What makes you disproportionately angry?



  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    1. Countries who insist on using archaic measurements instead of the beautiful logic of the metric system.
    2. Your/you're/ur.
    3. His and hers Facebook accounts.
  • srogers89
    srogers89 Posts: 190 Member
    When peole do not capitalise the first letter in their names, for example putting a lower case 'c' on Caroline instead of a capital! The second is when I see people driving and their petrol cap is open, seriously, how do you not notice that it is open, is it really that hard to close? If it is broken, can you get it fixed? WHY WHY WHY is it open!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    1. Any noise at all coming from next door.
    2. My cats jumping on the counter. Or doing anything that cats do.
    3. Drivers who don't wave when you let them in/out.
  • beachgirl172723
    beachgirl172723 Posts: 151 Member
  • wastelander92
    wastelander92 Posts: 25 Member
    1. Loud swallowing or chewing noises
    2. Loud children in grocery stores (I don't care if they're happy loud it's f*cking annoying)
    3. Sticky surfaces
    4. People not taking what I consider to be proper precautions when handling feces (wtf! why would someone touch a door handle or faucet handle after you just cleaned up a pet mess??)
    5. People assuming the way someone dresses (if it's abnormal) is an attempt at being "in" or being edgy or some other stupid bullsh*t

    I sound like a *kitten*. lol I'm sorry!
  • samkelly89
    samkelly89 Posts: 198 Member
    When people chew with their mouth open
    When people stress out over stupid little things and then tell me ALL about it...
  • cindyhoney2
    cindyhoney2 Posts: 603 Member
    1-Smaking your gum or anything else being chewed
    4-Hateful people
    8-repeatative noises
  • Tigg_er
    Tigg_er Posts: 22,001 Member
    Oh I forgot, when I buy dinner and she doesn't put out.
    BOOM! THIS^^^^

    1) When I buy dinner and she wants to put out, Jeez I'm full I wanna take a nap ! :drinker:
    2) The jerk who does'nt repace the empty toilet paper roll.
    3) People who are to lazy to use a turn signal.
    4) People who are in love with themselfs.
    5) People who's pants hang down below their *kitten*.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I'm supposedly "in charge" of accounts receivable at my job but we have a client who always pays in four separate payments and the total of the 4 payments is ONE PENNY short. Every single freaking time. Instead of forcing this client to start paying the correct amount my boss insists that I do a credit memo to cover that penny, which is not a huge deal but it takes an inordinate amount of time and effort when this person ought to just do simple math and pay their cent.

    So. annoying.
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    ● People that jump to conclusions without reading.
    ● Loud obnoxious cursing children that do nothing but insult each other during game-play.
    ● Kids banging balls against people's windows.
    ● People that judge others because they don't like the same thing, so because they don't like it, it must be bad.
    ● E-preaching. Don't bring your religion stuff to me if I didn't ask for it, let me believe my own stuff. Keep it to yourself, as I do with mine.
    ● Racism. This, is stupid.
    ● Inequality for people, be it men or women, or different races when it comes to jobs. Yes, it exists.
    ● People that have children to just get money from the government and end up treating the poor children like crap.
    ● Women that get pregnant to "trap" a man. Sorry ladies, this is WRONG. Do you ever stop to think how this child might suffer later on because of your immaturity and inability to move on from someone that obviously doesn't want you???
    ● Also.. Men that get women pregnant to trap them. <---wrong. ^ wrong.
    ● People that think that eating disorders don't include both being anorexic or obese.
    ● Bosses that get mad at you when you mess up over something small but think it's okay to come to work drunk. NOT COOL.
    ● Bosses that hit on their employees when the employees have already let them know that the attention is unwanted.
    ● People that make others believe they care only to drop them the next day.
    ● Caring too much about something that has NOTHING to do with you and will affect you in no way whatsoever, and getting yourself involved it it, just because. Leave the people alone, seriously.
    ● Shark finning. This is when sharks are plucked from the ocean and their fins are chopped off, while the rest of their mangled bodies get thrown back in, while it's still alive and suffering..... for soup. This is pure EVIL.
    ● Whale fishing for "educational research"... Seriously? Did you REALLY need 1000 whales to "STUDY" them??? 1000?!?!!(Might have been 10000, but unsure on the numbers. Still wrong...)
    ● When people don't learn to discipline their children and always have an excuse as of to why their children are misbehaving or end up being horrible human beings when they grow up.
    ● Killings of innocent animals that are considered "vermin" in some places of the world. Won't go into detail because I will never shut up.
    ● Animals that live in too close quarters, have no room to move, are all bunched up and in pain, just for food.. I do like my chicken, but the things I've seen... They break my heart.
    ● Live skinning of animals because they will "taste better"... I'm sorry... This is preposterous.
  • walleyclan1
    walleyclan1 Posts: 2,784 Member
    people who don't put their shopping carts up

    people who take up the whole aisle in a store

    people who don't merge until the last possible second even though signs have been up for 3 blocks
  • _TastySnoBalls_
    _TastySnoBalls_ Posts: 1,298 Member
    ignorance, intolerance, close-mindedness, self-entitled cry babies.
  • TX_Rhon
    TX_Rhon Posts: 1,549 Member
    Lipgloss that is too thick and feels like shellac on your lips!
    Coworkers who take the last cold water out of the frig and "forget" to put new water in the frig - seriously - be nicer that that!
    People who are not courteous while grocery shopping!
    Girls who say they are going to get their nails did or their hair did!! Seriously, verb tense people!!
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    - People who go slow in the passing lane.
    - People who speak with their mouth full (being a server I see this alot. PLEASE I REALLY wanna see your coleslaw swishing around in your mouth, GROSS).
    - Having to watch WWF or the fact that my bf LOVES watching it.
    - People that don't know the difference between "too", "to", or "two", or "witch" and "which", ugh.
    - People who think that the only music that exists out there is top 40.
    - Racism, closed-minded, or rude people.
    - Bad hygiene.
  • xxghost
    xxghost Posts: 4,697 Member
    People who make unnecessary noises when they eat.
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    FORGOT ONE! Perhaps the one that makes me the MOST ANGRY......Animal abuse or mistreatment. People that abuse poor animals deserve to be tortured and shot. PERIOD. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  • AshleyM71
    AshleyM71 Posts: 3,029 Member
    Coupons or check writing by the person in front of me at the grocery store
  • wastelander92
    wastelander92 Posts: 25 Member
    FORGOT ONE! Perhaps the one that makes me the MOST ANGRY......Animal abuse or mistreatment. People that abuse poor animals deserve to be tortured and shot. PERIOD. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    I don't think that's disproportionately angry. That's rightfully livid. The very LEAST people should get is LEGITIMATE jailtime
  • ProgressNotPerfection32
    1. Children constantly whining about EVERYTHING
    2. parents who don't let children learn from mistakes/make excuses for why homework isn't complete
    3. When husband sits on his butt playing games while I get kids totally ready for bed.
    4. Slow *kitten* people walking in front if me I can't get around. Come on people, pick it UP!!! ????
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member

    4. Slow *kitten* people walking in front if me I can't get around. Come on people, pick it UP!!! ????
    YES PLZ.