Whats the meanest thing someone said about your weight?



  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    Buying a new toilet seat with the boyfriend. I point out one and he says the legendary words:

    "Do you think your *kitten* will fit on there?"


    lmao - has he seen dat *kitten*!! silly guy
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    I'm not sure if this was mean, but it definitely hurt my feelings. When I was younger, probably 12 or 13, I was at an amusement park with my brother and sister, who are 18 and 13 years older than me. I was walking behind them and I heard my sister talking to my brother, asking if maybe I was so heavy because of a thyroid problem since my mom had recently been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. It was said out of concern, but it was the first time a family member had really acknowledged that I was fat.

    Not surprisingly, as soon as I told my sister that I'd lost quite a bit of weight, the judgmental comments started coming out. She was particularly adamant that she felt she'd failed as a big sister because I was overweight. It hurt more, after starting my weight loss journey, to hear how she really felt about my weight. People think that they can say bad things about how much you used to weigh just because you've lost weight, but that's not really nice either. I love me, and I loved me when I was 50 pounds heavier too. Not to mention that I'm still pretty dang overweight, so I'm sure many of those negative feelings still apply.

    i can understand that - I used to be that way too where when my friends would openly joke about how fat I used to be and it would bother me. But honestly, i mean they only say it now because they dont picture you that way anymore - its a good thing really, they knew it would hurt your feelings before so out of concern they never said anything, and now they are proud of the changes you made/dont see you the same way so its okay to say

    thats just the way I look at it - def doesn't bother me at all anymore
  • Kudabada
    Till I was in my 30s I was underweight and many of my friends' parents would say "wait till you have kids"! When I gained weight with three back-to-back pregnancies, one laughed and smugly reminded me of her comments years earlier, then laughed.

    My aunt also has taken to making rude comments-"you have mother's arms now" meaning flabby/big, calling me 'Slim' & poking my bottom when get in the car ahead of her. Her worst comment by far was "look how fat and disgusting you are!" As she poked my stomach and laughed. I was about 20 lbs overweight. She was about 40 lbs overweight. I told her if I wanted to be belittled and put down I would have remained in my abusive marriage & don't expect those who are supposed to be family to be so mean. I don't spend much time around her since, but she has not made any comments since.

    And now that I am in a healthy weight range (albeit near the top of healthy) those who laughed at my weight gain have nothing to say.
  • kdb247
    kdb247 Posts: 326 Member
    My EX-spouse scrunched up his face, pointed to my exposed belly and stated "That's Gross!"
  • ekz13
    ekz13 Posts: 725 Member
    Buying a new toilet seat with the boyfriend. I point out one and he says the legendary words:

    "Do you think your *kitten* will fit on there?"


    lmao - has he seen dat *kitten*!! silly guy

    Bettin he never saw dat *kitten* AGAIN!! :laugh:
  • justal313
    justal313 Posts: 1,375 Member
    "Do you bowl? You look like a bowler.."
  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    I'm not sure if this was mean, but it definitely hurt my feelings. When I was younger, probably 12 or 13, I was at an amusement park with my brother and sister, who are 18 and 13 years older than me. I was walking behind them and I heard my sister talking to my brother, asking if maybe I was so heavy because of a thyroid problem since my mom had recently been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. It was said out of concern, but it was the first time a family member had really acknowledged that I was fat.

    Not surprisingly, as soon as I told my sister that I'd lost quite a bit of weight, the judgmental comments started coming out. She was particularly adamant that she felt she'd failed as a big sister because I was overweight. It hurt more, after starting my weight loss journey, to hear how she really felt about my weight. People think that they can say bad things about how much you used to weigh just because you've lost weight, but that's not really nice either. I love me, and I loved me when I was 50 pounds heavier too. Not to mention that I'm still pretty dang overweight, so I'm sure many of those negative feelings still apply.

    i can understand that - I used to be that way too where when my friends would openly joke about how fat I used to be and it would bother me. But honestly, i mean they only say it now because they dont picture you that way anymore - its a good thing really, they knew it would hurt your feelings before so out of concern they never said anything, and now they are proud of the changes you made/dont see you the same way so its okay to say

    thats just the way I look at it - def doesn't bother me at all anymore

    I guess I've done similar things with my friends too. For some reason, talking about my weight with them doesn't feel as weird as talking about it with my sister. Part of it might be that I've always talked about it with my friends, most of who are bigger as well. Whereas my sister has always been incredibly athletic and thin, though she never really thinks she is. She had two kids and got a little bit chubbier, but after losing 10 pounds she said she was back at high school weight and went from a medium to a small dress size.

    The incident above was also the first time my sister had seen me since losing a noticeable amount of weight, since she lives several states away from me. Maybe it's just because it's too soon? I'm trying not to hold it against her though, because I know she's not trying to hurt my feelings.
  • aedreana
    aedreana Posts: 979 Member
    OMG-- this was by far the worst insult I have ever received about anything! In 1985, I heard through a third party that someone we knew thought I might have some type of eating disorder because I ate so much food for my size.
  • jstavix
    jstavix Posts: 407 Member
    My co-worker told me that her husband said I had such a pretty face and she said she told him that she felt God blessed large women with beautiful faces because their bodies weren't. And she smiled as she told this story. I had to walk away because I wanted to punch her in the face.
  • BeautifulSoul705
    BeautifulSoul705 Posts: 123 Member
    After given birth to my third child seven years ago, my baby sister who is a fitness Queen and never had kids points at my stomach and says, " you better do something about that". Six weeks after giving birth, I mean I stayed healthy and fit my whole pregnancy and it looked like I swallowed a basketball when I gave birth. I only gained 20 lbs and 9 of those pounds were my Jade Alexa. Sigh!
  • Megan101792
    Megan101792 Posts: 3,194 Member
    A guy who we both had a contingency with each other said to someone that I would never be loved and die an old fat crazy cat lady. Well, I heard it from the next person. Went up to him and told him to tell it to my face. He did. What he wasn't expecting was that I used my defense mechanism and said, yup, I'm fat and nobody is going to love me with all of my cats... as he wiped his face off the ground, I then asked him if he wanted to say that again behind my back...Not proud of chipping his tooth and splitting his lip with my fist or replacing his balls with my knee, but hey, revenge is a *****.

    He then saw me a month ago, after nearly four years...I might still be fat, but he isn't Mr. Universe anymore with his body, and his jaw dropped.
  • LumberJacck
    LumberJacck Posts: 559 Member
    "You have breasts". She is Philippine and people in that country are used to telling the truth. The annoying thing is that I was only 8kg above goal weight when she saw the photo. Yes I have breasts at that low a weight. Another girlfriends mother said I was anorexic but that really comes from a place of stupidity and being a *kitten*, rather than specifically being mean.

    The most honest thing someone said was "have you gained weight?". Yes I have, and thank you for noticing. Time to lose weight, I think. It wasn't specifically mean, and wasn't intended that way.
  • littlebutlean
    littlebutlean Posts: 2,159 Member
    I've had my uncle run into me when I was overweight and he said "Wow you've really gotten fat hey!" .. literally, said those words.
  • traceywoody
    traceywoody Posts: 233 Member
    My mother-in-law basically said I was never going to lose the weight and I was going to be fat forever.

    Proved her wrong :wink:

    My Grandmother said that to me when I was a young teen, but added that if I did manage to lose it, I would always struggle. Such a positive outlook she had. She is now in heaven....I think. lol
  • firststepformefal
    firststepformefal Posts: 180 Member
    I have gotten, should you be buying that? I was buying cake, ice cream, hot dogs, buns etc. for my nephews birthday. You should have heard what I told that food police person.
  • thenk83
    thenk83 Posts: 22 Member
    I hate it when someone says oh you look fine. You're not really overweight.... then you lose 25 pounds and you hear... "Where did your gut go? You don't have a belly anymore". huh? really?
  • MichelleV1990
    MichelleV1990 Posts: 806 Member
    One of my son's doctors asked me, "What do you think your son's chances are of losing weight if you don't?"
  • stephanieisgettingfit2
    I've been told that...even if I lose weight I won't be pretty.

    mean people suck.
  • besaro
    besaro Posts: 1,858 Member
    lol, the neighbor boy yelled "YOU"RE FAT!" from across the street. I am sad to say I countered with insults about the size of his balls (he was playing ping pong with his brother at the time)
  • indigocat
    indigocat Posts: 23 Member
    My son's father told me I leave footprints in the pavement when I walk. And he said this on the night we got engaged! I should have known then that it wasn't going to work.

    I also remember saying I had lost weight to someone, so he said oh? turnaround lets see. So, I did a pirouette, only to be told when my back was to him, oh wait I have found it. Found my lost weight on my behind!! Grr!