2014 New Years Resolution!



  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    Since I am already losing weight and getting fit - it is not going to be a new resolution this year.

    I hope to run my first ever 5K (Color me Rad) in September, so I will be training for that.

    My new goals will be saving money, patience and work on my nail biting.
  • squirrelzzrule22
    squirrelzzrule22 Posts: 640 Member
    - lose 17 lbs by April 1st
    - lose 20 lbs by December 11th
    - run my second half marathon in two years despite my really bad runners knee
    - love how I look for the first time...ever?
    - graduate law school and pass the bar!
    - stop letting boyfriends dictate my self confidence and walk all over me!!
  • Ejourneys
    Ejourneys Posts: 1,603 Member
    Good luck, everyone, and keep up the great work!
    I don't make resolutions, but I do have goals:

    1. Keep maintaining (continue my healthy eating and exercise habits), and ditch my "lifelong yo-yo" syndrome.
    2. Return to running (already begun) and continue training for a 5K -- I've registered for one in March.
    3. Repeat the 9/11 Memorial Fitness Challenge (climbing 110 flights of stairs), which I did this past September.
    4. "Reach" the Republic of Nauru in my Virtual Ride Around the Equator by the end of 2014. That would mean I've crossed the 8,000-mile mark on my mini-bike since Sept. 1, 2012. (I'm currently at 4548.)
    5. Keep taking MOOCs.
    6. Keep on with leisure reading and creative pursuits.
    7. Carpe diem.
  • catruledquilter
    catruledquilter Posts: 48 Member
    My goal is to be more consistent in my fitness program and continue to improve my eating habits. I'll take whatever weight loss I can get!! It took me many years to get to this point so I don't expect to change overnight!

    Happy 2014 everyone!
  • 123Allyxox
    123Allyxox Posts: 112 Member
    To lose the rest of my baby weight the healthy way, to complete Insanity, and start running again!
  • SuperWhoLock24601
    SuperWhoLock24601 Posts: 245 Member
    Give up sodas. I am starting small. I gave up soda for three years running 2006-2009. I had one Vault in college, and that was the end for me.
  • codycsweet
    codycsweet Posts: 1,019 Member
    1. To continue the good habits that I have learned since June of this year. Eating well and fitness
    2. To be in a healthy BMI
    3. Continue to tone and work on body comp.
    4. Fit into clothes better
    5. To find a bathing suit I don't have to hide in
    6. Continue going to the gym and pushing myself to try new things
  • kuntry_navy
    kuntry_navy Posts: 677 Member
    giving up drinking for two months, baby steps
  • reutertanya
    reutertanya Posts: 4 Member
    I hope to lose the 100 pounds I need to lose and make exercising a habit. I also want to cut some things out of my life like sugar and not eating so much meat. I have high cholesterol so I need to eat foods that will help bring this down. I want to feel good again and regain some energy!!
  • shardown
    shardown Posts: 258 Member
    Mine is to :
    1. Try to speed up my weight loss a bit because I have been taking it pretty easy (too many excuses - in laws have been staying with us for almost 3 months and I don't want to hurt their feelings by not eating the food they cook for us).
    2. Eating within my calorie range
    3. Pass my CFA Level 1 exams
    4. Get a promotion at work
    5. Do a soft mudder (in March and October!)
    6. Fit into a size 10 this time next year