Whats the meanest thing someone said about your weight?



  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    she didnt say anything to me - but one time we were partying with a group of friends on new years and my buddy made out with this not very pretty girl haha so we were all leaving to go to a different club and I put my hand on the back of her arm as we were all walking out so that she knew we were leaving (I had no actual interest in her) - and she gave me this look of revulsion like who is this fat guy who dares touch me. I really wish I could run into her again, after I lost all the weight and picked up an MD so I can tell her to kiss my ****ing *kitten*.

    still ****ing bothers me to this day
  • rle2512
    rle2512 Posts: 44 Member
    I dont have a ton to lose, but enough. I want to lose 20 more lbs before im at my goal. I have lost 40 over the last year. My boyfriend told me " You dont lose weight, you lose and gain it right back." I didnt take it well, lol.
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    We all run into those people, the ones who could care less about your feelings. This year has been hard. Last year on MFP I lost 28 lbs but I quit smoking and i got birth control shot and life got into the way then I gained 47 lbs. On top of me being the biggest I have ever been I am super sensitive when it comes to my weight.
    I was in Walmart last week at the checkout and this woman who hasn't seen me in a while comes to me and hugs me then points at my stomach and ask me what is that. I knew she thought I was pregnant but didn't ask straight out. I told her Fat. She was like oh it looks like your pregnant by the way your body is shaped oh you gained so much weight. You need to take care of that. I sat there like ok you could have stopped once you found out it was not a baby but she kept going on and on. I know I am fat, nobody has to point it out. My body is shaped weird. I have a huge stomach but my legs, arms, and waist does not get bigger.
    i used to think that ppl asking me if i was pregnant was the meanest thing but I was sure wrong. This lady really hurt my feelings. So I ask you guys what is the meanest thing someone has said to you?

    awww sorry sweetie <333 - big hug, its okay just keep doing your thing! you will drop it
  • waltcote
    waltcote Posts: 372 Member
    My younger brother said I was starting to look like Santa Claus!! :sad:
  • ModernNerd
    ModernNerd Posts: 336 Member
    It's hard for me to put on weight so I've heard a lot of "you look like a stick/boy/twig." Also, a lot of "ohmahgawd I don't want to hug you because you'd break!" My favorite is the "dogs like bones, men like meat" line because being seen as a piece of meat is also so remarkably flattering :blushing:
  • Loss4TheWin
    1st grade. The "popular" girl who never talked to me, came up to me while I was seated and grabbed my arm fat and said "What's this?". All the kids gathered around and asked what it was and pinched it. Humiliating at the time. Ever wish you could go back to childhood situations with your adult mind? That situation would have been handled so differently by the me I am today.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    at least i am not the only one who has dealt with *kitten*. But did these comments motivate you or make you emotionally eat. I ususally get the are you pregnant when I start to lose I had a guest call the hotel to give me a compliment and I asked who it was and he said the pregnant one. i told the man that non of our front desk clerks were pregnant he goes the fat white girl. I was the only white front desk clerk and when I told him that was me he got real quiet and asked to speak to the manager about me which was all good stuff but he basically told me that I was fat on the phone which was a real self esteem boost. Actually I have no self esteem. Its all gone.

    Oh, SO motivated. :) You'll get your self esteem back too.
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    "You'd be so pretty if you weren't so fat."

    Or my ex husband, who refused to let me go to the gym at the same time he did, because he didn't want all his gym friends to see his fat wife.

    lol glad hes your ex husband
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    It's hard for me to put on weight so I've heard a lot of "you look like a stick/boy/twig." Also, a lot of "ohmahgawd I don't want to hug you because you'd break!" My favorite is the "dogs like bones, men like meat" line because being seen as a piece of meat is also so remarkably flattering :blushing:

    you know its interesting I never thought of skinny shaming until I lost weight - but now all the 'your getting so skinny' or 'you need to eat more' comments really piss me off
  • waltcote
    waltcote Posts: 372 Member
    To me it's all about saying something nice to someone. The old rule, if you can't say something truly nice don't say it at all! People are so hyped up about bullying in schools etc. But it happens everyday everywhere. I'm sorry but don't harrass for your own amusement or because you are thoughtless! We know we are or were fat! We are not perfect! Sorry for ranting but you know....:angry:
  • _Tink_
    _Tink_ Posts: 3,845 Member
    I was very lean growing up, despite eating like a horse. I can't count the number of times spiteful girls told me that I was anorexic. It was hateful and hurtful and did nothing at all to boost my already low self-esteem.

    As an adult, I'm still lean - but I am because I work at being fit and healthy, and it pisses me off when people say things like, "Why do you need to work out? You're already skinny."
  • feadzy
    feadzy Posts: 22
    Ah my whole life.. in school, because kids are just mean, then add gorup dynamics.. yeah.
    Now and then I get really stupid comments like 'the big/fat one' or mean gestures, mostly from drunk people when I am at a party or something like that...
    The worst was, when I was in a relationship with this guy (about 6 month), he broke up and I realised it was because he was ashamed of me.
    But good for me, otherwise I would not be in this awesome relationship right now.
  • skinnygirly23
    skinnygirly23 Posts: 51 Member
    I went to breakfast with my boyfriend (now my ex). I am getting ready to eat and he proceeds to tell me that my legs look chunky and starts joking around about how he is going to take me to the beach for a walk. How romantic? No thanks *kitten*. Needless to say I lost my appetite.

    People say mean things, thinking they are "motivating" you. Really they are hurting you. They sometimes think the hurt will affect you and you will change and become what they think is "acceptable".

    Just focus on being a better you today. If you do that everyday you will get where you want to be. If you go emotionally eat and get down on yourself you will be picking up the abuse where they left off. Good luck, keep your head up :wink:
  • Docmahi
    Docmahi Posts: 1,603 Member
    I was very lean growing up, despite eating like a horse. I can't count the number of times spiteful girls told me that I was anorexic. It was hateful and hurtful and did nothing at all to boost my already low self-esteem.

    As an adult, I'm still lean - but I am because I work at being fit and healthy, and it pisses me off when people say things like, "Why do you need to work out? You're already skinny."

    your body is vicious - I'm a fan - but you already know this :P
  • BobMcCloskey
    When I took up martial arts training after about a 10 year hiatus, I was just over 300 lbs. I had lost about 45 lbs. over the course of 4 years, but was still fairly overweight. Then, I had to have a full hip replacement. Between the months of inactivity and the prescribed steroids I was on, I ballooned back up to about 285. It was 5 months post surgery and had just started participating again for about 2 months, and I was still on the pain meds and steroids. During a promotional ceremony, each higher ranking black belt was asked to come to the front, and take a formal kneeling position, and address the testing candidates before their promotions. This was difficult for me and I needed assistance to stand up after kneeling. The school owner's wife was shooting video of each person's speech to the candidates, which she later posted on YouTube and Facebook. During my speech on the video you could hear her snickering as she commented to someone, "I can't believe how huge his stomach is".
  • COTrainer
    COTrainer Posts: 838 Member
    I really hate that BMI scale and the word obese. There are so many body styles out there don't clump us all into one category!
  • AprilMae1975
    A friend saw a picture of me and said she wondered what happened to me because my face looked so swollen. I think it was her way of telling me I looked fat without saying it.
  • MysteriousMerlin
    MysteriousMerlin Posts: 2,270 Member
    I just recently visited my great grandma who is 97. she looked at me and asked what happened. I explained to her that I gained this weight by quitting smoking and birth control shot. She was like you need to lose weight, I have never seen you this big.

    Ouch. I got this from a great grandma when I was 16. "This one here's starting to look like her momma, getting chunky!" Two insults in one, as my mom was standing there with me.

    When I was 12 or 13, my aunt, who was maybe 95lbs soaking wet at 4'10", told me I was too big for an outfit she had bought FOR ME, that had fit my other aunt (also 4'10" and around 100lbs). I was already 5'3" and weighed about 125lbs. :indifferent:
  • djeffreys10
    djeffreys10 Posts: 2,312 Member
    I had friends that would tell me I was fat. And I would tell them they were fat. We would call eachother Fatty McFaterson, etc. But we were all fat and we all knew it. Not like the truth was going to hurt our feelings.

    Plus, guys don't have feelings.
  • lydiaannepage
    lydiaannepage Posts: 172 Member
    My mother constantly used to make comments - think the final straw with her was when she said "you are so fat your husband is going to cheat on you and you'll have noone to blame but yourself" I'm 5'10" and was 212lbs at the time...