Why gluten-free?



  • ecw3780
    ecw3780 Posts: 608 Member
    I think most people have some level of sensitivity.

    This sort of horrific misconception is why gluten-free is so popular.

    and then they go eat a box of gluten free oreos because they think they are healthier and then wonder why the gain weight.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    I think most people have some level of sensitivity.

    This sort of horrific misconception is why gluten-free is so popular.

    and then they go eat a box of gluten free oreos because they think they are healthier and then wonder why the gain weight.

    no reason to bad mouth delicious newmann's own wheat free bootleg oreo's :mad:
  • bubbles1212
    bubbles1212 Posts: 206 Member
    It is "trendy" and will make them lose weight....

    I have to tell you, I WISH I COULD EAT GLUTEN!!!!! I decided to eat a little on Thanksgiving and my whole body got swollen, I got a rash, headache and stomach troubles. I am still suffering these effects and it is Sunday. I wish people would stop treating it like a joke. Not only do I miss the awesome food (GF doesn't taste the same) but it is more expensive and you have to be careful and read every label. Please people, please stop making this trendy!!!

    Rant over :smile:
  • mkmfrog
    mkmfrog Posts: 49 Member
    If you can eat it and it doesn't bother you, EAT IT. When I eat it, I look pregnant, feel lethargic, and clog toilets. I gave it up before it was super trendy, but my instinct is that this is an issue for a lot of people, since everyone I know who's given it up for the sake of the trend tends to feel better. This could merely be because giving up an ingredient that is in pretty much everything that's packaged FORCES you to have a really clean, unprocessed diet, or just to have better general awareness of what's going into your body, which will obviously make you feel better than your diet of easy-mac. But then again, I'm not one who tries to substitute (in my opinion, gluten free breads usually taste like gravel). If you do substitute with g free alternatives, they tend to be higher in calories and crap than the regular kind, and that's certainly not a path to health.

    Agree with this. When I ate alot of processed foods and gluten, I felt bloated, tired and depressed about how I looked and felt inside and out. I stopped eating all processed foods and began cooking my own food back in August. I feel totally 180 degrees better and have tons of energy! The fat is burning off and the muscles are started to tone.

    I also don't buy gluten-free food either. (Except I do use 123Gluten-Free pancake mix as an ingredient in my protein pancakes..I don' t make the recipe as stated on the box.)

    It's a choice. There is no medical reason for my choice. My nutrition plan does not include packaged, processed, gluten-filled foods. And I don't miss it.
  • nathank887
    Wow, a lot of people here making untrue assumptions. How about this study: "Gluten causes gastrointestinal symptoms in subjects without celiac disease: a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled trial"

    "A double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled rechallenge trial was undertaken in patients with irritable bowel syndrome in whom celiac disease was excluded and who were symptomatically controlled on a gluten-free diet. Participants received either gluten or placebo in the form of two bread slices plus one muffin per day with a gluten-free diet for up to 6 weeks. Symptoms were evaluated using a visual analog scale and markers of intestinal inflammation, injury, and immune activation were monitored."

    Link: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21224837
  • nathank887
    Also, according to a Wall Street Journal article:

    "For the first time, we have scientific evidence that indeed, gluten sensitivity not only exists, but is very different from celiac disease," says lead author Alessio Fasano, medical director of the University of Maryland's Center for Celiac Research.

    The news will be welcome to people who have suspected a broad range of ailments may be linked to their gluten intake, but have failed to find doctors who agree.

    Patients have been told if it wasn't celiac disease, it wasn't anything. It was all in their heads," says Cynthia Kupper, executive director of the nonprofit Gluten Intolerance Group of North America."

    Link: http://online.wsj.com/news/articles/SB10001424052748704893604576200393522456636
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    It is "trendy" and will make them lose weight....

    I have to tell you, I WISH I COULD EAT GLUTEN!!!!! I decided to eat a little on Thanksgiving and my whole body got swollen, I got a rash, headache and stomach troubles. I am still suffering these effects and it is Sunday. I wish people would stop treating it like a joke. Not only do I miss the awesome food (GF doesn't taste the same) but it is more expensive and you have to be careful and read every label. Please people, please stop making this trendy!!!

    Rant over :smile:

    Umm, your listening to too many people on MFP saying it is the trendy thing to do.

    Just as someone else posted, there are many people that have issues with gluten, just because it isn't Celiac disease doesn't mean there isn't an intolerance.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    It is "trendy" and will make them lose weight....

    I have to tell you, I WISH I COULD EAT GLUTEN!!!!! I decided to eat a little on Thanksgiving and my whole body got swollen, I got a rash, headache and stomach troubles. I am still suffering these effects and it is Sunday. I wish people would stop treating it like a joke. Not only do I miss the awesome food (GF doesn't taste the same) but it is more expensive and you have to be careful and read every label. Please people, please stop making this trendy!!!

    Rant over :smile:

    You decided to eat food you're allergic to on Thanksgiving?

    And you're complaining about it becoming much easier and more acceptable to avoid said food you're allergic to?

  • cwgrlfth
    cwgrlfth Posts: 21 Member
    I actually took the advice from my doctor due to the fact I had been sick for many years and they couldnt figure it out. He suggested I do his blood test and it came up positive... I then did the biopsy to see how damaged my villi was in my intestinal tract. So for some of us gluten is not kind to us. You can ask my kids how sick I get if I ingest gluten and don't realize it had it in there. I try very hard to avoid things I do t know but restraunts are the hardest. Why argue about someone's inability to ingest gluten is it really that huge of a thing to argue about? :wink: