quality. A myriad of psychological and socioecomonic factors are at play. Your analysis is painfully short sighted and naive.

    The healthfulness of one's diet doesn't the person more or less morally superior.
    And why do you think that happens?hmm
    Because the food we are consuming today is physically and genetically different then the food grown in my grandparents day.
    It is true that we have an overwhelming surplus of choices when it comes to what we eat,but there is no viable reason for us to choose artificially and nutrient deficient items marketed to us from companies who,at the end of the day could care less about our health & well being.
    As to being morally superior,
    If you know the difference but still choose the opposition ,your actions speak for themselves.


    Are you aware that there is a significant portion of the population does not have access to fresh produce by virtue of where they were born and their parents' socioeconomic status? A lot of people do not have the choices that you have with regard to food -- that is called unchecked privilege. In addition, disordered eating affects people in a host of ways from under eating, to over eating, to extreme aversion. None of that has to do with GMO or marketing.

    Your argument about moral superiority is painfully embarrassing.
    Changing your post eh?
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I have three kids and work two jobs. Prepackaged snacks are my best friend. So are apples and bananas. And for the record, I don't think Goldfish are all that bad. I eat them as a snack all the time.
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
  • devil_in_a_blue_dress
    devil_in_a_blue_dress Posts: 5,214 Member
    My parents never let me eat crap like that.
    And I don't think it's right to let them either.
    This is why we have an obesity problem,because people get mad if you judge them on how unhealthy their diet is...and it is unhealthy.Since when are goldfish nutritionally sound?!

    We have an obesity problem because people consume more calories than they burn. The reason for this is multifaceted and complex, encompassing access to excess and lack of access to quality. A myriad of psychological and socioecomonic factors are at play. Your analysis is painfully short sighted and naive.

    The healthfulness of one's diet doesn't the person more or less morally superior.
    And why do you think that happens?hmm
    Because the food we are consuming today is physically and genetically different then the food grown in my grandparents day.
    It is true that we have an overwhelming surplus of choices when it comes to what we eat,but there is no viable reason for us to choose artificially and nutrient deficient items marketed to us from companies who,at the end of the day could care less about our health & well being.
    As to being morally superior,
    If you know the difference but still choose the opposition ,your actions speak for themselves.


    Are you aware that there is a significant portion of the population does not have access to fresh produce by virtue of where they were born and their parents' socioeconomic status? A lot of people do not have the choices that you have with regard to food -- you have a vast amount of unchecked privileged that is true(truly) sickening. In addition, disordered eating affects people in a host of ways from under eating, to over eating, to extreme aversion.

    Your argument about moral superiority is painfully embarrassing.
    Well,Your little snarks about my apparent "moral superiority" are becoming quite Boring.

    Firstly,I am undoubtably aware of those who are in a position where nothing is available to them.
    Which is the reason I believe we need to help them.
    And I am not anywhere close to being privileged in that regard.If anything I'm just an average citizen.
    Secondly you are making a post with no relation to the current thread whatsoever...
    I am personally a victim of disordered eating(EDNOS)recovered,so do not DARE to bring anything of that nature into your argument.
    None of which has anything to do with the lunches these children are receiving..

    Wait, am to understand that I can't talk about people making poor food choices because they might actually have an eating disorder because you have an eating disorder in the past? My point is how people eat do not make them more or less morally superior because there are issues surrounding what we eat that we do not control.

    And my point is, how are you defining "average" citizen? You are talking about processed food and GMOs because terrible, which means you must not eat those things and have access to other foods--- but those things are all some people have available to them. Also, I haven't been off topic once. Or attacked YOU personally. Everyone is privileged about something. The important thing to realize what those issues may be so you aren't unfairly judging other people.
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    Just curious OP, what does the '15 weeks after treatment' mean?

    Obviously something to do with ED Treatment, looking through her posts and profile, those who judge shall be judged themselves!

    Wait, but then are you not judging her? By your logic, you now need to be judged. Where does it end? Is her life REALLY that important to you that you take the time to look through everything she's ever done on MFP? Why judge her? It's silly. I may not agree with what she has said, but I won't make claims about her personal life when I know nothing about her.

    Yes i am judging her, now you're judging me for doing so then you'll get judged somewhere I'm sure, but accept being judged for my opinion, i don't accept anyone going on like her, i read her profile and such to see if maybe, just maybe she might be able to claw some credibility in my eyes, but teachers *****ing like her when they have an ED am afraid really gets my hackles up!

    Nobody is perfect, unless people ask for help/suggestions/opinions then others should keep their noses out, she posted online opening herself up to various opinions/judgement as we all do when we post and must accept that, those children and their parents did not! She judged and shamed people that cannot defend themselves!
  • klerato
    Oh. My. Gahhhhhhd. Someone call child protective services right now. This is a travesty.

  • GGDaddy
    GGDaddy Posts: 289 Member
    Lots of opinions here. Mine is that IIFYM should apply to kids as well as adults. It establishes a healthy approach to food, rather that teaching shame and secret binging. Think those kids who go to school with an apple for a snack don't find their own ways to get treats? News flash: you're wrong, and you're teaching them guilty secrecy instead of healthy moderation.

    Enough opinions. Let's look at some facts:

    Fact: OP has unhealthy eating habits. This is established by her posting history, where she acknowledges a history of unhealthy binging and a onetime dietary choice to avoid fruit, eliminate all sugar, and other destructive practices.

    Fact: OP has already singled out students in her class for their eating preferences, by virtue of having taken photos of their snack choices.

    So we have a teacher with unhealthy health-related habits who is using that unhealthy habit as a basis for an interaction with the children with whom she has been entrusted. To put it bluntly, what a nasty, sick person.

    That speaks volumes more about her being unfit as a teacher than it does about my fitness as a parent.
  • Sasssy69
    Sasssy69 Posts: 547 Member
    I am a secondary English teacher, and I just want to say to everyone reading this: PLEASE don't think all teachers are like this.

    I once worked in a lower income school, and many of my students came to school hungry. I provided snack packs of Goldfish crackers, as well as granola bars for these students. I didn't ask questions or judge their parents. I don't know their story; I don't know their life. It's none of my business. If the kids were hungry, they ate. That was all I cared about.

    Now, having said that as a teacher, I'm going to say this as a parent. You have no right to judge anyone. My youngest daughter is under weight. About 7 weeks ago, she choked on a taco shell, and she refused to eat anything. Now, since you're the judgey type, I'm going to tell you what I did: I let her eat what she wanted. And do you know what she ended up eating for almost 6 weeks? Carnation Instant Breakfast with a cup of half and half twice a day, and about 1/2 a cup of peanut butter mixed with Nutella once a day.

    And do you know what? When she FINALLY started eating that, after not eating for almost a week, I CRIED. Because I thought my child was starving.

    So how DARE you judge anyone? You don't know their lives. It saddens me that you are a teacher.

    By the way - My daughter started eating again. Guess what she had last night? Velveeta Shells and Cheese. Yep. So suck it!
  • hookilau
    hookilau Posts: 3,134 Member
  • bybyadipocytes
    bybyadipocytes Posts: 51 Member
    have you read what the school serves? Im sure its much worse!!!
  • cupcakes_and_cardio
    "there should be a test before one can have children." Over oreos, fruit juice and goldfish snacks? Really?! Another one of these posts that just hit a nerve. What about those "so called" parents that murder their children? Throw them in a river?! But yet you're worried about the food that these "so called" parents are feeding to their kids?! Guess what, I feed my daughter this stuff sometimes, too, but I am BY FAR a bad parent and I show her love each and every day, same goes for her daddy. Think twice before you post something so ridiculous!

    edited to say: Oh, and I'm sure the "school" you work for would love to know that you posted this. I'm sure they'd give you an A+ for that.
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    Do your grade one students know the difference between 'their', 'there' and 'they're'? Maybe they can help you out. :wink: Sorry, couldn't resist. :blushing:

    hahha boom. Maybe there should be a test to be a parent, but I'm pretty sure there already is a test to be a teacher...how'd you slide by that one?
    I'm a parent that buys Oreos *gasp* it's weird, though - THEY'RE still healthy, play sports, get good grades, behave....

    oh I wanted to add that if you were opening my kids lunch box and snapping pics of the contents to post online and complain about me, you would have a problem.
  • cupcakes_and_cardio
    Do your grade one students know the difference between 'their', 'there' and 'they're'? Maybe they can help you out. :wink: Sorry, couldn't resist. :blushing:

    hahha boom. Maybe there should be a test to be a parent, but I'm pretty sure there already is a test to be a teacher...how'd you slide by that one?
    I'm a parent that buys Oreos *gasp* it's weird, though - THEY'RE still healthy, play sports, get good grades, behave....

    Love you for this, great post!
  • cupcakes_and_cardio
    I am a secondary English teacher, and I just want to say to everyone reading this: PLEASE don't think all teachers are like this.

    I once worked in a lower income school, and many of my students came to school hungry. I provided snack packs of Goldfish crackers, as well as granola bars for these students. I didn't ask questions or judge their parents. I don't know their story; I don't know their life. It's none of my business. If the kids were hungry, they ate. That was all I cared about.

    Now, having said that as a teacher, I'm going to say this as a parent. You have no right to judge anyone. My youngest daughter is under weight. About 7 weeks ago, she choked on a taco shell, and she refused to eat anything. Now, since you're the judgey type, I'm going to tell you what I did: I let her eat what she wanted. And do you know what she ended up eating for almost 6 weeks? Carnation Instant Breakfast with a cup of half and half twice a day, and about 1/2 a cup of peanut butter mixed with Nutella once a day.

    And do you know what? When she FINALLY started eating that, after not eating for almost a week, I CRIED. Because I thought my child was starving.

    So how DARE you judge anyone? You don't know their lives. It saddens me that you are a teacher.

    By the way - My daughter started eating again. Guess what she had last night? Velveeta Shells and Cheese. Yep. So suck it!

    Aw, I'm sorry to hear that, but kudos for you for getting her through and she came out of it, too :)
  • Hestion
    Hestion Posts: 740 Member
    I am a secondary English teacher, and I just want to say to everyone reading this: PLEASE don't think all teachers are like this.

    I once worked in a lower income school, and many of my students came to school hungry. I provided snack packs of Goldfish crackers, as well as granola bars for these students. I didn't ask questions or judge their parents. I don't know their story; I don't know their life. It's none of my business. If the kids were hungry, they ate. That was all I cared about.

    Now, having said that as a teacher, I'm going to say this as a parent. You have no right to judge anyone. My youngest daughter is under weight. About 7 weeks ago, she choked on a taco shell, and she refused to eat anything. Now, since you're the judgey type, I'm going to tell you what I did: I let her eat what she wanted. And do you know what she ended up eating for almost 6 weeks? Carnation Instant Breakfast with a cup of half and half twice a day, and about 1/2 a cup of peanut butter mixed with Nutella once a day.

    And do you know what? When she FINALLY started eating that, after not eating for almost a week, I CRIED. Because I thought my child was starving.

    So how DARE you judge anyone? You don't know their lives. It saddens me that you are a teacher.

    By the way - My daughter started eating again. Guess what she had last night? Velveeta Shells and Cheese. Yep. So suck it!

    I dont think all teachers are like OP :-) just wanted to say glad your daughter is eating more again, sometimes children are difficult and anything is better than nothing, when my son was younger he really wouldn't eat hardly anything healthy! His dad was picky with meat as well so he was funny with that and i love fruit but he still wouldn't eat hardly any! He also wouldn't eat normal things for breakfast, went through a phase where he'd only eat Garlic Bread, so that was preferable than no breakfast and then going to school!

    As he got older fortunately he got better (12now)
  • delicious_cocktail
    delicious_cocktail Posts: 5,797 Member
    If you're wondering why 5 yr old children are overweight,there's your answer.
    We can't just not care.This is why 35% of the population is obese and why 3 out of 4 adults will be by 2050.
    Because from what I've seen those aren't just snacks in moderation...
    That's quite a bit of junk food.

    Unbelievably, people can have snacks like those posted and not be overweight or unhealthy. You seem to have a very limited understanding of what causes obesity. It's sad, really.
    Yes, they can.
    In moderation,which by your responses I assume you know little about..

    Oh look, doesn't know how to form coherent arguments without making personal attacks. Conversation over, reported to mods. Have an excellent day now.
    I could report you for your triggering statements as well,but I won't .
    People who can't win arguments,shouldn't make them.

    'Triggering' is not against the Community Guidelines.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    Hey! How did the OP get those pictures of my snacks that I take to work??
  • Karabobarra
    Karabobarra Posts: 782 Member
    I pack my sons lunch everyday because I will not allow him to eat the school lunch that is filled with crap ingredients, he has a dairy allergy and I don't allow high fructose corn syrup in his diet so it's kind of difficult for him to drink anything beside water when the only choices are Juice which is laden with high fructose corn syrup or milk/ chocolate milk. He is 15 and in 10th grade and it would be a lot easier if there was a place to keep food cold until he needs to eat it or if he was offered multiple times in the day to get a little snack in. it's hard to send healthy items with your kid when you know that it may spoil by the time they actually get to eat it and if not they're eating lunch at 10:15 in the morning and then expected to pay attention in school until 3. Maybe the school should step up to the plate and start making it more convenient for parents to pack healthy items for the kids or offer healthy choices themselves. ... get the soda, juice, chips and candy machines out of the schools!

    I do agree that there are better choices these parents could be making other than oreos and rice krispies treats but let's face it how many granola bars can you find that aren't mostly sugar that taste good enough for a first grader to eat? honestly it is a little difficult to find healthy items that taste good enough for your child to eat that are in disposable lunch size or snack size portions and don't need to be refrigerated... especially if you're on a budget .... I don't care how much almond butter you put on them warm celery sticks are not very tasty!! I can't tell you how many tupperware containers I've lost over the years because my kids forgot to bring them home or accidentally throw them in the garbage.
  • hotmomma0612
    hotmomma0612 Posts: 651 Member
    edited to say: Oh, and I'm sure the "school" you work for would love to know that you posted this. I'm sure they'd give you an A+ for that.

    This ^^^ I'd love for a coworker to find this and report you. Your school needs to find a new teacher, anyways.
  • carolina822
    carolina822 Posts: 155 Member
    Oranges? Oh the humanity!
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