What foods surprised you?

This has probably been done before, but here we go...

When you started on this path of weight loss and logging calories, what foods surprised you as being far higher calorie than you assumed? Or far better for you than you initially thought?

One big surprise for me was tortillas. I had seen a lot of places advertising wraps as healthier alternatives to sandwiches, so I was surprised when I actually looked at the label of tortillas. They are almost as high in calorie as bread.

Another one - I made corn bread (from Jiffy mix) this weekend to go with chili. I didn't expect that it was a low calorie food by any means, but it was much higher calorie than I expected.


  • fannyfrost
    fannyfrost Posts: 756 Member
    I had surprises in both directions. Its been a while, but some cookies aren't as high in calories as you would think. Also some veggies, or beans even were higher in calories than I thought they would be.

    I guess that is one of the reason we are overweight, not knowing how many calories are in some items.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I too was surprised by the calories in tortillas, and by the sodium.

    Most recently I was surprised by the calories in a single cordial cherry :sad:
  • Shuuma
    Shuuma Posts: 465 Member
    4 oz. of 2% milk is 65 calories. That kind of threw me for a loop!
  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    I also am surprised how many times the diet version of things aren't that much better (sometimes worse - depends on your measuring stick) for you than the regular. I see this mostly with string cheese, the diet-branded cookies, candies, and sweets (most of the time it is just smaller portions), and salad dressing.
  • 257_Lag
    257_Lag Posts: 1,249 Member
    Milk! I used to regularly drink up to a quart a day.

    Also the sodium in olives and pickles.
  • Marcia315
    Marcia315 Posts: 460 Member
    The number of carbs in home made split pea soup.
  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    I always assumed rice was lower calorie than it actually is. I know a lot of skinny people that eat a lot of rice.
  • Quieau
    Quieau Posts: 428 Member
    I was surprised at how low-calorie potatoes are ... it's what we DO to potatoes that makes them rich and calorific! They're pretty good nutrition on their own!
  • tubaman58
    I'm with you, tortillas!
  • staplebug
    Cheese. 110 calories in ONE OUNCE! If I could eliminate cheese entirely from my diet, I would lose weight so much faster.
  • climbing_trees
    climbing_trees Posts: 726 Member
    Less about the calories and more about the size, but this recently got me!

    Sweet potatoes! I usually try to buy the smallest ones from the grocery, and I would log them as a "medium" sweet potato. However, after I started weighing them, they were nearly three times the calories I thought they were ;__; I love you sweet potatoes~

    Also totally agree with you on the tortillas/wraps... grrr >___< and beans! So frustrating!

    Especially because on of my favorite foods is a sweet potato/black bean burrito!! Haha
  • InsanityForMe
    InsanityForMe Posts: 73 Member
    Muffins.. Always use to choose them instead of donuts.. but they have more calories.
  • tlravas
    Apples. Love them, but they have so much sugar in them.
  • bf43005
    bf43005 Posts: 287
    Bananas. I was shocked when I saw how high the calories were in this. I guess it was that mind set that if it's a fruit/veggie it must be little to no calories because it's good for you. Granted it's still good for you but I didn't expect over 100 calories.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    I am just surprised as the food industry and how they can get away with poisoning us with our food. The fact that they are allowed to put all the salt / sugar and chemicals in our food is scary. I really wish they would just leave our food alone .. but then they want us to become addicted, cause that means money in their pockets. Fast food is the same way and a major reason why we are all here.

    My franken food .. banana's, not so much the calories in them, but the carbs. I too thought they were healthy. There are way better low GI fruits.
  • margelizard
    margelizard Posts: 89 Member
    Nutella you sweet calorific bomb you! 2 tbsp is 200 cals....
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    Milk! I used to regularly drink up to a quart a day.

    Also the sodium in olives and pickles.

    I have to agree with the pickles.

    I also cannot believe how much sodium is in most foods.

    Sometimes when you measure out a snack it's a bit disappointing to see the small portion.
  • _db_
    _db_ Posts: 179 Member
    Chicken - a freaking amazing source of low-calorie protein

    Salmon, especially sushi - it's ridiculously tasty and just as healthy

    Beans - very high in carbs :-\

    Glutinous rice - 100% carbs. I can barely fit it into my diet.

    Nuts, especially macadamia - perfect way to get up to my daily fat intake

    Oat bran - really good source of fiber, even if it's a little high in carbs. just add milk and it's ready to eat in 5-10 minutes.

    Cocoa nibs - good source of three Fs - fats, fiber and feel-good.

    Bread - Holy crap this stuff is hard to fit into my macros; even the healthiest screw them up.

    Protein - who knew that all protein wasn't created equally? I didn't! But that just means it's another detail over which to obsess...

    Smoothies - it's really difficult to make a tasty one that isn't a huge chunk of my daily carb allotment. As far as I can tell, the smoothie is a way to get a sugar fix under the pretense of it being healthy, but maybe it's just difficult to fit into _my_ macros.

    Water - it really is the best drink. I was an energy-drink/juice/coffee/tea junkie who'd only drink water if there was nothing else available. Holy *kitten* I was an idiot.

    More stuff - must get back to work, though!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Honestly? Everything, lol! Fruit (except berries), pasta and sushi were the worst though.
  • jeansuza
    jeansuza Posts: 148 Member
    Pickles (not the bread and butter ones) : only 2 calories per slice!!! I now put 3 or 4 in my burger!

    Potatoes: to only eat half of it is a good sustainable option...

    Store muffins: 2 or 3 or 4x bigger than my homemade muffins. Now I even make 18 smaller ones with a recipe that was meant for 12.

    Banana: always buy the smallest and eat only half of it at a time.

    No smooties for me: too much liquid and carbs for me... Prefer SOLID food.

    So many others that do not come to my mind...like...

    Individually wrapped Lindt chocolate squares: only 30 cal. a piece!