Looking for a support group: Over Fifty, Female and Fun!



  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    There are a few great groups for women of a certain age. I belong to several. PM me for links.

    Regardless, best of luck on THIS particular journey!
  • animack
    I'd like to join this group. I love fun :) ... I'm 52 and female AND I for sure need encouragement.
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    This is a sexist thread... ;)

    Sexist, probably, but equal opportunity. You can start your own post for over-50 men who are looking for a support group ... or if you like talking about menopause, water retention, etc. you can hang out here ... Just the fact that you are reading a topic titled Over Fifty, Female and Fun says it all bud!! :laugh:

    It's not sexist "probably"...and no, I support everyone and don't wish to start a different male sexist thread to balance out this one. Also don't have a problem reading a topic that is "Looking for a support group: Over Fifty, Female and Fun!" Since it didn't say "Over Fifty, Only Females and Fun". And you're not my bud.

    Hey Jon, better grow a thicker skin AND a sense of humor if you are going to last in this community. MFP is full of folks who will jump all over you if you can't figure out when someone is joking with you ... Good luck to you ~ and to you to jofjltncb6 ...

    What kind words…better grow a thicker skin AND a sense of humor if I'm going to last in this community? So mentioning that a comment is sexist means not only don't I have a "thick" skin, nor a sense of humor AND I am now not going to make my weight loss and fitness goals? Wow…that's just lovely and right around the holidays! The issues aren't mine for pointing them out. You clearly have issues. You will notice that I am not the one to make the comments personal. I only suggested my opinion that a comment was sexist. I am here to support all sexes and all ages on their weight loss and fitness goals. But, that's just me. And by the way, you don't even know me, so perhaps you should refrain from making suggestions about me. You will notice that I still haven't made any personal suggestions for you.

    [So far, so good...]

    I also noticed that you didn't quote the OP or my last comments where we wished each other well on our journeys. Guess that didn't fit your comment…or maybe your just a last work freak.

    [Oh, so close...you almost made it to the end of this post.]

    I wish you well in your journey.
  • susangoda
    Would like to join - need encouragement to lose 16 lbs soon. Darn meds have me gaining weight steadily. Its a fight I want to fighHow does this work ? Just joined.
  • Trishri221
    Just signed up for MFP today and would love to join the group!
  • Pmscur
    Pmscur Posts: 19 Member
    Sounds great to me! Count me in. I go back to the Dr tomorrow to check high cholesterol, low thyroid and non exsistant testosterone levels. Does any one know if this adds to how difficult it can be to loose weight at 49 ?
  • ColleenB135
    I'm in at 50, female, fat, but fun! LOL! Ready to start this journey one more time. Looking for a different approach than my failed attempts at WW, JC, Atkins, South Beach... I've lost from them all, then the weight crept back on and then some! This age and all of it's lovely changes sure makes the fitness lifestyle a bigger challenge than before. Except maybe that now I have more wisdom and maturity to do what I set my mind to.

    Anyway, here's to a permanent lifestyle change and a new group of gals (and guys, if you can put up with us) to take the journey.
  • Smorsb
    Smorsb Posts: 104 Member
    Count me in the group. I will be 50 this year!
  • 2essie
    2essie Posts: 2,867 Member
    I have just joined. A bit older than most at 62 but still fun (I hope). See you all around in the group.
  • peteyrulz
    peteyrulz Posts: 1 Member
    Please count me in!

    56 and looking forward to continuing fab, fit, and fifty in 2014.
  • xjsjaguar
    xjsjaguar Posts: 300 Member
    Count me in! I qualify with the criteria at age 54, female and enjoying supportive friends in our fun journey to fitness.
  • goodnamegone

    LOVE THIS!!!
  • jabby2us
    jabby2us Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 48 and pretty new to "actually using" my fitness pal. I have my own blog since 2012 to keep me accountable but I enjoy teaming up with like minded people to set a goal. I am 148 lb and would love to loose 10. I find my fitness pal a little confusing and would love join to interact with others. My blog is www.yo-yoeatingnomore@blogspot.com
  • Gettinghealthysarah
    I friended a couple of you on here that responded but would love, and could use, some more friends!!! I am 51, weigh 185 pounds today (192 was my highest weight). My profile picture is of me today! UGH!!!! I actually sort of started 10 days ago but the BIG start is tomorrow, yep Christmas Day. My plan is to not count calories as it makes me obsessed and I binge! Eat lots of veges and protein and eliminate sugar, processed foods and my much loved beer!! I use to always say 'when I lose weight I will do (fill in the blank)" my attitude now is to pretend I am skinny and start loving and pampering the larger me!!! Good luck to you all!!
  • DeniseBarone
    DeniseBarone Posts: 80 Member
    Friend me! And show us lots of before and after photos! I need to lose 20 pounds as well.
  • Chaznpavements
    Im over 50 and would love to have the extra support. 2014 is my year to finally focus on me and get things done.
  • player30
    player30 Posts: 65 Member
    I am 55 and just joined yesterday. Thanks for all of the support!
  • beedee3388
    Am 58 and extremely interested in joining. I have a lot of weight to lose and some support and guidance would be great!:smile:
  • lpina2mi
    lpina2mi Posts: 425 Member
    There is an extremely active thread called: WOMEN AGES 50+ FOR DECEMBER 2013

    Ditto...I am a member of this group
  • dietdays
    Hi Guys I. am Yvonne and am 58 Struggling to get back into this. Need to lose 30lbs. Just got back from holiday in St. Lucia which added to the weight......Enjoyed every minute and don't let weight make me miserable. But need to lose before putting on any more. This age thing and cold Ontario winter is an excuse to eat but I am up to the challenge. Maybe next vacationI will look like Betty Boop ha ha