A call to more heavily regulate the supplement industry



  • rbcrawford1
    rbcrawford1 Posts: 29 Member

    Government is no more than organized crime, the difference is that the mafia has principles. Politicians are not held accountable, they get bounced out of office and into cushy lobbying posts. Government has more blood on it's hands than all private corporations combined could ever dream of, so why would you put your trust in nameless faceless bureaucrats?


    Well, I work for the federal government. You can put my face on it. Didn't know I was in the mafia, though. Guess I should be agitating for a bigger paycheck.

    The "cement shoes" clause in the contract didn't tip you off?

    Man, I thought those were just to make it harder for me to leave the office. Doh.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    and the FDA can be trusted to correct it for us?

    They're completely above board, non-biased, and have never done anything shady, right?

    I'm sure we can find a safer option... like Consumer Reports.

    Consumer Reports exists but doesn't seem to have done much so far.

    Consumer Reports can't actually.... DO anything. The FDA can, and has in the past, taken things off the market, imposed heavy fines, etc.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    and the FDA can be trusted to correct it for us?

    They're completely above board, non-biased, and have never done anything shady, right?

    I'm sure we can find a safer option... like Consumer Reports.

    Consumer Reports exists but doesn't seem to have done much so far.

    Consumer Reports can't actually.... DO anything. The FDA can, and has in the past, taken things off the market, imposed heavy fines, etc.

    In a completely even handed and unbiased manner?

    Consumer Reports doesn't take things off the market. Consumer Reports provides information to purchasers, to allow them to make informed decisions. Is an informed decision preferable to market adjustment and brand protectionism based on who is working at the FDA this year?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    Don't need perfect for it to be much, much better.
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