Doing everything right - my skin looks like cr*p!



  • allisonrinkel
    allisonrinkel Posts: 224 Member
    It may just be the skin working all the crap out of itself. It may also be hormonal. It may also be weather related. It may also be the products you use. There are so many different reasons this might be happening.
    I would be careful using a lot of antibacterial products on your face as they may be drying your skin out and your body is over producing oil to compensate.
    Make sure you're not over exfoliating, as this will cause flare up too.
    Have you ever tried a cleansing oil? Sounds counter productive, but it's a great product for taking off makeup and dirt. I have used the one from MAC, and I like it a lot. Washes off easily and keeps skin from becoming dehydrated.
    Hope you get it sorted out :D
  • lulabellarama
    lulabellarama Posts: 96 Member
    Thanks again.

    I'm not eating anything very different, just smaller portions and a greater proportion of nutritionally good stuff. I try to limit wheat as it makes me bloated.
  • allisonrinkel
    allisonrinkel Posts: 224 Member
    Try washing with an antibacterial wash BEFORE you work out. Doing it after is kind of like closing the barn door once the horse has bolted. :smile:
    I disagree. Sort of.
    Yes, a clean face before a workout is a good idea, but not with anything antibacterial. Save that for after the workout. Washing your face too much will dry it out and can make your skin worse.
    I would clean your face first with a gentle cleansing cloth, and then a more thorough clean after the workout. Again, try gentle products and don't scrub too hard :D
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Look into the possibility of it being perioral dermatitis. I had this for months last year until I finally went to a dermatologist. He said, it has nothing to do with my food and he was right. Though certain foods made it worse, they were not the cause. Because I have sensitive and relatively dry skin, I was using richer creams. The dryer my skin got, the more cream I used, My skin was out of whack and reacted with exzema and pickles, itching and dry spots around nose and mouth. It then spread to my eyes. I had had this a few times over the past 10-20yrs, but I never realized what it was.

    Cure: I went off of all creams cold turkey. Looked horrid for a couple of weeks and than a nicer and healthier skin appeared!. I now only use very light, almost fat free creams (if at all) or mineral water sprays. My facial skin now regulates itself and doesn't feel dry and itchy anymore. I'm saving alot of money too, because I don't use all those expensive products anymore ;-)
  • megsmom2
    megsmom2 Posts: 2,362 Member
    I also would guess you need some more good fats. I've been pleasantly surprised that my skin looks better than ever before. (although I have also added a good moisturizer to my routine, and Im sure that's involved too....)
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    Is it possible that you have an allergy? These can appear suddenly. I was suddenly allergic to shell fish, certain types of nuts and strawberries to name a few things. I break out with red bumps and splotches around my mouth and chin. I now know it and apply a cortision cream which helps.