Looking for a support group: Over Fifty, Female and Fun!



  • sugar297
    sugar297 Posts: 106 Member
    Hi am 52 and starting a new! I was on MFP for 2 years and then went off a few months ... now trying to get back on track. You can add me for support. I'd like to lose 30 lbs. only lost 3 so far but then gained it back in the last week due to Christmas cookies. It is time for some movement!
  • samb330
    samb330 Posts: 328 Member
    Hi, I'm 48. Will that work? I need some motivation and all of you lovely ladies are inspiring.
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    Great job, everyone!
    I'm 55 and hit my goal weight five days ago, with a total loss of 51 pounds. Am now working to maintain. Have been on MFP since September 2012. For the past two months I've participated in the 24-hour challenge thread (the goal is to log at least 24 hours of exercise per month) -- here's December:
    Keep up the good work!
  • jonmscharff
    jonmscharff Posts: 72 Member
    This is a sexist thread... ;)

    Sexist, probably, but equal opportunity. You can start your own post for over-50 men who are looking for a support group ... or if you like talking about menopause, water retention, etc. you can hang out here ... Just the fact that you are reading a topic titled Over Fifty, Female and Fun says it all bud!! :laugh:

    It's not sexist "probably"...and no, I support everyone and don't wish to start a different male sexist thread to balance out this one. Also don't have a problem reading a topic that is "Looking for a support group: Over Fifty, Female and Fun!" Since it didn't say "Over Fifty, Only Females and Fun". And you're not my bud.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member

    I'm 0/3.

    Best of luck with all your health and fitness goals.

  • DaisyGrammy
    DaisyGrammy Posts: 148 Member
    Thank you for all the awesome comments!! I've started the group:
    Fifty, Female and Fun!
    Please come join!
  • DaisyGrammy
    DaisyGrammy Posts: 148 Member
    Sorry Jon...didn't mean to offend. Just looking for some support! Good luck on your journey!
    Have a great one!!!!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Sorry Jon...didn't mean to offend. Just looking for some support! Good luck on your journey!
    Have a great one!!!!

    Hey! What about me???

    I was offended* too!

    *okay, not really...but still, you couldn't have known that I wasn't truly offended.
  • jonmscharff
    jonmscharff Posts: 72 Member
    Sorry Jon...didn't mean to offend. Just looking for some support! Good luck on your journey!
    Have a great one!!!!

    I wish you much success on your journey as well.
  • Gail3260
    Gail3260 Posts: 354 Member
    There are a few groups of that kind already on here....check this one out...

  • Jen8000
    Jen8000 Posts: 91 Member
    I would love to join in! I am 55 and have been doing MFP for a while. I was doing good, but have had a setback and need to start over once again!

    This is the first time I join a thread--I think the added support might make a difference for me. Thanks for starting this up! Looking forward to hearing from people I can definitely relate with. :happy:
  • HollisGrant
    HollisGrant Posts: 2,022 Member
    There are a few groups of that kind already on here....check this one out...


    Most groups lose steam over time. It's okay to start new groups.
  • Jen8000
    Jen8000 Posts: 91 Member
    Congratulations to you! Many people say losing weight at 50 is harder. I know they are right, but when you hear that comment so often you start thinking maybe it's impossible. I love it when women 50 and older share their success. It is a real motivator. Thanks for sharing!
  • moeggep
    moeggep Posts: 219 Member
    Hi All, I am 55 and would love to share the journey. I'd lost 82 lbs but sadly have gained back 30 of it in the past six months. I'm determined to get back into food journaling and back on track with eating healthy. Could use all the support I can get and I love reading about others success because it helps motivate me. GrannyPat
  • MindSetBrenda
    MindSetBrenda Posts: 20 Member
    54 and looking to loose weight, so I need the support from all of you! I am looking forward to join this group. I need the support that I don't get at home. I had surgery and it left me with a foot drop, numbness, and pain. I am on crutches the rest of my life. I need to loose the weight because all the weight is on my right leg and my two arms. So far I have lost 6.4 pounds. I have a long ways to go but I have the strength and mindset to do this. Good luck to all, and keep on keeping on.
  • MindSetBrenda
    MindSetBrenda Posts: 20 Member
    Hey Granny Pat,
    This is Granny Brenda who supports you. I also need to loose so much needed weight. I get up every morning praying this is another good day, and I don't let food control me but I controll the food intake. Let's give each other support, I don't get it at home so I need this support. I am a granny of 7 with twins on the way.
  • Gail3260
    Gail3260 Posts: 354 Member
    There are a few groups of that kind already on here....check this one out...


    Most groups lose steam over time. It's okay to start new groups.

    I didn't say it wasn't OK.......I was just suggesting checking out an existing group.
  • DaisyGrammy
    DaisyGrammy Posts: 148 Member
    Sorry Jon...didn't mean to offend. Just looking for some support! Good luck on your journey!
    Have a great one!!!!

    Hey! What about me???

    I was offended* too!

    Ha ha! Glad you weren't too offended! Just glad us gals have a place to chat!

    *okay, not really...but still, you couldn't have known that I wasn't truly offended.
  • mamacoates
    mamacoates Posts: 430 Member
    This is a sexist thread... ;)

    Sexist, probably, but equal opportunity. You can start your own post for over-50 men who are looking for a support group ... or if you like talking about menopause, water retention, etc. you can hang out here ... Just the fact that you are reading a topic titled Over Fifty, Female and Fun says it all bud!! :laugh:

    It's not sexist "probably"...and no, I support everyone and don't wish to start a different male sexist thread to balance out this one. Also don't have a problem reading a topic that is "Looking for a support group: Over Fifty, Female and Fun!" Since it didn't say "Over Fifty, Only Females and Fun". And you're not my bud.

    Hey Jon, better grow a thicker skin AND a sense of humor if you are going to last in this community. MFP is full of folks who will jump all over you if you can't figure out when someone is joking with you ... Good luck to you ~ and to you to jofjltncb6 ...
  • jonmscharff
    jonmscharff Posts: 72 Member
    This is a sexist thread... ;)

    Sexist, probably, but equal opportunity. You can start your own post for over-50 men who are looking for a support group ... or if you like talking about menopause, water retention, etc. you can hang out here ... Just the fact that you are reading a topic titled Over Fifty, Female and Fun says it all bud!! :laugh:

    It's not sexist "probably"...and no, I support everyone and don't wish to start a different male sexist thread to balance out this one. Also don't have a problem reading a topic that is "Looking for a support group: Over Fifty, Female and Fun!" Since it didn't say "Over Fifty, Only Females and Fun". And you're not my bud.

    Hey Jon, better grow a thicker skin AND a sense of humor if you are going to last in this community. MFP is full of folks who will jump all over you if you can't figure out when someone is joking with you ... Good luck to you ~ and to you to jofjltncb6 ...

    What kind words…better grow a thicker skin AND a sense of humor if I'm going to last in this community? So mentioning that a comment is sexist means not only don't I have a "thick" skin, nor a sense of humor AND I am now not going to make my weight loss and fitness goals? Wow…that's just lovely and right around the holidays! The issues aren't mine for pointing them out. You clearly have issues. You will notice that I am not the one to make the comments personal. I only suggested my opinion that a comment was sexist. I am here to support all sexes and all ages on their weight loss and fitness goals. But, that's just me. And by the way, you don't even know me, so perhaps you should refrain from making suggestions about me. You will notice that I still haven't made any personal suggestions for you.

    I also noticed that you didn't quote the OP or my last comments where we wished each other well on our journeys. Guess that didn't fit your comment…or maybe your just a last work freak.

    I wish you well in your journey.