

  • meyllisa
    meyllisa Posts: 284 Member
    Meg Prayers going to you and your father , hoping he is better soon

    Alison Prayers to you and your brother also, poor guy is going through a lot hopefully he will have a better future ahead

    Best wishes to all have a great week

    Juanita in sudbury
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member

    Just a quick drop in.

    Watching the award show with my daughter. after lots of football with my husband.

    @Meg so sorry to hear about your Dad thoughts and prayers to all.

    I maybe home tomorrow from work seems I am coming down with something I hope not for I am the only one working in our household. Also work is so stressful right now missing just doesn't help adds to it. But I am very grateful to have employment.

    It was good to read up on all of your posts.

    Bested wishes all

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,807 Member
    I am so proud of myself. I tried the word deal and then moved it here and it worked. There may be help for me yet!! Well we are back home and glad to be home. Do miss the new baby and others but back to real life. Have things unpacked and wash done and put away so ready to start the new week. I dicided I will do my weekly weigh in early in the morning when I get to work and just go from there.
    Carol--:drinker: Congrates on the good news from the doctor and getting to less meds.

    Jeri-:drinker: Congrates on your good lab results. I see a trend going here and hope it keeps going for all of us.

    pds06--:brokenheart: Sorry you are having such a tough time. Prayers and hugs to you and remember you are not alone. And just take it one day at a time,

    Heather--:love: How fun finding your old party things fit. I love the way you discribe the outfits. I like that (Don't let perfection be the enemy of the good) I am repeating that to myself everyday. thanks,

    Jane- Hope the pipes are thawed out and working and DD is feeling better. There is so much crud going around. Just saw that your tub is working. It is the little things in life that make us happy.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce--I am lucky that the kids live in different places and mostly in Nebraska. I have two sons and a daughter that live within 10 miles so do see them alot. Our son that passed girls live in Iowa with their mom and step dad and we only see them about once a year. Since they are older and texting now we hear from them more and try and see them acouple times a year. For birthdays and Easter I send the DGC cards with a $2 bill. Then for Christmas we try and get each one something. I shop all year around when I see something I think would be good for one of them. And we try and do different things for them when we can. Our DGS that is 14 we sent to a Christain camp over New Years and was glad we could that. He had alot of fun. Since the kids are adult they refused to get all together at the same time. We have my son and his 2 sons and 3 daughters and now that they are grown up they tell us they do not have to get along. Makes me sad but understand that. But we do what we can when we can. Also I have one great grandson and another grand baby due in July. We started young, but it does make me feel old. I also find I have a hard time crying. Seems I just can not get there most the time. Congrates on the doctor appointment and cut in meds. Shows the hard work pays off. I know what you mean about the reward of chocolate. I do that more then I wish. I try and buy a bag of kisses delights and have acouple at a time. My sister called me last eveing and said she joined a 30 day zumba in water class. Guess the person with the most classes in 30 days wins. She said the first couple days have gone really well and water makes it easier to keep up. Wish they had that here.

    Sylvia--I looked up dry body brushing and sounds interesting. Good news about DS, they do surprise us and grow up when we least expect it. My DS son had me worried when he got his divorce, but now he is married to a speical lady and very happy. Good luck with DH, men seem to have different ideas about how to lose weight. My DH will also eat good at a meal and then snack all evening. What a day. Glad you are home safe.

    Debbie--welcome and hugs and prayers for your loss of your husband. Know that we are here and ready to listen when ever you need.

    Alison- :heart: :heart: Hugs and prayers to you and DB and family. It is not easy seeing someone we love go thru detox. Great idea about the pictures. Please take care of yourself. DB is so lucky to have such a caring sister.

    Renny--:drinker: congrates on the weight loss. Be sure and do something special just for you. You deserve it.

    Barbie--Bless you for calling your cousin every week. I have a friend that is so negative I just hate when she calls. But know that she is not a happy person and has not many friends so atleast once a week I will take her call. I pray for her alot.

    Susan--Hugs to you and your poor home. What a mess to have to come home to. I know with our basement last year when the pipe broke about broke me by the time it was done. Then when the roof leaked and we had to replace that and insurance dicided we had to reside the house. We are just getting that mess taken care of. I told DH if anything goes wrong just look the other way. Only thing we have not replaced this last year was the hot water heater and I tell everyone to stay away from it and not even look that way.

    DeeDee- :happy: wounderful lady, Gift from God. love it

    Jill--Happy B-lated 44th anniversary. What a Blessing!

    Michelle--What a great gift a card from DS. Maybe he is thinking he needs to try harder. It's a postive start. I also read the first time heated bed pan and woundered what I had missed.

    Sandy--Happy Dance!!!!!!:flowerforyou:

    Geri--Congrates on the loss. My DH at times will bring something home I used to really LIKE and think he is helping. He will say I deserve it for losing some much weight. Then I say how do you think I did that?? He means well, but never having a weight problem just doesn't understand.

    Meg--So sorry to hear about your dad. Prayers and hugs:heart:

    Well I am caught up reading and ready to call it a night. It has been warmer here the last couple days and sounds like that could change next couple days. So glad to be home and safe. I do not like driving when the roads are bad.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Thinking of all of you taking care of family members -- take care of yourselves as well.

    Congrats to those of you with weight losses - always fun!

    Went to dinner with the kids to celebrate DH's birthday. I ordered a 'health nut' dish that was chicken, artichokes, mushroom and spinach in a lemony sauce with pasta. Now I also have lunch for a day or two. It also came with a salad and soup, so was plenty, plenty of food. Told DH that with all the leftovers in the fridge I am NOT cooking until they are gone. DH and I split a cannoli with mini chocolate chips for dessert. We were at the Marietta Diner (which has been featured on Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives) and it is always so good. Next weekend we'll have the party for friends that he wanted, so tomorrow I need to figure out if I'll make a cake or order one for the party. In the meantime I've scheduled out the chores to be done in advance during the week so it won't all fall to Saturday morning.

    Yawning is overcoming me now, so will bid you all a peace-filled and restful night.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    :flowerforyou: vicky .. tx for the reminder about doing something special on reaching a 30 lb loss milestone. I did -it was called a bladder infection....:noway: :noway: wth. Fortunately, I still had some medicine to get me through.

    Despite the resulting lack of sleep, I managed to have a very nice day today, with a visit from a delightful toddler and his mom. Plus our 2nd oldest son was here, and DD and DS had a visit, while toddler was sleeping, I was "financing" and the 2 of them got to hang out and bond. I totally adore my kids. DH met up with oldest son, and they had their bonding time today too! Nothing makes a mom happier than seeing her kids happy!!

    Gonna watch the golden globes tonight.

    I so wish Meg all the best with her dad, ALison wisdom in the situation wit her brother, and all my friends a peaceful evening/night.

    :heart: Renny
    From stormy Vancouver Island, BC
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    bumping until tomorrow.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,962 Member
    :flowerforyou: Today has been the closest to a rest day that I’ve had since I hurt my back. I spent a lot of the day knitting and watch my DVR recordings of the US figure skating championships. There was some dog walking and doing laundry mixed in and also a lot of sitting.

    :flowerforyou: Carol in NC, bravo to you for walking up and down at the end of the day to get your needed steps and activity……that focus will bring you great rewards.

    :flowerforyou: Sylvia, glad you are safe and haven’t lost your great attitude and sense of humor.

    :flowerforyou: Rori, making goals, getting organized, choosing vegetables, getting to health professionals----you are really focused.

    :flowerforyou: Susan, the days are getting longer so you’ll be able to walk outside later. I cook exactly two portions of everything for meals for Jake and me so there are no leftovers.

    :flowerforyou: LIzmil, it’s never too late to make a fresh healthy start

    :flowerforyou: Geri, it takes awhile to “teach” our loved ones how we are eating and exercising now…be patient

    :flowerforyou: Katla, glad you are feeling a bit better

    :flowerforyou: Rose, take your stressful week, one minute at a time

    :brokenheart: Meg, sorry to hear about your dad’s illness

    :brokenheart: Janehadji, my heart goes out to you with the saga with your parents…..I had tough times with my mother that included a short term stay in a care home, live in help and part time help and have no wise words that would help you except to stay in the moment and do what’s in front of you.

    :flowerforyou: Maryann, welcome back

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, congrats on learning how to write your post in a word document…..when I call my cousin, I walk up and down the hall, I allow 30 minutes for the call then tell her I love her and I’ll call her next week.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington
    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: 20,000 steps today ----100 squats
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,368 Member
    Did an hour of "Weight Loss Pilates with Kristen McGee" DVD today. Tomorrow I'm planning to do a bit more of that bellydance DVD and then take the extremepump class.

    Susan - I have to "Clean my plate" Now Vince has no problem throwing out bits of food, but I have to clean my plate. So, therefore, I just have to watch how much I put on my plate. I don't mind leftovers as long as there's enough for one meal. If there isn't, I usually will feel "why not finish it up so that there's one less thing to have in the refrigerator.

    Went to WalMart this morning. See, some ladies are coming here to watch Downton Abbey episodes and I didn't realize I was so low on coffee, so I had to run to WM to get some. There were a few other things I got too. The poor gal when I was checking out, I had so many price matches she almost didn't know what to do. I'm sure she's a new person. But in the end, everything worked out fine

    Lizmil - welcome back!

    Joyce - they started recycling much more here. Unfortunately, they only pick up the recyclables once every two weeks. But they pick up the garbage every week. That I don't understand. It's been two weeks since they collected our garbage, but I don't think I'll even put out our garbage can. It isn't even 1/2 full! But I will definitely put out the recycling can. When they started this about 2 months ago, they told us to put our old recycling container in the new container so that it can be recycled. This is the first time we've had room for it! And the recycling cotainer is this big one. I really wish they had a water zumba class here. I took the zumba once in a class on land. It IS hard on your knees and lots of jumping. I would think you'd get a great workout in the water but not nearly as much impact.

    Anne - I do so hope that Coach isn't starting to get back to his old ways

    Heather - you said that your knees don't like the HIIT. I do HIIT on the elliptical, easier on the knees. I sprint for like 30 seconds, then recover for about a minute.

    Alison - I'm sure the stress is burning lots of calories!

    DeeDee - that rain really came down yesterday. Honestly, I don't remember what time it was, but it poured a few times during the day.

    Geri - sometimes I don't think people are intentionally trying to sabotage my diet, they just don't know any better. Like Jessica one time was thrilled to find out that she could have cookies and chips on a "diet", but I don't think my saying "but you have to watch your portion" made an impact. She just doesn't know any better, that's all.

    katla - I'll try your suggestion of getting that cabinet unlocked. If I get it unlocked, maybe then Vince will go thru everything that's in it. Great quotation!

    Rori - tell me more about the tabata. Good luck with the bison

    Meg - praryers for your dad and you

    Carol in NC - what city does your mom live in? I'm in Newton. Maybe once when you go see her you can just stop off (we're right off 40 by the furniture mart) and we can get together.

    Rose - WTG girl!!!!

    Had 2 ladies over here and we watched the rest of the episodes of Downton Abbey. Had skinny pop and some of the fruit salad. Just water to drink

    Joyce - I don't like skin tight workout pants, either. To me, how can you possibly move freely? Many times yoga pants aren't skin tight. I got some of the insulated water bottles at ****'s. They're 24ozs and many times when I'm exercising I need to take two bottles in with me, especially in the summertime. Has your husband ever used gorilla tape? That's even tougher than duck tape (which BTW is made in NC)

    Jane in CO - when MIL got to the point that she really couldn't live alone (she was livining in the condo at the time) she didn't want to move to PA...so what we did was set her up in an assisted living place in FL (which we knew wouldn't work out) and just had to wait until she agreed to move to PA. Once in PA, she needed to go into an assisted living place. We'd already had it picked out and all, just waiting for HER to make the decision to move. My heart is with you because I know what we went thru with MIL, the phone calls from her etc. etc. But in the end, it had to be her decision. On another topic, do you have any suggestions as to how to sell at a high pirice? We're thinking that we may sell the condo. We were keeping it thinking that MAYBE one of the kids would want it, but so far none of them has shown any interest (except for Jessica to vacation once in a while). Since we only use it once/year and even then only for a week or two, it just doesn't make a whole lot of financial sense to keep it. Yet, the market in FL isn't so great. Well, it IS better now than a few years ago.

    Maryann in UK - welcome back!

    Going to host rummikub here Tuesday so I made these gluten free chocolate chip cookies. This one gal is going gluten free, not for health reasons (she doesn't have Celiac disease or anything, just because she says she feels better when she doesn't have gluten) and then a banana chocolate bundt cake. I think my bundt cake pan is holding in more of the heat, the cake stuck a little to the pan, but I think if I'd let it cool a bit longer it wouldn't have stuck. Hope she comes to rummikub because I don't know if Vince'll eat the cookies. Well, if not, then I'll give them to Lynette to give to her father who needs things gluten free.

    Vicki - glad you had a great trip!

    I think I may have figured out why we're overweight. Worry makes us overweight. Jessica just called, she's planing to get an apt for herself. $1600/month. But she was saying how she and a friend went shopping today at Ikea and she bought a shower curtain liner, silverware, wine glasses, and some other things. Alls I could think of was "Bryan has all those things here, I know I've told you he has them and you can have them, save yourself some money, take the things he has". I know I can't run her life, but I do wish that she'd live here while taking a few more classes to get her GPA up and then apply to vet school. That's her dream and I'm afraid if she doesn't try for it, she'll be unhappy. but there's nothing I can do. It's just so frustrating. Well...I can't live her life.

    Michele in NC
  • LucyGooseD
    LucyGooseD Posts: 39 Member
    Hi! I need some help! I am 54, and haven't worked out much for for about 3 years now. Prior to that I was running 5Ks (albeit slowly, but I wasn't last). Still even then I was putting on a little weight. Thank you menopause and working from home (working virtually means you done get up and walk to someone's office, you just stay t your computer).
    Then I had shingles, developed Morton's neuroma and broke my foot twice. Next thing you know a little weight is a lot of weight. About 30 lbs in 5 years.
    I am doing fitbit, which us great because you think of ways to get your steps in. But I need to workout. I need to build some muscle and do cardio.
    What's good for a mid fifties woman who needs to ease in to working out?
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening, all,

    nccarol.........You mentioned your mom lives in the foothills area? I think it was that area where my DD had one of her college acceptances.........St. Andrews in Laurenburg; a wonderful, friendly, warm, gorgeous school with a truly marvelous woman who was their parent/prospective student contact.........I was sad when DD decided to go elsewhere; would have loved for her to go there. Those chicken bites do sound good, but I don't think we have any Bojangles near.

    Margaret.......Sounds like you enjoyed your trip. I've been to Chicago twice but just overnight.

    janeh.........Parents are a tough one. Perhaps your brother or even one of his family could come to Co. for the 2 month period or at least part of it; maybe he doesn't realize how heavy a burden you are carrying or how stressed it is making you. You might keep a journal and send him a weeks worth of notes. Another alternative might be to have 24hr. live in care for maybe 2 days a week to give you a 48 hr. break on a regular basis in addition to the help you now have. I've known many families in your situation and it always seems that one sibling has all the responsibility.

    Gail........That dish you had sounds heavenly.........yum, yum.

    Barbie............Sounds like you enjoyed your rest day. Thanks again for the p.m.

    Lizmil.......Nice to have you back!!!

    grandmallie.........Hopefully your brother is over the worst of it and on the upswing.

    G'nite all,
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good evening, all,

    nccarol.........You mentioned your mom lives in the foothills area? I think it was that area where my DD had one of her college acceptances.........St. Andrews in Laurenburg; a wonderful, friendly, warm, gorgeous school with a truly marvelous woman who was their parent/prospective student contact.........I was sad when DD decided to go elsewhere; would have loved for her to go there. Those chicken bites do sound good, but I don't think we have any Bojangles near.

    Margaret.......Sounds like you enjoyed your trip. I've been to Chicago twice but just overnight.

    janeh.........Parents are a tough one. Perhaps your brother or even one of his family could come to Co. for the 2 month period or at least part of it; maybe he doesn't realize how heavy a burden you are carrying or how stressed it is making you. You might keep a journal and send him a weeks worth of notes. Another alternative might be to have 24hr. live in care for maybe 2 days a week to give you a 48 hr. break on a regular basis in addition to the help you now have. I've known many families in your situation and it always seems that one sibling has all the responsibility.

    Gail........That dish you had sounds heavenly.........yum, yum.

    Barbie............Sounds like you enjoyed your rest day. Thanks again for the p.m.

    Lizmil.......Nice to have you back!!!

    grandmallie.........Hopefully your brother is over the worst of it and on the upswing.

    G'nite all,
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    No idea why my post showed up twice...........sorry!
  • blizzardsmom
    blizzardsmom Posts: 63 Member
    Wow I just discovered this link/thread what ever. I'm not up on the latest techno talk! Anyway I have come to the end of my day, remembered to at least log on and read something inspiring. Not a good day, lots of jumk. My daughter is having day surgery tomorrow and we are all worried. I hope to come back here and read again. Lots of support. Thanks
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Maryann in UK: Welcome back.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: I think the gastric sleeve surgery sounds dreadful and would not be anything other than last resort for most people. I had a friend years ago who had her stomach stapled. She lost a significant amount of weight but ultimately gained it back. I really think the best possible results come from what we are doing here, counting calories and moving more.:flowerforyou:

    Liz: I hope your health stays good. Drink extra water to help your immune system.:flowerforyou:

    Renny: I hope you’re feeling better now. I used to get bladder infections but it has been a very long time since the last one. Thank goodness.:flowerforyou:

    Jane in CO: I am so sorry that you’re having such a tough time with your parents’ situation. They clearly need additional help beyond what you can provide. Have you investigated social services available in your area? My parents are gone now and so are DH’s so we have been through this a few years ago. My MIL had congestive heart failure. When it got bad, she was able to get health support through her county health department. She had visiting nurses several times a week and hospice services right at home. My FIL was there so she wasn’t alone. They also had meals on wheels during that time. We lived 400 miles away and their daughter almost as far in the opposite direction. After MIL passed away, my FIIL went to live with my husband’s older sister. Assisted living places are another option. My mom lived in one near us during her last months. She had good care, and good company of people near her age who quickly became friends. I was able to go to see her every day. I would go immediately after work and visit until it was time to walk her down for her dinner. Then I’d go on home. Two of my neighbors currently have parents living in assisted living facilities nearby. One parent has passed away in each situation and the other is old and frail but in relatively good health. They each live in apartments within the main building or complex and can have meals in the dining room or delivered to them as I understand it. This is a tough time in life for your parents and for you. In your situation, I'd talk to everybody I can think of, including their doctors, the county social services department, and any assisted living places nearby that seem like possibilities. It would be good if your parents participated, but if they can't or won't you'll need to learn what support is possible.:flowerforyou:

    LucyGoose: I like to ride my recumbent bike. It is easy on my knees and I can get a good workout in a relatively short time period. I also take twice weekly yoga classes. Others walk, do workout videos, dance, swim, and so on. I suggest you find something you enjoy that has you moving more, because it will help you feel happy and stay motivated.:flowerforyou:

    I’m feeling a bit better this evening, and hope that whatever ails me is going away. I even went for a walk with my neighbor this afternoon. I enjoyed every minute of it.:bigsmile:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    "Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time." Thomas A. Edison

    January goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio plus strength training a minimum of twice a week.
    3. Water: According to an article a friend posted on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness on the body. So I’ll try to follow these recommendations:

    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • Kayzoola
    Today, I walked to Starbucks and back. It is about 5.5 miles with a little break in the middle. Yesterday, I gave myself a rest from exercise, but went to clean house for my elderly parents. They are trying to stay put in their home, but it is definitely getting harder. My dad seems to find it hard to accept that he can't do everything for himself, and my mom is losing cognitive function due to mini strokes.

    Lucygoose, I had a Morton's neuroma once. The doc was all hot to schedule me for surgery, but I went and got a pair of Birkenstocks, and I wore them exclusively. After two years of questionable foot fashion, the neuroma was gone, and has not returned.

    Good night,
    -Kay (PNW USA)
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Bump for later - was trying to catch up but hubby telling me about a move he was watching :huh: :huh: and I can't concentrate :bigsmile:
  • karenowen60
    karenowen60 Posts: 73 Member
    I'm 60, and just started on this journey its great to get some support
  • mcorenma
    mcorenma Posts: 1 Member
    Sorry for your loss. My husband passed away four years ago and it took awhile to get back into any sort of a routine. Friends and faith got me through. The Grief Recovery Handbook by Russell Friedman is an excellent resource. It is very important to have a grief partner or group to meet with regularly for awhile.
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hi everyone!:bigsmile:
    Have been reading all the posts off and on. So if I have missed any celebrations or occasions Congrats my friends!
    Prayers and hugs to all those who are facing challenges.
    Actually I wasnt managing my time well. I would spend all my time poring over the posts and not log in my food and exercise due to lack of time. I realised what one wise lady said over here. we are all on our own journey and the support we provide each other is meaningful because of our experience.
    So decided to get back to logging as top priority, reading the posts here on second priority and lastly post whenever I can squeeze in the time.
    Meg hope you and your Dad are doing well:flowerforyou:
    My family thinks I am kind of addicted to mfp and this group :laugh:
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • palmscj
    Hi, yes I am from the UK and struggling big time!:embarassed:

    I managed to survive the endoscopy ultrasound, despite it lasting an hour! Fortunately they found nothing " nasty" but they still can't visualise my gallbladder, after many scans etc and I may have an unformed one instead. That may be why I am having symptoms as if I had no gallbladder and why my bile ducts are dilated! :huh:

    I guess I need to be careful with my diet so it is important to lose weight and eat as healthily as possible!

    I haven't been to the gym for a few days after the procedure, plus I now have a cold!:grumble:

    I hope to go to the gym this afternoon and will take it fairly easy!

    I have been looking on line at Mother of The Groom outfits and pinned the ones I like on my pinterest,com so that it inspires me to lose the weight I need to get into a beautiful dress come September!

    Thanks if you have taken time to read my post!
