

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Oh my goodness, did I do a boo-boo tonight. I hate taking my purse into Sams because right at the entrance I have to get my billfold out and show them my Sams card. So I just take them out and leave my purse in the car, hidden so no one can see it. When I pick up certain medicine I have to show my drivers license. Well I forgot to put it all back in my billfold. So tonight I decide to dare Walmart. I knew my husband wouldn't go with me and I do enjoy going shopping without him. Sometimes he feels like is connected by ball and chain. He even asked if I would mind if her went with me for my mammogram. He thought I would need emotional support. So I go to Walmart, shop, all knowing he needed the car at 7:45 to leave for Friday night Karoake. So I try to find a shorter lane, none. So I just get in one. I don't mind people watching and sometimes you can strike up a nice conversation. There was some one behind me with only one item so I let him in front of me. So we talked for a bit. Then another line opened up and I got in it and everything was going smoothly. So I get my billfold to get my debit card out........oh no! It's in my jeans pocket in the laundry! So I quickly search for my checkbook and the cashier continued the check out process. But no drivers license!:cry: I don't live far at all from Walmart but Friday before Christmas isn't the best traffic. So i asked her if they could hold my bags. She said if I could get back in 15 minutes she could. Oh, bless her heart. So I walk as fast as my MS legs could let me go, go the back way to avoid traffic, get home, husband was at the door ready to come out to the car and help me get the groceries in. I just said no time for explanation. Ran to my room, get my jeans out of the hamper, find my cards, all the time trying to explain to my husband what had happened. So we rush back to Walmart, about 16 minutes. I have to get in the back of the same ladies lane, check out and leave. Husband was able to leave by 7:45!. It left me having to put away all the groceries but that's OK

    Katla, just an idea. There is a thing going around on facebook right now that if you decide to participate you are given a list of things you have to say about yourself. My nephew did it and said in face book that he had quit his job. I have had people say they are pregnant, and yes some have said that they got married. So maybe he is playing a prank. Believe me, my nephew really got it from his Mom when I explained what it might be and he 'fessed up. I hope this is it.

    Will be glad when Monday comes and I get my car back and we are no longer a one car family. My husband was wondering when he retired if we could go down to just one car and I told him no way, ever! We have the money to have 2 cars and until my MS makes me give up my independence I want my own car.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    Hi folks,
    Don't know how much time I'll have today as my son is arriving around lunchtime.
    Woke up at 3.30 and could NOT get back to sleep! Tooooooooo excited!:laugh: So I gave up and changed the dinosaur bed :bigsmile: and did some freezer sorting. Came back to bed with a cup of tea and gave DH his orders for the day.:laugh: One of which was to empty the dishwasher, which I can hear he has just done. I like my open shelves filled with my colour coordinated crockery in the kitchen. It doesn't look as nice when they are empty.:blushing: :tongue:
    Love to all.
    Meg - black pudding is a blood and oatmeal sausage. I adore it. Fortunately it was a tiny piece!

    Heather UK
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Wide awake at 3:40am...........no temp, but throat feels like I've swallowed ground glass and ears ready to pop, did a hot salt water gargle, now sipping tea with lemon and honey. Took Tylenol too. Will also boil some water with ginger and breathe the steam under a towel.

    Renny..........Congrats to your son for those wonderful grades!! DD's 2 best friends at college are engineering majors and those girls have some really tough courses; having all As with that major is awesome.

    Barbie............glad you got your dancing done and had your party.......

    Michele........I envy you that kitty time; always had a cat or two until DH; he is major allergic. Ants???? This time of year???

    Heather.........Enjoy every minute of your DSs' visit!!!

    Joyce..........Sounds like we both had shopping hold ups yesterday; my keys, your ID; any delay this time of year is not welcome.

    Will finish tea and try to sleep a little more.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie:smile: Sure hope you get to feeling better soon:flowerforyou: ! Put a little ginger in your tea too, that always makes me feel a bit better. Haven`t heard about boiling water with ginger, what a great idea!!!

    Heather:smile: Have a wonderful time with your son! I love that you give hubby his orders for the day:laugh: !

    Gwen:smile: Welcome! Come in often and chat away! 7 pounds in 2 weeks...fantastic:bigsmile: !!!!

    Joyce:smile: At least you eventually got everything done, awful feeling when you realize you don`t have your card with you!

    Michele:smile: Ants...really:huh: , I thought they were hibernating this time of year:tongue: . At least the cookies could be saved! All of your hard work just for some ants to eat:noway: , I bet they enjoyed it though:laugh: . Another nice day, I`m loving this weather right now!

    It`s going to be a busy day today for me, the kids are coming over for our Christmas dinner on Sunday:love: . I`ve got to pick up the beef tenderloin today and a few more things. The house is clean:happy: , so I just have to straighten up a bit, I still have a few presents to wrap:grumble: , and a bit of laundry to do:ohwell: . I got up this morning at 4:30:noway: , so I`m thinking a nap will be in my future this afternoon:yawn:.

    Have a wonderful day ladies! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!

    DeeDee where it is 51 degrees already in NC
  • tazgirl1960
    tazgirl1960 Posts: 78 Member
    Good Morning, I am going to say in advance Thank you for letting me vent. It has been a terrible 3 weeks. :sad:

    I started making blankets for my family and purses for the girls, it was going along pretty well, until we started having our Holiday meals with DH family, well they had to have blankets as well he thought, so I had to add 6 to my list and have them done before we went to dinner with them. :noway: which in turn put me behind making Christmas ones for my children that had to be shipped. I did get theirs done, and shipped out on Tuesday, they won't receive them until Monday or Tuesday, :mad: So all in all I will have made 20 blankets, and 5 purses, (still have 5 blankets and 1 purse to go) :sad:

    Thursday I went to the Doctor because my knee is out again, I have gained 4 pounds, :sad: :blushing: :explode: :grumble: . I realize this is my own doing, but I am such a stress eater, I eat everything in sight when I'm upset. :sad:

    Yesterday started out as okay, I had to work in Pine Hills (very bad section of Orlando) I have 3 Save a Lot's and a Winn Dixie that all have armed guards in them when you walk in the door, it's a shame it has to be this way. I took off early, since I had to pick up the Grand kids at 1 for early dismissal. On my way home my DD #2 calls and says I only have to pick up Avery because she is on her way to pick up Bryce who has been Expelled from school, he is 5 and in kindergarten :noway: He can not seem to keep from hitting other children, they had him tested for ADHD, but DD didn't want to put him on the medication, now she has no choice. :brokenheart: Then we went to Walmart to get the rest of the groceries for Christmas dinner, and my DH complained and griped the whole time, he does not like people and can be so rude and embarrasing. :embarassed: So when my DD and Dave (her boyfriend) came at 5:30 to pick up Avery they brought pizza for dinner since her Karate class was not til 7pm (she tested for her belt, and did wonderful :bigsmile: ) and to celebrate my Birthday, anyways my family can be a little on the loud side which makes my DH mad. (I use the term DH loosely today, as Katla said the D can stand for a lot besides Dear). When they left he remarked that he can hardly wait for Christmas with my family. :explode: :noway: Which is turn caused me to tell him he could be such a jerk sometimes, which in turn caused him to say ugly things, so at 7pm I just went to bed, Happy Birthday to me!!!!!!:mad:

    I will be glad when the Holidays are over, this is supposed to be a joyous and Happy time of year, it just seems to bring out the worst in some people. :frown:

    Again Thank you for letting me vent, I just needed to get it off my chest.

    Hope everyone has a Blessed and Wonderful Day! :flowerforyou:
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Tazgirl, bless you and hope this is a brighter day for you! I totally agree that our DH's can ruin any moment with their tempers.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,811 Member
    Tazgirl~Believe you me I feel your pain, I have one of those too.
    The meds of kicked in and the DH is feeling better.. praise the lord. now I dont have to listen to him crab:indifferent:
    still have a few things to do today.. we are going to a wienie roast this afternoon , will have to sort of plan accordingly. will bring a wrap with me to use instead of a bun...
    it has been just beautiful the last few days,I could get used to this, it is sad wont be down here until next december:frown:
  • LizPlus
    LizPlus Posts: 117 Member
    Good morning,
    It is rather dull outside today..fog and more fog...say goodbye to snow for Christmas :huh: ...Still have a few things to get..been trying to find a toothpaste that my GS loves..has sparkles in it....he got it from his dentist..so I am figuring they are the only ones who have it now..have to wait awhile to get it off the shelves :grumble:

    **Grandmallie--- i am glad your hubby got meds and that they are working....

    ** Tazgirl--- I bet you make beautiful blankets and purses...I hope you can get your families done...our H just don't understand sometimes... how much time and work has to be had to do a project like quilting...

    **DeeDee--I hope you will have a great day with your family on Sunday...that the weather be nice and everything go off as planned...we are doing our family meal on Tuesday..as my daughter works the 25th...our boys will be to their dads Christmas afternoon..till following Sunday...they will get to open their gifts in the morning ...as she doesn't go into work till the afternoon...

    I am really missing my sister...she loved Christmas..the baking and gifting...so sad without her :cry: But I know she would want us to enjoy Christmas.I will do my best.....My GS's is what makes it so great...for them to open a gift and it be what they really wanted..their faces just glow.....Love it!!
    Hoping you all have a peaceful days..in the getting ready for the Holidays :happy:

    LizPlus fr Halifax NS
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning all! We have a glossy layer of ice on everything this morning, and expecting more along with snow here today and tomorrow. So, we are staying in today. Last night the kids came over for supper while my son went shopping. They helped me decorate our brand new Christmas tree (first time I've decorated for the holidays in 20+ years), and we made cookies. It was a fun evening for everyone except Molly who was locked away till they left. I'm glad the ice storm held off till after they left and got home safely.

    With everything going on yesterday I only got 600 calories all day. I didn't realize it till time for bed and then it was too late, so this morning I plan on a little extra breakfast.

    Have a great weekend! Stay warm!

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member
    Good morning Everyone,

    Renny I am happy for your son. Congrats!

    DeeDee May she have a great interview and have fun with family.

    drkatiebug LOL.:laugh:

    Joyce borrowing from drkatiebug "Rats" Shucky Dam" seem to fit the situation.

    Gwen welcome Congrats on weight loss.

    Heather Happy for you with son coming.:smile:

    yanniejane healing thoughts.:flowerforyou:

    LizPlus Sorry for loss of your sister :flowerforyou:

    tazgirl Happy Birthday:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Kindergarteners were active. My friend was gone out of town and she had another of our friends sub for her. I do not sub in this district only volunteer. She left ornaments to finish where the students were to glitter. Needless to say I helped finish them by applying the glitter myself. It was kinder that way to the friend substituting.

    Family Christmas brunch today. Off to buy a hostess gift. I plan to be extra kind to store clerks today. I know they are frazzled this time of year. In college I worked in a department store this time of year.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat!
    Welcome Gwen,awesome on the wt loss.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Michele: I am at the point that medium tops fit, but they’re more snug than I ‘m used to, plus I’m tall and the sleeves are not as long as I’d like. I’m not sure how I’m going to handle future purchases. Advice welcome. :bigsmile: I’m glad that you heard from your son. My advice is to ignore negative feelings about facebook use. At least he is staying in touch with people. Yesterday my grandnephew posted a notice that he married his girlfriend. His parents were shocked and everyone is wondering whether it was a practical joke. I love being able to keep track of the comings and goings of friends and family. I choose not to get emails from fb. I will think of you while eating crab, but the likelihood of leftovers is very low. :wink:

    Heather: I’m glad to know you had a great time with your DB and SIL. It sounds like they have a full plate right now. Best wishes to them. :flowerforyou: We looked up black pudding, and have never tried it. No recipe came with the information on its uses and history. Is it a savory dish, or sweet? When I wake up in the middle of the night I usually get up, too. I don’t want to train my body to lie in bed awake. I want it conditioned to sleeping there.

    Meg: I got the manicurist a Christmas ornament. It is a cute little bauble and not expensive. I think I’ll give her a tip, too. I’m sure the extra money will be welcome. I am not a habitual tipper. She sets her fees and I pay them.:flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: Congratulations to you for your daughter’s safe arrival and the Vet school interview. Hope it goes well. Re bras: I think it is time for me to be re-measured. I’ve moved into the tightest hook setting and the cups are getting “spacious” if you know what I mean.:wink:

    Patceoh: I am so impressed with all of your hard work yesterday. I’m sorry you had a little down patch but glad to hear you ended up feeling better.:flowerforyou:

    Renny: Paradise Island fits the bill and is a suitable place for the Magic Kingdom of Victoria. You live in a wonderful place. I’m glad to hear you’re feeling a bit better.:flowerforyou:

    Dr. Katie: I haven’t heard Shucky Darn in ages. I love the reminder. It has some real possibilities for adding a little humor and snark to a conversation.:bigsmile: :glasses:

    Joyce: Thanks for the information on the fb “thing.” I don’t participate in those kinds of activities and didn’t know about it. I’ll check back in today and see if DGN is still married.:flowerforyou:

    Gwenercr: Welcome to a great bunch of women from all over the world. Where are you from?:flowerforyou:

    Tazgirl: I’d be venting, too. Does your DH have any idea how much work goes into a blanket? That was asking too much. Sorry to hear about your terrible, no good, horrible bad day. :frown: I used to be a stress eater, too. I resolved it with substitutions such as Sleepy Time tea, carrots and celery. Perhaps you can also find some substitutions that will let you soothe yourself with chewing but not calories. Gum lacks the satisfying crunch that I need. Sending virtual hugs your way. :flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: I’m glad to hear your DH got helpful medicine. :flowerforyou:

    LizPlus: It is good to see you here; I’ve been missing you. I am sorry that you’re lonely for your sister. Perhaps you can hold her in your heart while you’re looking at the lights and savor the good memories you two shared. I have some very good memories of looking at lights with my mom on what turned out to be her last Christmas. The memories help me feel connected and make me happy. Good luck.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Your evening with the “grands” while your son went shopping sounds wonderful. I’m glad the ice held off until they got safely home.:flowerforyou:

    We’re looking forward to the evening out with our neighbors this evening. It looks like we’ll have a wet drive, but hopefully not an icy one. Our DIL let us know that she made it safely to her family home in KY. She is a good communicator. We haven’t heard from our DD since she and her DH called to let us know what they were buying with our Christmas gift to them. DD leads a busy life, and I try to keep from being grumpy about not hearing from her as often as I’d like. She’s a working mom with a toddler, zillions of pets, and a foster adult living in her home. She has her hands full.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    December goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio until my wrist heals, then add back strength training.
    3. Drink at least 3 glasses of water every day
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    Good evening!
    DS is in bed, DH is watching the football results and I am sooooooo tired I am writing this in bed.
    All has gone well with the visit. It was a quiet day spent reading and chatting because the wind and rain was atrocious outside. No chance of a walk! DS was a bit put out to be put in the dinosaur bed as he was looking forward to his own suite in the guest annexe, but I have gone on strike over washing more sheets and doing more cleaning. Food all went down well with the game stew a great hit.:bigsmile:
    Early cooked breakfast for him tomorrow and then back on the train and off to his dad's. DS#2 and family will all be there as well so he will see his half brother and sister and his nephew and new niece. A hectic day for him as he is going home that evening. As a depressive he fihds all the people and jollity a bit hard work. I'm sure many of you know that feeling!

    Katla - the black pudding is savoury and is traditionally used as part of a cooked breakfast, as in "Full English" or Irish. In recent years it has become popular as an accompaniment to scallops, providing a warm, spicy note to the dish.
    In some parts of this country, especially in the North, there are competitions as to who can make the best black pudding. In France it is known as "boudin noir" and is traditionally served with apple fried in butter. Of course originally it was a way for farmers to make the most of the blood from a newly slaughtered pig and the spice addition varies locally as does the amount and texture of the fat.

    DH has come up to bed now so I will say goodnight. I hope I sleep better tonight.

    Love Heather in windy and wet UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,811 Member
    evening my friends~
    I am sitting in the screened in porch waiting on the laundry to dry, with a light breeze and about 75, it is truly heaven...
    well except for one or 2 small things we are done with our projects and can relax for a few days before we have to drive back up to the cold and frigid north...
    well our wienie roast was nice I had a little bit of stuff but logged it all I think..
    it will be getting cooler in the next few days so we will make the most of the sunshine and the pool:bigsmile:
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Hope you are all doing ok.
    Spent the day in bed,can`t shake this bug.
    No appetite,chills,fatigue.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Joyce - I could never understand why you need to show your Sams card before you can come in. You would need the card to buy anything. My old card was silver and one time they asked to see my card. By accident I pulled out my MasterCard which is also silver, waved it at the gal and she let me go in. It wasn't until after I put the card away that I realized that I'd shown her the wrong card! At least you knew where your wallet was. Glad dh got to leave on time.

    Gave Lance his insulin today. He's sort-of getting back to realizing that the routine is insulin and then brushing (which he loves)

    Gwen from IL - big congrats on the loss. How hard it is at this time of year, but you're doing it. You'll do well after the holidays, of that I'm sure. Come here often

    Heather - the first (ond only) time I had blood sausage was when I was in Switzerland. To be honest, I think it's an acquired taste. I felt that it needed something more. I think she served it with applesauce, so that helped

    yaniejannie - feel better fast

    DeeDee - I'm loving this weather, too. I totally forgot that I need to throw the extra popcorn at the back of the property for the birds. See, I string the popcorn so I need to throw the extra away. I have it out where I'll see it and won't forget. Have fun with your kids

    tazgirl - what kind of blankets do you make that you can make them so fast? I'm crocheting an afghan right now for the gal we were with in Switzerland while Vince was in the hospital and I know it's going to take me weeks to get it done. The good thing is that it's a pretty simple pattern so it's something I can do in the car while Vince is driving. As a matter of fact, I took it with me when we went to VA to get the cats. Update: you QUILT the blankets? Machine or hand? The one time I quilted, I had so much trouble with the binding. I actually had to have someone else do it for me!

    Lizp from Halifax - you have to have an extra happy holiday, for you and your sister. Great to see ya

    Sylvia - I always hated that glossy layer of ice, black ice. Then the snow on top of it so you can't see it? You stay safe, ya hear? Last year while Vince put the lights on the tree, we had to put Loki and Clyde in the bedroom, they were just getting into too much. This year I helped Vince by holding the lights up higher so they couldn't reach them and that seemed to work. Glad you had such a fun evening.

    Went to yoga, then stoopped at Burks Outlet and found a shirt that was 50% off. Wish it had been more. Then stopped at Big Lots and saw that they have cardboard continers for cakes but there was no way on this earth that I was going to stand in that line. Then went to Bi-Lo. This afternoon we have an open house, I made oatmeal chocolate chip cookies and wine cookies to take. We'll also take a bottle of wine with us. The wine was given to us, we're not big wine drinkers (we're really not big drinkers). Then tonight I have to lector at the mass.

    After yoga today stopped at the Salvation Army, I thought maybe they'd have more Christmas items. They had barely anything. Just got 2 ornaments. Admitted, they were 1/2 price.

    katla - the worst thing I find with losing weight (well, not that I've really lost in the past few years, it's just been redistributed) is that clothes that I really like, I can't find anymore in the smaller size. I guess I could have it altered, but I know that I bought this sweatshirt on sale so it probably wouldn't even be worth it. Life's tough, that's for sure. Lynette gave me this sweater for Christmas. Really, it's not something that I would wear, a very open weave and it looks like it's meant to wear a turtleneck with it, and I don't like turtlenecks. So if Penny's (where she bought it) has sweatshirts, maybe I'll return this and get a sweatshirt that I can wear. Enjoy the crab, enjoy it doubly for me! Oh, I'm getting to where that facebook thing doesn't bother me. I'd just like to know what's going on in his life, that's all. But he's choosing not to include me....his loss (I have to keep saying it to boost myself)

    Originally, I was thinking I'd do a pilates DVD tomorrow, but I want to burn more calories so I'm going to ride on the recumbant bike.

    Went to an open house at a friend's house. I didn't have ANYTHING to eat, just water to drink. Then I had to rush home to change and get to church. Vince just finished the cookies I had for him so I'm making him some brownies. Admitted it's a box mix, but I know that he and Jess like them, so Denise probably will too. I used tofu in place of the oil, but I won't tell them that.

    janemartin - sending virtual chicken soup your way.

    Michele in NC
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Michelle- Get this: It snowed here last week, then the weather warmed and guess what? I saw a mosquito AND a ladybug yesterday. It was the weirdest thing. Now its cold...in the 30's again...supposed to freeze. I'll probably see a butterfly in the morning!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    This was a great day with two hours of dog walking, two hours of napping, and more than two hours at the party where I had more cheese and crackers than I needed and two bottles of water.

    :heart: Barbie from drizzly NW Washington


    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: ...13,000 steps and three and half minute plank
  • susanrechter
    susanrechter Posts: 386 Member
    Went to a Christmas party this eve and the hostess had a buffet with sliced ham, rolls, artichoke dip (heated), homemade cheddar crackers which were delicious. She also has a dip which I have never tasted before: cream cheese, cheddar cheese, a can of white chicken meat and Franks hot sauce. Baked. It was sooo good...spicy, but she had mostly pick-up food, nothing required a fork.
    I had booze, bread, sugar, processed food and dairy (cheese)...all the stuff that makes me fat and puts me over my calorie allotment!

    Made lox with creamed cheese and sliced egg on whole wheat for my Dad tonight. He loves smoked salmon. Was going to buy bagels but opted to buy the whole wheat baquette, slice it and toast it, instead.

    Really have to clean up my act. I am gaining back a lot of the weight I lost over the summer. I read about all the successes you all have made and I just go right ahead and eat those three pieces of homemade caramel. I know sugar wreaks havoc on one's body and yet I fail to summon that info when I unwrap the candy. Dammit! The pants that were baggy on my in October are tight now.
    Maybe when I am in Florida and I don't have to prepare calorie-dense meals for Dad, I will get back to better eating habits.
    No sugar
    No booze.
    No bread, rice or potatoes.
    No fried or fast food.
    No red meat.
    No dairy (cheese, milk).
    That's what I followed and lost my weight. It worked for me.
    Now I have to start again. Right now, I say!
    Coconut milk
    Back in the saddle!
    Susan from the mighty Midwest!