Do you have a strategy for Thanksgiving yet?



  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I'm going to do the same as I did last Thanksgiving and it seemed to work quite well. I eat one serving of the foods I like the most and that's it. I'm done. No more going back. No loading the plate until its overflowing.

    I refuse to deprive myself of the stuffing and gravy and the things I love to eat on Thanksgiving, but I also refuse to overindulge.

    And, I'm going to workout hard that whole week.
  • mathiseasy
    mathiseasy Posts: 165 Member
    my strategy:

    Going to run/ hit the gym/do insanity in the early AM

    Making bread or biscuits and cranberry sauce and probably some sort of appetizer
    getting the wine (or 2 or 3) out
    driving above to my friends place
    opening wine
    having wine
    having wine
    having wine
    driving home after the wine wears off

    Friday: Gym and leftovers mmmmmm.. turkey and cranberry on toast with taters.. mmmmmmmmm

    I just adore this. Love me some wine...
  • CeleryStalker
    CeleryStalker Posts: 665 Member
    I'm going with a simple approach:
    Plate 1: As much meat and vegetables as I please.
    Plate 2: Carbs and fats to taste (one helping of potatoes and roll)
    One desert Item with ice cream
    As much booze as I can humanly handle.

    I love your approach!
  • kristen2713
    kristen2713 Posts: 253 Member
    Bumping to read more into later! Some very good ideas! I especially like the 100 cal less/day leading up to! Totally achievable!
  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    I have been extra good on my eating for the past couple of weeks and plan to remain that way until Thanksgiving, because my uncle makes the best corn bread and I plan to eat as many pieces as I can hold, because I only eat it at family functions. My breakfast will be healthy, usually don't have lunch on Thanksgiving because so busy with the meals, but will have a awesome dinner and some glasses of wine.

    Will get back on track the following day. No choice really, my family will be taking home any leftovers, as my house is follows the Paleo lifestyle, some of the meals we will cook is because my family don't follow that lifestyle, so will make them carry it home, so no choice but to be back on track....

    Everyone has to do what works for them....have fun everyone and enjoy!!!!!!
  • LVCeltGirl
    I'm having Thanksgiving with my boyfriend and his family (able to bring my 8 year old son, first Thanksgiving with him after the divorce) and we've split the shopping and cooking responsibilities. So I'm making the turkey, stuffing (homemade so I can control what goes into it, think lots of veggies to go with the bread), homemade cranberry sauce with fresh squeezed orange juice and making the homemade gravy (again, it's a control thing as the thickener for gravy can add calories).

    Due to not having control over all of it, my plan is to supplement with some exercise before and after dinner. There's a park nearby and I'm going to take my son for a walk, and then play with him at the park. There's also a high school nearby so maybe my son will be interested in doing some running on the track. Earn some activity points to offset such a calorie rich dinner.

    The rest of my plan is portion control, limiting to one plate and filling up on turkey more than the fixings.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    - I will allow myself 2 bites each of my favorite thanksgiving dishes: pumpkin cheesecake, 3 meat stuffing, apple and raisin stuffing.

    god that's a depressing sentance.

    Why do you get depressed by the eating habits of others?

    because eating two bites of anything to me just make me shake my head. if the serving size is 2 go for it- I count my almonds and things- but it's a meal. eat it.... and yes- that was a bit of a hyperbole. I don't give a rats fat butt what she does- to me that just seems...

    sad. like a kicked puppy.

    But you are absolutely right- if she wants to do that- have at it- more turkey- cranberry sauce and pie for me!!!
  • CompressedCarbon
    CompressedCarbon Posts: 357 Member
    Instead of cranberry sauce I'm going to make Raspberry Ketone sauce.which should pair nicely with my green turkey smoothie.

    I like you.
  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    A crap load of turkey, stuffing, & beer.

    Playing a ton of football.

    Drinking like a champ.

    Being awesome at life.


    Being awesome at life.


    I think that sums up the day.
  • angelique_redhead
    angelique_redhead Posts: 782 Member
    Thanksgiving is pretty easy for me. I don't like rolls or cornbread much. MIL makes the stuffing with no onion or sage so I pass on that. I'm not fond of pumpkin or pecan pie so those aren't a worry. I'm not fond of green bean cassorole. The turkey is VERY cooked so I will probably pass on it. If she has ham I'll eat a portion of that. There is usually broccoli so I will eat that if available. I pass on baked potatos both sweet and regular. If she has salad I'll be eating that. I might have a portion of jello salad. Usually the food is cooked the way my MIL likes it though so there are certain things I will not be eating. If she had ambrosia or cheesecake or pistachio salad or cranberry orange relish or any of MY favorites I might be in trouble but she doesn't so I'm good to go.
  • JoanneTalerico
    JoanneTalerico Posts: 10 Member
    My strategy is no strategy, it is one day of the year. I will watch calories a bit but otherwise it is just an eating holiday, what can I say!
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    hell ya I have a strategy! Eat lots, drink even more, laugh alot, and win at all the games.
  • aesquivel47
    aesquivel47 Posts: 37 Member
    Roast/eat as many vegetables as I can versus doing casseroles i.e., sweet potatoes, brussel sprouts, homemade cranberry relish with splenda and moderation at the dessert table.
  • Suzmp85
    Suzmp85 Posts: 184 Member
    I plan to get in a good workout the day before and the day after. Go for my usual Thanksgiving runs during the early morning hours. Eat what I can with whatever scribbles I can get together since I don't have any major plans. Plan to enjoy at the community Thanksgiving meals though at least. :)
  • Denjo060
    Denjo060 Posts: 1,008
    Instead of cranberry sauce I'm going to make Raspberry Ketone sauce.which should pair nicely with my green turkey smoothie.

    OMG that is too funny :laugh: :laugh:
  • jenifr818
    jenifr818 Posts: 805 Member
    Eat all the foodz I like. My "lifestyle change" allows for a few days of fun every year, because the other 360-ish will make up for it
  • lyzmorrison
    lyzmorrison Posts: 172 Member
    It's one day...i didn't get fat because of a holiday, birthday, or other special OCCASION...I got fat because I treated everyday like a holiday and didn't move.

    I will be enjoying the day. I'm not going to eat to the point of being sick, but I'm not going to worry about how many calories I'm eating and I'm not doing some random unplanned exercise either....

    I agree. I have a bunch of people over for Thanksgiving so I will be cooking the usual fattening fare, but this year I will be a little more careful about how much I eat. I'm still going to enjoy the smashed potatoes and gravy b/c those are my favorite, but will probably eat more turkey and no bread. Other than that, I'm going to enjoy this one day and just avoid the scale on Friday. Friday will be business as usual.
  • polarsjewel
    polarsjewel Posts: 1,726 Member
    Instead of cranberry sauce I'm going to make Raspberry Ketone sauce.which should pair nicely with my green turkey smoothie.

    You forgot the green coffee extract! :huh: :laugh:

    OMG that is too funny :laugh: :laugh:
  • rachempoo
    rachempoo Posts: 134 Member
    I plan to enjoy my day, the food and beer or wine (or maybe both) but stick to my calorie goal as best I can, and if I go a little over, it's okay, it's only one day.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    I just heard about people that do pie night right before or after Thanksgiving. Just a night of pies and nothing else. Seriously a fantastic idea.

    I think this is genius.

    Except no protein I would die- but I might implement the "pie for breakfast" routine- which usually happens anyway LMAO