

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :drinker: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:
    My lb has gone! I have lost 4 stone! 56 lbs. :bigsmile:
    In English money I now weigh 10stone 1 lb. It has taken me just over 18 months.:happy:
    My BMI is 23.43 so not too skinny!:laugh:
    I think I will go for 1.5 more lbs so I csn say I'm 9 stone something! :bigsmile: :laugh: But for now I am maintaining over the holiday. It feels so good, doesn't it Joyce.
    And Sylvia too, still losing.

    I am seeing my brother snd DSIL tomorrow for lunch out and when they ask me how much I've lost I'll be able to say 4 stone.:drinker:
    My next job, which I am a bit nervous sbout is to get DH to measure my height, becsuse it was measured, very badly, by me st the beginning of all this. I said 5ft 5ins, but it is not accurate.
    I don't care so much any more, but it will obviously affect my BMI.
    I have really been on a push now for 10 days to get that last bit done. And HUNGRY, which is not something I'm used to.:sad: But it's worth it. I'm glad that I do so much exercise as I wouldn't like to have to live on that level for long.

    Meg - how devastating for you! I know it must be really upsetting you. When I was a child I was a compulsive thief, so I know it doesn't mean she doesn't love you. I couldn't help myself and loathed myself for it. Take care of yourself.:love:

    The gift token I sent DS#1 before I knew he was coming down has at last arrived at his work. I was beginning to get really worried and kept texting him, but it got caught up in the internal post. I thought some postman had thieved it! Then yesterday his presents to us arrived all beautifully wrapped by that nice Mr Amazon! :laugh: If you knew him you would know this is nothing short of a Chtistmas miracle. He usually arrives, if he comes at all, with a HUGE, heavy bag and then has to rush out to buy last minute presents on Christmas Eve and wrapping paper, or uses mine.:tongue: He must be growing up at last! He's only a baby at 37! Of course he now has a very nice steady girlfriend, so I expect she was encouraging him.

    Anamika - stay away from the cheesecake! DO NOT TOUCH! If you do eat it go and run another 10k!:laugh:

    Jobs today - make the game stew for Saturday. Freeze some for another day.
    Ice and decorate the cake.
    Go to the big store and buy ciabattas for holiday lunches. Our local store has stopped stocking them. Disaster! They make a great lunch with a smear of pesto, parma ham, tomatoes, lettuce, cucumber and fresh basil. 400 cals. I heat them up so the crust is crunchy and they are lovely and warm and soft inside. :love:

    My cleaner is coming today to help me clean the whole house and get all the bedrooms ready for guests. She is going to do an extra hour so we get ahead. My cleaner is the best money I ever spent. It makes for marital harmony and much less stress. I would rather go hungry than give her up! Plus I like her! We always have a good chat.

    Love to all. Welcome newbies and big hugs for those with friends and relations suffering and struggling.
    Sylvia - hope things get better for your son. He is so lucky to have you onside. :-)

    Heather in sunny and calm Hampshire UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Joyce: Congratulations on the big five-oh milestone! Way to go!!! Good job scheduling your mammogram, too.:flowerforyou:

    Fordeci: Welcome. There is a lot of support and advice here, but motivation comes from within. I followed the basic MFP plan, stuck to their calorie goals and measured every bite and swallow. I also used cardio exercise to earn a few extra calories when I wanted a treat. It worked. Be prepared for plateaus along the way.:flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: Congratulations on your wonderful adventure. I am in awe. Fancy cameras are not always necessary. A number of years ago we went on a Caribbean vacation and used waterproof throw away cameras. They took fabulous pictures, and some of them were taken under water.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: I am so sorry your daughter stole from you, but glad you caught her. How old was she when you adopted her? This may be old business that still needs attention. Sending virtual hugs to you. Parenting is hard. :flowerforyou: Sorry about the bras. We’re still looking at smokers. We’re considering the Big Chief, which is cheap, relatively small, and made in the USA. It doesn’t have a thermostat though, and I wonder how important that is. It is an electric model that burns at a constant temperature.:flowerforyou:

    Dr. Katie: I wash my bras in the machine, too. I use a Tide lingerie bag for the purpose that I bought at Walmart. It has two compartments that zip closed and keeps the bras safe from agitators, other clothes, and their own under-wires. I put the bras into the bag before I put them in the hamper.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I’m so sorry for your son’s situation. I have confidence that there will eventually be a good resolution for your son and the kids, but sometimes it takes a while to get there. Life can be is stressful during that sort of transition. Hugs.:flowerforyou:

    Linda: It is so nice to see your post! :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Congratulations on the loss! Four stone is such a nice, round number. :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    I’m up early this morning because DH was snoring like a bear and I couldn’t sleep. Had an email from our son. He called late last night and his dad hung up on him and said never to call again. Obviously, DH didn’t recognize his voice. :noway: I think he was overly tired from yesterdays journey to put wreaths on my parent’s graves. He did all the driving. I’m sure sorry we didn’t get to talk to our son, though. :frown: DH is going to be upset when he finds out that it was our son on the phone. I’ll bet he doesn’t even remember hanging up on anyone.:ohwell:

    Katla in dark and frosty NW Oregon

    December goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio until my wrist heals, then add back strength training.
    3. Drink at least 3 glasses of water every day
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning,

    I read something last night which tells me to hang in there and keep working at it, even though it's not always easy....

    "Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines, but it is to the one who endures that the final victory comes." -Buddha

    Congratulations Heather, 4 stone! And Sylvia, 90 lbs! Joyce, 50 lbs! :drinker: What amazing work. It's such a remarkable thing to check in here and see so many ladies reaching their goals.

    Katla that's funny about being "flat and nasty" while singing "Thin Christmas"...it's a challenging melody to sing acapella! I did a terrible job trying to sing "I Saw Mommy Eat a Snickers Bar" the other day, I couldn't keep pitch on the last two lines. :blushing: Embarassing!

    Michele you're right about exercise, it does have great benefits! I also agree the down side being that it takes time away from other things we need to do..."like sleep" lol that made me chuckle. I'm trying hard to get an hour of intense exercise in every day, dancing and aerobics. Now I need to add 30 mins of Yoga on top of that. And of course walking the dogs. Earlier start time in the morning is what it's going to take. :yawn:

    Little by little I'm beginning to implement the ideas in the "Eating Mindfully" book. Eating slower, actually tasting the food and appreciating it rather than gobbling it down like I did last night at dinner...I looked down and my plate was clean before I even knew what happened. :grumble: I have a ways to go with training! :tongue: I think I'll start taking notes of how I feel before, during and after eating which is what the author suggests in the book.

    Happy Thurs everyone, keep up the great work.

    :smile: jb in Portland
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Good morning.
    Catching up

    jb cute song.

    Barbiecat great walking.

    liztee have you tried exercise videos. You can try out ones from the library.

    Joyce prayers to your family. I wrap a few presents everyday too. That way I keep it manageable.

    Yanniejannie prayers for Gwen.

    Gail great idea to walk around your home.

    Grandmallie sorry heel still bothers you. Kayaking what fun!

    Jodios prayers for DBIL.

    Sylvia prayers for puppies. Chest pain related to visit to seeing them? Glad to hear you taking a proactive stand. Congrats on the weight loss.

    drkatiebug I have been in the teaching profession for over twenty years. I can think of something stronger than RATS! LOL

    Heather glad you enjoy the chairs and had a good time with friends.

    Jane hugs to you.

    Linda I have run into that too. I call it elderly pride. Your intentions were good.

    Only half way caught up with everyone will catch up later.

    Prayers to the teacher I subbed for yesterday her four month old was in the hospital with a brain injury. I do not know more details.

    I am at my maintenance weight today. I have maintained my 25 pound weight loss for a year now.

    My intentional act of kindness is for me today. My husband and I are off to see the Mayan exhibit at our science museum today.

    Have a wonderful day.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member

    Seem to be "brewing something" in my chest and sinuses but it's not getting worse so far........since Tues I've felt off. Last year I spent Christmas Day and the surrounding days on the couch having a temp of 102 and feeling miserable. DD and DH had canned ravoli for Christmas dinner and I couldn't have cared less; although I did tell them to feel free to go out and have a decent meal. So, is this my Christmas Crud, part 2??????? Not happy here.........trying to fight it off.

    Have read the posts, must get moving on stuff here while I still feel I can
    tree is up but not decorated, cards waiting , packages to mail yet.

    MAJOR congrats to those reaching milestones.............Heather, Sylvia, Joyce!!!!

    I'm so sorry for everyone going through rough times with family members who are ill; you are in my thoughts.

    Sylvia.........I do hope that poor dog was taken and given proper care. You are a wonderful person for caring enough to take action. Best to your son and his kids; hope that situation resolves.

    Heather..........You always sound sooooooo organized! And the candle wreath is gorgeous!

    Barbie..........You might look on youtube and see if anyone has posted your group performing; it's surprising how much is on there. I found my dd dancing with our folk dance group one day!!!

    Yesterday was the group ladies Christmas luncheon. I had tried to avoid involvement only to end up in charge. I ended up with 3 women all well over 80 in my car to drive, made over 50 phone calls (including at least 3 to the restaurant; which, when we arrived, had NO record of us coming!!!!!), had an infrequent member of the group who did no planning totally change the seating and then converse with only me for the whole meal, last minute cancellations I wasn't told about, two people show up a half hour late...................well, we went from 18 to 10 who actually showed (which means I transported almost half). I swear,this event will be my acts of kindness for the next month!!!! LOL!!! Not quite the correct spirit.... Grrrrrrrrr........time to remove myself from this group and just stay in touch one on one with the few I really do feel close to.

    I did have a conversation with Gwen where she told me basically the same as her gardener........laughed about how silly she had been, etc. She seemed OK, so we'll see. She was great yesterday and had a good time. Said she was glad she went. Will see her later today when I drive over to her home to set up her pills for the next week.

    One of the women from the folk dance group had a massive stroke..........ICU, still unconscious.........they are asking other members to keep a pretty steady watch as she has no family.........would go but don't want to expose anyone already compromised to whatever I may be getting.........sending good thoughts alone for now.

    Need another cup of tea and to get going!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    Good morning,

    I read something last night which tells me to hang in there and keep working at it, even though it's not always easy...."Endurance is one of the most difficult disciplines, but it is to the one who endures that the final victory comes." -Buddha

    Little by little I'm beginning to implement the ideas in the "Eating Mindfully" book. Eating slower, actually tasting the food and appreciating it rather than gobbling it down like I did last night at dinner...I looked down and my plate was clean before I even knew what happened. :grumble: I have a ways to go with training! :tongue: I think I'll start taking notes of how I feel before, during and after eating which is what the author suggests in the book.

    :smile: jb in Portland

    jb - I like your Buddha quote and also what you mentioned about eating mindfully. Here is a quote from my Jazzercise instructor (Vicki Waters, she's been a jazzercise instructor for decades): "It's rarely easy to create a change in how we do things. But if we're actually creating a healthier lifestyle, it’s well worth the effort. To be successful at refusing less-than-healthy foods, or at dropping a few pounds & inches, we ought to try focusing on what we're "gaining" rather than dwelling on what we're "giving up". It's a lot about re-programming the way we look at a thing."

    Losing, giving up, sacrificing...those are all terms we tend to associate with negativity. I am not saying that semantics is the answer, but it does make a case for focusing on the positive outcomes, rather than on what we are giving up (what is it REALLY what we are giving up anyway?). Especially important thoughts for the holidays, which are always filled with so much food and sitting!

    :sick: I have been ill with the flu since Monday night, and slowly getting over it. I intend to get out of the house for an hour this morning. Not going back to work yet. Maybe tomorrow.

    :heart: Be well, be safe, be healthy.

    Vancouver Island, BC - where there is a small chance of snow tonight.
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,966 Member
    I think there is some kind of virus going around. Hope the computer doesn't get it! LOL! I am feeling headachy and nauseous (sp?) yesterday and it is getting worse today.

    Good NSVs #1, still have not had any pie (good idea on freezing pieces! Have to try that!) NSV #2 They had a pizza party here today and I didn't have any! I only had diet coke and was happy with that! Proud of myself for both! Christmas brunch tomorrow here at work. Going to have to be careful. Perhaps I will bring my lunch and just eat that, or at least have it available in case there is nothing healthy to eat!

    Well going to go now, just don't feel well. Talk tomorrow!

    Rita from CT
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    Good afternoon,
    Katla glad had a good visit with DDIL and taking time to honor memorials.

    Cindy when I have trouble getting myself going I tell myself I'll just do five things or five minutes depending on what it is. An example I'll do five dishes. Once I start it is sometimes easier to finish. If I don't at least I have five less dishes to wash.LOL

    Renny I had this a couple of weeks ago. Take care until you feel strong.:flowerforyou:

    Rita sorry you are misssing family for Christmas. Good job staying strong. Need clapping icon.

    Fordeei welcome:flowerforyou:

    Meg great plan for the holidays. Save for the to live for goodies.

    Sue safe trip

    Rori I love to dance too.

    Susan great job cleaning out. Inspires me.

    tazgirl hope things calm down

    Yanniejane get well wishes:flowerforyou: .

    Amamila indulged for a good reason. Now you are back on track.

    Enjoyed the Mayan exhibit today. Fascinating culture. Then went to a party with teachers I used to work with who are retired. It was good to see them again. Food was great. Tried to fill my plate with salad first. Then enjoyed the goodies in moderation.

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Started one post,but not sure where it went :grumble: Congrats to all the losers & good thoughts to those who
    Need to keep on trying.
    Well,I am now in my 70's,how odd that sounds.
    Keep remembering my Grandmother saying ( on her 80th BD) that she was just a girl,then looked in the mirror one day & there was an old lady. Know exactly how she felt.! Considrerng the alternatives,guess I can live with it.:bigsmile:

    Hope you are all ready for Christmas.Our family will be here on the eve,then we will have a quiet day.We will get calls from MN & Fl & make a few calls. Pat
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Meg, when my son was younger nothing was safe. He stole more stuff than I can remember, but some things that come to mind are when he stole $300 from where it was hidden in a tampon box. Also a gold coin that hubby's late father gave him and hubby's checkbook, with which he went on a cash withdrawal frenzy from our bank. He was feeding a drug habit. And yes, it hurts terribly. I'm sorry you are going through it.

    I spent all day shopping! There HAS to be a way to claim calories for all that walking. I have to say that shopping has become more fun though. I used to hate it because
    a:) I felt like people were staring at me and watching everything I put in my basket, feeling like a freak.
    B:) nothing fit me
    C:)my feet hurt

    Today I felt a lot less freakish, but my feet still hurt.

    Well, we're getting ready to go out to supper. Have a great evening everybody!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope ur enjoying your thurs.
    Rita ,feel better.
    Felt lousy last night,chills, and nauseated.Felt a little better,went to get blood drawn,hope the levels have gone down.
    Came home and went to bed.Hope to feel better tomorrow,have our Christmas gift hand out at the school and then to visit Thelma and have lunch together.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,985 Member
    :flowerforyou: I went to another fun line dance class today where we danced our favorite familiar dances. Jake spent the afternoon with his friend whose wife died recently and I had the house to myself for a few hours to watch TV and do some projects I’ve been putting off. Temperatures have been below freezing but no snow, so far.

    :flowerforyou: LindaS. When I started strength training, I started with a program in “Strong Women Stay Young”……the whole routine is done without having to get down on the floor (either standing or sitting in a chair). The plank came later…..when I started MFP I planned my food for the day, logged it, and stuck to the plan no matter what. It worked for me…..I highly recommend it.

    :flowerforyou: Anamika----about the cheesecake----“success is inspirational….disaster is educational’…..did you learn something from this that will help you with the next temptation?

    :bigsmile: Heather, congrats on reaching your milestone in weight loss.

    :bigsmile: Margaret congratulations on your weight loss and maintenance

    :flowerforyou: Yanniejannie, I’ll see if I can find anything on YouTube of our line dance group performing……hope you stay healthy for Christmas

    :flowerforyou: Renny, hope you’re feeling better soon….we have a chance of snow tonight, too.

    :flowerforyou: Rita, I don’t know if you’re an abstainer or a moderator…..I’m an abstainer so I wouldn’t dare have a piece of your pie….other people are moderators and can eat a small piece of pie and be satisfied and have another small piece tomorrow. Only you can decide which type you are.

    :bigsmile: Margaret, that’s a great idea about doing five things or five minutes.

    :flowerforyou: Jane, I hope you feel better.

    :flowerforyou: Reading about all of you who are fighting illness, I’ll be sure to put health on my gratitude list in the morning……I don’t want to take it for granted that I am feeling good.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful chilly NW Washington
    :bigsmile: 15,000 steps today----three and half minute plank
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi gals. Very busy day today; just running in circles. The one nice thing was having a manicure. It’s blue shellac with silver foil. So today I am grateful I can do that on occasion.

    Dr.Katie: I have had wacoal bras before and remember mine lasting longer!

    Sylvia: oh I am so sorry about your son. That is heartbreaking. I can’t imagine a teenaged boy looking in a tampon box for money! He must have really been desparate!

    DeeDee: hope you are staying warm!

    Joyce: I’ll be lucky to have my shopping done so I am cheering you on as you wrap!

    Barbie: good for you to get that mammo done. I’ll keep my fingers crossed for great results

    Michele: you usually eat so healthy I’m sure a few days of not won’t hurt you, but I know I don’t feel my best when I indulge too much

    Linda: I hope you and the kids find that holiday spirit soon

    Anamika: blueberry cheesecake sounds so good!

    Heather: you said you were a compulsive thief….do you have any words of wisdom for her or me? Great job on the weight loss!

    Katla: this one was 9 when we got her and I am sure it is leftover from orphanage life. We use our thermostat/thermometer regularly on the grill. Holy cow that was one deep sleep!

    Jb: great advice. I have noticed that I am eating too fast lately.

    Margaret: enjoy the exhibit; it sounds fascinating

    Yanniejannie: that luncheon sounds frustrating! So sorry to hear of your friend’s stroke. Good idea to stay away, that’s all she needs is to get an illness of top of everything else.

    Renny: I agree about the negative words. I felt very liberated when I stopped being “bad” for eating ”naughty” food
    and “cheating” on my “diet”.

    Rita: great nsvs!!!

    Patceoh: happy birthday!

    Jane hope you are feeling better by now

    Well it’s kind of late and I need to get some work done. Take care all and hugs to those who want or need them! Meg from Omaha where the chill has returned
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I just remembered another thing I should be doing to take care of me. Colonoscopy, check. Mammogram, check. Eye exam, check, done today. 50 pounds lost, check. But I remembered I haven't had a bone density test done. I have never had one. My family doc gave me a script at my last physical to have one done. But I have this problem with procrastinating. Really bad problem. So I need to see about that.

    Well we bought our Christmas candy tonight. OH NO!!! And Christmas for us isn't until Jan 4th. But I didn't want to risk going out after Christmas and not having a good supply left. Halloween of last year we picked out our candy, brought it home and I ended eating this absolutely huge bag of candy all by myself. So then I had to make sure I went to Walmart by myself and hoped that they would have the exact same huge bag so my husband wouldn't know I had done that. So I told him to hide the bags tonight because I don't trust myself. So he asked if I thought that he trusted himself. And I realized that he didn't either. Of all of our families coming for Christmas we are the ones who are most comfortable financially and I always purchase the most candy. Some of the women buy some really cheap chocolate, it's what they can afford, but it tastes terrible. So I have just always overbought. And a couple of days before we celebrate I need to go to Logan's Roadhouse and purchase peanuts!!! Our stockings are the highlight of our Christmas. Only the married women are allowed in the stocking stuffing room. Of course last year we got two new girls that have 2 babies apiece with my nephews and they are included in our group. We put all sorts of gifts, candy, peanuts and about anything else we can stuff into those stockings. Then we pile them all in front of all our presents and our young kids act as Santas helpers. It's a big deal when they are old enough that they can help. My 7 year old DGD will be the next one to step up but she isn't old enough just yet.

    Had my water in hand, actually in the car and it was real sluggish starting. The engine light has been on for a couple of days but we use it so infrequently we hadn't taken it in. I am the only one to drive it and it's just to the Y. So I went back inside, finished cleaning out and organizing my pantry and did some cleaning in my bedroom then got on my bike at home. So worked up a sweat, just not at the Y. Appointment made to get the car checked out on Monday.

    I stole a nickle from my Dad when I was a young girl. But it was one of his Indian head nickles. I doubt it had much more worth than 5 cents because of it's condition but I just needed 5 cents. Both my parents went to their graves without knowing it. Or maybe they did and were just waiting for me to admit it. It is still a burden on my heart. I have told you about my brother's child that is in a youth detention center. One year when they were visiting Mom he went to the bathroom in her apartment and took a long time getting back to the living room. After they left Mom discovered a bracelet gone from her dresser drawer. With a broken heart she asked her son if he could approach his son about it. He admitted he did it and got it. He just knew it was pretty. But Mom had bought it for my oldest sister after her arm had been amputated and she was having problems with her prosthetic arm. Mom and Dad had very little money and Mom had sacrificed some other things to get this bracelet for my sister so she could feel pretty. So Mom's heart was just breaking, not only because her grandson had stolen from her but it brought up the memories of purchasing that bracelet. I have Mom's dresser now and in the same top drawer I have the same old piece of lacy cloth on the drawer and then all of Mom's, well most of them, pieces of jewelry the same way Mom had them. I have to make sure that when this young man comes that I watch him. I still don't trust him.

    Well time to go investigate all the ornaments I bought at the Christmas Place in Gatlinburgh on spring break for stocking gifts. I had a particular woman in mind when I bought all of them then. I just hope that memory comes back to me when I unwrap them and take tags off and rewrap and label! We have one more woman coming, my sister in laws Mom, so I have to make sure there is a special one for her also.

    It has been one gorgeous, gorgeous day here in Evansville. But supposed to start raining tomorrow through Sunday for a total of 4 inches. Yuck.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Marking my place. Have a good evening, everyone.:flowerforyou:
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Arhhhh...the back pain has returned. Maybe the pain-free period was psychological bc the doc said it takes about 3 days to see results from the epidural. Hope tomorrow brings good results that last!
    Got up to 62 degrees F today and melted the snow!
    Baked some banana nut bread for Pop to eat while I'm gone.
    Watching the 1963 film The Great Escape.
    steve McQueen, james gardner, Charles Bronson, those british actors that were in all the war movies, red headed...oh, also david mccullum
    Have a good day tomorrow.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone,

    I hope everyone is doing well.

    I had a fall yesterday :embarassed: and am thankful I am ok with nothing broken! I was walking into the mall and took a flying leap over the curb!The first thing I thought of was my mother telling me that she had done that one time. The store ended up painting the curb bright yellow so people would be sure to see it. My husband is always saying when I go out "be aware of your surroundings" Well I was looking at the people and not my physical surroundings! I don't need to have a cell phone for distraction, just give me a curb! One knee is skint and my hand has one little place on it but like I said I am thankful that I didn't land on my face. Just took the wind out of my sails for shopping. I thought I'll just walk and walk around the mall for my exercise but nope I just went in the one store and then left.

    And yesterday while I was in the store a lady was on her cell phone and I overheard her tell the person on the other end "Can I call you back, I'm in the Dr's office". Blatant lie. That just baffles me. Maybe she is a compulsive shopper and the person she was talking to knows it:tongue:
    I didn't do too well on calories yesterday because those Hershey's kisses kept calling my name. well today is another day and I will try again.


    Lots to do today
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning all. It's 5am here, and I've been awake for hours. Couldn't sleep so finally got out of bed about 3:30, and here I sit thinking how hungry I am. Ok, maybe hungry is not quite right, but I definitely need a cookie. If I had one cookie, I would have several. Since there are none in the house I'm pretty safe. Pretty sure it's stress talking. I feel like a cookie would make me feel better, but I know it wouldn't.

    Hubby and both pups are sleeping soundly. I can hear them all the way down the hall, sawing logs. So sweet.

    We're supposed to get cold temps again and freezing rain today. I hope they are wrong. The kids were going to come over tonight to help me decorate the tree. If this doesn't work out we will just have to do it Christmas Eve.

    Boy, am I tired. Maybe I'll get a sip of milk and go back to bed.


  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Cindy :smile: Glad you didn`t get hurt any worse:flowerforyou: !!! I`m good at tripping over my own feet:tongue:

    Sylvia :smile: Hope you get back to sleep:yawn: and saw logs with the hubby and fur babies! Sorry to hear about the situation with your son:flowerforyou: !

    Joyce :smile: Congrats on the 50 pounds gone, woo hoo:flowerforyou: !!! Good for you making all your appointments!

    Heather :smile: Your wreath centerpiece is beautiful:love: ! Congrats on 4 stone gone:flowerforyou: !!!!

    Barbie :smile: Wishing good results for your mammogram! Nine flavor chicken sounds delish:love: !

    Michele :smile: The wine sounds interesting, was it good:huh: ?

    Linda S :smile: So good to see your post!!!! Hope you got some sleep:yawn: !!! Haha, I`ll have to tell the guys I need a new tiara for the New Year:laugh: ! I sent LizMil a message too, I sure hope she`s okay, I miss seeing her on my homepage:cry: !

    Anamika :smile: Blueberry cheesecake sounds awesome, and you`re back on track today…YAY:bigsmile: !

    Katla :smile: I had a good laugh, I misread your post, instead of agitator, I read alligator:embarassed: :laugh: ! I`m still laughing at myself:tongue: ! Oh my, hubby hanging up on your son:noway: :laugh: !

    Jb :smile: Love the quote:heart: !

    Margaret :smile: Prayers for the little one with the brain injury:flowerforyou: !!! Congrats on maintaining for a year!!! Hope you enjoyed the exhibit!

    Yanniejannie :smile: Hope you`re feeling better! Sorry to hear about your friend who had the stroke:flowerforyou: .

    Renny :smile: Hope you`re feeling better today:flowerforyou: !

    Rita :smile: Fantastic NSV…no pie:bigsmile: !!!

    Pat C :smile: Happy birthday:flowerforyou: ! You`re only as old as you feel:tongue: !!!

    Jane Martin :smile: Hope you`re feeling better today:flowerforyou: !

    Meg :smile: Bet your nails look fantastic:love: !!!

    Sorry for those I missed:cry: . It`s that time again…to get this beautiful day started! It was a beautiful sunrise this morning, a nice red sky, gorgeous colors:love: !

    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee in fairly warm for this time of year NC:glasses:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,985 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: It’s snowing right now….not a lot compared to Connecticut, Iowa, Illinois, Saskatchewan, Colorado and other places but perhaps enough to cancel the line dance class and holiday party that’s planned for this morning. I’ll walk the dogs and Jake and I will go to our 7AM meeting and we’ll see how things are going. If the class is canceled, I’ll dance at home for an hour but a lot of other people will be disappointed. A lot of people live at higher elevations where it’s colder and the snow will be more of a hazard than for us at sea level close to town.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful chilly snowy NW Washington
