Replacement for Pop/Soda?



  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    Sweet tea with safe sweetners.
    I get the sugar free packets of Kool Aid type flavors to add to the water for flavor.
    You can also add fresh fruit to your water for flavor.
  • moelowens132
    moelowens132 Posts: 13 Member
    KOMBUCHA is a fermented, fizzy tea and it Is amazing! Of course like everything else you should only drink one bottle a day but it is the closest thing I have to soda and it satisfies the craving without any artificial ingredients or sugars. Also, sparkling juices (organic ones tend to not have any sugar or preservatives added) are a great way to go. Basically you're craving the fizz so get creative and try some healthier combinations. Good luck!
  • mkcmurphy
    mkcmurphy Posts: 437 Member
    If it's the sugar you're worried about, there's always diet soda, of course. (Some don't like the taste, but I've also heard plenty say they really got used to it after a while.) Then again any soda's not great because of the acidity and chemicals. When I tried quitting my caffeine addiction a few years ago, flavored seltzer was the best substitute for soda for me. It's bubbly and tastes good and fills your belly the same way soda does, so it's good if you're trying to hold off another hour before a snack, etc. Seltzer's generally flavored naturally and way better for you than soda. Also, if caffeine is your thing, there's always coffee. Good luck!

    Yep - this.

    Good luck!
  • jerimay22
    jerimay22 Posts: 55 Member
    Try Zip Fizz, only 10 calories and I really like the taste, it doesn't have the nasty after taste of diet soda! I replaced my morning coffee with it because it has a huge dose of vit B12 it gives me energy without feeling icky.
  • keltoi93
    keltoi93 Posts: 51 Member
    Swap to diet, I felt like it so I've drunk 2 liters of Pepsi max today, 0 calories.
  • AmyZ46
    AmyZ46 Posts: 694 Member
    Unfortunately I think there is no substitute for soda . LOL it is my biggest adiction - I had to quit cold turkey becasue I tried one a day I tried tapering off I tried one a week . It didn't work for me . I've been soda free for 6 months . I used Mio and dassani squirt flavors in my water and now I drink water or these flavored waters . I don't crave soda anymore nor do I crave sweets since getting of " the stuff " lol .
    I don't drink any sugar drinks or diet sodas at all for the fear of relapse ....

    Good luck
  • cloth1dr
    Thank you everyone for your input. I think I may try sparkling water or seltzer. I'm also going to look into the soda stream. I know it's going to be myself telling my brain I don't want it anymore more then anything else. I appreciate all the input!
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    Crystal light! Yumm.

    ^ This. I get the Green tea Mango flavor and fill a 2-liter bottle with it every day for my water intake. (Oddly, 2 quarts is just a bit less than 2 liters.) I haven't had a soda in 3 weeks and don't miss it.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    carbonated water. I drink a lot of carbonated water from my soda stream...I just add a twist of lime or whatever for some flavor.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    If you don't mind artificial sweeteners, you can try Coke Zero (assuming you like Coke to begin with). It's the best substitute for "The Real Thing" at this point. (See what I did there?)

    Also, the "10" calorie sodas are really good IMHO (Sunkist 10, A&W 10...haven't tried the others.) Basically they use artificial sweetener for the most part and a tiny amount of sugar or corn syrup to mask the aftertaste from the artificial sugars. The downside to those is they're so good you have to make sure you don't drink 'em like crazy or you'll end up back where you started on calories.

    Flavored water is great as well...honestly that's mostly what I drink but I know sometimes you just crave fizzy and sweet! :drinker:
    It would take a lot to get back to where you started. An entire 12 pack of 7-Up 10 (just using that because I'm drinkingone at the moment) has less calories than a single can of regular 7-Up.

    I also suggest diet soda if you don't want to drink regular soda. I personally drink both, it just depends on my mood and my macros.
  • eazy_
    eazy_ Posts: 516 Member
    I drink wylers light and diet lipton tea.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    Swap to diet, I felt like it so I've drunk 2 liters of Pepsi max today, 0 calories.
    Sorry to burst your bubble, but an entire 2 liter isn't 0 calories. It's more like 30 calories.:drinker:
  • Makoce
    Makoce Posts: 938 Member
    Sparkling water.
  • NaturallyCrowned
    Have you tried zevia it's a zero calorie soda with no artificial sweeteners. It comes in different flavor sand I think it's pretty good. It's good that your drinking plenty of water, but if your like me and sometimes can't resist that craving its a good alternative.
  • Vex3521
    Vex3521 Posts: 385 Member
    I've been drinking Sparkling Ice lately. It's pretty good and a switch up from water and seltzer
  • WhoHa42
    WhoHa42 Posts: 1,270 Member
    Just drink diet. I go through 4 liters of diet soda a week while on a cut. Everything I've seen about diet soda causing more weight gain is just correlation.

    Correlation =/= causation
  • VoodooAborisha
    VoodooAborisha Posts: 147 Member
    I have found just plain carbonated water to work. You can use "club soda" which is cheap, or you can get the "sparkling" mineral waters like perrier or other brands, but it all tastes the same in the end. If you drink it REALLY cold, with a squeeze of lime or lemon, it is REALLY nice.

    I often drink diet soda however I would like to eliminate artificial sweeteners from my diet, so I replace what I can with the bubbly water.
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Pepsi max, Coke zero...all the fun of soda without the calories :drinker:
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    Swap to diet, I felt like it so I've drunk 2 liters of Pepsi max today, 0 calories.
    Sorry to burst your bubble, but an entire 2 liter isn't 0 calories. It's more like 30 calories.:drinker:

    Actually it's about 6 calories.
  • D8vidFitness
    if you don't have it in your house, you'll start to stop craving it. I've went 6 months without drinking any sodas, it wasn't because I was restricted to em, but just simply never having them in the household. Once you get past the first 2-3 initial weeks, the cravings will usually stop.

    If you want it to be on the healthier side, mix sparkling water with cranberry juice 50/50, cran-soda is great :]

    Good luck