Proposal Ideas



  • dale_arden
    I think it would be good to be a complete surprise. I chose a night like any other night for us.

    It was the middle of the work week (she had a bad day at work which made it better) and we were cooking dinner. I told her I stopped at the store on the way home to get her a little treat and it was in the fridge (she was thinking ice cream or chocolates). I had the ring box in a bag from the grocery store, when she opened the fridge to get the bag and opened it I was behind her on my knee. She knew a ring was coming at some point but was COMPLETELY surprised so it was great

    This is cute!
  • dale_arden
    Thanks for all the ideas. She definitely knows its coming, but not when. I'm in a bit of a time crunch, as she's hinted she'd really like to have something to show off on the holidays.

    Don't make her wait any longer!
  • sam_r_i
    sam_r_i Posts: 37 Member
    How much time you got? Cause this is fracking awesome!

    Not sure I'd be able to pull that off, but I agree, awesome
  • xSirensSong
    xSirensSong Posts: 615 Member
    My husband did it in a perfect way for the both of us.

    We were planning on having a night in together, just gaming, eatin' some 'zza, & relaxing in the hot tub. I was picking up the house a little bit before we settled in (we had Pandora playing) & all of a sudden, our song came on. Since I'm a girl, obviously I was instantly like 'Awl!', so I went into the game room where he was to kiss his face or somethin'. Found him standing there with a ring pop in his hand (the ring pop was a long running inside joke between us).

    He made it personal for us with the song (played purposefully, obviously), our favorite atmosphere, & a little twist with an inside joke we shared.

    Don't worry ~ He gave me the real ring afterwards..

    I don't wear a 3 year old Ring Pop every day...

    Just on special occasions. :wink:
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    This is an adorable thread... love reading all the proposal stories.

    Make it about you as a couple and keep it simple... If I were you I would do it on the 23rd... she might expect the 24th. :)

    We don't have a big, funny engagement story but we DO have a very happy almost-10-year-marriage to reflect back on. So don't put too much pressure on yourself. If it's a sincere request coming from you to spend the rest of your lives together, she'll be excited no matter the method. :) My proposal came in the kitchen and without permission from my father or a bent knee. And it was perfect and sweet and sincere and everything I ever needed. Good luck and congratulations!
  • rachelleahsmom
    rachelleahsmom Posts: 442 Member
    Whatever you choose will be great. Congratulations. I can tell already you are going to be a great husband! She's lucky to have you.

    Oh, my husband proposed to me in what he calls the most romantic room in a house - the garage. What the heck, he still got the girl and we've been married 17 years.
  • tomomatic
    tomomatic Posts: 1,794 Member
    Flash Mob engagement and wedding is the only way to go:

    Also, don't forget to ask the dad beforehand. I was a putz and didn't. We're fine now.
  • bannedword
    bannedword Posts: 299 Member
    Just picked up the ring and looking for ideas on how to propose to my girlfriend? Thoughts or suggestions please.

    Nice. Good luck. I did it over dinner at a place called Hammersly's in Boston. Worked for us because we're both into excellent food.

    God, I used to love that place when I lived in Boston.

    Otherwise, i got nothing.
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    I just caught my wife cheating on me after 21 years of marriage. I put her ring on top of an elaborate ice cream sundae that I made with her favorite stuff after a very nice date. It went over really well at the time. But I'd like to see you make it for the long haul so come up with something else.
  • LankyYankee
    LankyYankee Posts: 260 Member
    First of all, congrats!

    Whichever way you choose to go about the actual asking, I'm sure your GF will be happy. I'd say try to avoid a cliché or anything that doesn't appear to have had thought put into it, though. So many options, but since you're in a time crunch?

    My brother put his wife's ring in her stocking, and got down on 1 knee when she got it out

    I've seen it spelled out in the snow/xmas lights for someone to find when they got home

    Scavenger hunt through the house that leads to the ring

    Maybe fake her out once or twice so she really isn't expecting it when you do

    I was asked in a private room at the tavern where we had our first date 4 years earlier. I had no idea, thought we were going for drinks, walked into the room and both families were there, he got down on 1 knee, asked, and after I said yes played a little movie he had made about our lives together. He also set it up so there was a private open bar and appetizers, which made it like the engagement party at the same time.

    In any even good luck! I'm sure you'll come up with something she'll love!
  • cmcollins001
    cmcollins001 Posts: 3,472 Member
    I just caught my wife cheating on me after 21 years of marriage. I put her ring on top of an elaborate ice cream sundae that I made with her favorite stuff after a very nice date. It went over really well at the time. But I'd like to see you make it for the long haul so come up with something else.

  • wolverine66
    wolverine66 Posts: 3,779 Member
    My wife and I met primarily through me and my friend playing music in bars around town. She was a friend of a friend of a friend of my buddy. So he always invited the lot of them to come watch us perform.

    anyway, we moved to MD away from our friends and family, and each day/evening she went to work, I recorded a song, and eventually burned 10 of them onto a CD. i picked up the ring on a Sunday, and waited for her to come home. Around the time she was supposed to get home, I stuck 3 roses in our door knocker and put the CD in. she thought I was being sweet with the roses and all, and when she came in music was playing, and it took her a couple minutes to realize it was me singing and playing. Ring in my pocket, I started to kiss her. and - playfully, as i have many times before - I asked "will you marry me." She said "of course." then i got the ring out and said, "no. really. will you marry me?"
  • miss_jessiejane
    miss_jessiejane Posts: 2,819 Member
    My wife and I met primarily through me and my friend playing music in bars around town. She was a friend of a friend of a friend of my buddy. So he always invited the lot of them to come watch us perform.

    anyway, we moved to MD away from our friends and family, and each day/evening she went to work, I recorded a song, and eventually burned 10 of them onto a CD. i picked up the ring on a Sunday, and waited for her to come home. Around the time she was supposed to get home, I stuck 3 roses in our door knocker and put the CD in. she thought I was being sweet with the roses and all, and when she came in music was playing, and it took her a couple minutes to realize it was me singing and playing. Ring in my pocket, I started to kiss her. and - playfully, as i have many times before - I asked "will you marry me." She said "of course." then i got the ring out and said, "no. really. will you marry me?"

    Dude. That's so sweet.
  • rayraex
    However you propose, make sure you follow these rules:

    1) Ask her dad's permission beforehand.
    2) Make it a surprise
    3) Have someone secretly there ready to take a picture of the proposal. My husband did this and I love that there are pictures of the moment!
    4) Use her entire name (first, middle and last) when you ask her to marry you!
  • FerretBuellerr
    FerretBuellerr Posts: 468 Member
    This entire thread just makes me wish I was getting proposed to! :sad: And I've had 3 people I know get proposed to in the last week alone :grumble:

    Sorry, no advice - but let us know how you ended up doing it!!
  • hep26000
    hep26000 Posts: 156 Member
    Frst off- Congrats. I love this post.

    Just wanted to share when I was propsed to.

    I was super young, 18, when I got engaged. One day I made a really cute picnic with heart shaped sandwiches and cookies and sparkling cider. I took my boyfriend to this abandoned old outside theater in a wooded area. Brought a blanket and my boombox with batteries for nice music- I stumbed across it while hiking with friends a week earlier. He pitched a fit about some broken glass in an area and wanted to leave. We ended up back at my house in my bedroom. I ate the picnic by myself on the floor and he sat on my bed and watched tv. I was so mad.

    Months later he came home from deployment and created a very similar picnic. He took me to that same outside theater. I loved the gesture. It was so sweet. He totally redeemed himself. However, his way of asking me to marry him was to ask me to guess what he had in his pocket. I knew what was in there but didn't want to play that game. He finally pulled it out and said, 'Well will ya?' I said yes and we got it on. Haha- romantic right? Haha

    However we have been married almost 11 years and have 2 beautiful daughters together.

    Also, from a previosu poster's reply- asking her father's permission is a huge bonus. I wish my husband had done that. We were so young that I'm pretty sure he was afraid my dad would say no. In fact, I went for a walk with my dad to tell him while my fiance stayed back because he was afraid of his reaction.
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    simple do it like a neanderthal show her the ring and say " Ring, you marry"
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    However you propose, make sure you follow these rules:

    1) Ask her dad's permission beforehand.
    2) Make it a surprise
    3) Have someone secretly there ready to take a picture of the proposal. My husband did this and I love that there are pictures of the moment!
    4) Use her entire name (first, middle and last) when you ask her to marry you!

    this sounds great if the father will pay for the wedding!!!
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    I thought about it and on top of a large mountain chain at the peak 5000+ feet, during a hike or something!
  • simple do it like a neanderthal show her the ring and say " Ring, you marry"

    YES.....because a girls always wanted to marry a ring.