Replacement for Pop/Soda?

I've been doing really well at reducing my intake of Pop/Soda. I'm officially down to one can a day but I still have extreme cravings. I was wondering if anyone out there has a type of beverage that I could transfer my craving to. I drink plenty of water and I like propel but I'm still left wanting more. I don't know much about different types of juice or sports drinks, I don't want to substitute one sugary beverage for another, I'm trying to cut the sugar down to a minimum. Thank you!


  • jennycina93
    jennycina93 Posts: 127 Member
    I'm a big diet soda drinker. You could always try that since it is calorie free. I also like to drink pink lemonade with half water and half lemonade.
  • berger_amanda
    berger_amanda Posts: 3 Member
    Flavored sparkling water. No sugar (or fake sugar), just natural flavoring, and it has the fizz. :)
  • jennycina93
    jennycina93 Posts: 127 Member
    Also, my mom got me a book that was really helpful. It's called "Drink This, Not That". It shows different ways to substitute for bad drinks. It has helped me a lot. It also discusses artificial sweeteners and which are bad and which are good.
  • sparkle814
    sparkle814 Posts: 78 Member
    If it's the sugar you're worried about, there's always diet soda, of course. (Some don't like the taste, but I've also heard plenty say they really got used to it after a while.) Then again any soda's not great because of the acidity and chemicals. When I tried quitting my caffeine addiction a few years ago, flavored seltzer was the best substitute for soda for me. It's bubbly and tastes good and fills your belly the same way soda does, so it's good if you're trying to hold off another hour before a snack, etc. Seltzer's generally flavored naturally and way better for you than soda. Also, if caffeine is your thing, there's always coffee. Good luck!
  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Myself I buy a 12 pack cans of Pepsi. Generally it lasts me 6 weeks. I use them as a treat every now and then. All things in moderation is key. If you stop eating everything you like then you'll end up not having fun and just breaking down and binge on it.
  • RosaliaBee
    RosaliaBee Posts: 146 Member
    I've been doing really well at reducing my intake of Pop/Soda. I'm officially down to one can a day but I still have extreme cravings. I was wondering if anyone out there has a type of beverage that I could transfer my craving to. I drink plenty of water and I like propel but I'm still left wanting more. I don't know much about different types of juice or sports drinks, I don't want to substitute one sugary beverage for another, I'm trying to cut the sugar down to a minimum. Thank you!

    I like to drink artificially sweetened sugar-free cordial with carbonated water, the result is very close to like pop, but you can make it as strong or as weak as you like. Maybe you could help wean yourself off that way.

    For a totally unsweetened alternative, In the UK we also have a product called PLJ (pure lemon juice) you can get it off the drinks shelves next to the cordial. It is exactly what it says, just lemon juice. Lovely in a glass of fizzy water.

    Fresh lime juice with carbonated water is even better but you have to cut up a lime every time you want a drink which can get messy and annoying.
  • lucyloutoo
    lucyloutoo Posts: 522 Member
    I get slightly addicted to hot water and lemon...completely different to pop I know, and not easy to grab and go..but give it a go.... fantastically good for you too allegedly.
  • Beckboo0912
    Beckboo0912 Posts: 447 Member
    I have seltzer water on hand at all times and if I want soda I have to go to the store!
  • fruttibiscotti
    fruttibiscotti Posts: 986 Member
    You may need to find out what is it in the pop/soda drink you find enticing. Is it the caffeine, sugar, fizz, cold temperature, etc? For instance, if it is caffeine and cold temp, try an iced tea or iced coffee (without sugar), if it's the fizz try sparkling water (Perrier or Pellegrino) with twist of fresh lemon, if it's the sugar try sugar free soda substitutes (although I am not a fan of artificial sweeteners at all, but I guess you need to kick the sugar habit somehow). If it's the cold temperature alone, just drink refrigerated water or water with ice cubes in it. Good luck.
  • moefinch
    moefinch Posts: 31 Member
    I was addicted to Diet Pepsi...or so I thought. Once my brother purchased a SodaStream machine and I tried carbonated tap water, I figured out that it was just the bubbles that I love. Now, Diet Pepsi is just a treat every now and then with my cheat meal. Might be worth a shot!
  • carolina822
    carolina822 Posts: 155 Member
    I recently purchased a Soda Stream and other than the sample flavor packs that came with it, have only used it to make fizzy water. Add a dash of lime juice and it's an excellent soda substitute (and mixes very well with vodka, too!)
  • chellycakes
    chellycakes Posts: 347 Member
    Crystal light! Yumm.
  • Lizzard_77
    Lizzard_77 Posts: 232 Member
    Water Kefir and Kombucha are great subs and are full of probiotics. It can get pricey if you are buying them but makng them at home is really easy. You can find WK grains and Kombucha SCOBYs on Amazon. Seltzer water is really a great sub too!
  • aquarabbit
    aquarabbit Posts: 1,622 Member
    I got a Soda Stream and I love it. I make my own syrup too and just keep it in reusable jars. I make all kinds of flavors. Strawberry, mango, cola, pineapple, ginger. It's a really fun way to experiment, but they have the premade ones too. Best thing I ever bought!
  • Anthem76
    Anthem76 Posts: 81 Member
    Drink seltzer! It's just carbonated water. I like it ice cold right from the can. It's uber cheap at the grocery store and you can buy it by the case just like soda. For years, DH made fun of me for drinking it. He said it tasted "salty." Then one day, he decided to give up Mt Dew. He was craving carbonation and the only thing in the fridge with bubbles, was my seltzer. Little by little, he started drinking more of it and now he loves it. My point of this story is that it can take some getting used to, if you're used to sugary sodas. But once you make the switch, it's just as satisfying. I'd stay away from diet drinks. The chemicals are bad news, aspartame gives me the worst headaches.
  • strunch
    strunch Posts: 66 Member
    Water with lime juice.
  • lngrunert
    lngrunert Posts: 204 Member
    Flavored seltzer water is my best friend.
  • jaydangler

    I feel you on wanting to add flavor to water! I drink a lot of water, but often add lemon to it for some flavor. Some people I know like "spa water" which is a pitcher of water, cucumber, and lemon, that you let sit overnight. It'll absorb the flavoring and is pretty refreshing. Also, I like drinking a variety of teas; they tend to relax me while still hydrating at the same time.

    Hope that helps answer your question :)
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    If you don't mind artificial sweeteners, you can try Coke Zero (assuming you like Coke to begin with). It's the best substitute for "The Real Thing" at this point. (See what I did there?)

    Also, the "10" calorie sodas are really good IMHO (Sunkist 10, A&W 10...haven't tried the others.) Basically they use artificial sweetener for the most part and a tiny amount of sugar or corn syrup to mask the aftertaste from the artificial sugars. The downside to those is they're so good you have to make sure you don't drink 'em like crazy or you'll end up back where you started on calories.

    Flavored water is great as well...honestly that's mostly what I drink but I know sometimes you just crave fizzy and sweet! :drinker:
  • 26hendrix
    I used to be a big diet coke drinker, never drunk water and constantly craved coke. I have since cut it out of my life slowly, firstly by drinking less and replacing it with water and no sugar cordial. Now I love water and nothing refreshes me more, I drink herbal and fruit tea or add lime or lemon to my water if I want more flavour.