Angry with Husband



  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    Stop giving him the opperunty to take your food..
    Either stop making it.
    Make it when you are ready to eat.
  • amberkeever1
    amberkeever1 Posts: 34 Member
    is really cracked me up, I am really sorry for your aggravation, but, it is humorous to read this. My hubby is like yours and couldn't gain if his life depended on it. He's been 180 for the 5 1/2 years we've been married and eats like a hog. It's a huge joke at our church when there's an eating thing. Fortunately he doesn't eat my special healthy food. He eats the meals I make but if I get something specifically for me he doesn't take unless he's given it. Thank goodness!
  • Commander_Keen
    Commander_Keen Posts: 1,179 Member
    <waits for the inevitable "just break up" replies>

    Does swelling count as 'bulking'? If so, beat'm down with a frozen jug of milk! j/k

    Oh, how about some Wil E. Coyote trickery? Remember the one where he put buckshot in the pile of bird seed?

    Step 1: Make a bunch of "allegedly" healthy muffins, but secretly make'm "Paula Deen" style (lard, whole milk, etc.)
    Step 2: Leave'm on the table next to a glass of <air quotes> "skim milk"
    Step 3: Leave room.
    Step 4: Return to the room just in time for him to say "Meep Meep" and zip out the door.
    Step 5: Commence evil laughter with opportunely-timed thunder/lightning in the background
    Step 6: Repeat steps 1-5 as necessary.

    Alternatively, you can tweak step #1 with Ex-Lax, Metamucil, etc.

    You're welcome.
    * This
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    Oh my! That would P me off so much! I agree he needs to stop. I guess the only thing that I can think of is to guard you food. What does he say when you ask him to stop? My husband will eat anything and everything without even thinking, but he does it without even thinking. So he had to really try harder when he decided to start bullking to make sure he was getting all his macros and stuff.

    I told him to back off of my food after the muffin debacle (SIX!!) and he said he needed the muffins more than me, and that'd he'd left me 2. Totally unapologetic.

    I'm gonna start taking my plates to the bathroom with me I think. it's the only way.

    WHAT? That's is so annoying and rude! I probably would have gone the childish route and scoffed a bit and said "if you say so" while looking him up and down. :tongue: In all seriousness, that's a bad attitude for him to have. I'd just start making only what you need. Even with the muffins, if you get those silicone muffin cups you can cook one at a time and just leave the batter in the fridge. I used to do that when the stove wasn't working and we only had a microwave. And yeah, carry your food around with you. Watch it like a guard dog, and attack like one if he makes a grab for it!
  • arrseegee
    arrseegee Posts: 575 Member
    He sounds like hell to live with. I think you should stop shopping for him, hide your foods somewhere, and leave him to fend for himself. Also think the laxative idea mentioned above is fantastic.
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Sometimes I come home to find that my husband had, for example, polished off the last of a snack intended for the whole house or intending to eat leftovers (from a meal the whole family had eaten) to find he had unexpectedly taken them to work for lunch. And, while disappointing, that's ok. It happens.

    The muffins or the pizza...those seem a little like the first example (less so with the muffins since you had specifically designed the nutrition for yourself, but still). Maybe he didn't realize. A little inconsiderate, but not SO terrible. **EDIT - I didn't see your comment where he said he "needed them more than you." Seriously? Seriously. Tell him to make his own damn muffins if he needs them so badly.

    The grilled cheese, though? Eating a full meal that you had already prepared for yourself behind your back? That is a WHOLE new level. I don't have any *good* advice, because I can tell you that I'd have flipped so hard right then and there that they would have been recruiting my 32-year old overweight behind for the Olympics. Seriously, give that boy a smack. Is he totally oblivious? Is he this rude other times?

    He is kind of oblivious, as a rule of life. I might need to be a bit more 'forceful' with the 'Stop eating my food' thing. It's possible my annoyance over the muffins didn't sink in enough or something.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    But eating my good?! That's just rude and inconsiderate.

    I personally like when my good is eaten. :smokin: :drinker:
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    <waits for the inevitable "just break up" replies>

    Does swelling count as 'bulking'? If so, beat'm down with a frozen jug of milk! j/k

    Oh, how about some Wil E. Coyote trickery? Remember the one where he put buckshot in the pile of bird seed?

    Step 1: Make a bunch of "allegedly" healthy muffins, but secretly make'm "Paula Deen" style (lard, whole milk, etc.)
    Step 2: Leave'm on the table next to a glass of <air quotes> "skim milk"
    Step 3: Leave room.
    Step 4: Return to the room just in time for him to say "Meep Meep" and zip out the door.
    Step 5: Commence evil laughter with opportunely-timed thunder/lightning in the background
    Step 6: Repeat steps 1-5 as necessary.

    Alternatively, you can tweak step #1 with Ex-Lax, Metamucil, etc.

    You're welcome.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Is he aware of how you feel about this? Seems like a problem that could be easily solved by just saying "I'm putting a green sticker on the food that is mine. Please don't eat the food that has a green sticker."

    He would probably just eat the green sticker. Men.
  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Is he aware of how you feel about this? Seems like a problem that could be easily solved by just saying "I'm putting a green sticker on the food that is mine. Please don't eat the food that has a green sticker."

    He would probably just eat the green sticker. Men.

    I am appalled at your overgeneralization of Men. You think you're too cool for school. But I've got a newsflash for you Mr. Walter aren't
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    <waits for the inevitable "just break up" replies>

    Does swelling count as 'bulking'? If so, beat'm down with a frozen jug of milk! j/k

    Oh, how about some Wil E. Coyote trickery? Remember the one where he put buckshot in the pile of bird seed?

    Step 1: Make a bunch of "allegedly" healthy muffins, but secretly make'm "Paula Deen" style (lard, whole milk, etc.)
    Step 2: Leave'm on the table next to a glass of <air quotes> "skim milk"
    Step 3: Leave room.
    Step 4: Return to the room just in time for him to say "Meep Meep" and zip out the door.
    Step 5: Commence evil laughter with opportunely-timed thunder/lightning in the background
    Step 6: Repeat steps 1-5 as necessary.

    Alternatively, you can tweak step #1 with Ex-Lax, Metamucil, etc.

    You're welcome.

    This seems like it would work, but I wonder if it would just have the side effect of him actually gaining weight (his goal) and thus wanting to keep stealing my food. It's have to be Ex-lax muffins to have any actual deterrent result. Does exlax actually taste like chocolate, for real? /thoughtful face
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Seriously though, I'd be mad too. Food is sacred. Do not touch my food unless I have given you permission.

    Knowing you, you wouldn't have married a *totally* unreasonable guy. I vote you simply tell him to stop touching your food, or you will delete his most prized WoW character.

    Touch my muffins again and Dishanky gets the ax?

    This could work. Get him right where it matters: his gaming.
  • firstsip
    firstsip Posts: 8,399 Member
    Is he aware of how you feel about this? Seems like a problem that could be easily solved by just saying "I'm putting a green sticker on the food that is mine. Please don't eat the food that has a green sticker."

    He would probably just eat the green sticker. Men.

    I am appalled at your overgeneralization of Men. You think you're too for school. But I've got a newsflash for you Mr. Walter aren't

  • ryry_
    ryry_ Posts: 4,966 Member
    Seriously though, I'd be mad too. Food is sacred. Do not touch my food unless I have given you permission.

    Knowing you, you wouldn't have married a *totally* unreasonable guy. I vote you simply tell him to stop touching your food, or you will delete his most prized WoW character.

    Touch my muffins again and Dishanky gets the ax?

    This could work. Get him right where it matters: his gaming.

    You guys are entering sociopath territory
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Is he aware of how you feel about this? Seems like a problem that could be easily solved by just saying "I'm putting a green sticker on the food that is mine. Please don't eat the food that has a green sticker."

    He would probably just eat the green sticker. Men.

    It'd go something like this

    Me: Hon. Where the hell are my muffins?

    Him: I ate them.

    Me: Did you not see the green sticker?

    Him: Yeah, but once I took off the wrapper the green sticker was gone. Seemed like fair game after that.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    If divorce is not option, I agree with the coyote method previously posted. Make some DECOY food. It doesn't even have to be good food. Make some nasty recipe you absolutely loathe and purposefully leave it out for him to steal away. Hide YOUR food if you have to. My husband also tends to polish off the things (before I even get a chance to touch them) without me knowing, and next morning, surprise, it's all gone. I've started to hide me "treats" under other things that are much less appetizing, like Kidney beans. lol.

    ETA: My husband has "On the top" eyes. Meaning if he sees food on the top (in the fridge/freezer/cabinet) that looks yummy, he will eat it. Hence the putting your stuff on the bottom.
  • nytrifisoul
    nytrifisoul Posts: 500 Member
    I use to hate when family members only bought regular ice tea/soda but would drink my diet ice tea/soda when they ran out.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    Kennel train him.
  • KateK8LoseW8
    KateK8LoseW8 Posts: 824 Member
    Is he aware of how you feel about this? Seems like a problem that could be easily solved by just saying "I'm putting a green sticker on the food that is mine. Please don't eat the food that has a green sticker."

    He would probably just eat the green sticker. Men.

    It'd go something like this

    Me: Hon. Where the hell are my muffins?

    Him: I ate them.

    Me: Did you not see the green sticker?

    Him: Yeah, but once I took off the wrapper the green sticker was gone. Seemed like fair game after that.

    It seems that perhaps a safe is in order.
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    Is he aware of how you feel about this? Seems like a problem that could be easily solved by just saying "I'm putting a green sticker on the food that is mine. Please don't eat the food that has a green sticker."

    He would probably just eat the green sticker. Men.

    I am appalled at your overgeneralization of Men. You think you're too cool for school. But I've got a newsflash for you Mr. Walter aren't
