paleo diet



  • ldula88
    ldula88 Posts: 169 Member
    Paleo works really well in the long term. I've been Paleo for quite a while now, and I love it! Of course, once I found out I have no food intolerances, I eat a bit more "Primal" now than true Paleo... I added full fat dairy in, and about once every few weeks I'll have a meal with grains in it, like pizza, etc. I find the people who tell you it's dangerous don't really understand it. Your body does not need as many carbs as you get on the SAD, it just doesn't. Cutting out grains is not dangerous for you, you can get every vitamin and micronutrient from lean meats, healthy fats like nut butters, vegetables, fruits, and if you eat Primal, dairy. And Paleo is not necessarily low carb, although if you're in it for weight loss it's a good idea to start out that way.

    There are also those who claim they "could never give up grain and processed food." If you have the willpower to stick to a "diet", why can't you make a life change that is way healthier in the long run? It's just an excuse. Really, after a few weeks you don't even miss the grains and processed crap. When done right, Paleo is very healthy and sustainable. And it's not even that expensive. You don't have to buy all organic, grass fed, fee range everything. Paleo purists will disagree, but changing to a whole foods diet is hugely beneficial, even without going full organic. There is no way in the world a diet that includes chemicals and processed foods is just as healthy as a whole foods diet, even if the calories and macros are identical. It's not possible that eating chemicals is good for your body in the long run, even f you can lose weight that way. Best of luck!!!
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    After doing some research on this, it doesn't really matter. You can eat whatever you want so long as you are logging in less calories than you need for your body to maintain. It really is THAT simple.

    I agree and that's why IIFYM works. It is simple to follow I get it, but to infer that eating clean has no more health benefits than just eating whatever you want as long as it fits into your calories is just lazy and ignorant. I'm not saying to not have that ice cream bar, I'm just saying don't fool yourself into thinking it doesn't come with some sort of consequence. Find what works for you, do your research. I hope some links and this discussion had helped answer OP's question.

    You didn't read my last post at all, did you?

    I did. Did you read that simply shredded link?

    Yea I did. That diet plan is absolutely ridiculous. Eliminate grains, eliminate gluten, it implements carb cycling, stipulates how often to eat and meal limits. This is a diet plan for a bodybuilder trying to get down to sub 6% body fat for a competition, not 99% of the population that is trying to get in shape and get to a healthy weight. If this is supposed to be your evidence, find something else to back up your claims...