Beyond starting over



  • bonmomi
    bonmomi Posts: 10 Member
    Same boat. Let's do this!!!
  • Kestrel45
    hey girl

    I stumbled across your post and I really feel you. Because I just looked at myself in the mirror today and was shocked and what I did was beginning to set in. Let me tell you my story briefly. I had lost 17 pounds since May. I was so happy, I was finally doing this, I was on track and going to reach my goals. And then, I stopped doing well. I started binge eating and being depressed every day. I would get back on track for a few days and then would fall back in my binging. Repeat so many times. After a while, I just let myself go. I gained back at least 10 pounds, probably more. I set myself back so much and I'm feeling like **** about myself. All those months of hard work down the drain.
    My point out of all this isn't to depress you, but to tell you you're not alone. There are so many people that are going through the same thing and we all need to motivate and support each other through this. because we knew it was never going to be easy. But it's so worth it, and I know this. And that's why I'm never going to give up. No matter what, no matter how much weight I've lost, no matter how much weight I've gained, no matter how I feel about how I look in the mirror today. The key is to be smart enough to realize that you won't be like this forever. Let me finish with two of my favorite motivational sayings for weight loss.

    When you look in the mirror and see no change, but don't give up and stay on track, knowing that in time you'll reach your goals, that's the difference between those who succeed and those who fail.

    No matter what you do, a year will go by. Where do you want to be in a year?

    Good luck to both of us
  • lambchoplewis
    Excellent point. Never give up!!!
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    is to be smart enough to realize that you won't be like this forever. Let me finish with two of my favorite motivational sayings for weight loss.

    When you look in the mirror and see no change, but don't give up and stay on track, knowing that in time you'll reach your goals, that's the difference between those who succeed and those who fail.

    No matter what you do, a year will go by. Where do you want to be in a year?

    Good luck to both of us

    Thanks for your words of cheer! And you're so right - a year is going to pass anyway. Might as well make the most of it!
  • loriq41
    loriq41 Posts: 479 Member
    I feel you in a different way..I have like 10-ish lbs to lose and although I have done great i sometimes think "damn, there are people on here just starting out wanting to lose those stubborn 10 pounds so in a way I feel like a "before" picture..I know it is crazy..but if it is any condolence..I really think those 5 lbs will fly off you just by minor adjustments! Stay strong!!!!
  • clambert1273
    clambert1273 Posts: 840 Member
    see my join date :laugh:

    started then in the 160's... started in Nov 181.5.... but you know what - that's ok. I have a much better handle on myself and what I want to achieve and it isn't the number on the scale. I now weigh myself daily just to laugh :bigsmile:
  • sunshinenjjr
    sunshinenjjr Posts: 137 Member
    I also am in the same boat. I started running about 6 years ago. I dropped about 15 to 20 pounds at the time. Even though I have continued to run I put back on 15 pounds about a year ago because I started eating really crappy. So here I am losing the same 15 pounds that I already took off years ago. It really sucks. Just take it one day at a time. Good luck.
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    Ugh - so I crawled back here after a 4 year absence.

    You know what's hard about starting over? Having to lose weight to get back to a point that you used to consider unacceptably over weight.

    In my mind, for the past few years, I've thought of myself as "around 220 pounds." A few times I've weighed myself and when I got to about 225, I'd cut back a bit, walk a bit more, and then I'd feel better.

    Anyway, I weighed myself yesterday, and I'm at 230. Yesterday I logged my food. I received the encouraging message that if every day is like yesterday, I'll be at 225 in 5 weeks.

    225? No way! 225 is supposed to be my starting point. It's like I have to lose weight before I can start losing weight. It's like starting a race, but having to go a few blocks away from the starting line.

    Anyway, I'm not asking for advice. I'm just ranting because I know there are people in here who know exactly what I mean! If anyone wants to post *pat pat pat* for me, and say "there there there," that would be nice . . .

    Look. The fact that you are back here after 4 years tells me two things: You are SURVIVOR. You never say never, you don't give up and you can't be stopped. Stalled maybe, but not STOPPED. The second thing is that your mindset has been elevated. 4 years??? You know how many people would have just said FORGET IT? Do you know how many others have left the fight and NEVER returned? You have in you exactly what you need to make this thing happen! You've had a perspective shift that put you back in the game. Now it is time to do JUST what it is you need to do to overcome this challege once and for all. I believe in you and I think everyone else here does too! The champion will get up after being knocked down, no matter how many times it takes.
  • grillnchill
    grillnchill Posts: 772 Member
    Welcome back!

    Time to kick some butt! :)
  • cgolden1701
    cgolden1701 Posts: 31 Member
    Im right there with you. A few weeks ago I weighed myself and I was a 220. I'm sure i'm at like 230 now. yesterday I stated my "diet" and today I went out running. I'm sure it is going to be hard. I know it is for me. But I know that I need to be a healthier person. I do not want to die from a heart attack or even have a heart attack. But good luck to you. I'm sure we can both make it.
  • juiceplusbecky
    juiceplusbecky Posts: 56 Member
    I know how you are feeling. Today is my second day "back" after a LONG summer break! I worked so hard last spring only to have some sicknesses and set backs in the summer . . . and here it is the holidays and I am ready to "hopefully" begin again. I know that every day is a chance to start again. We can do this! Happy Thanksgiving to you!
  • velocity60
    velocity60 Posts: 83 Member
    well if there's any comfort in this, your not alone, im back for day 2 , just had a birthday & thinking how did i let another year go by with up a little down a little , i had the time, i did the exercise, i just ate my exercise everyday, and drank my wine !
    back on track for day 2 , and just try to stay positive , reading posts like yours ( for me at least ) make me seem way less alone & positive encouragement from anyone is a good thing , so im about to hit the boards and join at least one group !
    i hope you have a great day , love your visual, such a pretty rendition of those flowers !
  • velocity60
    velocity60 Posts: 83 Member
    that was a lovely message, i really enjoyed reading it , my day 2 back as well !
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    Ugh - so I crawled back here after a 4 year absence.

    You know what's hard about starting over? Having to lose weight to get back to a point that you used to consider unacceptably over weight.

    In my mind, for the past few years, I've thought of myself as "around 220 pounds." A few times I've weighed myself and when I got to about 225, I'd cut back a bit, walk a bit more, and then I'd feel better.

    Anyway, I weighed myself yesterday, and I'm at 230. Yesterday I logged my food. I received the encouraging message that if every day is like yesterday, I'll be at 225 in 5 weeks.

    225? No way! 225 is supposed to be my starting point. It's like I have to lose weight before I can start losing weight. It's like starting a race, but having to go a few blocks away from the starting line.

    Anyway, I'm not asking for advice. I'm just ranting because I know there are people in here who know exactly what I mean! If anyone wants to post *pat pat pat* for me, and say "there there there," that would be nice . . .

    Wow!! Awesome. Thank you.

    Look. The fact that you are back here after 4 years tells me two things: You are SURVIVOR. You never say never, you don't give up and you can't be stopped. Stalled maybe, but not STOPPED. The second thing is that your mindset has been elevated. 4 years??? You know how many people would have just said FORGET IT? Do you know how many others have left the fight and NEVER returned? You have in you exactly what you need to make this thing happen! You've had a perspective shift that put you back in the game. Now it is time to do JUST what it is you need to do to overcome this challege once and for all. I believe in you and I think everyone else here does too! The champion will get up after being knocked down, no matter how many times it takes.
  • Cayjominara
    Cayjominara Posts: 270 Member
    Ugh - so I crawled back here after a 4 year absence.

    You know what's hard about starting over? Having to lose weight to get back to a point that you used to consider unacceptably over weight.

    In my mind, for the past few years, I've thought of myself as "around 220 pounds." A few times I've weighed myself and when I got to about 225, I'd cut back a bit, walk a bit more, and then I'd feel better.

    Anyway, I weighed myself yesterday, and I'm at 230. Yesterday I logged my food. I received the encouraging message that if every day is like yesterday, I'll be at 225 in 5 weeks.

    225? No way! 225 is supposed to be my starting point. It's like I have to lose weight before I can start losing weight. It's like starting a race, but having to go a few blocks away from the starting line.

    Anyway, I'm not asking for advice. I'm just ranting because I know there are people in here who know exactly what I mean! If anyone wants to post *pat pat pat* for me, and say "there there there," that would be nice . . .

    Wow!! Awesome. Thank you.

    Look. The fact that you are back here after 4 years tells me two things: You are SURVIVOR. You never say never, you don't give up and you can't be stopped. Stalled maybe, but not STOPPED. The second thing is that your mindset has been elevated. 4 years??? You know how many people would have just said FORGET IT? Do you know how many others have left the fight and NEVER returned? You have in you exactly what you need to make this thing happen! You've had a perspective shift that put you back in the game. Now it is time to do JUST what it is you need to do to overcome this challege once and for all. I believe in you and I think everyone else here does too! The champion will get up after being knocked down, no matter how many times it takes.

    :bigsmile: Anytime! I believe in you!
  • bridip
    bridip Posts: 2 Member
    I think I've hit that point a number of times over the years. I remember years ago when I thought I would never EVER let myself weigh 140. Then it became normal. The new 'never' standard went to 150... now it's 160, but I weigh 165.
    So yeah. I get it.
    I tried tracking my food using this site a few months ago and actually lost some weight... but then life happened and I lost my momentum and quit tracking food. Now I weigh more than when I started last time. Dang. It's kind of humiliating.
    I wondered about the wisdom of restarting during this season, but if we can keep up the tracking, MAYBE it's the BEST time to re-start! Even if I go over calories over the holiday, I can see what I did and remember that I made a conscious choice.
    GOOD LUCK! Keep up your own momentum! You can do it!
  • LittleSister
    LittleSister Posts: 207 Member
    Everyone, I just don't have time to answer all these WONDERFUL posts individually, but just want to say THANK YOU for chiming in and letting me know I'm not alone!

    I'm better now - lost 2 pounds in 5 days - - probably water weight, but hey, I'll take it!

    Coworker put a candy bar on my desk when I stepped out. Instead of rationalizing eating it now, I looked at the calories and figured I'd work it into my alotment this week. So I'm getting better at this!
  • RawCarrots
    RawCarrots Posts: 204 Member
    Welcome back! You can do it, you really can! Find out what didn't work last time, and why, and try again!

    I'm a restarter too, took few months to get to my "old" point! This time I've been tweaking the rules, building a great support network and I'm going to maintain, this weight is never coming back!! Good luck