Whats the meanest thing someone said about your weight?



  • folgerslady
    May I add? You find out real quick who your friends are!
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    When I was in my early 20's I met a new friend and we went out for lunch. I ate a lot of food (as usual), and also accidentally spilled some on me. I went to the bathroom to clean it off. Also, after I eat I floss my teeth, drink water and chew gum. I've always been very dentally hygienic. So, when I got back from the bathroom she said she saved the last of some type of food for me. But, I didn't want to eat it. Then she e-mailed me later and told me she didn't want to be my friend because she thinks I'm bulimic. I had never thrown up on purpose ever. I hate throwing up. She accumulated all kinds of reasons that she felt was evidence. Being very slender, going to the bathroom after eating a lot, being in the bathroom a long time, not eating food after going to the bathroom, and she noticed that I was using lip balm on my lips which she said was a sign that I was dehydrated from vomiting, also that I did not need to go to the bathroom again later during the rest of our visit she said was another sign of dehydration. I got upset at first. Then she said, "if it wasn't true, you wouldn't get upset". Then she told me she didn't want any drama in her life. But, the drama was all created by her accusing me of something horribly absurd that was completely wrong. That was very strange.
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    Six months ago when I first started exercising I was walking (fast, but not power walking. no huge arm swings or anything) and a teenage girl drove by, pointed and laughed at me, then puffed out her cheeks and pretended to run. I spent the rest of the walk desperately trying not to cry. Making fun of someone who is obviously trying to make a positive change is just so cruel. Six months later I've lost 60lbs and ran a 5k last week. *kitten* that girl.

    *kitten* those kids - you are gorgeous
  • janessanessa
    janessanessa Posts: 299 Member
    Six months ago when I first started exercising I was walking (fast, but not power walking. no huge arm swings or anything) and a teenage girl drove by, pointed and laughed at me, then puffed out her cheeks and pretended to run. I spent the rest of the walk desperately trying not to cry. Making fun of someone who is obviously trying to make a positive change is just so cruel. Six months later I've lost 60lbs and ran a 5k last week. *kitten* that girl.

    Every time I see someone like that, who is out walking and trying to make a positive change, I smile at them and mentally cheer them on!! GOOD FOR THEM. Atleast they are doing something!!
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,742 Member
    so, from someone who hasn't seen me at my worst, because I avoided having my picture taking like the plague, "you go to the gym, why don't you look thinner?"

    No one has really said anything RUDE to me but I kinda get this. For soooo many years I did not allow full body photos or remotely unflattering face pics of myself to be posted on social media. Back in the MySpace days for example, I weighed around 270 and if you saw my photos (ridiculously flattering angle selfies) you might guess me to be more like 170 lb or even less than that. I have a lot of online friends I have known for more than a decade and they have never seen full body photos of me anywhere NEAR my heaviest (307) but not even at my usual weight (260-270). Now I am at 206, and started posting a few full body photos when I was around 225 or so. People NEVER comment that I have lost any weight. Sometimes I find that disheartening but then I am like, "DUH! Most of these people haven't seen you in real life! Of course they don't see the huge difference"
  • DeterminedToLoseIt02
    I got in a fight with my brother and he called me a fat piece of *kitten*. He also made comments about my height, saying that my weight would be distributed way better if I were taller. Wow, thanks. I'll take that into consideration, try to grow a few inches, like I can help that.

    Once when I was about 11 or 12 I was at camp and my friend was super thin and that's about the time I started feeling bad about myself and I seriously wasn't fat at all, maybe 90 pounds. We were going on a ride and we had to get weighed to make sure we weren't too heavy/not heavy enough and I went frist and she's like "Seriously? You weigh 90 pounds? That's kinda fat." Given my height, I was a bit chubby but I was so far from fat.

    My other brothers and my mom and dad have all been so great about not saying anything, and I love them so much for it. As for other family members, my grandma once made a comment about me losing weight o.O Awkward.

    When I was 13 I used to hide myself in baggy shirts and jackets and I didn't wear anything I liked because I thought I looked terrible in it...and considering I lived in a state where it rarely drops below 70 degrees I was frequently hot. So one day I wore a shirt I liked a lot and ditched the jacket and of course someone commented. Even worse it was one of my best friends. She told me my shoulders looked huge and I should probably hide them. I never had a problem with my shoulders until she said that, and now they're an insecurity.

    She also made comments about certain clothing items not looking good on me.
  • moonbeam_muffin
    My own parents used to call me Chum Bucket when I was around 10 and was overweight and had a compulsive eating disorder. I had bulimia for 4 years after that and got very thin, but even after recovery they still call me Chum, chummy, chub, chubby....
  • amunet07
    amunet07 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Several..I can't even count and I havent been that heavy.

    One time my mom and I were at Olive Garden and I decided to have a rare treat and be bad and eat the Fettuchini Alfredo.

    (I was 140ish)
    (she was 250 ish?)

    I said this is better than sex. haha
    She said that is why we are the size WE are. WTF

    also when I was size 3 in high school she was always telling me to suck it in and that I shouldn't wear button fly jeans because them make my pooch look big.

    another time 130 ish my dad lightly slapped my thigh and said I shoud watch it.
  • BaconWagon
    BaconWagon Posts: 138 Member
    Back in middle school, they were doing some kind of rating game on a piece of paper from 1-10, one of the answers i got was "hit the gym before hitting the buffet", i got pretty upset , found out the guy who wrote it but just let it go. Ironically enough i bumped into the same guy earlier this year - he tried asking me out. Hehe funny how life goes. Needless to say, my answer was no.
  • strivingsharon
    When my friends grandma who is a family friend saw me after they got back from living in another country, the first thing she said was "you got fatter!". And that was also the time when I weighed less than I did now, so I wonder how "fat" I could be right now
  • moonbeam_muffin
    I taught in South Korea, and my students called me 'Pizza Teacher' and would run up to me and slap my stomach, yell hamburger, stuff like that.

    Once I went into a class to find all the students sitting at their desks, eating ice creams. I joked: "Hey, where's MY ice cream?!" and this little 8 year old looked me dead in the eye and said "Teacher...it's on your hip". Kids can be so cruel, haha :frown:

    Being half Korean, I totally understand this
  • arcana7609
    arcana7609 Posts: 212 Member
    Well I've been fat for 34 years at least so I have heard all kinds of hateful crap.

    The most hurtful would probably be my dad making fun of me through the majority of my life in an effort to "inspire" me to lose weight.

    The creepiest thing I've ever heard was "I like fat girls they bruise easy".
  • I sort of developed a thing where my mind blocks out horrible memories because it just gets unnecessary painful but I remember when I started high school a bunch of older guys where always rounding me up in corners sarcastically pretending to be into me so their friends would get a laugh. I was 12 at the time, new to this giant school and terrorized because of all the laughs and insults I was getting.

    I also remember going for a walk with my dog once and having a someone in a car yelling that I was fat and then driving away. People are cruel and ignorant but surely a great source of motivation.
  • echofm1
    echofm1 Posts: 471 Member
    I'm not sure if this was mean, but it definitely hurt my feelings. When I was younger, probably 12 or 13, I was at an amusement park with my brother and sister, who are 18 and 13 years older than me. I was walking behind them and I heard my sister talking to my brother, asking if maybe I was so heavy because of a thyroid problem since my mom had recently been diagnosed with hypothyroidism. It was said out of concern, but it was the first time a family member had really acknowledged that I was fat.

    Not surprisingly, as soon as I told my sister that I'd lost quite a bit of weight, the judgmental comments started coming out. She was particularly adamant that she felt she'd failed as a big sister because I was overweight. It hurt more, after starting my weight loss journey, to hear how she really felt about my weight. People think that they can say bad things about how much you used to weigh just because you've lost weight, but that's not really nice either. I love me, and I loved me when I was 50 pounds heavier too. Not to mention that I'm still pretty dang overweight, so I'm sure many of those negative feelings still apply.
  • joecmoore1
    joecmoore1 Posts: 87 Member
    ...you just keep getting fatter dontcha boy?
  • Artaxia
    Artaxia Posts: 185
    I was told that I looked like a football player, keep in mind this was when I was 160 lb, 6'0" tall and in a size 7 and not eating.
    I also was told that I looked ugly in my clothes, by my ex boyfriend because I was "so fat". Keep in mind he was over 300 lb by the time I walked out on his *kitten*.
    I've also had the "if you were slimmer, you'd be so hot" F* you was always my response to that.
    I've also been told that I'm too skinny and I should eat. Or that I'd blow away in the wind.

    No matter what my weight is, no one is ever happy...hence my issues.
  • Sarahnade42x
    Sarahnade42x Posts: 308 Member
    My dad used to say things like "No one in our family is as big as you..if you don't do something, no one will ever marry you and I'm sure as hell not going to keep supporting you into your late 20s."

    Comments like that always hurt a lot and ended up making me feel out of place with my entire family. Weight aside, I also didn't appreciate his constant reminders that I would always need someone else to support me, whether it's him or a husband..it's an old fashioned idea and certainly not the case.
    To be honest, I feel a little bitter nowadays when my dad congratulates me or asks about my progress -- I don't want him to think that his words were helpful, because they were anything but that. I have yet to confront him about how deeply they hurt me, though, and I'm not sure I ever will.

    I've also heard some pretty awful things from strangers (shouts from cars, random strangers in person), coworkers, "friends," but I always try to keep those out of my thoughts as soon as they happen.

    I don't get those comments much from anyone anymore, and the comments I do get are much much nicer. But I can't help thinking that many of the people who strike up conversations with me now probably would've made fun of me a year ago, and I'm not really sure how to feel about that. It's bittersweet.
  • dkalita
    dkalita Posts: 35 Member
    A random guy friend once said to me, "Its good you caught a boyfriend when you were thin, because, as of now, no one would marry you".
  • Inner_Goddess
    Inner_Goddess Posts: 1,146 Member
    The worst thing that I was told recently (after losing 45 pounds) I was told that I needed to lose at least another 45 to be attractive to any man.
  • amunet07
    amunet07 Posts: 1,245 Member
    Several..I can't even count and I havent been that heavy.

    One time my mom and I were at Olive Garden and I decided to have a rare treat and be bad and eat the Fettuchini Alfredo.

    (I was 140ish)
    (she was 250 ish?)

    I said this is better than sex. haha
    She said that is why we are the size WE are. WTF

    also when I was size 3 in high school she was always telling me to suck it in and that I shouldn't wear button fly jeans because them make my pooch look big.

    another time 130 ish my dad lightly slapped my thigh and said I shoud watch it.

    Oh...and when I was going through a divorce my sister in law came to pick some up or drop something off, and while there said you look like you are happy. Meaning most people put on weight when they are happy and get skinny when they are stressed and I was...happy. She had used the same description when she had gained a little and said it was her happy weight. (so I know I wasn't taking it wrong.