

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Earlier this year I was told (not by my principal, but by a co-worker who does what I do for everyone else while I do math. She got the info from the district person in charge of us.) that the monthly reports that we usually write would not be necessary this year. Now my principal wants them by the end of the week. I should have, should have, should have known better. Although the district office no longer wants them, the principal still has to account for my time with the federal agency that pays my salary. Luckily they won't be hard to recreate, just time-consuming since I am doing 4 months' worth at one time.

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,365 Member
    Yanniejannie - I hope you will be able to get some answers for your friend Gwen. What a good friend you are.

    Jodie - hope you have a great Christmas and the health problems get sorted.

    Gail - I love your Toddler Tunes marching. It just shows what we can do when we set our minds to it. NO excuses!

    Mollywhippet - what a shame about the dogs. I hope your phone call will help. Good for you!:flowerforyou: Good idea to write down the chest pain and show the doctor. This season is not a good time to get ill.:noway:

    Alison - I know what it's like to be waiting for money you need and that is owed you.:explode: My ex is not replying to my text.:sick:

    Well, I survived the yoga lunch and ate 400 cals including the drink. Hooray. There was lots of salad and veg, so could fill up on that. The salmon wasn't good, too dry, but the rest of the meal was OK. I had a scrape of my friend's sorbets so didn't miss out on anything. I'm just glad to have survived it with no damage to my final push to my goal.:drinker: :blushing:
    Sea bass and broccoli tonight. Good, slimming food.

    My new cushions arrived today. They look lovely on the chairs in the kitchen. It's all coming together. DH is ringing the butcher to see if the packs of game stew have come in. ( Oh, no one there, they must have gone home early!):huh:

    Sandy - hope your headaches clear up. How miserable for you.

    Heather UK
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good morning!Waking up to more snow,Violet is excited.
    Have a good day.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    By the way, my scale said 212.0 this morning, which is EXACTLY 90 pounds down from my start at 302. So, although it was overshadowed by the plight of that sad little dog, I was deliriously happy with that number. I called hubby into the bathroom to see for himself and I did a little happy dance. This is the smallest I have been since 1982!

    Just 60 more to go!

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Sylvia............congrats on reaching 90 lbs. lost!!! That is so fantastic!!!
    I have a suggestion that you call your local police; they probably have an animal control division and have more immediate policing powers than the SPCA and will be on the scene faster.........good luck, of course I don't know your local ins and outs, but that would work better where I am. My DD volunteers when home at our animal control in the spay and neuter surgical suite and I know several animal control officers; they are very dedicated and act swiftly and follow up with court procedures and all the charges that can be leveled.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Juanita in Sudbury: I’m sorry your brother’s situation is so critical. Sending prayers and hugs your way.:flowerforyou: :heart:

    Jb: I LOVE Thin Christmas!! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I’ve saved it to my computer. Perhaps you can answer a question. Why can I sing We Three Kings just fine, but I’m flat and nasty on Thin Christmas?:huh:

    Barbie: Congratulations on bringing happiness and fun to people in assisted living. It is a wonderful way to serve the community. When my mom was in an assisted living facility, she really appreciated the guest performers. They usually played music from the 40's and early 50's. We figured they'd be playing Arlo and the Grateful Dead songs for our generation.:laugh:

    Lizthees22: You have to bring your own motivation to this. Other problems are solvable. Put your bike on a trainer if you have one. Exercise along with You Tube videos, become a mall walker, dance to lively music… There are many possibilities. Choose something you enjoy.:flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: Sorry your friend Gwen’s situation seems to be slipping. When you see her in person, you’ll have a better idea how she is doing.:flowerforyou:

    Gail: Your household loop is brilliant. If you like the kiddie music, hooray for you. :bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: I’m happy to know you love your new bed. :flowerforyou: What brand and model is it? We’re still putting up with our old one. DH wants to see if there are actual beds on sale during the January White sales. Meanwhile, he's replaced our old refrigerator that still worked and bought a bigger freezer. I will never understand his mind. :noway: :ohwell:

    Jodios: I’m sorry to hear about your DBIL’s heart attack, and happy that your husband has been getting healthier right along with you. Mine has been getting healthier with me, too. It makes life better for both of us. The males in my Dad’s family have heart or vascular issues but not the females. All of them ate reasonable food but most were smokers. I think healthy choices will make a huge difference for your DH and hope that his brother will be able to improve his own health after he gets through the early care following his heart attack.:flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: I’m sorry about your upset at Petland. I’d be upset, too, and I avoid pet stores that sell puppies or kittens. I’m also sorry about the nighttime angina. Your diary is a brilliant way to keep track of all the things you need to discuss with your doctor. That is a testament to your commitment to getting healthier. CONGRATULATIONS on your 90 pound loss! It is happy dance time!:bigsmile: :love: :flowerforyou:

    Dr. Katie: It sounds like you’re expecting to be spending vacation time writing reports. I’m sorry to hear it. :cry: I hope there is time for rest and fun, too.:flowerforyou:

    Heather: I had overcooked halibut for dinner last night so I sympathize about your dry salmon. The halibut had been previously frozen but I followed DH’s suggestion to finish it in the microwave as the insides weren’t quite up to temperature after he took it off of the stove. I won’t make that mistake again. I finished eating it anyway. I try never to waste any part of an animal that has given its life to become food. You’re lucky to have a butcher available. We have chain grocery meat counters. It would be possible to buy meat directly from a farmer, if we looked into it, but not game other than fish.:noway: :ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    We’re back from visiting our DDIL over the weekend. We had a lovely time with her. She’s back in class and will be heading to her parents in KY for the holidays at the end of this week. I’ve sent a package off to our DS, but there is no telling when he’ll get it. :heart: I can hardly wait for him to get home, but it will be a while longer.:flowerforyou:

    Katla in foggy NW Oregon

    December goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow
    2. Focus on fitness: cardio and strength every week
    3. Drink at least 3 glasses of water every day
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    YannieJannie, you are a genius! I called animal control and they said they will send someone right uover to check it out. I never thought of calling them! Good thing I couldn't find a number for PETA.
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    :sad: Oh I just can't seem to get motivated!!!

    I've got a pile of housework and laundry to get started on and it is afternoon already. I'm going to set the clock for an hour and come back and tell you what I did. I know it won't be interesting but I need some accountability.

    I have gotten some exercise in and some presents wrapped so it's not like I haven't gotten anything accomplished. Oh and I need to get some flowers ordered for the funeral tomorrow. I personally would rather make a donation to the cancer research fund that is mentioned in the obit but it is DH relative so I guess I'll do flowers because that is what he wants.

    BBL around 2 with a report:flowerforyou:

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Sylvia, I know how much you love dogs so I would make it point to get back in that store again to recheck the condition of their animals. This cardiac nurse is a little worried about your continued angina, hope the doctor gets right on top of it. Your dogs need you. Congrats on the weight loss.

    Sleep eluded me last night. I don't know if it was because I took my MS medicine right before I got in bed or the fact that I was much busier yesterday and couldn't relax. I hate nights like that, means the next day is so draggy.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Allison - friend request sent. My problem was that I was spelling your first name with 2"l's" instead of 1.

    Sylvia - I'm glad that the nurses took such good care of you.

    Juanita - yes, I've heard that saying. I really don't have a problem with it, but somehow I would think he'd at least talk to us once every couple of months. But such is not to be. Finding out some things like if he's sick or is going to have a child, things happening in his life. Oh well....... I just keep telling myself that one day he'll need us, I don't know when or for what, but we're still his parents and always will be. It's amazing, the more I talk to people, the more I find out that I'm not the only one going thru this. I just don't know of anyone going thru it with their child in a foreign country. But maybe it's for the best, really. I have a friend who hasn't seen her son in five years, he lives in the next city. How hard it must be to be driving somewhere and he be in the car in front of you!

    Vicki - hope you had a wonderful time at the party

    Juanita - my prayers are with you and your family.

    Did an hour on the rebounder today. Tomorrow I'll take yoga and then the deep water class

    Joyce - I don't know if you know this or not, but when you're getting on a bike, the seat should be at your hip height. When you make a revolution with your legs, they should be at a 90 degree angle before being outstretched. Of course, you wouldn't stretch them so far that you can't touch the pedals. I got the gifts that I'd bought previously for the kids etc out of the room downstairs. Called Denise, Diana seems to respond to her so maybe Denise can ask for a birthday/Christmas list from her and Bryan. That was so nice of you to call you SIL. What a problem you have!

    After doing the rebounder went to Aldi, Vince needed shredded wheat. Then stopped at Hamrick's and got a few things, then went to Kohl's and got Vince a calendar. Now I'm home. I'm munching, had a bit of this funfetti cookie. Gotta stop this so I made myself a cup of green tea and I'll put some of that True Lemon in it. That usually stifles these cravings

    Heather - I wish we were making a snowflake, too.

    jb - LOVED the song! Then again, I love all of your songs, so why should this one be any different???

    yanniejannie - Gwen is ever so lucky to have you in her life. Silly me...I never thought of using kitchen shears to cut up herbs. How dumb can you get?????

    Gail - Bryan isn't making any attempt at all to be in touch with his sisters. I know that Jessica has basically gotten a bit fed up. 7 She doesn't like the way he's treating us and she's told him as much, said to him "don't be such a d***head". His response was basically "I respect your opinion but you're wrong and I'm right". I keep praying that Mary will intercede for me and turn Bryan's heart. But I still think God is trying to teach me something....what I just don't know. So glad your son came back to you

    Denise called this morning. Seems that her college is part of the high school there. The website said there was a 2 hr delay and she had a final today, she wasn't sure if the delay was for the h.s. or the college. What is she going to do when we aren't here? I don't think she fully comprehends that college isn't high school, college is more demanding and they don't have delays as much as h.s. We suggested she call them to find out. She couldn't think of that herself? As it turned out (just like we expected) the high school has the delay but the college doesn't.

    Sylvia - who sponsored having those pets in the store? Our Humane Society takes quite good care of the pets they're in charge of. Of course, when you adopt one you pay for this. But it's also payment for assurance that they were well taken care of. If it was a Humane Society, they can usually tell you if it was a birth defect. My heart broke as I was reading about those boxers. Congrats on that wonderful number on the scale! So glad animal control is getting involved.

    We're supposed to have company tonight, they're coming to see the decorations. They are a cool couple, but the biggest problem for me is that they're really into making their own wine. I know they'll bring a bottle with them and to be nice I'll have to have some. Heather - I made the zucchini bites (they really do need the sharp cheddar cheese), I have some cheese cracklins and now will make pizza logs. That'll be our horduerves (or however it's spelled) I have some of those mini mint dark chocolate 3 Musketeers (25 calories each). Not sure if they're going to bring their neighbor or not.

    Heather - good for you surviving your yoga lunch

    Well, going to post this so that it will show up under "my topics". Now off to make those pizza rolls. Question for anyone -- is there a way you can heat food up in the microwave and make sure that it doesn't dry out? Maybe putting a wet papertowel over the food as you're heating it up?

    I left a messge asking Denise to ask Diana for birthday/Christmas gifts. She (D) called Vince and wanted him to tell me that Diana isn't responding to her any more. Why did she want Vince to tell me? She was afraid that if she told me, that I'd start crying and she didn't want to have to deal with that.

    Michele in NC
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Sending Hugs and prayers who need them.:heart::heart:
    Congrat`s on wt loss who ever lost this month,:drinker: :drinker:
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :frown: :sick:
    I must have lost a pound for sure, but not in a pleasant way. My night consisted of vomiting and sitting on the toilet. It's calmed down now, but every bone in my body aches. So, I have been in bed. I am rarely sick but DD's family all had the noro virus hit them, and needless to say I was there helping out. So, this likely what it is.

    Marking my spot.

  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,966 Member
    Will this week never end!!! Busy-busy once again! Great NSV though. I lost 1 pound last week. AND my DH noticed my tummy getting smaller and tightening up! Yay me! Hope to decorate the tree tonight. Still not done. Bad news today too. My DS and his 2 boys won't be coming this Sunday for our Christmas. He has to work and the 2 DGS live 2 hours away so it is out of the question for me to go get them then bring them home after. That would be 8 hours of driving! Well, I have to get back to work. Snowing here again. Sure hope DH/ has used the snow blower!

    Rita from 'white' CT
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Michele, nobody sponsored those dogs. The store is a chain and they buy dogs from breeders and sell them for a profit. I'm pretty sure the welfare of the dogs is not their primary concern.

    My son called and asked me to pick my grandson up from preschool, because he had a doctors appointment. His wife called later and said he had been admitted to the hospital. We don't know the details yet, but I need to pick up the granddaughters at 5:00 and take all three to my house and wait to see what's going on.

    Rita, what is the secret to your tummy tightening? I need some of that!

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Renny-feel better
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,813 Member
    evening ladies~
    Katla- we got a serta at Sam's club when the DH was here a few weeks ago they had the king pillowtop on sale regularly 679.00 had 75.00 off so we got it for 604.00 and the box springs were 250.00. when we were down in October we bought the bedframe, and I bought all the bedding up in Ct pretty cheaply.
    I overdid it on biscotti today and didnt even log it, but will make up with it for exercise tomorrow. I am taking myself to Sanibel Island tomorrow, it is one of my favorite places on earth.. Ding Darling wildlife refuge,walk the beach to pick up shells,and going on a kayak tour I hope..
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm baaaaack! I am so far behind, I'll just start from here. I'm having my usual pre--Christmas freak out. I just panic this time of year and this year is worse; I can find no time to get any of the usual things done, including buying gifts. ugh I hate this.:frown:

    DH is at his spinning class and DD#2 and the emergency backup kid :tongue: (the latch key kid) are making dinner.

    I met the incoming students yesterday and my oh my, 54 of them is a TON! I'm not sure what we are going to do with all of them.

    Last night I went to water aerobics and gave everyone crap since I had been the only one there last week! It was pretty funny. I did my little 10 minute after lunch walk today which will probably be the only exercise I get today although I am hoping to still get my 6,000 steps in. DH bought a live Christmas tree for our office last night and said there were only 4 left. At least around here there is a shortage from several years of drought. He and the emergency back up kid:tongue: are going to decorate it tonight; she can't remember the last time she did a tree.

    OK gals, I need to get a ton of stuff done. Tomorrow is our department holiday party which I am not looking forward to going to. I'll take my lunch and be the only one there not eating all the goodies. Honestly, I don't want to eat them. I would rather save my calories for some rare and fabulous treat, not store-bought cookies.

    My goodness I sound cranky tonight :grumble: , so I'll leave now! Take care Meg from unseasonably warm Omaha
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Renny: I hope you’re feeling better now. What a horrible night! Noro virus sounds awful.:flowerforyou:

    Rita: I’m sorry you won’t get to see the 2 DGSs for Christmas. That is a disappointment. We’re on our own, too, but it is not new news. I was feeling sorry for myself until I decided I had to put on my big girl panties when I realized my son is deployed and has no one close to celebrate with.:ohwell: :flowerforyou:

    Sylvia: Your son is in my prayers. :flowerforyou:

    Grandmallie: Thanks for the information on your new mattress. I’m so glad you love it.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: It is good to hear from you. I have missed your posts or they’ve been few and far between. 54 new nursing students seem like a lot.:flowerforyou:

    I just moved things out of my old freezer and into the new one, and threw some freezer burned garbage away. The new one is not jammed, but is pretty full. I thought there would be more empty space. We had that poor old thing stuffed, which is why some of the food was too far gone to use. We couldn’t see it to use it. Now things can be seen and are organized. I have a LOT of chicken to use in the next few weeks to get that down to a reasonable amount. Guess what we’re having for dinner. :laugh:

    Katla in chilly NW Oregon

    December goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow
    2. Focus on fitness: cardio and strength every week
    3. Drink at least 3 glasses of water every day
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,891 Member
    Hello to all: Sounds like everyone is very busy. I did a little shopping today but we are giving mostly gift cards since we are traveling. We leave tomorrow at 2:30. Looking forward to spending time with DGD and my family this holiday season. Dog is already at the kennel, cat is being taken care of by a neighbor and since my horse is boarded she is taken care of too. Just have to pack tomorrow morning and then I am ready to go. Must get just a little more transcription done tonight.

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,985 Member
    :flowerforyou: Today was my day to catch up on my “to do” list and take it easy. I slept later than usual and took and extra long walk with Brandy and Sasha (separately). It was about 33 degrees when I got up so Jake built a fire to keep us toasty warm. Later he went out to lunch with a friend so I had the house to myself for awhile. I took a nap this afternoon with all three pets while Jake talked to a friend on the phone.

    :bigsmile: Sylvia, congrats on reaching another weight loss milestone…..I admire your never give up spirit.

    :flowerforyou: Renny, get well soon.

    :flowerforyou: It sounds like everyone is really busy……best wishes for successful completion of all things you have to do.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful chilly NW Washington

    :bigsmile: 17,000 steps today..:bigsmile: :bigsmile: ..three and a half minute plank...:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    "The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT."

    “If it’s important to you then you will find a way, if it’s not you’ll find an excuse.”

    It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop. ~Confucius

    December Resolutions (with mid month comments)
    *maintain weight (weight has stayed in a two pound range)
    *dance 20 minutes at home three days a week (some dancing but not this much)
    *act the way I want to feel (had to work hard at this but it saved me from some bad times)
    *don’t let the perfect be the enemy of the best (going well)
    *walk one dog at a time until my back is 120% better (I’m beginning to like walking one dog at a time and will continue for the foreseeable future)
    *new resolution----play with Bernie, the cat, for five minutes each day (it’s a challenge to notice the rare times he’s awake during the day:laugh: , but we’ve played with some great homemade toys)