Can you guess me weight?



  • ljdborton
    ljdborton Posts: 51 Member
    Yes.... more love, less hate...we all need this! keep on keeping on lil lady :)
    Guyssss.. where is all this hate coming from? fishing for compliments or not this is supposed to be a friendly, supportive environment. Not a "slate me" page. Maybe she needs somebody to tell her ow a stranger sees her. i mean it is difficult to look at yourself through somebody elses eyes, so maybe she is just trying to get some perspective on her body and appearance. and even if she is fishing for a compliment or two, there is nothing wrong with it. it is nice to hear from people that you look good. so give it to her. i mean she had the balls to post a picture of herself in a public forum. that takes some courage.
    and what is the difference why she came on here? 2 pounds gain or 20 pounds?! i see he logic. it is easier to "catch it" early and deal with extra 2 pounds then 20!

    my point is:


  • Seriously why does it even matter ? I'm not going to hate on you for putting this thread up but seriously no one goes around with a number on their head reflecting their weight so why does what other people think you weigh important , it's extremely hard to guess anyone's weight because there's so many factors that go into it
    Having a personal goal for a weight you'd like to weigh is a personal choice so if that makes you happy so be it but seriously body composition is the best judgement of how someone looks

    And why does Asians have a harder time gaining muscle ? Sorry not being smart but I've seen some pretty ripped Asians, just curious where that comes from ?

    Actually as an Asian we hate how most Western people want to gain muscle. As girls, we're supposed to look as feminine as possible. Like having 'toned' legs would be ok if they look like ya know cross country girls' legs, but it is NOT acceptable for Asian women to have extra muscle in their calves or arms at all!

    Almost all women in South Korea are already as thin as this or want to be:
    It's just the way culture is in the East...btw these are pics of SNSD/Girls' Generation they're awesome and got Video of the Year at the Youtube Music Awards!


  • SuperCrsa
    SuperCrsa Posts: 790 Member
    I think you look great already! :flowerforyou: Beautiful.

    But I agree with previous poster, I think you could try adding some weight training in :wink:

    Edit to add whoops didnt see your post about not gaining muscles. Still think you should though..
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    Two key points here-

    You are Asian, and in that culture, it is expected to be very thin. Much smaller than is acceptable in the US and some other countries.

    And You are still in High School, where girls are fixated on the number on the scale and the size of their jeans.

    High School will soon be over for you and you will be on to College and focusing on much more important issues, like your future. Just don't tell anyone what you weigh, and don't get sucked into conversations about it. Don't ask people what they think you weigh, because people will probably say a higher number than you are, because not too many 18 yr olds weigh only 111 lbs at 5'5".
    They aren't used to girls weighing that little. You don't have a lot of muscle mass, so you won't carry extra weight like some other people do.
    You look perfectly fine at the weight you are now. Focus on healthy eating and exercise habits and forget about the number on the scale.

    As for the culture issue- not a whole lot you can do, other than realize that the difference is there. If pressure is coming from your family, and you feel it is hurting your self esteem, then tell them so and ask them to please not make it an issue. If they persist, then learn to just tune them out, or seek help from your school counselor on how to deal with your self esteem issues.

    You are a beautiful, healthy young lady and you are so much more than the number on the scale. Seriously- 5 years from now it won't make a bit of difference. You will be focused on graduating college and starting your career, or starting a family.
    High School pettiness will be long gone.
  • DebbieLyn63
    DebbieLyn63 Posts: 2,654 Member
    Are you living in South Korea now, or are you in the US?
  • JenMc14
    JenMc14 Posts: 2,389 Member
    You look fine, but I get wanting to keep going thinner. Really, what you want to do it lose body fat, not necessarily weight. Eat at a modest deficit and lift weights. I know the fear of muscles is there, but you won't suddenly have them, trust me. I'd highly recommend you check at Cassey Ho at She has some good workouts, and I'm pretty sure she's blogged about the pressures of being an Asian female.
  • Mama_Jag
    Mama_Jag Posts: 474 Member
    Fishing for compliments?


    Yes, definitely fishing......

    How could you make that judgment when you don't even know who I am? I have struggled all my life with low self esteem! And I'm trying soo so hard right now to turn my life back around this year as a senior in high school. I asked this question because I'm confused why most people think I weigh more than i actually am.
    I guess I'm taking this too seriously because I'm a silly little 18 year old in high school who should probably be studying instead.
    I'm sorry if I offended you.

    Struggles with low self esteem... so naturally, underwear pic online. :huh:
  • ikearch
    ikearch Posts: 32 Member
    without a side angle I'd guess no more than 125 with a BMI of 14-15%. Keep in mind that actual BMI (calipers) is always going to be different from a chart.

  • No I want assurance that I actually look the amount that I weigh.
    Seriously why can't I ask a question that tons of people on mfp have asked before?

    Actually, that's a fair point. Why is it fishing for a slim person to ask that question when it isn't for someone who is actually overweight? We all have our body issues, noone walks around feeling 100% perfect all the time (or if they do I don't wanna know them - weirdos!) and we all need reassurance sometimes.

    OP - I'm the same height as you, and am 142. I looked bigger than you when I was 135 so I'm going for around 120-125. You don't need to lose weight, you even NEED to gain muscle - you look stunning. But, if you are unhappy with your tiny amount of belly fat (women naturally have that, and I personally think it's actually kinda cute) then you may want to consider weight lifting rather than drastic calorie cutting and cardio style routines which will just make you skinnier all over which will possibly look a little extreme on you.

    I agree with this..don't worry what the scales say...strangely everyone thinks I weigh less than I am but that's just because I have a relatively low BF% - You have a very nice figure and I'd say you where around 125 but I hate guessing weights..
  • uconnwinsnc
    uconnwinsnc Posts: 1,054 Member
    Your weight is exactly what it is. Your health is indeterminable. Exercise, eat well, do some weight training, and then stop worrying about what other people think you weigh.
  • CharleePear
    CharleePear Posts: 1,948 Member
    You are beautiful honey. But I want to say I know a lot of Asians and most don't look like those photos, don't compare yourself to photoshopped media, don't compare yourself at all! Your worth is not on a scale.

    If you are wondering why a lot of hate from girls? There are many of us, me included, that been trying really hard to even look half as good as you in a bikini. There are many who have hidden eating disorders and body issues. I have to admit I got upset when I saw your post. I will never look that good due to the way my body is, even as a child I carried a weird amount of fat around my stomach. So please understand that your post can actually hurt people's feelings. I know you don't mean it that way. Also many people might guess high because they are not Asian with light bone structure and muscle mass, nothing more.
  • Two key points here-

    You are Asian, and in that culture, it is expected to be very thin. Much smaller than is acceptable in the US and some other countries.

    And You are still in High School, where girls are fixated on the number on the scale and the size of their jeans.

    High School will soon be over for you and you will be on to College and focusing on much more important issues, like your future. Just don't tell anyone what you weigh, and don't get sucked into conversations about it. Don't ask people what they think you weigh, because people will probably say a higher number than you are, because not too many 18 yr olds weigh only 111 lbs at 5'5".
    They aren't used to girls weighing that little. You don't have a lot of muscle mass, so you won't carry extra weight like some other people do.
    You look perfectly fine at the weight you are now. Focus on healthy eating and exercise habits and forget about the number on the scale.

    As for the culture issue- not a whole lot you can do, other than realize that the difference is there. If pressure is coming from your family, and you feel it is hurting your self esteem, then tell them so and ask them to please not make it an issue. If they persist, then learn to just tune them out, or seek help from your school counselor on how to deal with your self esteem issues.

    You are a beautiful, healthy young lady and you are so much more than the number on the scale. Seriously- 5 years from now it won't make a bit of difference. You will be focused on graduating college and starting your career, or starting a family.
    High School pettiness will be long gone.

    Aw you're soo nice! No I'm living in America right now and go to a high school where almost all the girls are pretty thin...I cannot wait to get out and go to college! (HS class of 2014!) I really hope not to gain weight in college though...
    Yes it is a lot of pressure to stay thin but I'll try to do get fit as healthy as possible... I feel bad for those who will bash on me because I have never weighed more than 115 in my life so thank you for your advice :)
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    You came on here because you gained 2 pounds? :yawn:


    How is that funny? In asian culture there is often extreme pressure for women to remain very thin due to the somewhat misguided belief that genetically it is more difficult for asian people to be overweight. You shouldnt mock someone because there bar is set at a different height than your own #justsaying

    Id say you weigh around 100lbs, youre tiny.

    For the simple reason that she has a perfect body, many of us would be jealous about and then wasting her precious time and energy in trying to loose even more, most likely heading towards underweight. And remarks like the stomach a bit pudgy because she just had breakfast? Which stomach? It's falling in! Sure everyone has to decide for themselves how much they want to weigh (which is the least important issue in her case if you ask me), but people who want to loose weigh up till underweight don't get my support! With that I am not hateful, but honest and give MY opinion.

    Im not trying to be a d!ck, but would you laugh at someone with body dysmorphic disorder? Im not trying to be sensationalist, just making a point. No matter how we view people, they still have their own issues and insecurities. Telling someone that they arent allowed to have those because theyre more 'perfect' than you is unfair.
  • You look fine, but I get wanting to keep going thinner. Really, what you want to do it lose body fat, not necessarily weight. Eat at a modest deficit and lift weights. I know the fear of muscles is there, but you won't suddenly have them, trust me. I'd highly recommend you check at Cassey Ho at She has some good workouts, and I'm pretty sure she's blogged about the pressures of being an Asian female.

    Yes yes I love Cassey Ho she's an amazing inspiration for many out there! I love her videos :)
  • Oh, I thought this was a pirate thread.
  • You are beautiful honey. But I want to say I know a lot of Asians and most don't look like those photos, don't compare yourself to photoshopped media, don't compare yourself at all! Your worth is not on a scale.

    If you are wondering why a lot of hate from girls? There are many of us, me included, that been trying really hard to even look half as good as you in a bikini. There are many who have hidden eating disorders and body issues. I have to admit I got upset when I saw your post. I will never look that good due to the way my body is, even as a child I carried a weird amount of fat around my stomach. So please understand that your post can actually hurt people's feelings. I know you don't mean it that way. Also many people might guess high because they are not Asian with light bone structure and muscle mass, nothing more.

    Thank you for understanding! I actually avoid beaches like a plague and never owned a bikini haha. It is photoshopped but unfortunately I'm part of that huge crowd of Asians trying to achieve a nearly impossible ideal.
    As for you I'm just glad that there are SO many people who are actually going out there and trying to change their lifestyles and be healthy like you. I have always found it sad that some people just refuse to change their lifestyles and end up having to deal with real issues like high cholesterol and diabetes. I think it's awesome that every one of you on here has taken that big bold first step to a better stronger lifestyle.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    why do you care what number on a scale you are?

    the question you should be asking is "do I look great"? - if you look great then who cares what you weigh. It's not like it's written on your forehead and it's not like most people go around in public sizing people up and trying to guess their weight.

    I don't think you need to lose any more weight. You're already thin. If you want to firm up your body, you need weights and probably a calorie surplus, ,maybe gaining 5-10lb of lean mass, to do that. If you like how you look now (i.e. you don't want to firm up your body), then no need to change anything. Ultimately, it's about YOU and what YOU are happy with. But I don't think losing more weight will make you look better than you do now.

    btw your tummy doesn't look remotely pudgy.... I think you're exaggerating how big it seems in your mind, or possibly it's just because you see your own tummy from the worst possible angle so it looks bigger to you than it does to everyone else.

    TL;DR - you look great already, don't obsess about a number on the scale, you don't need to lose more weight, if you want a more "toned"/firm look then lift weights but if you don't then don't.
  • simsburyjet
    simsburyjet Posts: 999 Member
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member

    when the zombies come there will be no asians left because all the women will die because their legs will be to weak to run away:noway:

    Wow, body shame much?
  • lucan07
    lucan07 Posts: 509
    At 5'5" I would say around 50kg with a BMI of 19 and you do not look like you need to lose weight at all!
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