Military is now trying to give dress codes for civilians!

meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
If you live on or near a military post you might have to watch what your wear regardless of your military status. This kind of poster will be posted around the post and is enforced. Is this going to far? What is YOUR opinion....



  • myou523
    myou523 Posts: 126
    I could be wrong, but what I'm getting from that poster is that they mean people who are on the base (i.e. Off-Duty Military, military families). I'm not seeing where they're trying to control what civilians who are off base wear...
  • meeper123
    meeper123 Posts: 3,347 Member
    its all on post/base yes not off anyone that is on them must not break the dress code.

    Question is do they have the right to tell the people who visit there what they can and can not wear.
  • RosaliaBee
    RosaliaBee Posts: 146 Member
    On a military post, I guess they have the right to enforce dress codes as they own the property and it's under their control. In the UK for example military homes can only have certain paint inside, the gardens have to be maintained to strict standards, the military police are in control of the area, the roads, and any offences that occur therein.

    'Near' a military post isn't 'on' a military post, i don't see how they'd have any right to enforce dress codes outside of land under their jurisdiction.
  • RosaliaBee
    RosaliaBee Posts: 146 Member
    its all on post/base yes not off anyone that is on them must not break the dress code.

    Question is do they have the right to tell the people who visit there what they can and can not wear.

    OK understood. Yes they probably do have every legal right to enforce dress codes on the base - whether you're a civilian or a member of the military.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    On base they definitely have the right and should be enforced. Just the same as a restaurant saying you must wear a tie, a jacket, or some other requirement.
  • FatHuMan1
    FatHuMan1 Posts: 1,028 Member
    Certain clubs and restaurants have long enforced a dress code for their clientele. Why shouldn't the military be able to do the same on their property?
  • SmangeDiggs
    SmangeDiggs Posts: 238 Member
    My experience has been once you are on a military base you are then governed by military law enlisted, civilian or otherwise.
    Frankly i'm envious If i could impose most of those standards on the general public it would save a lot wishful eye gouging.
  • Fletchw8
    Fletchw8 Posts: 2 Member
    As a 20 year vet I never did appreciate the archaic dress and grooming standards, however they do have the right to impose these codes on base.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Well, there are some stores I have seen that have signs indicating they do not allow certain types of clothing/hats as well. If a convenience store can enforce it then, yes, the military can absolutely enforce this one base. It's not any different than say a school dress code, right?
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    No issue. If you are on the base, you play by their rules.
  • soldiergrl_101
    soldiergrl_101 Posts: 2,205 Member
    (I am military) That is the requirement if you are on base, its annoying but its there base they can enforce what they want. They see it as professionalism.
  • quicklabs
    quicklabs Posts: 254 Member
    This is on post! This has always existed on military bases, at least since I've been in (since 1980, now retired). I think it's perfectly acceptable.
  • icyeyes317
    icyeyes317 Posts: 226 Member
    Any establishment has the right to have a dress code.

    If you are in the military, you have rules to follow, both on and off duty. Dress code is part of it. Members of the Navy, for instance, are not allowed to wear white undershirt-type t-shirts in public, unless it is as an actual undershirt. (think a Hanes 3-pack).

    If you are not in the military, and are visiting a military installation, you have to follow their rules. You are a guest of the military member, and if you act/dress/etc inappropriately, not only do you get asked to leave, the military member can/will get in trouble (depending on the offence).

    Each base has it's own set of guidelines, what they want, what they will allow. My base, when I was active duty, for instance...we could go up to 500 miles away before needing to be on leave. My husband's's only 150 miles.

    We sign a contract and know what we are getting into. Civilian members visiting an installation may not. But, like any other place, if you don't like it, you don't have to go there.
  • nohaynicknamesdisponibles
    They have the right to do this and this is true for all Army Installations and Service Members and is based in Army Regulation 670-1, effective by 2nd of March 2005 and RARd in 2012:; in USAG-HI they are doing the same, just to mention an example: STANDARDS OF DRESS.PDF

    Even if you are living outside of Army Installations they can enforce this dress code if you are a Service Member.
  • SyntonicGarden
    SyntonicGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I work in corporate America and know that I can't show up to my workplace, "off duty" in booty shorts, a crop top, or with my underpants creeping out over the top. A base is a workplace, first and foremost. It's also a gated community, in a manner of speaking.

    If you are a civilian and can either live or shop on-base, it's probably because your spouse's salary comes from the military and so you have access to amenities or privileges that other civilians don't have. As the wife of a veteran, the way I see it is if you want those rights, you have to play by their rules.
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    All I have to say is.. About time.
    That's all.

    -exits over to the left-
  • CharityGC
    CharityGC Posts: 499 Member
    I've seen those posters for years on bases that we've lived or visited. Doesn't bother me but I'm also not one to leave my house in booty shorts or PJs.
  • metaphoria
    metaphoria Posts: 1,432 Member
    It doesn't say anything about civilians. Off duty refers to personnel who are on a day off. If they want everyone to follow it, they need to reword it better.

    Also, could they hang a few of them up in walmarts? Kthxbye
  • MyOwnSunshine
    MyOwnSunshine Posts: 1,312 Member
    Of course they have a right to enforce a dress code on their property.

    All of those examples on the poster were frankly disrespectful to wear in/around a place of business. There is absolutely no way I would show up at my workplace or at my spouse's workplace wearing any of those things (except maybe the PT t-shirt).

    Why would military spouses or family members want to wander around base in their pajamas, underwear or inappropriately skanky shorts/dresses, especially in front of their spouse's co-workers and commanders? How disrespectful to their spouse!
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    It says off duty, not civilians. It references a base, not across the country. The thread title was very misleading.