annoyed by even having a body at this point



  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    Also do you just eat chicken? No other type of meat? There are healthy options of meat out there.
  • lcfairbairn74
    lcfairbairn74 Posts: 412 Member
    It initially took me about 40 pounds of loss to see or feel any difference (I started at 336). Now, I see some sort of change in my body every 10 pounds or so, and I still have a way to go! Hang in there! Be patient and keep going and you will start seeing the changes you hope for soon!
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    If you are discouraged already and are just awaiting the day you can resume old habits then you won't have lasting success. I suggest you find ways to enjoy your journey without just focusing solely on weight loss. My focus is health and how I feel.

    At the start of my MFP journey 16 months ago, I did not notice a large difference when I lost the first 30 pounds and I started smaller than you. The difference started to get very noticeable once I was under 200. Now a 5 pound loss is a HUGE difference in how my clothes fit and sometimes it takes 2 months to lose that 5 pounds. So what? I have no end date for my lifestyle; I will eat this way for the rest of my life.

    The secret of my success over very serious health issues, including binge eating disorder is WHAT I eat. Someone mentioned Overeaters Anonymous and you may find them helpful but my problems were symptoms of malnourishment so no amount of counselling or willpower could help me. Only the food.
  • LVCeltGirl
    I agree with others. I've been lucky this time around and have gone down a size or two but it's not always been that way. You want to know the weirdest place I see a NSV, my feet. I've gone down just about 1/2 shoe size. Keep doing what you're doing, make that list of things you can do and/or want to do that requires being at a lower, healthier weight. And wear that 30 lbs lost proudly. Even without the kudos from others, 30 lbs is a great loss.

    Keep up the cardio and the weights, they'll help you lose and tone. I suspect you'll be one of those that it'll be what seems an "all of a sudden" NSV. You'll drop 10 lbs but those 10 lbs was 2 sizes while the other weight wasn't. I don't get it but it happens that way.
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Anyone else take a very long time to lose any inches or change size, even though they lost pounds steadily?

    ME!!! ME!! I don't think I'll ever change sizes! Saves money on buying new clothes though. Everything I have from before I started still fits perfectly.
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    Im not sure of your body weight but just looking at your Food Diary it looks like you can improve on certain foods so you can start eating less calories. How much are you working out? I dont see that added in either. Also is there a reason why you are eating so late? Even though I read that you can eat late as long as its in your calorie goal and youll burn off some that the next day as long as you exercise...maybe perhaps some healthier food choices? She's eating a great amount of calories, doesn't matter what time you eat, and there is nothing wrong with her food choices. Calories in, calories out. The OP has lost 30lbs, she's venting about not being able to SEE weight loss, not that she isn't losing.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Im not sure of your body weight but just looking at your Food Diary it looks like you can improve on certain foods so you can start eating less calories. How much are you working out? I dont see that added in either. Also is there a reason why you are eating so late? Even though I read that you can eat late as long as its in your calorie goal and youll burn off some that the next day as long as you exercise...maybe perhaps some healthier food choices?

    She's lost 30 lbs since November, I don't think she needs to eat less calories.

    OP you're doing great. Keep it up and try not to get discouraged. I'll bet you're losing fat from places that are not being measured. I know I lean out on top first and then it makes its way down.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Im not sure of your body weight but just looking at your Food Diary it looks like you can improve on certain foods so you can start eating less calories. How much are you working out? I dont see that added in either. Also is there a reason why you are eating so late? Even though I read that you can eat late as long as its in your calorie goal and youll burn off some that the next day as long as you exercise...maybe perhaps some healthier food choices? She's eating a great amount of calories, doesn't matter what time you eat, and there is nothing wrong with her food choices. Calories in, calories out. The OP has lost 30lbs, she's venting about not being able to SEE weight loss, not that she isn't losing.

    Great minds :flowerforyou:
  • BrainyBurro
    BrainyBurro Posts: 6,129 Member
    Everyone on here seems to be about those ~non-scale victories.~ Okay, fine.

    Well, I have a minor SV so far: I've lost about thirty pounds. Yay me.

    What bugs me is, I haven't gotten any slimmer (I recorded new measurements, but honestly with the way my body is shaped I can wiggle the tape measure and easily add or subtract an inch from my measurements. It means very little.) My clothes fit exactly the same.

    I know that, for example, the gap between sizes is bigger when you're a bigger person, and that weight loss takes longer to show on bigger bodies. It's just a little disheartening (read: annoying) that I don't look different, my clothes don't fit different, and in fact the only difference is the number on the scale.

    I do some strength training every-other day, I try to include (but tend to forget to log) a little cardio each day. I don't think I'm missing any essential part of weight loss here, and honestly there may not be a point to this post in the end except for me to vent a bit. Anyone else take a very long time to lose any inches or change size, even though they lost pounds steadily?

    be patient. stick with it. some part of you is changing. that 30lbs came from somewhere. did you take photos on day #1 and compare them to your current photos? if not, start doing that. it may be that the camera will show you the differences more readily than your eyes can see them in the mirror. every day you see yourself in the mirror, so the small daily changes don't register in your mind. they will when you compare photographs. take front, back, and side photos.
  • margelizard
    margelizard Posts: 89 Member
    It definitely can be frustrating, but just stick with it! When I first started, I lost a lot of weight off of my face and shoulders and other weird places. I feel like even my hands and feet have shrunk a fair bit (just had to get my engagement ring resized as it kept falling off).

    Just keep at it and you will eventually see a difference! I have found that after losing 50 lbs (from 200 to 150 lbs) I have shrunk pretty much everywhere except my boobs. And now that everything below my boobs is way thinner, they look bigger than they ever have. It's almost frightening lol.
  • Yanicka1
    Yanicka1 Posts: 4,564 Member
    I suggest you take 30 pounds of dog food and carry that for one day........that is the weight that is not on your knees every time you take a step, or tension on your back, extra blood your heart and lungs have to work so much harder to move around your body.

    What you need to change is to be patient with your body.
  • ihad
    ihad Posts: 7,463 Member
    Patience is key. You are making significant progress, keep it up, and many good things will come.
  • vvvalentines
    30 lbs is nothing to sneeze at! Be patient and you will see results. Did you take lots of "before" pictures?

    Lots of before pictures exist (though poorly lit.)

    Thanks for all the kind words/similar stories, it helps to read other people's experiences to help get perspective.
  • jennegan1
    jennegan1 Posts: 677 Member
    I understand that, Im not trying to be nasty in any way with her I was just giving her a suggestion thats all saying maybe she can tweak her food in some way
  • vvvalentines
    Im not sure of your body weight but just looking at your Food Diary it looks like you can improve on certain foods so you can start eating less calories. How much are you working out? I dont see that added in either. Also is there a reason why you are eating so late? Even though I read that you can eat late as long as its in your calorie goal and youll burn off some that the next day as long as you exercise...maybe perhaps some healthier food choices?

    She's lost 30 lbs since November, I don't think she needs to eat less calories.

    OP you're doing great. Keep it up and try not to get discouraged. I'll bet you're losing fat from places that are not being measured. I know I lean out on top first and then it makes its way down.

    30 pounds since August, actually (I'd be pretty weirded out if I lost 30 lbs in a month, I think.) Thanks for the encouragement!
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Im not sure of your body weight but just looking at your Food Diary it looks like you can improve on certain foods so you can start eating less calories. How much are you working out? I dont see that added in either. Also is there a reason why you are eating so late? Even though I read that you can eat late as long as its in your calorie goal and youll burn off some that the next day as long as you exercise...maybe perhaps some healthier food choices?

    She's lost 30 lbs since November, I don't think she needs to eat less calories.

    OP you're doing great. Keep it up and try not to get discouraged. I'll bet you're losing fat from places that are not being measured. I know I lean out on top first and then it makes its way down.

    30 pounds since August, actually (I'd be pretty weirded out if I lost 30 lbs in a month, I think.) Thanks for the encouragement!

    That's actually better. :laugh: But you still don't need to be eating less calories. You're doing awesome. :flowerforyou:
  • cynmom
    I am trying fitness pal alongside of weight watchers to see which I like better... does anyone have any comment on this?
  • I_Will_End_You
    I_Will_End_You Posts: 4,397 Member
    I am trying fitness pal alongside of weight watchers to see which I like better... does anyone have any comment on this?

    You should start your own thread and ask.
  • vvvalentines
    I understand that, Im not trying to be nasty in any way with her I was just giving her a suggestion thats all saying maybe she can tweak her food in some way

    Is there a specific "tweak" you would suggest?
  • lacurandera1
    lacurandera1 Posts: 8,083 Member
    You're smaller somewhere. You just don't realize it and/or it's somewhere you don't measure. I don't measure my thigh close to my knee but it's somewhere I have noticed the fit of my jeans loosening.

    Don't get disocuraged. Don't think you are doing something wrong. You are making progress. Follow the other fantastic advice in here and measure your progress in ways that aren't about weight or want you look like. Can you run farther than you used to? Do x amount of pushups or situps? Lift more weight? (PS. Best reason ever for strength training-the high you get when you PR).