Thunder Thighs?



  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    But decreasing the size of your waist increases that ratio. You could lose 100 pounds and lose 12" off of your waist and almost nothing on your hips.


    Gah. You have no clue about body types and shapes, do you?

    If you naturally have very narrow hips, your waist and hips will never have that ratio. never. No matter how much body fat you lose, no matter how small your waist gets. Because guess what? Your hips will also get smaller as you lose body fat in that case.
  • But decreasing the size of your waist increases that ratio. You could lose 100 pounds and lose 12" off of your waist and almost nothing on your hips.


    Gah. You have no clue about body types and shapes, do you?

    If you naturally have very narrow hips, your waist and hips will never have that ratio. never. No matter how much body fat you lose, no matter how small your waist gets. Because guess what? Your hips will also get smaller as you lose body fat in that case.

    ^^ This. My mum is an apple, and no matter how skinny she gets, her waist is always sort of box shaped, with tiny hips. It's just the way the cookie crumbles (or doesn't, if you're skinny).
  • KatyAverill
    KatyAverill Posts: 166 Member
    5'8" and L Thigh is 25.5" and R is 26".
    I dislike mine, but I'm working on it.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    I'm 5'8.5 and my thighs are 23inches. My waist is only 27inches, so they are a little (ok a lot) out of proportion, but they are muscular and they hold my body up, so I don't mind them.
    I didn't know what they were, so had to go search for a tape measure to find out!

    Sounds normal to me. Not "out of proportion". Just pear shaped,which IS normal.

    I'm 5'9", 25" thighs, 29" waist.
  • kayla554
    kayla554 Posts: 99 Member
    My huge 21.5' thunder thighs oh no :o I'm 5'2 so could do smaller but complaining about 21' ?

  • ArroganceInStep
    ArroganceInStep Posts: 6,239 Member
    But decreasing the size of your waist increases that ratio. You could lose 100 pounds and lose 12" off of your waist and almost nothing on your hips.


    Gah. You have no clue about body types and shapes, do you?

    If you naturally have very narrow hips, your waist and hips will never have that ratio. never. No matter how much body fat you lose, no matter how small your waist gets. Because guess what? Your hips will also get smaller as you lose body fat in that case.

    To be fair, you don't necessarily lose inches at the same rate everywhere.
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    But decreasing the size of your waist increases that ratio. You could lose 100 pounds and lose 12" off of your waist and almost nothing on your hips.


    Gah. You have no clue about body types and shapes, do you?

    If you naturally have very narrow hips, your waist and hips will never have that ratio. never. No matter how much body fat you lose, no matter how small your waist gets. Because guess what? Your hips will also get smaller as you lose body fat in that case.

    To be fair, you don't necessarily lose inches at the same rate everywhere.
    yep...there are a lot of IFs here.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    But decreasing the size of your waist increases that ratio. You could lose 100 pounds and lose 12" off of your waist and almost nothing on your hips.


    Gah. You have no clue about body types and shapes, do you?

    If you naturally have very narrow hips, your waist and hips will never have that ratio. never. No matter how much body fat you lose, no matter how small your waist gets. Because guess what? Your hips will also get smaller as you lose body fat in that case.

    To be fair, you don't necessarily lose inches at the same rate everywhere.
    I agree. But to tell someone her goal "should be" something that may literally be impossible is silliness.
  • WannabeStressFree
    WannabeStressFree Posts: 340 Member
    I'm not judging anyone because I've been-there-done-that with this type of stuff but I'm telling you - the "size of your thighs" is the least of y'all's worries....

    The problem here, is your image of yourself - not your thighs. I hear a lot of hatred, shame, and self-disgust in this thread. It's extremely sad to watch.

    Here is a sad fact: You can work and work and work on your thighs, starve yourself, do a thousand leg presses, finally get down to that magic number of thigh-inches, even finally look like a supermodel....and guess what? You will STILL....hate your thighs.

    Why? Because you didn't work on your head and you didn't work on your heart. Those two places are where EVERYTHING begins. Where EVERYTHING gets fixed. The smaller thighs are nothing but the icing on the cake.

    My suggestion: Work on your self-image harder than you are on your thighs. Figure that out FIRST, lay the foundation of emotional health, and then watch yourself soar with happiness and healthiness as you whittle your body down to your goal weight/size.

    Here's the magic of that: even if you don't achieve that "perfection" you dreamed of - you won't care... Because now you love yourself too much to be that hard on yourself, that perfectionistic, that critical. You'll give yourself grace, and you'll love the skin you're in.

    THAT is the goal. :) I challenge you all to accept it!

    It wasn't until I worked on my head that I was able to lose any weight. This IS the improved version of me. LOL!

    Assuming that you had the same negative self-talk previously, how did you overcome it and learn to love your body?

    Well excellent - then you are definitely making strides and are on your way!! I love it.

    Yes, I had the same issue. And I have a feeling it'd creep up on me again if I let it, too! It's so insidious, this self-hatred!

    When I reached my goal weight (Dec 2012), I was SO excited. But at the same time I was incredibly disappointed in how that little triangle of skin/fat above my belly button stuck out. Couldn't get rid of it (still can't). Or how the skin beneath the back of my butt wrinkles up now (extra skin). I still have arm flaps. I mean come on - I'm 42 years old and I topped out at 203 lbs at one point - there's bound to be extra skin now that I'm @ 125 lbs! LOL

    This really grated on me for a couple weeks. Then it started to get unbearably miserable. I got angry. It seemed so unfair! I worked so hard, how could I look so "awful"?! I quickly realized I was getting into a mental danger zone of self-hatred and disgust and knew this wouldn't bode well for my state of well being.

    How did I come to change this? Several things.

    I expressed my frustration to trusted people - my friends, my parents, my boyfriend. All of them gave me good, healthy, sincere feedback on how wonderful I looked. They reminded me of what an accomplishment I'd just made happen. My boyfriend especially REALLY gave me good feedback with lots of "you are so beautiful's" and "you looked so great before but look at you now, you're healthy AND happy" and "I'm so proud to be with you" and stuff like that. I had to lean on other's perceptions of me for awhile (and when I say "others" I mean people who are NOT abusive - never listen to critical voices - END those relationships, especially if it's a boyfriend/girlfriend!).

    I also had to humbly admit to myself that because I had made poor choices in the past, I was not going to be able to achieve that "perfect" body I'd had in college. I had to grieve this - like, meaning, grieve as if it's a death - and let it go. I had to say to myself, "well, this is what ya got to work with now - this is your "canvas" to paint on - so now you're gonna have to do the best you can with it!". This means, for me, continuing to eat well, logging my calories, and exercising several times a week to keep myself in good health/shape (i.e., as good of shape as I can get) - and then letting the rest go.

    I had to implement positive self-talk in my head. The moment a thought came into my head that said, "hey, fatso, look at your stomach" or "hey, ugly - look at those nasty butt cheeks" I'd say, "SO WHAT? Huh? So what? Yeah - they're not perfect. But guess what? I lost SEVENTY frickin' pounds! I haven't eaten dessert for an entire year! I can now run a 5K when I'd never run a step in my life before that! I can fit into a size 4 petite jeans! I am intelligent, I am beautiful, I am funny, I am talented, and my family and friends love me. And you know what? I LOVE ME." I'd tell that nasty voice to get the hell outta my head and replace it with encouraging words for myself.

    If this issue goes really really deep for yourself, you might even consider a little therapy. It'll do you a mountain of good. Or find books to read on this subject. Pursue health. Pursue strength. Pursue Love for yourself. Seek and ye shall find. Never give up. And eventually - the tide will turn. It takes time, effort, work and energy to overcome mental habits, negative self-talk, etc. It won't just happen magically. You have to "exercise" it - just like your thighs. :)

    HOpe that helps.

    AMAZING!! Thanks and congrats!
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    But decreasing the size of your waist increases that ratio. You could lose 100 pounds and lose 12" off of your waist and almost nothing on your hips.


    Gah. You have no clue about body types and shapes, do you?

    If you naturally have very narrow hips, your waist and hips will never have that ratio. never. No matter how much body fat you lose, no matter how small your waist gets. Because guess what? Your hips will also get smaller as you lose body fat in that case.

    To be fair, you don't necessarily lose inches at the same rate everywhere.
    I agree. But to tell someone her goal "should be" something that may literally be impossible is silliness.

    Where did she say OP's goal "should be" anything?

    For the record I think it's silliness to completely ignore something that IS possible, even if it's not a certainty.

    My W:H ratio changed. I lost a couple inches off my waist and my hip measurement stayed basically the same over the course of several months.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    vocabulary word of the day: gynoid

    And not the robot kind.
  • Hauntinglyfit
    Hauntinglyfit Posts: 5,537 Member
    Never measured, but they're big. I have a strong lower body.

    And, surprisingly even for me, i am starting to really like what it looks like. Embrace your thighs ladies! I wasted years hating mine.
  • Sandtrap
    Sandtrap Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'2" and mine are 23.5. I've always disliked my thighs, but what's worse is my fat knees. They measure 17" just above the knee. And now that I'm getting older my waist is getting fatter - just what I need - more problem areas. I guess it's time to get serious about getting rid of these extra pounds.
    Ps - it's my first time posting here, so pardon me if it's in the wrong place
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    You cannot control your waist/hip ratio.
    Yes you can.
  • iamanadult
    iamanadult Posts: 709 Member
    I believe the term "thunder thighs" is meant for thighs with a particularly large amount of cellulite or "hail damage" if you will. Not necessarily large thighs.

    My thighs are pretty small, but thundery.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    But decreasing the size of your waist increases that ratio. You could lose 100 pounds and lose 12" off of your waist and almost nothing on your hips.


    Gah. You have no clue about body types and shapes, do you?

    If you naturally have very narrow hips, your waist and hips will never have that ratio. never. No matter how much body fat you lose, no matter how small your waist gets. Because guess what? Your hips will also get smaller as you lose body fat in that case.

    To be fair, you don't necessarily lose inches at the same rate everywhere.
    I agree. But to tell someone her goal "should be" something that may literally be impossible is silliness.

    Where did she say OP's goal "should be" anything?

    For the record I think it's silliness to completely ignore something that IS possible, even if it's not a certainty.

    My W:H ratio changed. I lost a couple inches off my waist and my hip measurement stayed basically the same over the course of several months.
    go by waist to hip ratio. .7 and below is awesome.

    That isnot possible for everyone. It just isn't. I don't care how many people come in here and tell me smoeone with narrow hips can lift weight sor diet or anything and get to a pear or hourglass shape if that is not their bone structure. It is not possible.

    You can lose body fat and build up muscle and get a smaller waist and maybe do some squats and build up your rear eand, but you cannot giver yourself a pear or hourglass shape if you do not have the bone structure for it.

    I am an hourglass. I will NEVER have a waist that is the same size as my hips unless I gain a LOT of weight.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    I worry about my waist and hips.

    What has that got to do with thighs?
  • kyleekay10
    kyleekay10 Posts: 1,812 Member
    But decreasing the size of your waist increases that ratio. You could lose 100 pounds and lose 12" off of your waist and almost nothing on your hips.


    Gah. You have no clue about body types and shapes, do you?

    If you naturally have very narrow hips, your waist and hips will never have that ratio. never. No matter how much body fat you lose, no matter how small your waist gets. Because guess what? Your hips will also get smaller as you lose body fat in that case.

    To be fair, you don't necessarily lose inches at the same rate everywhere.
    I agree. But to tell someone her goal "should be" something that may literally be impossible is silliness.

    Where did she say OP's goal "should be" anything?

    For the record I think it's silliness to completely ignore something that IS possible, even if it's not a certainty.

    My W:H ratio changed. I lost a couple inches off my waist and my hip measurement stayed basically the same over the course of several months.
    go by waist to hip ratio. .7 and below is awesome.

    That isnot possible for everyone. It just isn't. I don't care how many people come in here and tell me smoeone with narrow hips can lift weight sor diet or anything and get to a pear or hourglass shape if that is not their bone structure. It is not possible.

    You can lose body fat and build up muscle and get a smaller waist and maybe do some squats and build up your rear eand, but you cannot giver yourself a pear or hourglass shape if you do not have the bone structure for it.

    I am an hourglass. I will NEVER have a waist that is the same size as my hips unless I gain a LOT of weight.

    Ok... still not seeing where she said OP's goal "should be" anything. She was stating what a nice shapely ratio is. She wasn't wrong.

    I think you're missing the point that someone, regardless of hip bone structure, may lose inches at an accelerated rate from their waist. If they lose a lot from their waist, and do not lose any/much from their hips, their waist2hip ratio will change, because their waist is now even smaller than their hips.

    I agree that it's not possible for EVERYONE. But it is possible. And it is silly to assume right off the bat that it is not something OP can achieve.
    _SABOTEUR_ Posts: 6,833 Member
    My huge 21.5' thunder thighs oh no :o I'm 5'2 so could do smaller but complaining about 21' ?


  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    But decreasing the size of your waist increases that ratio. You could lose 100 pounds and lose 12" off of your waist and almost nothing on your hips.


    Gah. You have no clue about body types and shapes, do you?

    If you naturally have very narrow hips, your waist and hips will never have that ratio. never. No matter how much body fat you lose, no matter how small your waist gets. Because guess what? Your hips will also get smaller as you lose body fat in that case.

    To be fair, you don't necessarily lose inches at the same rate everywhere.
    I agree. But to tell someone her goal "should be" something that may literally be impossible is silliness.

    Where did she say OP's goal "should be" anything?

    For the record I think it's silliness to completely ignore something that IS possible, even if it's not a certainty.

    My W:H ratio changed. I lost a couple inches off my waist and my hip measurement stayed basically the same over the course of several months.
    go by waist to hip ratio. .7 and below is awesome.

    That isnot possible for everyone. It just isn't. I don't care how many people come in here and tell me smoeone with narrow hips can lift weight sor diet or anything and get to a pear or hourglass shape if that is not their bone structure. It is not possible.

    You can lose body fat and build up muscle and get a smaller waist and maybe do some squats and build up your rear eand, but you cannot giver yourself a pear or hourglass shape if you do not have the bone structure for it.

    I am an hourglass. I will NEVER have a waist that is the same size as my hips unless I gain a LOT of weight.
    well that's you.

    I am an hourglass and I assure you my waist was pretty equal to my hips before i lost weight, maybe even bigger.

    yes people have bone structure they cannot change, that is a given. But they can sure change other things, and you are not allowing for that.

    and coming off pretty condescending.