Is it "Unmanly" For a Guy to be a Huge Salad Lover?



  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    TOPIC: Is it "Unmanly" For a Guy to be a Huge Salad Lover?

    I think it's unmanly to love any food. Just eat it like a normal person. Leave the apple pies alone too. That's not what they're for either.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    nooooo not unmanly at's sexy!!! really!!!

    And on the other side of the extreme, htf is it sexy in the least?
  • DeeDeeMee
    DeeDeeMee Posts: 133 Member
    Not unmanly at all, although I am having a mental image of the Simpsons congaing around their house singing "you don't win friends with salad'.
  • Nix_Way
    Nix_Way Posts: 201 Member
    Nope!! Its very manly for a dude to love salads!! Nuf said!! :):drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    I am disappointed in this thread.. I expected better..
  • redladywitch
    redladywitch Posts: 799 Member
    :happy: No judgement here. Eat what you want and don't worry what other people think. Carry on.
  • Mr_Starr
    Mr_Starr Posts: 139 Member
    a real man eats what ever he damn well wants...

    it would be most non-manly and wimpy to stop eating something you like because you a little scared that folks are questioning your masculinity.
  • Mr_Starr
    Mr_Starr Posts: 139 Member
    No, but stressing over it to the point of asking this question is.

    ^^^ This. And very well said.
  • MzOnree
    MzOnree Posts: 124 Member
    Hey, real men wear pink, eat quiche and love salads! Who cares what you are eating...let the others stare. Eat what makes you happy. I think watching a man eat a huge salad is a turn on! I get sick of watching my man eat steak every night. I will put out a small salad and he will eat the potato, side of veggies, the steak and then tell me to wrap up the salad for tomorrow night because he is too full to eat the salad.

    So eat your salad, let people stare because they are probably thinking...hum, maybe I should have ordered a salad too?! Maybe they are staring cause your a hunk. You have no worries. Eat your salad and enjoy life! Your body loves you for it! :wink:
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I have a question for everyone here. Do any of you think that it is unusual or "unmanly" for a guy to be a huge salad lover?

    Food is neither manly nor effeminate. At least outside of high school.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,909 Member
    Just throw some steak and bacon in it........................problem solved.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Ophidion
    Ophidion Posts: 2,065 Member
    Gender stereotyping is a load of bollocks.

  • moya_rargh
    moya_rargh Posts: 1,473 Member
    I have a question for everyone here. Do any of you think that it is unusual or "unmanly" for a guy to be a huge salad lover? I happen to absolutely love salads! In fact I would say that over time salads have become just about my favorite food. A really good Chefs salad or a Cobb salad are definitely two of my favorite foods. I eat salads all the time. I know that salads can actually be unhealthy, but I normally try hard to make sure my salads are healthy. I eat a big salad at least everyday. I normally make myself a salad everyday for lunch at work. There are some days occasionally when I'll eat a salad for both lunch and dinner. I also almost never get bored of salads with all the different topping and dressings you can put on salads. The reason I ask this question is that it's been my experience that almost all salad lovers are women, not men. Also, I've had people tell me directly that it's unusual to see a guy who loves salads as much as I do. Moreover, I live in a part of the country where the beef industry is king. So there are times I've gotten strange looks from people when I've eaten big salads at restaurants in the region I live. So do any of you think it's strange or even "unmanly" for a guy to love salads as much as I do, or do you think I'm being overly self-conscious?

    It's more unmanly for a man to worry if what he's eating is EAT DAT SPINACH!!!! :)
  • moya_rargh
    moya_rargh Posts: 1,473 Member
    I like a man who is not afraid of a lettuce!

  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    TOPIC: Is it "Unmanly" For a Guy to be a Huge Salad Lover?

    I think it's unmanly to love any food. Just eat it like a normal person. Leave the apple pies alone too. That's not what they're for either.

    STAHP the food love shaming! I live in California and I'm pretty sure I can legally marry an apple pie here. What me and my pie have is beautiful, dammit!
  • Naaer
    Naaer Posts: 212 Member
    No, I don't think there's anything wrong with a guy liking salads...In fact, I would think that he just cares about his body as much as I care about what I put in mine...Interesting question, though...

  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    My husband eats huge salads. I love huge salads. I never thought of vegetables as being gender specific.
  • Yes, its very unmanly to like salads, and a little known fact is that lettuce absorbs testosterone, so the more you eat, the less you have and the closer you are to becoming a woman.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    I am more concerned with the fact that someone is even concerned with the possibility, or that it even crosses their mind.

    Manhood and condiments, it's a serious challenge. Salad tossers unite!
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    It is manly to stand on your own two feet.

    If society claims it is manly to eat meat, cheese, oils, eggs, and all the foods that are killing you, and you are man enough to say "Nah, i think i'll have a salad" than you are more manly than most.