Dieting and exercising for 18 months and not lost weight!



  • sdreed25
    sdreed25 Posts: 208 Member
    Soooooooo much FAIL
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    Also want to hear more about how chemistry bears no relation to or has any reliance on the laws of physics.

    So much comedy gold in only 4 pages! A MFP record surely? Well, maybe not...
  • judyde
    judyde Posts: 401 Member
    she needs to cut out the bread.. and eat atleast 5 smaller and HEALTHIER meals a day!
    NO BREADS, PASTRIES, REFINED CARBS, WHITE RICE - EAT A BIG BREAKFAST, MEDIUM LUNCH AND SMALL DINNER AND EAT DINNER BEFORE 5. ANYTHING AND EVERTHING AFTER THAT WILL TURN TO FAT. eat more protein, lean meat, eggs, veg, plain yogurt etc.. whole wheat rice rather than white rice. rye bread is she must have bread. small changes - HUGE DIFFERENCE. really make your dinner the smallest meal of the day.. and just enough to not be hungry. fill it up with water / tea.

    Really?? Let's see I don't eat breakfast, dinner is my biggest meal and usually heaviest carbs. I eat cookies, pastries or some sweet daily. Oh well mine is much less miserable plan I think I'll stick with it.

    You are awesome! I am sending you a friend request. :-)
  • jenniferarnold619
    There are lots of good and terrible theories here. What I have found in my life of yo-yo dieting and then finally switching to focusing on a doable lifestyle. EVERYBODY is different. If it isn't working, it is time to change it.
    1. She is older and therefore her hormones are different from us 20/ 30 something whipper snappers. Weight does not come off as easily.
    2. Does she take meds? My mom takes certain things that make her retain fluid.
    3. What does her body need and process best? I have a lot family members who are diabetic so we naturally do best on balanced diets without a lot of complex carbs. (I have just tried the paleo diet... we will see. It's expensive, but you eat lots of good stuff and that are high quality calories. quality v. quantity)
    4. Maybe she should try more cardio and less strength training.

    All in all, if I were in her shoes and was being 100% honest and those are her results, I would be seeing a doctor. Find out if there is a hormone imbalance and see if the doctor can make a suggestion for a suitable diet. There is no reason for someone eating so few calories (or even 1200 calories a day) and burning about 200 calories from exercise to have lost no weight.
  • stefaniemazz
    stefaniemazz Posts: 179 Member
    Certainly what we eat has an enormous impact on our health and weight status. But did you know that when and how we eat also make a huge difference? Eating at the appropriate times throughout the day will help to maximize fat burning and keep hunger at bay.

    Aim to eat every 3 to 4 hours. Most people eat three meals and one snack, while others may prefer four smaller meals; you're free to find the combination that works best for you. Timing your meals in this way will improve your fat loss by preventing excess insulin, allowing leptin to work its magic on appetite control and metabolism, and by balancing the stress hormone cortisol. You should also enjoy your meals at the same time every day.

    Eat within 1 hour of rising. Your mom was also right when she told you breakfast was the most important meal of the day. When you skip breakfast, you lose its stimulating benefits on your metabolic rate. You also become more likely to eat unbalanced meals, more calories, and larger amounts of saturated fat throughout the day. Plenty of research shows that those of us who skip breakfast are actually heavier. Missing out on a healthy morning meal also increases stress hormones.

    Never eat within 3 hours of bedtime. Eating too close to bedtime raises your body temperature, increases blood sugar and insulin, prevents the release of melatonin, and cuts down on growth hormone release. All these factors interfere with the quality of your sleep and the natural fat-burning benefits of a good night’s rest. Furthermore, sleep deprivation leads to more cravings and a greater likelihood of overeating the next day.

    If you must eat before bed, opt for a light meal or snack that's high in protein and low in carbohydrates and fat, such as a protein shake made with berries and water, salad with grilled chicken, or a shrimp and veggie stir-fry.

    Start the day with protein. For better appetite control throughout the day, try combining your starchy carbs at lunch, dinner, or after your workouts rather than at breakfast. Stick to eggs or whey protein smoothies for breakfast and you'll eat less throughout the day.

    Always eat within 45 minutes of finishing your workout. This meal or snack is the only one of the day that should not contain much fat and should be higher in carbohydrates. For example, have a smoothie made with juice, fruit, and protein powder, but no flaxseeds or oil.

    Never do your weight training on an empty stomach. You will need energy from your foods to perform optimally. You may, however, complete your cardio before eating if your session will be less than 30 minutes.

    Focus on your food. Do not eat while you are doing anything else (i.e., watching TV, working, surfing on the computer, etc.). Focus on chewing your food and relaxing while you eat.

    Eat protein first. Eat the protein on your plate first to help speed the signal to your brain that you are full.

    Drink alcohol last. If you have alcohol or wine, do so after your meal to enhance the hormones involved in appetite control and digestion.


    Those mags will say anything to sell their crap to people that don't understand how to lose weight.

    I used to buy into that stuff, and I lost all my weight "eating clean" and cutting out bread and pasta and all of that...

    Guess what...I gained it all back.

    it's not sustainable.
  • RonnieLodge
    RonnieLodge Posts: 665 Member
    Ok let me clear a few things up.
    She is definitely exercising and for the amount of time that I stated, the reason I know this is because she goes to the gym with her best friend who I also have regular contact with.
    As for the eating, I am confident that she is being honest with me (and herself) about her calorie consumption as she is really so determined to lose the weight, she would only be cheating herself otherwise and she knows that.

    Eating under 1000 cals a day for 18 months she would have lost quite a chunk of weight. Exercise or no exercise.

    Either that or she is a medical wonder.

    She needs to get a check up at the doctor and possibly get herself on MFP so she can log EVERYTHING.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Wow all these replies are rediculous. Personally, I don't lose weight with calories in calories out. I would point out that she is not eating enough and she is not getting enough protein and vegetables. I would get her to try lower her carb intake at least with the bread, if I eat bread I don't lose weight. Also has she gone to the doctor to rule out anything medical?
    Really? You aren't seriwus are you?

    The lady would definitely have lost weight on 950 calories a day for a year or two PLUS caused some serious damage to her body. What she eats and her carb intake will not cause her to maintain her weight, as it sounds like she has been doing. She is clearly eating more than she is aware of and therefore maintaining her weight.

    The ONLY thing required to lose weight is to eat less calories than you burn.

    With that said, the doctor is an excellent idea.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    she needs to cut out the bread.. and eat atleast 5 smaller and HEALTHIER meals a day!
    NO BREADS, PASTRIES, REFINED CARBS, WHITE RICE - EAT A BIG BREAKFAST, MEDIUM LUNCH AND SMALL DINNER AND EAT DINNER BEFORE 5. ANYTHING AND EVERTHING AFTER THAT WILL TURN TO FAT. eat more protein, lean meat, eggs, veg, plain yogurt etc.. whole wheat rice rather than white rice. rye bread is she must have bread. small changes - HUGE DIFFERENCE. really make your dinner the smallest meal of the day.. and just enough to not be hungry. fill it up with water / tea.

    No. This has nil to do with weight loss..
  • extra_medium
    extra_medium Posts: 1,525 Member
    she needs to cut out the bread.. and eat atleast 5 smaller and HEALTHIER meals a day!
    NO BREADS, PASTRIES, REFINED CARBS, WHITE RICE - EAT A BIG BREAKFAST, MEDIUM LUNCH AND SMALL DINNER AND EAT DINNER BEFORE 5. ANYTHING AND EVERTHING AFTER THAT WILL TURN TO FAT. eat more protein, lean meat, eggs, veg, plain yogurt etc.. whole wheat rice rather than white rice. rye bread is she must have bread. small changes - HUGE DIFFERENCE. really make your dinner the smallest meal of the day.. and just enough to not be hungry. fill it up with water / tea.

    No. This has nil to do with weight loss..

    I like the part about everything turning to fat after 5 pm.
  • YoungIronG
    YoungIronG Posts: 125 Member
    you must accept that she is lying to you about something.

    then you both can heal
  • _Zardoz_
    _Zardoz_ Posts: 3,987 Member
    she needs to cut out the bread.. and eat atleast 5 smaller and HEALTHIER meals a day!
    NO BREADS, PASTRIES, REFINED CARBS, WHITE RICE - EAT A BIG BREAKFAST, MEDIUM LUNCH AND SMALL DINNER AND EAT DINNER BEFORE 5. ANYTHING AND EVERTHING AFTER THAT WILL TURN TO FAT. eat more protein, lean meat, eggs, veg, plain yogurt etc.. whole wheat rice rather than white rice. rye bread is she must have bread. small changes - HUGE DIFFERENCE. really make your dinner the smallest meal of the day.. and just enough to not be hungry. fill it up with water / tea.

    No. This has nil to do with weight loss..

    I like the part about everything turning to fat after 5 pm.
    Is that the same as turning into a Pumpkin at midnight?
  • mbagradstudent
    If she works out like my mother that could be it. My mom can bike for 30 minutes and not break a sweat because she's barely peddling. Or she walks on the treadmill at a moderate pace and again doesn't break a sweat. If she's not pushing herself and just barely moving, it's not really working out.

    She could also be drinking her calories.
  • Briargrey
    Briargrey Posts: 498 Member
    she needs to cut out the bread.. and eat atleast 5 smaller and HEALTHIER meals a day!
    NO BREADS, PASTRIES, REFINED CARBS, WHITE RICE - EAT A BIG BREAKFAST, MEDIUM LUNCH AND SMALL DINNER AND EAT DINNER BEFORE 5. ANYTHING AND EVERTHING AFTER THAT WILL TURN TO FAT. eat more protein, lean meat, eggs, veg, plain yogurt etc.. whole wheat rice rather than white rice. rye bread is she must have bread. small changes - HUGE DIFFERENCE. really make your dinner the smallest meal of the day.. and just enough to not be hungry. fill it up with water / tea.

    wth? Uh, no.

    SOME people need to restrict carbs for medical reasons. SOME feel like they should for control reasons. But otherwise, there's no need to give up anything, no need to eat smaller meals, etc. - weigh your food meticulously, log every thing that goes into your mouth, burn more calories than you take in.

    Now -- some people like to have several small meals, and it is a proven technique for those people. So that is not inherently wrong. It's just not a MUST do.

    The time of day you eat doesn't matter - your body doesn't say 'omfg it's 5 o'clock somewhere, time to turn on the fat making machine!'. So please, no one listen to this piece of it.

    OP - your mother is either taking in more than she says and deliberately not telling you, or the foods/amounts are more caloric than y'all think, meaning your portion sizes are out of whack.

    Weigh (most accurate), measure, track every thing you put in your mouth, including the oil or butter you cook something in, the piece you just snarfed while preparing the meal, etc. She should get started on mfp for herself and log everything.

    Don't use MFP calculations for calorie burn in exercise though - it way overestimates.
  • jimgatewood
    jimgatewood Posts: 86 Member
    Don't believe it.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member


    Believe what you want, but everyone is different and the body works on chemistry not physics

    Chemistry is applied physics.
  • SailorKnightWing
    SailorKnightWing Posts: 875 Member
    When people say "don't eat after #pm" they don't think food magically turns to fat after that hour. They think your metabolism slows while you sleep and the food eaten after the proprietary time will be digested during said sleep, therefore burning less efficiently.

    It's still incorrect, but it's not voodoo.
  • sullus
    sullus Posts: 2,839 Member
    When people say "don't eat after #pm" they don't think food magically turns to fat after that hour. They think your metabolism slows while you sleep and the food eaten after the proprietary time will be digested during said sleep, therefore burning less efficiently.

    It's still incorrect, but it's not voodoo.

    I like to have a bedtime snack to rev my metabolism while I sleep, so I don't wake up in starvation mode.
  • LVCeltGirl
    If she's been dieting off and on for a good portion of her life, then she's not eating enough, especially if she's exercising. If she's like me, her body is saying "Oh, here we go again" and holding onto the fat (weight). I have to eat at least 1300 calories daily to lose weight. If I go much below that, then I won't lose. If I don't get enough sleep or I don't drink enough water, I won't lose.

    Even quoting what I learned during my upteenth time through Weight Watchers, you've got to eat all your points (ie for MFP, or TDEE, you've got to eat all your calories). From the message boards, everything I've read also says do not go below 1200 calories eaten daily (and that's not net calories between eaten and exercise but actual calories eaten but you really should eat back some of your exercise calories).

    Also is she using something (even a diary at home) to log everything at least for a week to see what she is doing daily within calorie limits and estimated calorie burn from exercise? If not, she needs to get something and log everything. It could be a real eye-opener for her. Sometimes because it's just a "bite', you don't realize you've eaten something.

    That's my 2 cents and tailored specifically for how my body functions. It could be different for her and my advice means nothing in her situation. I have to log everything or I am off on my calorie count enough to throw off my weight loss. Some people don't have to be that good. It's different for everyone. The idea of visiting a doctor to rule out something medical is a great one too!
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Hmmm...Mom is a closet eater/binger?! And burpees, planks, lunges at 213 pounds and 59 years of age is fairly impressive...not saying impossible but with that 'supposed' intensity she is working at AND supposed calorie deficit....she would have lost.

    Get Mom on MFP, logging her food and exercise, she'll see results.
  • 17ChargerGirl17
    There is no way that she is exercising like she says and eating that and NOT losing weight.
    You would certainly lose at least a couple lbs a month! I work out like that and eat about 1250 a day and have lost over 100 lbs in that time, just sayin