What was your "moment"?



  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I guess I am the exception, because I never had a "moment". I was just trying yet again lol. I think I simply just tried the right way this time.
  • my moment was when i was finally tired of all the tears ive shed due to bullying and stares of disgust when i went to the mall/movies/basically anywhere. when i was tired of all these people putting me down and not giving me a chance even though i am a good/nice person. i was just done with all of it 100%. when i lose all the weight i really hope to change the mindset of the shallow people who feel as if looks are everything, i want to teach them there is more than the exterior.
  • katieme
    katieme Posts: 59 Member
    I weighed 204Lb after having my son and desperatly wanted to lose weight. I went down the VLCD route and got to 172Lbs and bounced up and down for 2 years never managing to get to goal and feeling like a total failure. Recently my best friend got married and we began losing weight together then about a month before the wedding I hit a major bout of saboutage and gained enough weight that the dress she bought didn't fit.

    I had to buy a new bridesmaid dress as the one she bought me no longer fit I just felt and looked horrible all day I still can't look at her wedding photos. I'm starting to see results now on a low carb diet and have stopped binging since I ditched carbs. But the losses are slow. I need to start excercising but after 8 years of military PT I hate the thought of it. I know now that if I go out running it will be at my own pace but still can't get over that mental hurdle and get my running shoes on I always feel that people are looking at me and judging me for being fat and not running fast enough.
  • jyotd
    jyotd Posts: 2
    I have never had "the" moment. I am struggling with my weight since my tweens. I exercise very sporadically. But I do make an effort to eat relatively healthier. I have cheat days, but I quit chocolates, which were my big addiction. And I don't miss them anymore, unless somebody tempt me on purpose.. lol.

    Right now I am in middle of a 'motivation surge'. I'm nearing the 30 year mark, which means- I will start losing bone mass now if I don't stregth train. I also have this feeling that time is running out, it's not an unlimited resource.
    I feel so lethargic and energy-less on most of the days. I want to feel the strength in my body.
    Going on hikes in mountains is one of my dreams, and I want to have a fit body to achieve that dream.
    I have lost more than 10 kgs in the past and kept them at bay. It has been in my mind to lose the last 5 kgs since past 6-7 years. Guess it's time to finally achieve that goal. All of a sudden I have this urge to succeed and challenge myself, which was never there before. I was a laid back person, but that is changing slowly now.
  • 4flamingoz
    4flamingoz Posts: 214 Member
    When I saw a picture of myself at my brother's wedding from the side. Not pretty, but the dress sure was! Been battling Hashimoto, but found a great endo and he's increased my meds. Have lost 9 pounds this month, so I'm happy!:wink:
  • S3r3knitty
    S3r3knitty Posts: 159 Member
    My moment is probably not as significant because I wasn't overweight but I reached a point in August this summer where I was really unhappy and felt uncomfortable in my skin. My bf and I stopped all outside activities a year ago because of his health problems and got very sedentary.
    There was a small belly looking over the waist of my pants and all my clothes got very tight and didn't look flattering anymore and my hips which are naturally wide were huge because that's the place were I gain first. Additionally my parents visited and I saw that my mother noticed that I gained weight but held herself back from saying anything. So in August I told myself enough is enough. I can continue to obsess how unhappy I am or just do something about it.

    I lost 11lbs (5kgs) so far. Goal is too loose another 8lbs (4kgs) but I will also start to incorporate lifting so let's see where that leads me. I won't be hung up about a few lbs when I get inches instead and beside I already feel much more self confident and my clothes are fitting nicely again.
  • greenhudler
    Just wanted to take a moment again to thank everyone for their replies. It can be really inspiring to read through and see how many people have similar stories. I've had a couple of people PM me that they found some great friend connections here because they found someone who had a similar story and they are now helping to encourage each other. I'm glad that good is being done here, I love seeing people supporting one another! Keep it going, you all are amazing and I'm proud of everyone :)
  • Shaquana2
    My moment is when i went bra shopping. I was standing firm that i was a double d but when the lane bryant worker told me that i was a freaking H i hit the ceiling. I was so mad at myself, even though i have always been top heavy even at 135lbs. I was so in denial. I'm a shopaholic and this incident changed my whole mood i didnt even want to shop anymore. But who to blame no one but myself. Thats when i took charge and said i want my body back. And im not getting any younger so i made a change i dont even call it a diet. I call it my health plan.....
  • BeautifullymeForever
    :embarassed: The moment when I stepped on the scale and realized I weighed more than both of my sisters put together.
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    When I realised that I was too unfit to play soccer with my kids in the garden for more than a minute, and that was even if I had enough energy to try in the first place. And that if I kept going that way then I'd likely be dead by 40 of a heart attack, and I wouldn't see my babies grow up and have babies of their own. And that I love my kids way too much to let that happen.
  • thomasc96
    Diabetes is a problem in my family and in March of this year I had an A1C test. My weight was 285 and blood work came back putting me about in the pre-diabetic range. My doctor went over all the consequences and life style changes if I became diabetic. Well that didn't exactly make my day so while at the store, I picked up an issue of Men's Health. I read a few articles of regular guys like me who made dramatic changes in a short amount of time, kept up the good health, and were able to have richer lives. After reading the articles, I had my moment of realization that I've got this disease hovering over my head but if other guys can make changes then so could I. Long story short, I got a gym membership, bought a mountain bike, and no longer ate out or bought junk food. Using MFP to keep track of my journey, I'm now down to 214 with about 20 to go before hitting my goal weight. I had another A1C test and dropped into the middle of the normal range and couldn't be happier.
  • jennifersmiles444
    jennifersmiles444 Posts: 118 Member
    The planets aligned last February!

    I had been overweight most of my adult life....sometimes dieting, sometimes in denial. My husband had always been one of those people who ate whatever he wanted in huge quantities and never gained a pound. He especially loved for me to cook cheesy casseroles, pasta alfredo, anything with gravy, etc. But last winter, he actually stepped on a scale and was stunned to find that he had put on 15 pounds over the holidays. In the same 24 hour period:

    1) He said he wanted to lose it, and suggested I not cook the unhealthy stuff he likes so much.
    2) I saw a photo of myself from Christmas that shocked the hell out of me.
    3) I googled the calories in a particular food and stumbled upon the mfp site..read a few success stories....and joined.

    I swear, it was meant to be! Our last child had gone off to college, and we just turned things around overnight. He prepared his food. I prepared mine. He devised his own eating and exercise plan. I joined mfp and started doing Jillian Michael's 30 day shred. Gone were the gravies and casseroles...our fridge was now filled with fresh fruits, veggies, Greek yogurt and lean meat. He lost a lot of weight very quickly (of course!) but is still happy with the permanent changes we made, and can't believe we ever used to eat so unhealthily. My weight loss has been slow and steady....42 pounds since last February. Although I would still like to lose a few more, I feel so much healthier and have dropped 4 sizes in clothes. Thanks mfp!
  • Simmi37
    Simmi37 Posts: 5 Member
    I can pinpoint the moment exactly.

    I was out shopping for a top and found that my usual xl was too small and had to buy 2xl for for first time.:cry:

    I am now a large for the first time in many years and have even had to buy a few medium tee shirts
  • Kowee84
    Kowee84 Posts: 65 Member
    my moment was trying to find something nice to wear.. my wardrobe is full of clothes... and everything i looked at was too small .. or fitted too tightly.. then i looked in the mirror... i didnt think there was a huge change in my size, yes i was big but not that big... putting on my socks was and still is a drama... stupid tummy.. seeing veins around my knees after that.. now i cant even see my ankles.. they are too swallen... i beat this stage once before.. this time i wont let peoples negative comments be my excuse to stop.
    step 1. stop blaming others for what i put in my mouth
    step 2, stop worrying about who i can blame next and dont let my goals be based on whether other ppl stand by my side
    step 3, come back here when im down and know theres so many like me TRYING to beat their weight JUST LIKE ME :)
  • Brandonalex15
    Brandonalex15 Posts: 101 Member
    Bump need to read later
  • leannabseven
    leannabseven Posts: 395 Member
    Mine was more a series of moments that culminated into a fact I could no longer ignore.

    The moments:
    - I work in an RV Resort who caters to mostly older, retired individuals. They are an active group, and nearly all of them are 20+ years older than me. I noticed during social events that I didn't have the stamina as most of the people who are my parents generation.
    - I noticed that these same older people would all but cheer aloud when I did anything that remotely resembled a physical accomplishment.
    - I saw a photo of me sitting at a table and everyone was finished eating...but me.
    - I saw a photo of me from a distance and I was easily the biggest person in the room.
    - I visited my doctor for a routine check up...and blood work he'd been trying to get me to have done. Turns out I am pre diabetic and have a fatty liver. My health was finally starting to fail.
    - I realized I was the same age my brother was when he died from a massive heart attack directly related to his obesity.

    It's only been 2 weeks, but I feel good about the direction I'm headed now. I've lost weight before, but I don't think I really ever accepted the reality of what I'd done to myself. I get it now.

  • LishLash79
    LishLash79 Posts: 562 Member
    my oldest child got an ipod for her bday and had taken a picture of me with out me realising it.. I hated getting my picture taken.... when I saw the picture I was horrified.. and it was that moment I decided enough was enough ;)
  • BrittanySA
    My mother was going in the hospital for cancer surgery, and I was explaining to my young son what surgery was, using my appendectomy scar as an example. He said to me, "Your tummy is squishy, mommy." I laughed it off, but later hopped on a scale for the first time in years...just to see where I was...

    202 lbs. At 5'2!!

    I don't want my son to have the "fat mommy." Down to 167 now. Will keep going until I'm not the fat mommy anymore.
  • Pspellcst
    I had just turned 49 and was feeling my age...aches, pains, no energy. Went to the doctor and he suggested I take diet pills to help me lose weight which would ultimately improve all the problems I was having. He told me that ladies my age have a very difficult time losing weight. Ladies my age? Really? I was determined NOT to take any diet pills and I was also determined that I could lose weight even at my age. So I came home and got out my bike and hopped on it. Could only ride a few minutes due to being so out of shape, but I kept at it. Slowly over the next four months, I improved to a total of 45 minutes which is where I am at now. I also started counting calories and keeping up with what I eat on MFP. Was a real eye opener to see how many calories I had been eating, not even realizing at the time. Began eating 1200 calories per day, adding more veggies and fruit, and more protein. I have found that protein helps keep me from being hungry and keeps me feeling fuller longer. I do eat carbs but limit them as best I can. Have lost 34 lbs since mid August and still have a ways to go, but is amazing how much better I already feel and much more energy now. Women "my age" can and do lose weight. It's not easy at any age, but it is definitely worth it. BTW, I am loving riding my bike and recently bought me a new one. Hope by next spring to be a good bit lighter and faster and maybe will join a cycling group.
  • beltinches
    beltinches Posts: 38 Member
    A very good question! :)

    Four weeks ago in college and I looked at a picture of myself my friend took and just realised how much weight I'd put on and was frankly embarrassed of the photo. Then that day I walked home(2.5 miles) and haven't stopped walking everyday since. I ran for the first time in a year yesterday.