Don't call me.....



  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    This is all kinda cracking me up. I am currently single after 30 yrs or so. We called each other everything but babe :laugh: I woulda killed for babe :tongue:

    When I stayed with my friend I she called her S/O love at least every other minute, had to ask her to stop before I threw up :embarassed:

    Started texting with a hot trainer. Nice guy, sweetheart. Every time we talked, texted and even the few times we went out it was 'babe, baby, princess' finally on the last date I said "What is my name"

    :huh: He didn't know :noway:

    :laugh: Well he knew but couldn't pronounce it :laugh: :laugh:
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    ... daughter. Not fit to. The picture kept will remind me.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member
    My name is Amy and I hate being called 'Aim'. There are only three letters in my name, we do not need to attempt to shorten it.

    But,that's two syllables. I mght get exhausted if I had to utter the second one.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    At 63 it is very condescending when some very young person calls me sweetie or honey. Especially in the service world. I HATE being called Ma'am. I can totally remember the first time I was called Ma'am. It was at Taco Bell. I had just stepped in the door and the young girls behind the counter says "I can take your order Ma'am." I said "well Ma'am I have yet to decide what I want." I swear she turned green.

    My name is Shirley and I love being called by my birth name.

    Shirley in cold Oregon.

    Would you have preferred Mz. or a just "Hey you"?
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    ... daughter. Not fit to. The picture kept will remind me.

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member

    I hate babe.

    Baby doesn't bother me AS much- but BF only uses it when I'm really upset typically. but don't call me babe- I hate babe.

    Our pet names are *kitten*, douchecanoe, smut and who*re and d*ckface.

    we do NOT take ourselves seriously- the overyly sappy stuff doesn't do it for me.
  • WantingNumber3
    My husband and I never liked any of the usual pet names, so we each got to pick a nickname for the other person. For 8 years now I have been called Doughnut, and he has been my Penguin. :laugh:
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    To be honest I kinda dig pet names in the context of a relationship:) My problem is when they're used in a work environment. I'm in a male-dominated field and being called "hun" is so remarkably demeaning in my opinion

    Agree with this. Being a southerner, I'm used to men (even women sometimes) I don't even know calling me things like honey or sweetie or whatever. That's no big deal in an everyday context. In the office, it drives me nuts. I used to work with a man who did that. He also called all the females in the office "girls" or "skirts." He and I butted heads frequently on a variety of things. I really got under his skin because I'm about 40 years younger than he is and I have lady parts, yet I was responsible for supervising part of his work. One day, I put my foot down about something that he was doing differently than I told him to do it, and he said "I miss the days when women were content to make coffee and answer phones." As a woman, you really have to be diligent about this sort of thing, especially if you are in a supervisory role. People assume that you are a push-over because you have boobs.
  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    No matter how happy I am, I will still dislike the term 'baby'. I'm not a baby, I'm not your baby, so don't call me that.

    I really dislike Ma'am unless it's said with an American accent (by an Aussie it just sounds condescending).

    For the trolls in this thread, bugger off.

    My mom called me "punkin." I punched her in the face repeatedly until she fell to the floor and stood over her and said "THINK YOU'D TAKE A WHOOPIN' FROM A PUMPKIN? PUMPKINS DON'T HAVE ARMS OR FIRSTS OF FURY! I'M NOT A PUMPKIN, SO DON'T CALL ME THAT! YOU GOT THAT?!?"

    i'm with you on this, pookie.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    To be honest I kinda dig pet names in the context of a relationship:) My problem is when they're used in a work environment. I'm in a male-dominated field and being called "hun" is so remarkably demeaning in my opinion

    Agree with this. Being a southerner, I'm used to men (even women sometimes) I don't even know calling me things like honey or sweetie or whatever. That's no big deal in an everyday context. In the office, it drives me nuts. I used to work with a man who did that. He also called all the females in the office "girls" or "skirts." He and I butted heads frequently on a variety of things. I really got under his skin because I'm about 40 years younger than he is and I have lady parts, yet I was responsible for supervising part of his work. One day, I put my foot down about something that he was doing differently than I told him to do it, and he said "I miss the days when women were content to make coffee and answer phones." As a woman, you really have to be diligent about this sort of thing, especially if you are in a supervisory role. People assume that you are a push-over because you have boobs.

    that would have set me over the edge. I worked construction for 5 years and only once did I have an issue. I can't stand that type of "well it's the way we used to do it" or "he's old school"

    that's not an excuse to treat someone differently because they are engineered differently. I am a better man than most I know- so then can go Fug themselves and I'll do the work. LOL
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Curious how OP felt when preverbal? Seriously insulted right? Amirite?
  • latenitelucy
    latenitelucy Posts: 1,314 Member
    My name is Melissa and I hate Mel and Missy.
  • SpeSHul_SnoflEHk
    SpeSHul_SnoflEHk Posts: 6,256 Member

    Aiiigh!! I am stuck in a loop.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    I like to be called a special snowflake or b*tchcakes.
  • 3foldchord
    3foldchord Posts: 2,918 Member
    I can not stand when I hear parents call each other "mom/dad" ..I guess so their kids will call them mom/dad?

    Anyway, it just creeps me out. I am not my husbands mom, that is just creepy.

    (Our kids did perfectly fine calling us mom/dad without us calling each other that)

    And "baby"...I agree, it is not a term of endearment I would want my husband to use for me.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Someone is obviously single.
  • yankeefan79
    not so much baby, but I do call my wife babe.....seems to be ok with it ! lol
  • ChristinaOrtiz23
    ChristinaOrtiz23 Posts: 1,546 Member
    Tina!! i HATE it!!!
  • kgbenny
    kgbenny Posts: 15 Member
    My husband calls me "hon" a lot. I guess it's okay. I call him Dave.

    I used to like "sweetie" but my dad started obnoxiously bellowing that to my stepmother all the time and I lost all love for the term. I like "baby" but a friend's creepy old man boyfriend calls her that all the time and refers to her as "baby" when talking to OTHER PEOPLE so it lost its luster.

    I sometimes call people "chicken nugget". I call my pets "boo boo" and "poo poo". They don't seem to mind.