

  • Amarea
    Amarea Posts: 91 Member
    Hi All,

    I'm posting to request friends and support for someone very dear to me. She's struggling with many things, including this journey we're all on. She's a 50+ woman so I thought this would be a great place to recruit! Her screen name is Snowwhite9700. Thanks and good luck to you all!
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member

    Had a crap day yesterday but going to see that today be good. Dogs are better. Very hard to get them to take their pill.
    But sure not hard to get them to eat their cup of food. When its time they are hungry.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario.

    Have you tried giving it in some food. I don't know if they are on a special diet. Hamburger or peanut butter work well.
  • seasonsofjoy
    seasonsofjoy Posts: 47 Member
    Good morning!
    Having my quiet time, and coffee, and the sun is coming up, and the lovely day is waking up!:drinker:

    To all who are reading Willpower, please tell me the author? I went on Amazon, and there are several books with that title. My daughter owns The Happiness Project and says it is so good, and wants me to read it. It sounds really good!

    My friend wanted to go to Pei Wei for her birthday lunch yesterday, and i had planned what i was going to eat before we went. We got there and they changed the set-up of their menu, how you order things. Basically now you pick your protein, then your preparation,then your starch. What i loved was you can pick a side salad instead of the starch now. And the dressing just comes on the side. Not so great they put it on the plate with the hot food, but i ate it first. So I did very well and had ginger broccoli chicken.

    In 3days of being back on track, I feel so much better already! I have arthritis all over and sugar and wheat really make me feel like a very old woman, i ache all over and especially my feet just kill me!:sad: I have had multiple foot issues, and i think that plus the extra weight just target them. i want to be able to walk still, when i have grandkids someday! And of course, just for me!!

    Thanks so much for all of the sharing and support here!:love::love: :love: :heart: :heart: :heart:
    Nancy in Arizona
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    Good morning all,

    Deedee drinking water as I type.:drinker:

    Welcome newbies:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Sherry !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Carol I saw your post on over 50 on your weight loss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Joyce sounds like a craving to me. Have you had your Vit. D levels checked?

    We went to the Museum of Science Industry yesterday. Had great exhibits. We took a tour of the WWII sub. The bravery of all involved. Amazing! The farm section brought out what is feed to dairy cows. They eat more corn than I realized. There was so much to see we didn't get to see everything. We did get Ribs n Bibs for dinner . More than I needed. When doughnuts were suggested for breakfast today I passed. The German restaurant was the Berghoff we went to the night before.

    Limit TV/computer

    Life is too short for a bad cup of coffee.:drinker:

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,073 Member
    Another book I found helpful addressing the willpower issue is called The Power of Habit : Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business by Charles Duhigg He talks about the cue (trigger) routine, and reward. To figure out what you do to a trigger is similar to the willpower book. His questions to the trigger are:
    Where are you?
    What time is it?
    What is you emotional state?
    Who else is around?
    What action preceded the urge?

    He suggests just watching yourself to start.
    After three days should be able to figure out what the trigger,habit , and reward is.
    Once you have the habit figured out, the reward driving your habit, the cue triggering it and you can change the habit with a plan ( make different choices) Writing out the plan helps. That's what we are here for. :smile:
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello, ladies,

    70 degrees with fog (lifted now) and drizzle here; supposed to get your thunderstorms later, Dee Dee.

    Finally screwed up my courage and stepped on the scale this am
    5 1/2 lbs. over goal, has gradually come on since Sept./Oct........so, basically, I'm back where I was in mid-May. OK, did it before, can do it again.........and I really thought the number would be much worse..........so there is a bright side.

    DD at at a local college function; meet and greet mixer brunch for prospectives, current students, and graduates. DH at library.
    I've got chicken thighs in the oven to use in chicken avagolemino (sp???) soup, which has been requested by DD.

    Heather.........Ditto for your thoughts on clothing.......we really do think alike on this subject and you expressed it very well!

    Liz.........Hope your toes stayed warm and you liked your new coffee flavor. I'm trying (thanks to DD who drags me into new things) a decaf chai latte by Tazo.........cals aren't bad, especially since I dilute it with water and only use half.........nice, nice flavor. I'm currently reading Stephen White's Line of Fire. Just finished a Jonathan Kellerman.

    Katla...........Hope you got your haircut and are feeling better.

    Jill.............HAPPY Anniversary!!!

    Jane...........Dansko shoes are made in my birth state----Pennsylvania so I support them whenever I can. My other main stand-bys are Born, which sound Nordic but I've discovered they are made in Mexico, Vietnam, and (I believe) Cambodia. For sneakers I tend toward New Balance, Brooks, and Saucony.

    Linda.........My condolences on your aunt.

    Suebdew............YAY on your best eating and exercise day of the year!!! I'm right there with you!!!

    Michele............I'm happy you heard from Bryan, if only a little, it's something. I can't begin to tell you how much I envy all your storage space!!!

    Nancy...........Congrats on your third day and wishing you many more.

    Trying my best to keep up.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :noway: I had a weird day yesterday. Still not well and fatigued. By the afternoon, I ate a chocolate bar. Had not had one of those in a long time. It did seem to make me feel better, but I sure don, t want to make that a habit.

    Today I MUST get on with our bookkeeping. I, ve been postponing that since I had been sick for so ffn long. But cannot afford to wait any longer, sick or not sick.

    Katla..I hope you get well soon. I know when people say about "just having a cold", but I can tell you that it can make a person very sick. So take good care of yourself, my friend.

    I am just up now, and had a good sleep. DD is growing her baby bump nicely. Our oldest son turned 42 yesterday. How did that happen?! Time flies.

    Anne.. things with your coach seem to be working out now?

    The polar vortex has returned to the north pole and that is a good thing. On the west coast of Canada we were lucky not to have had to partake in its abominable frigid fury. Burst pipes? Hate them.

    And then the UK with its flooding . Be safe.

    Okay, eating my breakfast and ttyl.

    Vancouver Island. B.C.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,297 Member
    Hi all!
    DH out at football. He woke early with anxiety, but I talked him out of most of it. He certainly had a bit more colour in his cheeks. I wish he would do the Mindfulness and Meditation exercises on a regular basis to help him. There is an article in today's paper aboug them and how much they helped one woman. It's no good waiting until the panic grabs you, you have to practice. Grrrrr! Men eh? :grumble: Still, he was well enough to go off to football.:love:
    I watched a tv programme today instead of my usual film as I've got Lincoln to watch and DH wants to see it. Had deliciouus Asian soup for lunch. Guinea fowl for dinner with the left over red cabbage from yesterday and green beans. Now I have a bigger calorie allowance from mfp I find it quite hard to eat that much. When I get to maintenance soon I shall have difficulty convincing myself it's OK to eat that much, my good habits are so ingrained now. But it will be nice to have the occasional spoonful of buttery sauce or some olive oil on veg, or, my favourite thing in all the world, home made mayonnaise and aioli. Trouble is with that you can't really make just a little bit and I don't trust myself. But that will be where I spend my extra calories as I, fortunately, don't have a sweet tooth. That's not to say I don't love a creme brulee or Tarte Tatin!!!!!:laugh: Am I making you all salivate? I have had none of any of those things for 19 months and I have reined back on my cheese habit drastically. I'm hoping I can hold on to this weight loss and reintroduce beloved foods in sensible amounts.:huh: I will still be logging daily, have no fear. But I am apprehensive. At least three times before I have put it all back on and more. But then I didn't have you lovely women to help me.:love::heart:

    My agent rang again about my rental. This time it's a new microwave.:sad: Nothing but bother and expense. I am seriously thinking again about selling it, even at a loss.:cry: I feel bad because I bought it with money my mother left me from the sale of her flat. I don't want to make a loss, but I can do without the hassle and worry. Maybe it's worth taking a hit for the sake of my peace of mind. I used visualization techniques to get off to sleep last night as my mind was a jumble about it. Fell asleep really quickly!:happy:

    I have also decided to change from the hairdresser who comes to my house. I started with her becsuse I had a problem with going to salons. I had a music in public spaces phobia. Now that neurosis is much improved, though not gone, so I think I can brave a salon again. I don't like the colour she does the roots and she drives me bonkers with her nutrition nonsense she spouts, all about toxins etc. All a load of b×××××ks.:noway: :laugh: So, a time of changes then!

    I did some research on airline prices to New York, which was one of my Jan goals. I have tried a new recipe, which was another. My plank goal of 3 1/2 minutes I have changed on the advice of the lady who is training to be a credited trainer. I found I was not doing it at all, or rarely, because I hated it so much, so now I am doing a couple of shorter ones and some side ones and feel much happier. At least I am doing them.

    Love to all. Glad you are warming up.
    Heather in Hampshire UK
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hmmmmmm...........just read a report that the polar vortex will be returning the end of this week/next weekend depending on where you live; but not quite as bad this time around. Lets hope not, anyway!
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,862 Member
    Happy Saturday to all:

    I have an appointment with the breast care specialist on Jan 23 but it looks like we will just wait and watch. She said definitely not to go ahead with the biopsy. Glad for that.:smile:

    Linda - Our dog loves canned cat food, I think she is just jealous of the cat, and when we have to give pills we stick them in a chunk of that. She swallows it so fast I don't think she knows the pill is there.:laugh:

    Debi in TN - I have had both knees replaced. I lost 30 pounds before the first time and some more after. Regained some before the second knee replacement. Weight is important for knee health but strong muscles to support them are even more important. I did exercises prescribed by a PT both before and after knee surgery. Having strong muscles makes recovery easier and faster. I also recommend water therapy especially after. We have one ortho surgeon here who puts his knee patients in the water on the first day postop. They rave about how much easier it is to move and less pain. Good luck!

    Still struggling with sweets but otherwise doing well with eating. Had chicken at the hospital cafeteria yesterday that had Italian herbs, grape tomatoes, black olives, artichoke hearts, spinach and some mozzarella on it. Really tasty. Our hospital chef has come up with some more healthy interesting things on her new menu!

    Joyce - My dietician at one time suggested those chocolate calcium chews for a sweet after dinner. Just not satisfying enough for me.:blushing:

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Thank you, Margaret! As you may have been able to tell by my expression, I'm a little bit pleased with myself. :flowerforyou:
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    No Where but Texas can it be 28 one day and 68 the next. Off to play golf, I'm excited but nervous because I have new clubs. Built in excuse if things don't go well.
    Sue in TX
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Michelle, wonderful you got a post card with anything. Cherish whatever word you get from him.

    Some one in our local town started a weightloss support group on Face Book. So I joined. One of the things they are trying to do since we are a new group is a meet and greet. The places they are suggesting are different restaurants that have low calorie menus. That's fine but my husband loves his evening meals out and they are sacred. And he would not ever consider eating out with a stranger, even if they had something in common. Some suggested a local park where we could walk but most oft hem want to meet and eat. Also none of them go to the Y. Apparently Planet Fitness is a lot cheaper than the Y. So someone suggested zumba. I have seen zumba on TV and they all say you do what you can, you stop if you need to and take a breather. So I think I will do that. Then the clencher came. The zumba class is held at my church, the church that I left for no reason about 10 years ago. Well there was a reason. I was having some problems with my MS and it just became easier and easier to stay home like my husband did. We would always travel down to see our daughter on weekends since hubbie was working. So that was another reason why I didn't go. I just got out of the habit and then I was stubborn, didn't want to answer their questions and stares that I was back. Now I have no idea whether they would do that or not. It was a great church. And from what I read on face book most of them have moved or have joined mega churches here in town. All I know is that it broke my Mom's heart and she died knowing I wasn't going. I still carry that grief with me. So I am going to take this big step and go to zumba there and hopefully it will get me comfortable to get up on Sunday morning to go to the service and get involved like I should. OK, that;s me bearing my soul out to you all again. thanks for the psychiatrists couch!!!!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • jfenner141
    jfenner141 Posts: 146 Member
    Thanks for all the good wishes! :blushing: Did Ok with calories for the most part, though it was tricky figuring out how to post some things since I don't have any nutritional breakdown. I did stick with a filet (very lean and incredibly well-cooked) that came with veggies and garlic whipped potatoes. The potatoes were so light, they were like a cloud. We split a dessert (flourless chocolate cake). Hoping the sodium count from MFP is higher than actual, but it was way high for me. Will continue to drink lots and lots of water to flush that out.

    After our sub zero weather, it's raining today with possible thunderstorms later on.

    Jill in western MA
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Had a crap day yesterday but going to see that today be good. Dogs are better. Very hard to get them to take their pill.
    But sure not hard to get them to eat their cup of food. When its time they are hungry.
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
    Peanut butter for the pill? Works every time for my dog.

  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Weigh in this morning....Christmas weight is gone with an additional 2 lb loss. I'm thrilled. :happy: :happy: :happy:

    Hope you all are enjoying your Saturday!

    :heart: Sandy from rainy ON
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy sat.
    Kayla,feel better.:flowerforyou:
    Got some groceries in the house.got out of the house,felt good.
    Have a good sat.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: Reading "the Happiness Project" is bearing a bit more fruit for me today. (re)started at January and what spoke to me is the segment on decluttering. I had started at xmas by removing everything from the part of the kitchen counter where literally everything got dumped, but also had important "to stay" things like a box of kleenex, the telephone, and a running grocery list as well as my vitamins. DH made a little shelf and voila, the vitamins have a place and the space looks so much better now. In addition, it just makes me feel so good. So, because of that great feeling I thought of the night table. It is chuck full of books, pj's, odds and sodds. Guess what, I cleared everything off, cleaned, discarded, and am now ready to just put back what should be there. Ahhh...:smile: makes me happy. and hopefully it will make me sleep better too.

    :flowerforyou: Joyce - you crack me up. I love your posts, and we have the pleasure of being your pretend psychiatrist couch :bigsmile: I have not been to church since 2009. Went back for the first time for a baby shower a couple of years ago, and it was lovely. It's not the building, but the people that count in my view. True friends want what is the best for you. Ignore any insensitive stares and questions and I would say "nice to see you too". If people are truly interested in your life, longer conversations may be warranted by meeting at a different place and time. That's just my 2 cents worth! Feel l free to ignore :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: Sue in Tx. How fun to play golf! I love golf, but play very very badly. I really tried to do better, but am not coordinated enough. I better stick to mini golf. Playing golf is good exercise if your walk the course (or play badly and walk a lot despite using a golf cart)

    :flowerforyou: Sandy - so happy for your loss! (isn't it great that you get to congratulate someone when they lose something!? instead of feeling sorry?)

    :flowerforyou: Michele - glad you heard from your son. One or two lines is better than none. But I hope things improve in that relationship. Once a mom, always a mom. Tugs at the heart strings.

    :ohwell: I need to get to the mailbox before I start the bookkeeping. I am still waiting for my 2014 calendar, which should have arrived by now. As you can tell I am procrastinating, since I am spending more time with you all. I hate bookkeeping :grumble: , which of course is odd, since I am an accountant :noway: :noway: I wonder about myself sometime.

    :heart: Renny
    from (very wet) Vancouver Island, BC
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    I don't know, maybe it's the barometer or the weather, but I feel so restless and at loose ends today. The thunderstorms Dee Dee had came through here about a half hour ago with tornado watches and winds over 60mph. Ran into town earlier with DD for a few things after she came home from the college social thing. She had a buritto at Moe's; I had a taste of it (just the filling) and a few chips and salsa. Been doing chores here and there. Already worried about the weather next weekend when we'll be out by the Appalachians and there's supposed to be another one of those polar vortexes according to the news. Being on I 81 is not a good thing in bad weather. Also, my friend who had the stroke is on my mind, she's still hanging in there but going down ever so slowly. I haven't thought the decision to just let her die by withholding food and water was right, esp. since she was so responsive; I'll always wonder how much she could have regained if given the proper therapy. She's been moved to a nursing home; one I know to not be very good. I saw some almost miracles in stroke recovery when I worked.
    Sorry for all the rambles; just one of those days.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    What a day! It started off good. I took the kids up to the mall to spend their Claire's gift cards. That was fun. Then took them home to play for a while. I had gotten the girls some Barbie dresses and the boy a couple of hot wheels cars and put them in their toy box as a surprise, so when they found them they were pretty happy. I was amazed at the ingenuity they had. They got the box that hubby's stereo receiver came in at Christmas and turned it into a Barbie house, complete with curtains and a sectional sofa, which was the cardboard corner protectors from the stereo. It was really cute. My son came to pick them up about 1:00.

    Then, we packed and loaded up the dogs and drove out to the lake to spend the night. We always turn the water off at the meter when we leave, so hubby turned it on just before Bruno slipped out the door and made a run for it. Silly dog normally comes when he's called, but this time he made a beeline for the road and totally ignored us. We finally caught him and went back in the house and hubby said "what is that noise?" Well, a pipe had broken under the sink and water was just gushing out! We used every towel, washcloth, paper towel and blanket in the house to sop it up. What a mess. I do not even have a mop out here. When I need one I bring it from the house. We tried and failed to find a plumber to come out on a Saturday. At this very moment hubby is stuck under the sink trying to make it stop leaking. He turned it off at the meter again, but it still has a not-so-slow leak. The floor is laminate and extends under the cabinets, so I'm afraid all that may be ruined.

    And of course we can't stay tonight because we don't have the use of a bathroom. So eventually we have to pack it all back up and haul it back home. I wonder if instead of turning the water off, if we should have left it on and dripping instead. We haven't been out here in three weeks, so I hate to think what might have happened.

    But at least it's a beautiful day. Temps in the 50's and lots of sunshine.

    I hope it's nice where you are.
