Any History Majors?



  • digitalbill
    digitalbill Posts: 1,410 Member
    Two years ago, my Son came home asking me about Iraq.
    When i asked him why, he told me that they were learning about Desert Storm in history class.
    I wanted to punch his teacher.
    But then I met her and she was probably just a baby whenb all of that happened...
    I am history......
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    BA in English Lit (focus on medieval lit) witha post-bacc secondary teaching certification for English and History, so I've got sort of a history degree <g> I love it, anyway :) I use my degrees all the time, but not in a way most people would automatically correlate to the degree. I work in healthcare compliance (I added in a MHA later on in life).
  • Dino_bacon2112
    Dino_bacon2112 Posts: 341 Member
    Is Political Science close enough? No? Ok. I'll find friends elsewhere.
  • reds_1
    reds_1 Posts: 59
    Archaeology degree count? It should!