I want to eat less and move more



  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    Oh well my bad - looks like you've done a wonderful job from your profile pic. Good on you.

    But I thought this kind of thread would go better in the success stories not the getting started.

    Its not a success thread though and I feel it better reaches its intended audience here.

    And thank you.

    May I ask who your intended audience is?

    You seem to be going out of your way to prove some sort of point to them.

    Really you shouldn't worry about what other people think and just do what works for you. Whatever you're doing obviously does work for you isn't that enough of itself?

    And do you think that this thread will really change their minds?
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Oh well my bad - looks like you've done a wonderful job from your profile pic. Good on you.

    But I thought this kind of thread would go better in the success stories not the getting started.

    Its not a success thread though and I feel it better reaches its intended audience here.

    And thank you.

    May I ask who your intended audience is?

    You seem to be going out of your way to prove some sort of point to them.

    Really you shouldn't worry about what other people think and just do what works for you. Whatever you're doing obviously does work for you isn't that enough of itself?

    And do you think that this thread will really change their minds?

    Not all threads seek to change minds or prove something. Some are merely what they appear to be. In this case it is merely a list of concepts or perhaps ideals that have been important to me as I've lost weight. I made no arguements or any attempts at persuasion in my OP.

    It's placed in this subforum because these were my guidelines as I started and continued to lose weight. Ergo: Getting Started.

    You're making far too much of such a simple thread. The chit chat subforum must drive you bonkers.

    I actually wonder about you. Why so interested? Merely not pleased that I wasn't actually seeking help? A defender of the Getting Started subforum? Bored? I find your responses so very curious.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    Oh well my bad - looks like you've done a wonderful job from your profile pic. Good on you.

    But I thought this kind of thread would go better in the success stories not the getting started.

    Its not a success thread though and I feel it better reaches its intended audience here.

    And thank you.

    May I ask who your intended audience is?

    You seem to be going out of your way to prove some sort of point to them.

    Really you shouldn't worry about what other people think and just do what works for you. Whatever you're doing obviously does work for you isn't that enough of itself?

    And do you think that this thread will really change their minds?

    Actually it was a post similar to this almost a year ago, that helped me figure out I didn't have to be miserable dieting like I had always done, and to start doing some serious research.

    So this is a perfect place for this post, and I thank all of you that have posted over the year and taught me this simple plan. :)
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    Oh well my bad - looks like you've done a wonderful job from your profile pic. Good on you.

    But I thought this kind of thread would go better in the success stories not the getting started.

    Its not a success thread though and I feel it better reaches its intended audience here.

    And thank you.

    May I ask who your intended audience is?

    You seem to be going out of your way to prove some sort of point to them.

    Really you shouldn't worry about what other people think and just do what works for you. Whatever you're doing obviously does work for you isn't that enough of itself?

    And do you think that this thread will really change their minds?

    Actually it was a post similar to this almost a year ago, that helped me figure out I didn't have to be miserable dieting like I had always done, and to start doing some serious research.

    So this is a perfect place for this post, and I thank all of you that have posted over the year and taught me this simple plan. :)

  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    I actually wonder about you. Why so interested? Merely not pleased that I wasn't actually seeking help? A defender of the Getting Started subforum? Bored? I find your responses so very curious.

    LOL - I was just curious that's all (yes I know curiosity did kill the cat) - it just seemed to me that you had some sort of point to make, but it seems I was wrong.
  • Dewymorning
    Dewymorning Posts: 762 Member
    And lift some heavy weights. I'd like to be sexy while doing so (Well not while, but perhaps after a shower and such)

    I don't want to: Cut anything out of my diet, aside from calories.

    Do any juice or water fasts in placement of food.

    Be hungry.

    Try out any fad diets.

    Adopt a whole new philosophy in life.

    Be hungry.

    Suffer from food based guilt.

    Drive myself insane.

    Turn into a snob who puts down others and their choices in food for not being good, pure, clean, or whole enough

    Be Hungry!

    Bust my butt in the gym out of obligation and not out of a desire to bust my butt.

    Any thoughts on the sustainability of this plan? Yes? No? Doing it wrong? Sounds too simple?

    Sounds basically like my philosophy.

    The basic advice I give to you is to cut down protion sizes and learn what foods or ingredients are really adding the calories to your diet and replacing them with a lower calorie alternative.

    For example, I used to eat a lot of pre-made Indian curries which must have been made with cream. Now if I want Indian curry I will make it myself and use unsweetened yoghurt.

    I also have a 25 gram bar of dark chocolate everyday so I never feel like I am missing out on the good stuff. :3
  • Achrya
    Achrya Posts: 16,913 Member
    I actually wonder about you. Why so interested? Merely not pleased that I wasn't actually seeking help? A defender of the Getting Started subforum? Bored? I find your responses so very curious.

    LOL - I was just curious that's all (yes I know curiosity did kill the cat) - it just seemed to me that you had some sort of point to make, but it seems I was wrong.

    Were my goal to make a point you'd know, because I would have made it and not just written up a list. I'm a fairly to the point person when I want to say something. Some have even called me harshly blunt.

    Sometimes a list is just a list.
  • mungowungo
    mungowungo Posts: 327 Member
    So basically there is no point to this thread. It is therefore pointless. I think I'll leave now. Have a nice day.
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    Oh sorry I didn't realise it was a "look at me" thread. I thought the OP was asking for advice.

    You thought something that ended with 'doing it wrong? Too simple?' seemed like I was in search of advice to you, and not a bit tongue in cheek?

    Well... I enjoyed it and appreciated the tongue in cheek tone! :-) I think so many people make weight loss and fitness so much more complicated than it needs to be. Do the sensible things, and the results will come!
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
    If you want loose weight, I do not sugguest cutting down the amount you eat. Eat lot but healthy. If you want to loose weight or even get toned, you will have to make sacrifices and eat more clean. You can't eat less but enjoy hamburgers and pizza. Dieting is all about balance so as long as you eat healthy and what you want in moderation, along with exercise you should see results within weeks. Moving more and eating less will only make you feel dizzy and weak. I changed to a healthier lifestyle 3 months ago and these tips really helped. I am not a professional but based on a lot of people I know who are on a fitness journey, these advices have helped.

    Wait... I can't eat less but enjoy hamburgers and pizza?
    Aw, crap. I've been doing it wrong this whole time.

    I just had pizza for lunch! OMG I'm F*ed now!
  • Slrajr
    Slrajr Posts: 438 Member
    It sounds fishy to me, I mean if it's that simple then why do we have a multi-million dollar diet industry? I mean you can fill a library full of published diet books. Don't you think i should read them all before I decide what to do?

    Also, you're going to trust your body to get rid of toxins? I've never seen that on the telly!
  • needtogetfit932
    Good plan - you can do it! Remember, you don't always have to lift weights, one of the hardest types resistance training is body weight exercises. We're all here for you if you need help! Feel free to add me :)
  • dtimedwards
    dtimedwards Posts: 319 Member
    What's your plan for the toxins?

    Pop Tart cleanse.