Just started KETO diet

Just started the keto diet. Lost a ton of weight a couple of years ago (100+ lbs) and gained about 40lbs back. Need to start something that shows me immediate results. I eat too many carbs anyway, so I am trying Keto. I have seen it work for a couple of my friends. I am on day #3 of 20g or less carbs. Added in a multi vitamin. Trying to keep my ratios at 65 fat/30 protein/5 carb. It is alot harder than you would think to eat all that fat. Any Keto beginners out there? Or Keto vets to give advice, feel free! Thanks!


  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,022 Member
    Not very sustainable for about 95% of the population.........quick start means pretty much nothing in the big picture. Good luck.
  • brett1117
    increase your carbs to less than 50/day. The diet works BUT you can't sustains it for long period of time! Healthy lifestyle I.E portion control, exercise, and staying away from fast food is the way to go!! I'm not over weight but I tried the Palio diet last year from 2 mths and lost 24lbs.
  • ajaxe432
    ajaxe432 Posts: 608 Member
    Just started the keto diet. Lost a ton of weight a couple of years ago (100+ lbs) and gained about 40lbs back. Need to start something that shows me immediate results. I eat too many carbs anyway, so I am trying Keto. I have seen it work for a couple of my friends. I am on day #3 of 20g or less carbs. Added in a multi vitamin. Trying to keep my ratios at 65 fat/30 protein/5 carb. It is alot harder than you would think to eat all that fat. Any Keto beginners out there? Or Keto vets to give advice, feel free! Thanks!
    Focus on big picture....instant gratification is toppled by long term success. NO IMMEDIATE results as they are not the most healthy ways to lose weight anyways!
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Not sure why everyone thinks keto isn't sustainable long term. That being said, while quick results are psychologically encouraging, they're not always the best teacher of long term eating habits. I'm not a keto beginner but I keep my ratios at 75F/15P/5C
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    Not sure why everyone thinks keto isn't sustainable long term. That being said, while quick results are psychologically encouraging, they're not always the best teacher of long term eating habits. I'm not a keto beginner but I keep my ratios at 75F/15P/5C

    Agree here. Keto is sustainable long term and it is also possible to switch back to a "normal" diet if desired it just has to be done slowly and correctly.

    Best piece of advice I recieved: Don't worry about calories in the first two weeks. Get used to not having carbs first then worry about counting calories. Track what you eat but only eat when you are hungry and see where that gets you first.
  • SupermanRitz
    Have you considered intermittent fasting?
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    Not sure why everyone thinks keto isn't sustainable long term. That being said, while quick results are psychologically encouraging, they're not always the best teacher of long term eating habits. I'm not a keto beginner but I keep my ratios at 75F/15P/5C

    Agree here. Keto is sustainable long term and it is also possible to switch back to a "normal" diet if desired it just has to be done slowly and correctly.

    Best piece of advice I recieved: Don't worry about calories in the first two weeks. Get used to not having carbs first then worry about counting calories. Track what you eat but only eat when you are hungry and see where that gets you first.

    Agreed. I am restarted Keto today. I am strictly reducing carbs due to holiday eating and such. It is much easier to maintain my self control this way.

    I will resume my regular Paleo way of eating (not restricting carbs) after all the holidays are over.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    Bullfrickincrap it's not sustainable. I've been on it for over two years, and know people who've been successful on it for over ten. It just takes a little bit of willpower and a lifestyle shift. Don't be a candy-butt pansy who lives for the thrill of sugar highs and feeling guilty for "cheating" (teehee!) and you'll be fine.

    OP: Gimme a friend request and Carnivor0us and I will answer any questions you have. Beware because the MFP general forums are pretty hostile to anyone living low-carb or ketogenic, but we have some nice places like http://www.reddit.com/r/theketodiet and http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/1511-reddit-keto and http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/1160-keto to share info, make some friends and make it easier on you to stick to it.
  • lcyfrn
    lcyfrn Posts: 121 Member
    I'm looking at giving keto a try, have been trying to read up on it to make sure I'm getting it right but I have set my values as

    Fat- 75%
    Protein- 25%
    Carbs- 5%

    I'm a bit dubious about whether I'll be able to stick to the carbs at 5% as I'm a carb junkie, but I was looking through when I used to log before and I relied heavily on carbs and in addition I would crave them even more I think! Buuuuut, I absolutely love meat so hoping that being able to eat lots of it will make it enjoyable. I was also told that things like cheese and cream are very acceptable on keto so that will be LOVELY.

    Anyway, sorry for kind of changing the subject-ish, good luck and I'm happy to support you as I know I'll need support from others aswel! xx
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    I'm looking at giving keto a try, have been trying to read up on it to make sure I'm getting it right but I have set my values as

    Fat- 75%
    Protein- 25%
    Carbs- 5%

    I'm a bit dubious about whether I'll be able to stick to the carbs at 5% as I'm a carb junkie, but I was looking through when I used to log before and I relied heavily on carbs and in addition I would crave them even more I think! Buuuuut, I absolutely love meat so hoping that being able to eat lots of it will make it enjoyable. I was also told that things like cheese and cream are very acceptable on keto so that will be LOVELY.

    Anyway, sorry for kind of changing the subject-ish, good luck and I'm happy to support you as I know I'll need support from others aswel! xx

    Just stick with it for two weeks. You will feel like crud because of carb withdrawal for the first few days to a week. Drinking a ton of water and broth, and making sure you get your electrolytes in will help a lot. Don't give up because you feel icky though, after you come through it, you will feel much better and the cravings will be so much lower. They will go away almost completely over time.
  • GingerLolita
    GingerLolita Posts: 738 Member
    I think people are saying it's unsustainable because you've done this before and gained most of it back. Using MFP to maintain after could make this time different. It's usually not a good idea to make changes to your diet if you don't plan on making it permanent because then you will have to come up with a new lifestyle diet plan to maintain and you don't want to fall into old bad habits.
  • kenzietate
    kenzietate Posts: 399 Member
    I think people are saying it's unsustainable because you've done this before and gained most of it back. Using MFP to maintain after could make this time different. It's usually not a good idea to make changes to your diet if you don't plan on making it permanent because then you will have to come up with a new lifestyle diet plan to maintain and you don't want to fall into old bad habits.

    The way he wrote it is that this is his first time trying low carb. He lost the weight using other methods before and gained some back. So if that is true then the comments still don't make sense because any "diet" is unsustainable if you don't change for the rest of your life in certain ways.
  • lcyfrn
    lcyfrn Posts: 121 Member
    Just started the keto diet. Lost a ton of weight a couple of years ago (100+ lbs) and gained about 40lbs back. Need to start something that shows me immediate results. I eat too many carbs anyway, so I am trying Keto. I have seen it work for a couple of my friends. I am on day #3 of 20g or less carbs. Added in a multi vitamin. Trying to keep my ratios at 65 fat/30 protein/5 carb. It is alot harder than you would think to eat all that fat. Any Keto beginners out there? Or Keto vets to give advice, feel free! Thanks!

    I think that with any eating plan, if you want to maintain the results then you need to maintain the plan. If you lose all the weight you want to lose with keto and then suddenly start eating lots of carbs again, your results will not be sustainable.

    I don't think there is such thing as a quick fix that lasts forever. instead of looking for a quick fix, find an eating plan that suits you and that you believe you will be able to upkeep.

    Good luck xx
  • JoJo__Fit
    JoJo__Fit Posts: 258 Member
    I did it for 7 weeks, lost 8 lbs :) The first 2 weeks were hard however it got easier. But I missed my carbs :) Good luck!!
  • MaryJane_8810002
    MaryJane_8810002 Posts: 2,082 Member
    I have some advice:

  • Some_Watery_Tart
    Some_Watery_Tart Posts: 2,250 Member
    Oh boy. Hope it works out for you better than for me. I attempted to do it just to get my mom to quit nagging me about it. It made me seriously ill, and it took a while to recover. Won't ever try that stuff again.

    I would caution you to listen to your body while you're doing this. If it's telling you "no", don't assume it's just a phase that you have to push through. It's telling you "no" for a reason.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    I have some advice:


  • thmgoodw
    Ignore the naysayers.

    I just posted my before and after pics of losing 45 pounds over the course of the last 16-17 weeks in the success stories forum.

    About 80% of the period has been pure keto (typically around 55-60% fat, 45% protein, and 5-10% carbs, and the other 20% a bit higher carb (~20%). I am trying to maintain/increase my LBM while losing the fat, hence my protein levels.
  • neanderthin
    neanderthin Posts: 10,022 Member
    Ignore the naysayers.

    I just posted my before and after pics of losing 45 pounds over the course of the last 16-17 weeks in the success stories forum.

    About 80% of the period has been pure keto (typically around 55-60% fat, 45% protein, and 5-10% carbs, and the other 20% a bit higher carb (~20%). I am trying to maintain/increase my LBM while losing the fat, hence my protein levels.
    All diets work if you maintain a deficit. I'm not against this diet, I just mentioned that it's mostly unsustainable for the vast majority of people over a lifetime. Losing weight is the easy part.
  • allisoncook87
    allisoncook87 Posts: 160 Member
    Just started the keto diet. Lost a ton of weight a couple of years ago (100+ lbs) and gained about 40lbs back. Need to start something that shows me immediate results. I eat too many carbs anyway, so I am trying Keto. I have seen it work for a couple of my friends. I am on day #3 of 20g or less carbs. Added in a multi vitamin. Trying to keep my ratios at 65 fat/30 protein/5 carb. It is alot harder than you would think to eat all that fat. Any Keto beginners out there? Or Keto vets to give advice, feel free! Thanks!

    I generally eat low carb but I do 20%/40%40% which is a lot easier and still gets you results.... Haven't heard of the Keto but it sounds hard!