I dont want to eat twigs and berries



  • GTBbeautifulbrandi
    You can still eat the foods you love, just keep portions under control. I was the same way for a long time - thought I had to live on rabbit food in order to lose weight and that never worked out. I always felt deprived and unsatisfied and would just completely give up in frustration after a month or two.

    Then I finally smartened up and realized it wasn't necessary. I might tweak recipes a bit to make them lighter or more healthy (less pasta/rice, more veg, leaner meats) but if not, I just try to keep serving sizes low so that the foods fit into my daily calorie limit. Or I exercise to make up the difference - on MFP, you earn calories by logging these activities.

    Good thing about the meats you tend to eat is that most game is naturally low in fat and therefore lower in calories. Not sure about pig and chicken but assuming it's like the meat you'd buy in stores, you can lower fat/calories by trimming the fat and/or removing skin.

    Regarding the comfort part of it - that's pretty common. At some point you have to become more mindful of your behaviors and find ways to change them. Stop letting food be your comfort and find better ways to deal with your troubles (meditation, yoga, exercise, new hobbies). For me, boredom and lonliness are a huge trigger. Once I identified that, I was able to start changing my behavior over time. Instead of turning to food, I'd find something else that occupied my time - reading, going for a walk, playing games on my tablet - whatever it took to distract myself. Don't get me wrong, this has been a long process and I still have trouble from time to time but it's gotten much better.
    Thanks and hey I'm from maine 2!!
  • KatAdele
    KatAdele Posts: 290 Member
    I don't have anything 'off limits' in my diet which is part of the reason I've been able to stick with it for so long this time. I just try to balance out healthy foods with sometimes foods an if it's a treat it better be a good one because I don't want to waste calories on food I won't enjoy LOL.
  • elainecroft
    elainecroft Posts: 595 Member
    it sounds like you need to focus on changing your approach - moderation is key you want something you can stick with. Good luck we are here for you!!
  • Grumbers
    Grumbers Posts: 111 Member
    Personally I think it's essential you're eating food you like! If not, you'll never succeed.

    There are a lot of good foods that taste great and can be really healthy too.

    For example :-
    Tandoori Chicken
    Indian spiced vegetables
    Lean Meats
    Flat breads
    etc etc

    It's all about being creative with what you cook. Raw veg and salad can be bloody dull!
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Eat the foods you like.

    Count calories.

    The end.
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I eat good meals . I just eat to much and everytime I go on a diet or try to change my life style I HATE IT!!!! I feel hungry all the time and I can't eat something if it doesn't taste good. I love to cook and me and my bf love food . Everytime I try to change I get so depressed about food. I want to still be able to eat the foods I love ( I don't eat fast food) . Help !!!

    The answer is obvious: eat the good meals you love, just eat less of it.

    Easy right?
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    I go around the cupboards and say I can't eat this and this.

    This is why restrictive diets are doomed to failure.
  • nmcknny
    nmcknny Posts: 479 Member
    I don't like salads and vegetables very much but I'm going to have to eat more of them to reach my goal of losing weight. I really like to cook and I'm used to eating just what I want (which is ultimately the problem). There's lots of good advice on this thread--and welcome humor--and I'm going to try to take it. Right now I'm going to read that link. Thanks, everyone :smile:
  • GTBbeautifulbrandi
    For the rest of this post can we please stop with the penis jokes!! Yes I said twigs and berries haha . I would appreciate serious advice thanks
  • Phoenix_Warrior
    Phoenix_Warrior Posts: 1,633 Member
    I guess I freak out .... I make the decision to lose weight and instantly I'm hungry haha. Then I do this thing were I go around the cupboards and say I can't eat this and this. Then at meal time I get all in a panic trying to find something to eat and I always make something really small or a salad . I guess I just don't know how to do it without going extreme

    That's why I failed my first time. I got too caught up in "good" or "bad", when I really just needed to look at things like "nutrient dense" and "delicious". Leave the negativity and bad stigma behind. Focus on finding things YOU love and not what the latest fad says is the way to diet and you'll have the map to long term success. Weight loss is calories in vs out and health is about the nutrients. Which can be found in virtually any food. :)
  • GTBbeautifulbrandi
    I'm 5 ft 2 inches tall and weigh 165 . I would like to get down to 120 . My sister is getting married in july and I know your not suppose set a date of weight loss but I would like to be a different size by then (I'm a bridesmaid) .
  • CarolinkaCjj
    CarolinkaCjj Posts: 622 Member
    Slow and steady and don't deprive, just downsize. Crazy me started at Thanksgiving - have not felt deprived or starved. I can eat one butter cookie, just not 12., I can go out to eat but I just have to plan ahead. You have some access to some great food - just eat less of it.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    just downsize your servings and hit your calorie goals...you don't have to eat twigs and berries...why do people even think this?

    I'm a foodie and a hell of a cook...I've lost 40 Lbs eating delicious and nutritious foods. I've learned what appropriate servings of things are and I hit my calorie goals and I lose weight (well, maintain right now). It's just math.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    For the rest of this post can we please stop with the penis jokes!! Yes I said twigs and berries haha . I would appreciate serious advice thanks

    You've gotten some really good advice so far. I'm not sure what else you're looking for?

    At this point I'd just parrot what everyone else is saying. Set a reasonable calorie goal. Eat foods that you like as long as they fit within that goal. Look for foods with more protein, fat, and fiber as these help us feel fuller and more satisfied. Drink plenty of water. Exercise as you're able to. Adjust the plan when/if it stops working for you.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Do you log everything you eat and stay within your MFP calorie guidelines? if so, you shouldn't have to eat twigs and berries. Others have explained that in more detail but it really is true.

    As for eating good/healthy meals...For many years I felt that I was "eating healthy", definitely much healthier than the majority of my friends, ex-spouse, etc. So I figured something must be wrong with me that I didn't lose weight. LOGGING is such a powerful tool if you're not doing it already you will more than likely feel AMAZED.
  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    I eat good meals . I just eat to much and everytime I go on a diet or try to change my life style I HATE IT!!!! I feel hungry all the time and I can't eat something if it doesn't taste good. I love to cook and me and my bf love food . Everytime I try to change I get so depressed about food. I want to still be able to eat the foods I love ( I don't eat fast food) . Help !!!

    after much sucess and failure, i've concluded that portion controll is the only way to truely eat healthy and enjoy life.

    To restrict your by definition denying yourself, and thats really no way to live.

    There is no reason why you can't eat the foods you like and lose or maintain weight.

    Eating reasonable portions of the foods you love may still seem like restricting yourself. But that has more to do with American culture then your body actually needing those calories.

    when its a question of 'how much can i eat' and not 'what can i eat', the whole thing becomes a little easier and more enjoyable in my opinion.

    there is really no food that is unhealthy for you, assuming it fits into a reasonably balanced macro profile for the day. the only thing that isn't so hot for you is stuff with a lot of artifical ingredients
  • RllyGudTweetr
    RllyGudTweetr Posts: 2,019 Member
    There are no bad foods, barring medical issues. There are different portion sizes, though.
  • GTBbeautifulbrandi
    For the rest of this post can we please stop with the penis jokes!! Yes I said twigs and berries haha . I would appreciate serious advice thanks

    You've gotten some really good advice so far. I'm not sure what else you're looking for?

    At this point I'd just parrot what everyone else is saying. Set a reasonable calorie goal. Eat foods that you like as long as they fit within that goal. Look for foods with more protein, fat, and fiber as these help us feel fuller and more satisfied. Drink plenty of water. Exercise as you're able to. Adjust the plan when/if it stops working for you.
    Does everyone like to argue I know I have gotten great advice thank you I just wanted the penis jokes to stop thank you
  • jonnythan
    jonnythan Posts: 10,161 Member
    For the rest of this post can we please stop with the penis jokes!! Yes I said twigs and berries haha . I would appreciate serious advice thanks

    You've gotten some really good advice so far. I'm not sure what else you're looking for?

    At this point I'd just parrot what everyone else is saying. Set a reasonable calorie goal. Eat foods that you like as long as they fit within that goal. Look for foods with more protein, fat, and fiber as these help us feel fuller and more satisfied. Drink plenty of water. Exercise as you're able to. Adjust the plan when/if it stops working for you.
    Does everyone like to argue I know I have gotten great advice thank you I just wanted the penis jokes to stop thank you

    They probably won't stop, considering the title of the tread references a common euphemism for such things.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    If I am gonna eat it, I want it to taste good.