Article: What no one tells you about losing lots weight



  • karenmetfan
    karenmetfan Posts: 62 Member
    I agree more details need to be given, amount of time she took to lose that weight, how she went about it, etc etc....

    Also I think it needs to be stressed that its not the "end of the story" As she continues her good habits and eats well, exercises...more and more of that excess fat and skin will shrink. It just will. Its not stuck there forever. Of course if you've had babies, or been overweight your whole life, or even for a long time, you can't expect to have a totally tight body. Especially when years have gone by...frankly your just older and so age is playing agaisnt you.

    But by no means is it the "end" she is maybe only half way through her journey ;)

    Yes :)
  • lighteningjeanne855
    Here is some information I gleaned from my research about
    tightening skin as one loses a great quantity of weight. I did not author this article.

    " ELASTIN AND COLLAGEN are among a class of structural proteins in your body. These proteins work together to help build and maintain the integrity of your connective tissue, according to Elastin can be found in your artery walls, intestines, skin and lungs and gives your skin flexibility and strength. Collagen comprises approximately 30 percent of your body's protein, according to the National Institutes of Health. Collagen contributes to the structure and strength of your bones, connective tissues and tendons. It also gives your skin elasticity, tone and firmness. Many foods may help boost the formation of both elastin and collagen in your body.

    Foods Rich In Vitamin C
    An important vitamin for the production of collagen is vitamin C. According to the Linus Pauling Institute, vitamin C aids in the formation of collagen in your body to keep your bones, skin, tendons and tissues healthy and strong. Vitamin C, in combination with copper, can also help form elastin in your body, according to the University of Maryland Medical Center.Good sources of vitamin C include fruits such as oranges, strawberries and grapefruit. Other good sources of vitamin C include vegetables such as broccoli, sweet potatoes and red bell peppers.

    Foods Rich In Lysine And Copper
    Lysine is an essential amino acid in your body important for proper production of collagen. Eating foods rich in lysine can help you increase the formation and quantity of collagen in your body. Animal foods high in protein are very good sources of lysine. Good choices include meats and poultry, such as red meat, pork and chicken. Other good sources include dairy products, particularly Parmesan cheese, fish such as cod and sardines and eggs.

    In addition to lysine, foods that contain copper help produce both collagen and elastin in your body. The Linus Pauling Institute reports that a copper enzyme called lysyl oxidase is essential for the cross-linking of collagen and elastin in your body. Both collagen and elastin are necessary for the production of strong, flexible connective tissue. This copper enzyme helps to strengthen the connective tissue in your heart, blood vessels and bones. Copper can be obtained from organ meats and shellfish, such as liver, crab meat, clams and oysters. Other sources include hazelnuts...

    Protein-Rich Foods
    Protein-rich food can help produce elastin and collagen in your body. Proteins are essential to build, strengthen and repair tissues and help build collagen and elastin. Good sources of animal protein include organ meats, poultry, turkey, eggs and dairy products. Good sources of plant protein include nuts..."

    Something to consider as we make our journey to health and fitness...

    ETA: I edited the original article to reflect my Paleo lifestyle. I eat no wheat products, corn, rice, or legumes.
  • karenmetfan
    karenmetfan Posts: 62 Member
    Hey, deludedandsen, GOOD LUCK to you!

    Personally, anyone who goes in to losing a large amount of weight and does not expect loose skin is deluding themselves. If it doesn't happen is a bonus to your weight loss. Mine's not as bad as hers, but it's there and I don't like it, but I can live with it if I have to. I won't go the surgery route to get rid of it, so I'll try some supplements. What I need to be better about (always have) is using moisturizer. :P
  • basil1975
    basil1975 Posts: 3 Member
    In for the discussion and great links to check out later. Thank you!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    I'm a middle aged guy down 70 pounds from peak, no evidence of loose skin up to this point. Have 30 pounds left to go, we'll see what happens...but it's hard to figure the body won't be able to deal with 30 pounds when it has already dealt with 70...
  • littlepinkhearts
    littlepinkhearts Posts: 1,055 Member
    bump for later read