Tattoos - How Many is Too Many?



  • Kdhuynh54
    to about 50% of the world i look like a hot mess.

    i'd like to say i have one tattoo. i struggle to find room since certain areas of my body are off limits.

    even at 65 hours i don't feel it's excessive. however the rest of society seems to think so.

    i don't know why people seem to think it affects careers so much. i'm salaried. i have a doctorate. i'm young. let's say i get taxed a lot.

    it's all a personal journey. if one regrets them...then it's too many.
  • ZealousMissJJ
    ZealousMissJJ Posts: 454 Member
    to about 50% of the world i look like a hot mess.

    i'd like to say i have one tattoo. i struggle to find room since certain areas of my body are off limits.

    even at 65 hours i don't feel it's excessive. however the rest of society seems to think so.

    i don't know why people seem to think it affects careers so much. i'm salaried. i have a doctorate. i'm young. let's say i get taxed a lot.

    it's all a personal journey. if one regrets them...then it's too many.

    Wow, I love your tattoos :love: !!! To me, you're a perfect example of a well educated, beautiful girl/women that rocks tattoos. Well done. :drinker:
  • HealthyVitamins
    HealthyVitamins Posts: 432 Member
  • DR2501
    DR2501 Posts: 661 Member
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    to about 50% of the world i look like a hot mess.

    i'd like to say i have one tattoo. i struggle to find room since certain areas of my body are off limits.

    even at 65 hours i don't feel it's excessive. however the rest of society seems to think so.

    i don't know why people seem to think it affects careers so much. i'm salaried. i have a doctorate. i'm young. let's say i get taxed a lot.

    it's all a personal journey. if one regrets them...then it's too many.

    Wow, I love your tattoos :love: !!! To me, you're a perfect example of a well educated, beautiful girl/women that rocks tattoos. Well done. :drinker:


    And I love your "About me" on your profile! That's awesome.
  • MsP90X
    MsP90X Posts: 1,053 Member
    I say that as many tattoos as YOU want is the right number for YOU.

    I am planning my next tattoo but have no idea when I will be stopping... :P
  • KatyMarie1984
    KatyMarie1984 Posts: 114 Member
    The more the better..... tattoo's are HOT.
  • asimmons221
    asimmons221 Posts: 294 Member
    No limit, the more the merrier.
  • savannahribeiro
    savannahribeiro Posts: 194 Member
    Hmmmm. I have two myself (I am only 19 so this is plenty for now). I have no problems with them in the workplace; that is, my boss has never said anything about them.
    I think when it gets to be too many is when you start to lose sight of the person and all you see is tattoos. I am not saying there is anything WRONG with being covered, but it does become slightly overwhelming (for me anyway). That being said ---- go hard, mate, it's your skin!
  • dougt333
    dougt333 Posts: 697
    You should only have one.

    because if they all connect it only counts as one.

    Cover up everything.
  • supergirl212
    the more the merrier
  • HapaHaole92
    HapaHaole92 Posts: 85 Member
    I have three. I enjoy body art and I don't care how many a person has as long as it's not sexist or racist.
  • j0705
    j0705 Posts: 185
    i love tattoos and with being an artist myself i was really picky about who did mine on me .. i'd say its too many when you have every inch of your body covered possible or your scalp and face. the odd little one on the face or head is fine though.

    im not a fan of pain.. so yes just the one tattoo that i get more added too over time , i had originaly gone for a full peice of 2 large roses and 4 small rose buds with a ribbon with wedding rings on and our wedding date representing my love for and from my family and to cover a large scar on my shoulder from an op to remove cancer. BUT little did i know my husband was about to dump me :P so i had them leave the marital stuff off :P
    i should have know when he had come home with his new tattoo with his kids names on and not mine :/

    anyway... ill post a pic of mine in my profile ..ive had more roses and lace extended down my arm and over my shoulder sice these photos
  • Get_Fit_With_V
    Everyone has a right to their opinion. I mean, we have our opinions, right? Does it make them right....does it make them wrong? No. I personally DGAF, what people do as long as it doesn't interfere with me. As far as tattoos go, I like them. I have several. I have 3 on my left foot, one one each hip bone, and a massive back piece.... I mean it takes up my entire back.
  • michaelablueeyes
    michaelablueeyes Posts: 38 Member
    I have 7 can cover all but one, as its on my hand to descise a scar (which didnt turn out as I hoped)
    I want more but much is when on the face head etc.

    Aggressive tatts are also a no no, ie I have a freind tattooed on the neck and hands and it looks lovely on her but ive another freind tattoos same kind of place but look awful as it they have chosen the aggressive nature of ink.
  • warriorbk78
    warriorbk78 Posts: 2 Member
    I personally love tattoos, and have loads. I am booked in to start my second sleeve in February.
    As long as you aren't deliberately offensive with your choice of tattoo, then I dont see any problems with them, it is all just personal choice. Any decent tattoo artist worth a dime will refuse to do anything that is deliberately offensive. But then again you will have idiot artists who will give those types of tattoos to idiot people.
    Just a shame in some circumstances it is deemed inappropriate to have them on show, I know it doesn't make me any less professional than someone who doesn't have any ink. In fact it makes me a little bit more awesome :-p
  • imightbeapryl
    I think if they are done tastefully, by a fantastic artist you can't have too many. If it weren't for my very conservative work environment I'd have full sleeves already.

    I have six but one covers my entire leg from my toes to just under my does that count as only one? One on my upper arm will eventually become at least a 1/2 sleeve. I also have one on each wrist, one on my other shin and one my shoulder. To me they are a road map of my history. Love each of them to pieces.
  • ItsMeGee3
    ItsMeGee3 Posts: 13,254 Member
    I have 2. Wouldn't mind another.
  • jjennyb4
    jjennyb4 Posts: 1,581 Member
    There is no such thing as too many tattoos!!!!
    I have 9 tattoos and 27 piercings.

    Is there such a thing as too many piercings? I think not!!!!!
