What was your "moment"?



  • greenhudler
    So happy to have been able to read all of the new "moment" stories! Thanks for sharing everyone :)
  • suzyfj8
    suzyfj8 Posts: 257 Member
    Coming back from the USA and weighing the heaviest ever and I knew I had to change :)
  • iLOVEbabySARA13

    When I saw this picture. I didn't want to turn my weight into a lifelong struggle...I just never realized how much of a fat little gremlin I actually was.
  • cubsgirlinny
    cubsgirlinny Posts: 282 Member
    * to comment later
  • VincitQuiSeVincit
    VincitQuiSeVincit Posts: 285 Member
    Over the years, I had a lot of "moments"...Ones that would get me to diet and workout for a few weeks or months but didn't lead to anything substantial.

    I lost 40 lbs 4 years ago and have kept it off, hovering around 200lbs and a size 14. Not in plus sizes any longer, I was complacent, but thought "good enough".
    This past February, I booked my trip to Coachella, and immediately hit the gym and began dieting again to look good in California. (Mind you, there was no amount of working out I couldve done that wouldve had a serious impact on my 200 lb body in 6 short weeks)
    And it hit me...Do I want this to be my life? Do I want to be complacent only to have a FREAK OUT every time there was something awesome on the horizon? Did I want to feel "too fat" for the beach, for music festivals, for life?
    I went to Coachella feeling good enough, but I haven't stopped since... My mentality and my motivation have shifted tremendously since February though...My focus isn't weight loss anymore, even though I have plenty to lose...My focus is health and strength.
  • chezjuan
    chezjuan Posts: 747 Member
    Xbox 360. Seriously. A coworker was selling their XBox360 with Kinect at a good price and I bought it. I got YourShape Fitness Evolved and started doing one of the programs (fit in 40 days or something like that). It got me in the habit of exercising, and I was introduced to MFP at around that time as well, which helped me with the "eat less" part of "eat less and exercise."
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    I haven't had a moment where I look at myself and say ''oh gee...I'm fat. I want to be small". I've never been small and I've always been fine with that. Even now, I prefer what I looked like when I was at least 40 pounds bigger than I am now due to the fact that my fat looked less ''flabby'' because I filled out my skin better. I'm only doing this because I'm trying to give away an organ and those durned doctors want you to be smaller for the sake of surgery.
  • ponycyndi
    ponycyndi Posts: 858 Member
    I haven't had a moment where I look at myself and say ''oh gee...I'm fat. I want to be small". I've never been small and I've always been fine with that. Even now, I prefer what I looked like when I was at least 40 pounds bigger than I am now due to the fact that my fat looked less ''flabby'' because I filled out my skin better. I'm only doing this because I'm trying to give away an organ and those durned doctors want you to be smaller for the sake of surgery.

    I've never been unhappy with my size, until after i had my third child, lost my job, and gained more than 10 lbs AFTER he was born. My pants didn't fit anymore, and I could no longer afford a second wardrobe within a year.
    So I got serious for the first time in my life. When I reached the same weight before I had kids that I realized that I had been in the "overweight" BMI category MY ENTIRE ADULT LIFE. Now I'm 5lbs under that, and pretty happy.
  • meganjcallaghan
    meganjcallaghan Posts: 949 Member
    I could no longer afford a second wardrobe within a year.

    My weight loss has been significant enough and in a short enough time that I've had to buy 2 new wardrobes in the last 6 months (I belted and took in what I could for as long as that would work until "new" clothes were a must....and the stuff I got that time is getting to that same point again now). Unfortunately even thrift shopping can be expensive when you need new EVERYthing. lol
  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    In the spring of 2012 I got engaged. Wanting to look good on my wedding day was a kick in the butt. I had been dating my now husband for a year. While I was overweight when we had met, I had put on a good 20 pounds during that year (he had gained 15 pounds at the same time). We were really good at encouraging each other to exercise from the very beginning (we travel the US running half marathons), but our bad food hapbits rubbed off on each other. We ate out a lot and indulged in desserts and other high fat foods.

    I lost close to 40 pounds between spring of 2012 and my wedding in May 2013. After the wedding I wasn't as strict with my calorie counting and the weight started to creep back on. It didn't help that we had put our house on the market and was under intense pressure to keep it spotless - cooking meant a lot more cleaning so we relied on eating out/ take out.

    By November of this year I had put on close to 15 pounds since the wedding. Then around Thanksgiving, I accidently skipped my BC pills 2 days in a row. That resulted in the worst bloat I have probably ever had - I looked like I was 4 months pregnant! Even though I knew it was bloat, it was still the motivation I needed to get back on track.
  • msdeb424
    msdeb424 Posts: 36 Member
    I guess I am the exception, because I never had a "moment". I was just trying yet again lol. I think I simply just tried the right way this time.

    I can relate to this! I'm trying again. :ohwell:
  • Kerantli
    I was at my mums one evening when I saw the reflection of myself in the doors window. I hated the way I looked (even though I know it was slightly distorted due to the type of glass).

    Not only that, but I have a pair of very baggy jeans and a Mickey Mouse t-shirt from when I was a smaller size that I love and want to get back into.
  • karak80
    karak80 Posts: 19
    I've had several "moments" but the one that really got me this time was just a couple months ago in November 2013. I have been overweight for as long as I can remember and have tried for years to get to a healthy place. I went to the doctor for a sinus infection and he ended up ordering some blood tests since I haven't had a decent check up in a while. The nurse who came in to draw the blood has known me for years and asked me "do you realize you've been on blood pressure medicine for 10 years now?" I was about to turn 33 (in December) and didn't realize I'd been on them that long. She proceeded to tell me things I knew already about how dangerous high BP is, especially at my age, and asked if I really wanted to be on meds the rest of my life. It was the kick in the pants I needed. I started watching my portions and lost 7 pounds in a month. I was slightly derailed by the holidays, but signed up for MFP for a way to keep track of my food, goals and get some support and stay motivated. I even convinced my fiance to sign up. He needs to lose some weight, too, so we made a pact to get healthy together :smile: .
  • Seros1992
    Seros1992 Posts: 34 Member
    I had a "come back to health" moment just last week.... my parents offered to fly me home while my husband is away (military). When I moved 6 months ago, I was 150lbs just after my wedding. Now I'm over 200lbs. I was ashamed of myself, the choices I've made, and then more ashamed of myself because I've been preaching self-love and self-acceptance to my customers when I didn't even love myself enough to go home and spend much needed time with family and friends.... I have until the 11th of February to get myself on track before I go home. I will no longer stand in my own damn way!
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    My Buddy scored tickets for a Patriots game. It was in the 400's section which is in the top top top of the stadium. You didnt take stairs but rather walked up ramps. Getting to our seats almost killed me and we missed kick-off. That was the day I would no longer be limited by my lack of fitness. I've since gotten in shape and in fact I've run a 10k that ended by running out through the giant inflatable Patriots helmet and finished at the 50 yard line. Before you get to the end you have to run those ramps and I RAN THEM LIKE A BOSS!!! Take that fat Al.
  • st1992uk
    st1992uk Posts: 2 Member
    Seeing this:


    My main reason for weight gain was KFC, and loads of it! After seeing this I cut out all the fast food and the rest followed from there...

    I have since gone back to it :( but I am now back on track!
  • erbell3
    erbell3 Posts: 22 Member
    The dr. told me it was most likely my obiesity that caused me to lose the baby.

    This seems unnecessarily harsh, there were probably a variety of factors involved in your miscarriage, from what I've read being over weight does increase chance of miscarriage, however the link between obesity and miscarriage is very complicated. I'm so sorry for your loss. Is there a miscarriage/infertility support group where you live by any chance? Having some support might help with the grieving process as well as getting healthier.
  • dmt4641
    dmt4641 Posts: 409 Member
    I took a trip to Brazil and wore a "Brazilian" bikini. After seeing pictures of myself, I signed up for a gym and had a personal trainer for 5 months and lost weight. Then I moved, had to sell and buy a house and other things and got off track so I am back to where I started!!
  • Tamijennelle
    Tamijennelle Posts: 36 Member
    My moment was this past New Years Eve. I recently started a relationship with a wonderful Indian man, who isn't overweight, but accepts me as I am. We went out to some Philly nightclubs and even though I looked pretty swell, I kept parked at the bar as other couples danced together, feeling to fat to dance in front of people. Now, awesome him, he stood by my side the whole time, but I know he wanted to get it in on the dancefloor with me. I felt boring and imprisoned. That's when I knew, I am totally unhappy, and need to fix this NOW.
    I joined this site a while back...but life happened and I once again, put my health on the backburner.
    Things are totally getting better now and I think this is finally going to be it.

    Its amazing how something as simple as a new career and a new relationship can motivate the hell out of you.
  • dls116
    dls116 Posts: 5 Member
    I've known for 4 1/2 years that I need to lose weight, but my "moment" came a few weeks ago when I was too fat for my "post baby fat clothes" that I bought after I had my second baby in February of last year. I felt so defeated. I knew something had to change. We are renewing our vows in Disney in a couple of years with our 2 kids and I am determined to look amazing!