Replacement for Pop/Soda?



  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    diet coke.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I want to know where this "diet soda is high in sodium" myth came from. Diet soda is no higher in sodium than most regular drinking water (which uses sodium as a water softener.) In fact, diet soda is categorized as a "low sodium food."

    Diet Pepsi and Diet Coke have the same sodium content as their sugary counterparts.

    Now, you may not think 35 mg sodium for an 8 ounce glass is heavy, and I might agree with you. But I'm countering the whole "let's drink 2 2-liters of diet coke a day" / "drink it like water" vibe we've also seen on this thread. That kind of sodium adds up.

    In my diet, if I'm not careful when I eat healthy-normal, I'm over in my sodium anyway. A soda or two could put me a little over or add to being way over. So I just eschewed sodas altogether, and it was a move that benefited me greatly.
    A 2 liter of soda has roughly 200mg of sodium. That's still very low, and not much different than 2 liters of water.
  • barneychavez
    barneychavez Posts: 30 Member
    i used to have a coke with breakfast, one with lunch and at least two for dinner. talk about a huge change. you get used to just drinking water. after awhile, you start to crave a nice cold glass of ice water. what has helped me to get rid of my crack like addiction to soda is drinking loose-leaf tea. now and then i'll put a teaspoon of sugar, but at 15 calories per teaspoon, i'll just move a little more. :) try tea--there's a gazillion different flavors out there!
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I've been doing really well at reducing my intake of Pop/Soda. I'm officially down to one can a day but I still have extreme cravings. I was wondering if anyone out there has a type of beverage that I could transfer my craving to.

    Water. There's your answer.
  • baldmitch
    baldmitch Posts: 90 Member
    A 2 liter of soda has roughly 200mg of sodium. That's still very low, and not much different than 2 liters of water.

    For a lot of people, this is all very good and a beneficial attitude to have.

    I do have other conditions - diabetes and heart disease, which make sodium intake a little more worth monitoring and caffeine worth cutting out. Mayo clinic recommends 2300mg/day sodium for a healthy person, and though I feel healthy at the moment, with my conditions only 1500mg/day. And I'm still over on the MFP recommendation of 2500 just about every day without sodas.

    I used to love sodas, and researched the science behind aspartame to combat alarmist hoaxes that would enter my mom's email telling her how evil diet sodas were. The thing is, once I gave them all up and started drinking more natural drinks (no juices for me, no sodas, just tea and water mostly), as just part of a whole host of dietary and exercise and life changes, I really felt better.

    I'm glad you can handle the sodas, though.
  • kgasser
    kgasser Posts: 333 Member
    Advocare spark...little boost twice per day...pooh,pooh me if you will, but when I went on their plan, which includes no soda, diet or otherwise, I lost 25 pounds...yes TWO one week. Prior to Advocare I drank about 8-12 Diet Sunkists per calories, what can it hurt? The week I started Advocare which includes supplements and a low carb/high protien diet, I lost the weight and the pain in my arthritic knee went down to the point that I went from 2 Celebrex (anti-inflamatory/pain pills) to one occasionally and when from tollerable pain to no pain when I did take the meds. On thanksgiving, I drank 4 in one day...cause it was a cheat day, you know...for the next 3 days I felt like there was a spike through my knee and I gained 8 pounds...NOBODY eats 8 pounds worth of food in a day! I know that people will want to string me up for saying Advocare works, but for me it does...38 pounds in 10 weeks is hard to argue with...and my sister has lost 80 pounds in 6 months. I am not sayin that Advocare is the reason I lost it all, but it definately keeps me on track with the changed living style. Also, if you do some research, you will find that artificial sweetners can cause allergic reactions which causes inflamation throughout the entire body...think about it!