

  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Hello vit F friends :bigsmile:
    Have not been able to read the posts the last couple of days. Been busy with my sisters who are visiting and my Mother. The gala time has messed up my exercises and eating schedules. I am appalled how easily I gorged on sweets:grumble: . My sisters are health freaks and dont seem to have the same problem as me:huh: .
    Only NSV : they noticed changes in my appearance and size.:love:
    Hope to regularise my routine ASAP.
    Take care all of you my friends, been missing you!:flowerforyou:
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kimber in SC: If you’ve lost 27 pounds you are already a success. Regaining our health is a long process, and I think it needs to be so that we have time to learn new habits. The last thing anyone needs is a life of yoyo dieting and gaining. Finding this group of women is one of the best things that happened to me when I joined MFP. Welcome.:flowerforyou:

    Marni: What is 5htp? I love the story about your mom and the gorgeous doctor. Years ago I had a gorgeous gynecologist and switched to his plainer partner. I couldn’t bear Dr. Gorgeous giving me pelvics. TOO embarrassing.:blushing: :flowerforyou:

    Joyce: You are lucky to have your wonderful daughter close by.:flowerforyou:

    Meg: I’m sorry your daughter is sick. I’d love to hear how you smoke your brisket. We got good flavor the first time out, but the texture isn’t the best. With chicken, anyway, we’ve decided on a shorter time in the smoker and a longer time in the oven to preserve moisture in the meat. If this was the old days and we needed to store things for winter sans refrigeration, it would make more sense to do it the way we did our first time out.:flowerforyou:

    Joyce: Tall girls sometimes have a hard time feeling pretty. I hope your DD will eventually be able to see herself as the beautiful woman she’s become.:flowerforyou:

    Anne near Vancouver BC: Keep us in the loop about your VISA charges. I hope you get your money back, at least for the sessions you weren’t able to use.:flowerforyou:

    Viv in Foggy York UK: Maintaining is not a bad thing. Perhaps your body needs a little time to balance itself at your new weight. I substituted low cal snacks for old standbys to help myself along the way. Celery took the place of potato chips, for example. Celery has lots of crunch, and almost no calories. Potato chips are full of calories, salt and fat. Love your Emerson quotation.:heart:

    Heather: I’m happy that your knee is improving. The Burns Night celebration sounds like so much fun with the pageantry and tartan hats with ginger hair. Since I’ve never had haggis I have no opinion on eating it. DH had it as a child because his family was from Scotland and his DGF’s wife would make it. He liked it.:flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: I envy your day with DGD. Mine lives more than a thousand miles away.:grumble: :flowerforyou:

    Patty in Cincinnati: Your driving adventure in the snow must have ended well. We had snow in December, which is early for us, and it brought out the crazies. The worst drivers out there were all in big pickups, with no visible weight in the back end. :flowerforyou:

    Alison: What is puffed kamut cereal? :huh: Is there a reason you and DH can’t look for jobs in Florida? I stayed with my employer for over a decade after we moved and endured a long commute in order to keep retirement benefits, so I wonder if that is stopping you. The retirement benefits are worth it. :flowerforyou:

    Gloria in metro Detroit: I hope your day improves as it goes along. I also hope the doctors are able to block pain for your mom.:flowerforyou:

    Cynthia: Congratulations on smaller jeans!! Smaller clothing has been the very best NSV’s in my weightloss journey. They are proof of change in the right direction.:bigsmile: :flowerforyou:

    Amanda: Be sure to let your medical team that you’re having gallbladder attacks. They may need to move up your surgery date. It is VERY desirable to have planned surgery rather than emergency surgery.:flowerforyou:

    Juanita in Sudbury: I can’t even imagine -30C. Stay warm!:flowerforyou:

    Laura in CO: Your life has been very busy. I hope you end up loving townhouse life. We do, and I’ll admit it was something of a surprise. The unit next to ours has been largely empty for the past 15 years, which may be part of the reason we’ve been content. There was one family of renters a few years ago that had a lot of screaming from an adolescent daughter, but they moved away. PTL! :bigsmile: Other neighbors along the way have been unobtrusive. The current owners have been using this as a weekend getaway and are in the process of moving here permanently. We like them.:flowerforyou:

    Anamika: I wondered why we haven’t heard from you recently. I hope you enjoyed your time with sisters and Mom.:flowerforyou:

    Yesterday I hoped to go to yoga today. Today I realized that I’m not well enough yet and stayed home. I am improving, though. I sat in the sunshine for a long time yesterday afternoon soaking up vitamin D and may do it again today. So far this is a sunny and chilly morning.:bigsmile:

    Have a great day!

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    January goals:

    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Focus on fitness: daily cardio plus strength training a minimum of twice a week.
    3. Water: According to an article a friend posted on facebook, drinking water at certain times maximizes its effectiveness on the body. So I’ll try to follow these recommendations:

    * 2 glasses of water after waking up - helps activate internal organs
    * 1 glass of water 30 minutes before a meal - helps digestion
    * 1 glass of water before taking a bath - helps lower blood pressure
    * 1 glass of water before going to bed - avoids stroke or heart attack
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,310 Member
    Good afternoon!
    Thought I'd pop in again as I was rushed this morning.

    Janemartin - hope your friend Thelma is improving.:flowerforyou:

    Gail - I agree with Meg. Might be an idea to persuade your DH to visit the doctor with you. I'm sure you already know that.

    Michele - have you thought of getting the doctor to check out your symptoms? My DSIL 's mother had similar symptoms and it was an ovarian cyst. Benign, but large.

    Marni - can I just add my loving thoughts for your mum and you to everyone else's. She is lucky to have you to be with her.

    Katla - glad you are feeling a bit better and enjoying the sunshine. What a horrible session you have had. Thankyou, my knee is continuing to improve.:happy:

    Can I have a little boast.:blushing: Do you remember, old timers, a few months sgo, my DS#1 won the Nottingham City Coach of the Year? Well last night he won Nottinghamshire Community Coach of the Year! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! That is for the whole county.! I am especially proud of him because he is blackdogcoach - a "coach with depression", and has done an enormous amount for sufferers by coming out about his depression. He is thinking of going in to mental training through sport.
    One very proud mum!:love:

    DH too is making great strides with his Mindfulness and Meditation training. I take my hat off to him, changing his mind sbout something at the age of 68. And a man as well!:laugh: :tongue:
    Tomorrow I am going to book our New York flights. A month ago that would have struck unbearable fear into him.:heart:

    This pm we prepared lemon shortbread biscuits and lemon ice cream for the Burns Night. DH did all the ice cream himself. I also made the salmon and cream cheese rolls and it's in the freezer. Tomorrow I will make the carrot and swede puree, which will be the "neeps"part of the meal. Like Michele, I do like to be prepared. :bigsmile:

    We watched Lincoln on DVD last night. I thought it was excellent. DH thought it was a bit too wordy, but I loved all the political skulduggery. I hated all the whiskers though! Wow, what a hairy lot they were! (Apologies to those with bearded husbands!)

    Love to all of you.
    Heather in soon to be rainy again UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,764 Member
    afternoon ladies,
    it is snowing to beat the band here and will only keep going through the rest of the night.
    went to see my brother. he is really doing well, still a bit week but PT got him up with a walker and had him walk in the hall, it is his pancreas is still inflamed and they wont let him go until all his levels are down.but eating well and all.
    Jean(his girlfriend) and I are a bit peeved,there is a guy that Sean grew up with that has been visiting him every night, he is homeless and stays overnight at shelter in a church near the hospital but it doesnt open until 9pm,so what does he do? he comes and sits with Sean so he can stay warm until they open up.he is a drunk and a druggie and we dont want him anywhere near Sean, and Sean doesnt even want him there.
    you cant really keep anyone out,unless you tell the front desk that he wants privacy,then they tell people that they dont have a Sean there. we dont want to to that,the other people cant visit. unless we get security involved,we are sorta stuck..
    I got home and made vanilla mousse in little graham cracker pie crusts, and S'mores bars for the DH
    sitting here ,watching the birdies at my window feeder, I filled up before the storm so they can get filled up and hunker down.
    My husband has worked at his place for 25 yrs ,with no pension,he will be 62 in august and we need our health benefits,I am on his insurance,
    We rent our place down in florida for 3 1/2 months of the year,and that basically pays the taxes and upkeep of the home.
    we still owe on our mortgage here in Ct.and the DH doesnt want to leave his job unless he is forced out at least for another 4-5 years.
    I will be 54 this june and will try and have to work a full time job for another 10 -13 yrs, I have a rothIRA that has about 1,600 in it and that is it..
    us as a couple have more asset's,he has investments and things that will help us through,but we are looking at ways to par down our living expenses anyway we can.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Katla, my sister is a woman who I wouldn't say is a prude but she has a lot of phobias about things to do with things 'down there'. She even has passed these on to her daughter. When Norma was pregnant with her second child they didn't have a lot of money. We have a residency program here through IU school of Medicine and our two hospitals are teaching hospitals. They have a clinic and it's pretty cheap. So my sister calls them up and says she wants to see someone for her pregnancy. Her requirements, he can't be good looking, should be even considered plain, has to be middle aged, needs to be married and gentle. Luckily for her they had one that fit the bill. Her daughter has to have a sedative if she has a pelvic exam. She has decided not to have any children because she says she will never have a pelvic exam. I just say, get up on the table, get it done and over with. Same way with the mammogram. I remember one time when I had a really bad toothache and it was my dentist day off. I got in with another one and found out it was a root canal problem, my first of several. But I tell you, that man was so good looking, there's not a whole lot a person can look at when a dentist is looking in your mouth except his eyes. He had the most, most beautiful ocean blue eyes. I think he could have pulled all my teeth and I would never need any kind of anesthetic.

    My husband has his physical today. He had one scheduled a couple of years ago and he had to wait to long in the waiting room and left without telling anyone. Said he would never go back. His heart attack changed a lot of things. So he goes this afternoon. I WILL be going with him. I have a list of concerns to talk about. Our doctor was not included in his insurance plan this year but he decided to continue with him anyway and pay the nonprovider copay since the options of doctors on his plan aren't the best he decided to stay with him. So his physical today is a free welcome to Medicare co-pay. My main concern is that he has had a trembling in his hand for quite a while. I took a video of it with my Ipad to show it. And he has an extreme intolerance to cold. I know my hands are cold but his body stays so cold for the longest time.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Thank you so much to all of my friends for the birthday wishes! I'm trying to convince Hubby that we should go to the art museum for the "Passport to Paris" exhibit, and meet our son for dinner. Not sure yet if he'll go, as he's still tired from Vegas.

    I found a compromise for my birthday cake which I think is going to work well! I’ve had a homemade German Chocolate cake for my birthday my entire life, and would feel truly deprived without it. When I looked at the chocolate box this morning, there was a new recipe on it for German Chocolate cupcakes. This recipe used less sugar, less butter and fewer eggs than the original cake recipe, so, while still a killer, it is slightly healthier. I made half the recipe, and ended up with four 4” cupcakes. I’m freezing one to share with my daughter when she comes in March, taking one to share with my parents and layering the other two into a tiny 4” cake to have with my husband and son tonight. This way I can have my cake and feel like it’s my birthday, but not destroy my hard work by eating a huge cake over several days. :bigsmile:

    Barbie – Your anniversary trip sounded ideal! So glad that you and Jake had fun. :heart:

    Katia – Great minds do think alike! :happy: I just read your suggestion about cupcakes, after already having made mine this morning. I’ve never heard of Kuchen, but I do like blackberries. I assume it is a coffee cake of some sort? If you ever have a spare minute, please share the recipe!

    Jill – Going from a size 30 to a size 22 is a wonderful accomplishment! It won’t be long before you’ll be shopping in the regular misses department.

    Gloria – I’m sorry to hear that the news isn’t good for your mom’s cancer, and hope that they can do something for her pain. I know it’s rough, and am thinking of you.

    Carol – There are many different opinions about eating back your exercise calories. I think that you need to eat at least 1200 regular calories, and that makes you okay on MFP. I don’t know how FB works. I eat back part of my exercise calories, but usually not all. We already have a 500 calorie deficit built in, so burning a few additional calories just helps us along our path.

    Marni – I’m glad that your mom’s doctor appointment went well. Congrats on the 5 lbs. lost – that’s fabulous!!! Since the doctor “raised your heart rate,” you probably burned a few extra calories there, too. :blushing:

    Meg – I hope that DD#2 is better today!

    Joyce – Your daughter sounds like an amazing woman. Kudos to you for having raised her! :drinker:

    DeeDee – I envy your fun day home with your granddaughter – enjoy every minute!

    Cynthia – Congratulations on the smaller jeans!

    Amanda – I hope you’re in less pain soon. Not fun. Anxious to hear about the arrival of your grandbaby!

    Laura – Exciting news about your soon-to-be granddaughter – congratulations! :heart: Good to hear that you’re officially back on track.

    Heather – Congratulations to your son on his award – you are deservedly proud!

    Jane in Colorado
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,912 Member
    bump - Major upheaval here today. No time for anything!

    Rita from CT
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :drinker: Katla I love your water goals. they sound so doable.

    Here's to drinking plenty of water:drinker: :drinker:
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    What a day. I was reading to catch up and making my notes. Then computer here at work crashed and I lost it all. So not going back and try and redo as still have several pages to read. It has been a strange day all the way around. I was surprised as when I weighed in this morning I was down .9 This last weekend was so bad, a pail of ice cream and I had a party. Just seemed I had this big hole I could not fill. I have started back on my welburtin so hope that helps. I thought I could do without it. But today back on track and did ok yesterday. Thanks for listening and all the support.
    and remember to take care of you.

    Carol--no question is off limits here and nothing is dumb. That is one of the many things I love about this group. I have stopped adding my exercise calories back and try and not feel bad if I go over 1200 some days. Just not wanting to make a habit of it.

    A girl I work with and I joined a weight loss challange. It is teams of 2 for 10 weeks. Yesterday we weighed in and got our starter kits. So hoping this gets me back on track. We weigh in once a week and then at the end of 10 weeks weigh in as a team. This is put on by the hospital and newspaper here in Grand Island. They have prizes at the end, but my main reason for joining is to get back on track. Been a really bad weekend.

    Alison--Sounds like your brother is doing so much better, and Bless you for being there for him. Can you talk to the nurses on his floor and ask them to tell this man he has to leave so Sean can get his rest. I know we do that here alot when they have just one or two they don't want there. Just be sure and take care of you. Sorry to hear about your unscheduled day off. I know this weather is messy with alot of things. I know just what you mean about working. I will have to work atleast 12 more years to get full retirement and to pay for the house. All our medical insurance is with my job. I hate living one paycheck to the next, but everytime I think we might get ahead something comes up. I tell DH atleast we have a warm home and food to eat and that is more then some people have. One of the girls I work with said this last weekend they had windows shot out of both the cars and someone in another state charged $500 on their bank card. They think the bank can get their money back, but who knows how long that will take and the windows will have to come from them as deductable is $500 each.

    Slyiva--Glad DS is getting things lined up so he can get the treatment he needs. Congrates on getting back in the water. I also love spending time with the DGC. They have a way of making us feel young. Hope that they get the pipe fixed. Glad you are making your painting party a regular thing. Sounds like fun. Buno sounds alot like out Jake. They keep themselves busy and can find the darnest things to get into.

    Meg--Sorry to hear about your furbaby. It is not easy and hugs to you. Glad to hear your dad is better and out of the hospital. Were those winds terrible. I can not believe how hard they blew this last weekend and yesterday. Sunday afternoon it was warm enough that we went out for a ride on the motorcycle. I did enjoy that. I read about the expolsion, that wind would not be a good thing.

    Heather--You trip sounds like so much fun and Thank you for sharing with us. What an interesting life you have. I would be to scared to do alot of what you have done. Then the fact I have no talent wouldn't help.
    Jane--your MFP meeting sounds fun, and yes I did see the halo's. Happy Birthday!! Prayers for your friend.

    Joyce--Sounds like you found the right church for you at this time. I really believe God puts us where he wants us when we open up to him. Congrates on the jean shopping. I have found now that I can wear the smaller sizes and not the largest ones in the store Iook more at clothes. I also want to get acouple new pairs of jeans as the ones I have now I can pull up and down without snapping. I tell my DH I want to find a pair with bling on the butt. I do need to go thru my closest again and get rid of the sizes 3x. It gives me panic to think of getting rid of them, what is I gain it back. But right now they hang on me so tell myself before I buy anything else new I have to clean out some room. I have never been one to shop for myself so this is new for me and admit I kind of like it.

    Sandy--I know what you mean about hurting yourself. More then once I have hurt myself doing exercise.

    So many new ladies. Taking me along time to catch up, but my own fault for not checking in over the weekend. But love reading all the NEWS. Welcome and come back often, this is a great group.

    Barbie--Your weekend sounds like just what you needed. glad you had fun and alone together time. Bet the fur babies were glad to have you home.

    Renny--glad you got to talk to the doctor.

    Gloria--Sorry for the news about your mom. Cancer does not make sense how it spreads or not. How some respond to treatment and others not. Prayers to both of you Laura CO--glad to see you back. Sounds like you have had alot going on, Congrates on the new DGD.

    Well I am caught up and now time to finish my end of day things and get ready to go home. Hope you all have a safe and warm evening.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Back from my husbands physical. I was pleased that the 'welcome to Medicare' physical also includes an EKG. They did one in the office and it showed the old heart attack and nothing new. It did show a heart rate of 46. I know he is on a good size dose of a beta blocker which is standard protocol for heart attack: beta blocker, calcium channel blocker, aspirin and a statin. He is already off the aspirin because he really needed his Aleve to control his arthritis pain since Celebrex didn't. So our family doc wanted to decrease the dose as the beta blocker but decided it best to send a copy of the EKG to his cardiologist and ask his suggestion on the dosage. I appreciated that. I showed him the tremor picture on my Ipad since his tremor isn't there all the time. He continued with just routine physical type things, or so I thought and then sat us down to talk about the tremor. Parkinsons. He had done some testing on his left elbow asking him to bend it back and forth while he was feeling the inside of the elbow. One of the questions he asked him was about his sense of smell. I thought these were just normal physical type things. Apparently researchers in Parkinsons have found that patients report of loss or very poor sense of smell for years. As far as the elbow, he says that you can feel the elbow 'catching' like a cogwheel effect as it goes down. Both of these were indicative along with the tremor or Parkinsons. So he is making an appointment with my neurologist. Charlie right now is in denial. he says I don't need to tell anyone about this not even our daughters until there is need to such more prominent symptoms. I will tell my daughters. I need them during this time. I guess I will just not tell him that I am talking to them about it. He also thinks Charlie looks anemic but Charlie is not an outdoors kind of guy. When we go to an amusement park you can find him underneath anything for shade he can find. So we will be a sight as we age, Parkinsons and MS. We can get matching mobility scooters.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • 1234terri
    1234terri Posts: 217 Member
    Hi all, I'm interested in joining this group and having you as friends on my MFP account...I need active folks to help me get back some motivation. I've been on & off MFP for about 2 years and need to get back moving my bod! I can eat fairly healthy, clean but exercise is the issue, as I use a wheelchair, (manual). So I'm looking for active friends here to help me stay motivated. I'm 55, so definitely over 50! Thanks all!

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi girlfriends. Nice quiet day here; for some reason not many people were around at work, so I actually got a lot done. I don’t teach at all this week except of clinical orientation tomorrow, so I’m working on the course that starts in march.

    The scales were good to me today; I lost 0.7 pounds, so I’m at my lowest! Holiday extras, begone!

    DD#2 is still sick. I kept her home from school today and she ate lunch then threw up again. Sheeze the poor kid! Now the nurse at the nursing home says dad has diarrhea and nausea. Good grief.

    Today I am grateful for my good blood sugars so far this week. Sounds weird, but I always feel great when I see good numbers!

    Michele: wow you did have a busy day. We still haven’t gotten any further on our decorations. Maybe we should leave them up til next year LOL

    Anne: keeping my fingers crossed that visa will come through for you

    Viv: stay safe in the fog!

    DeeDee: hope you had fun with the little diva! Somehow I picture a little resemblance there!:tongue:

    Patti: hope the test goes well. Deep breaths!

    Alison: I find that stress causes exhaustion. I hardly ever stress eat, occasionally I do, but usually I just want to sleep. Cant focus, cant get anything done, just want to curl up and sleep. Be kind to yourself…I’m so sorry you got called off work. Glad your brother is getting better; the hospital staff should be able to keep Sean out and away from your brother. Speak to the manager of security.

    Gloria: I feel that way about the washing machine! I agree….communicate especially if you have worked out a schedule that actually works for you. I’m so sorry about your mom’s CT results. A nerve block might be helpful.

    Cynthia: woo hoo smaller jeans!

    Amanda: I bet you are getting so excited for that grandbaby to get here!

    Juanita: glad you are feeling better. Stay warm!

    Laura: wow you have had so many things happen in your life. I’m so sorry about Peanut; I put my old cat down Friday. I know
    how painful losing an animal can be.

    Margaret: your book sounds interesting ; you’ll have to share more about it

    Jane; I am sending good wishes your way for both yourself and Thelma

    Anamika: nice to see you again. I hope you enjoy your visit

    Katla: we put the smoker on 185 and spiced up the brisket and wrapped it in foil. Every 40 minutes or so, DH upwrapped it and sprayed it with apple juice then rewrapped it. It took about 14 hours and had a beautiful smoke ring and literally fell apart.

    Heather; congrats to your son! What a wonderful accomplishement

    Joyce: that is so sad about women who have those kind of phobias. I imagine my DD#1 will be the same way. She absolutely refuses to do anything healthy. She used to hide her vitamins and throw them out because she has a phobia for taking “medicine” even tho they were gummy chews! Now that she’s moved out, she won’t go to the dentist either.

    Jane: great compromise on the birthday cake. Enjoy every single bite!

    Vicki: congrats on the weight loss! Those winds were horrible indeed. I thought the roof would blow off.

    Terri: welcome and come back often,

    Well I had an odd NSV today. I went to put on my socks and was able to just cross one leg over the other. I haven’t been able to do that since…well I don’t know when! I didn’t notice it at first. Then I did it again, then with the other leg. It worked! I can cross my legs without pulling on them. I get excited over some crazy stuff. Take care everyone Meg from frosty Omaha
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Meg, oh, Meg,
    Of the limber, limber leg!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    My replacement Fitbit arrived today - hooray!
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Thanks everyone for your kind words and good thoughts. I really am trying to read and remember but I've decided to write this off as "one of those days". I managed to get only 30 minutes on the treadmill, I DID meet my job deadline. 25 lavender and flax seed eye pillows on the way to Sacramento for a yoga class on Saturday.

    I didn't eat terribly but am stress snacking on Skinny Pop tonight after homework with the love of my life. Had to have a "heart to heart" with the boy about putting a tenth of the effort in to his school and homework as he does his video game. Translation: if you don't want to see your Ipad on Craigslist for sale, put some pride and effort into the rest of your life, the end : )

    Congrats to all who are seeing the results of your hard work and efforts. Thankfully, tomorrow is a new day, fiddle dee dee and all that. I will work harder and practice more patience.

    Peaceful night to all.

    Gloria in Metro Detroit
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,867 Member
    Hello to all from cold and windy SD again! The wind has been just really nasty about every other day here. Now I do know that I live on the plains and I expect that most days we will have wind but this combined with the cold is just crazy. Where is global warming when you need it?

    I went in for my upper endoscopy today and they found pretty much what was expected, a hiatal hernia and stomach polyps. Those were both there the last time I had a EGD done. They did take biopsies but will not get results of those for about one week. The sedation really did me in though. I came home and laid down and slept until nearly 1:30. It made the cat happy as she snuggled up with me.

    Jane - Happy birthday!

    Joyce - Glad you had a good experience at church. I'm with you. I need a church with real hymns and preferably organ, not a praise band. I am glad that my DS's family goes to church but I have a hard time with a sanctuary that is all black with just spotlights for the band etc. However I will say I like the pastor and he gives good sermons. I have to say that one of the most worshipful experiences I have ever had was at the Catholic Cathedral here in town when their choir and organ did Faure's requiem mass. I had sung that piece of music in the past and hearing it in that space with the beautiful setting was fantastic and I am not Catholic. I sing alto in our church choir and we sing mostly pretty traditional music but we are going to do the Lord's Prayer in Swahili "Baba Yetu". I think it will be fun if we manage to get our Midwestern tongues around the words!:laugh:

    Healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to all with victories especially those smaller sizes in clothes. Sue in SD
  • marfeez
    marfeez Posts: 17 Member
    Is there a way to bookmark this group or something? Actually I know it's not an actual group right? Seems like a really good group of ladies, and would be a good fit for me.:wink:. Also please feel free to add me as a friend. I'm looking for all the motivation and support that I can get. I've only been back on MFP and my life-style change since last Monday.
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Wow, it's turned very cold here. My poor car doesn't even get to warm up at all. I only work about 5 min from home so no chance for heat in my car. (where is the brrrr icon?)

    I had my 3rd session with my trainer, she kicked my butt. :noway: I can feel my sore muscles even now. It feels good, I can't believe that I said that :noway: She's given me some more SMAK exercises (Strengthen Muscles Around Knees). She was asking if my DD had booked her free sessions with a trainer yet. She hasn't, her social phobia is stopping her. I hope she can work past it. I don't know how to get her through that.

    I got an email from my brother, he wants to get together in Feb. I'm a little nervous about it, it's been almost 22 years since we've seen each other.

    I keep forgetting my little fitbit so I'm not getting my steps. Of course even when I wear it I don't get as much as I should. Allison you do amazing with your steps. I hope I can work my way up to the 10,000 steps.

    Off to bed, have a great night everyone.

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Well, we have snow on the ground here! I doubt the roads are too good since it's fallen below freezing. It would be just fine and dandy with me if I had a "delay" for work tomorrow. :wink: I can't seem to get enough sleep. I go to bed and, most nights, do okay at falling asleep, but I can't seem to STAY asleep. It makes it soooo hard to get up in the mornings! And, what's with the getting up 2-3 times a night to go to the bathroom? I know I drink a lot of water, but jeez!

    I have decided that tomorrow afternoon (at job 2) that I must close my office door and work on stuff without interruption. It's hard to do because lots of folks are in and out on Wednesdays and that's when I get to talk to both members and coworkers, but I have to get some quality time to get W-2s out on time. I can hear some folks complaining already! :grumble :

    Thanks for the responses about my calorie question. This is what I'm looking at: My goal is set for 1430. Today I ate 1587 and earned 515 in exercise. That makes my net intake 1072. Since I'm looking at only about 30 lbs more to go, I have adjusted the weight loss to 1 lb per week (gotta do all I can to avoid even more saggy skin) and I don't want to lose more than that. I figure I'm truly exercising more calories because I go solely by my Fitbit and it doesn't take into account most of the moves for the 30-day Shred. If it was all just step based, I would go by the Fitbit and not worry about it, but I've read so much on here about being sure to feed one's body enough calories when strength training. Hence, my dilemma. Oh, and I can't tell if I'm losing too fast because the scales aren't moving. Yeah, I know how that sounds, but I've also read that one will sometimes gain when beginning a new workout routine. Arrrrrggghhhh!

    Enough about me! I didn't take notes, but for the lady whose husband had a physical today, I understand your need to tell your daughters. As a daughter, it irritates me to no end to find out one of my parents has a health issue that I've not been made aware of until it is bad. Also, I would think that if it is Parkinson's, that catching it early could be only a good thing.

    For the lady who got told not to come into work today, I get your pain! I don't get paid leave at one of my jobs and it is a real blow to the paycheck when holidays and sick days roll around.

    For the lady who lost her cool this morning and hasn't kept up with logging and is comfort eating, tomorrow is another day. Do what you can at the moment and then hop back up on the wagon and keep going! At least you're comfort eating with something low calorie...

    Oh crap! I've forgotten what else I read!

    One more thing...I have exactly one pair of pants in my closet right now that I would not choose to wear because they are tighter than is really comfortable! And, I ordered a new bra (can't walk into a store and buy one to fit me) and it should have been a band size smaller to really get longer wear out of it. :bigsmile:

    Good night from a very tired :yawn: Carol in NC.
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    Thanks Carol : )
    I did log and get 1/2 my workout goal accomplished but, I agree, tomorrow IS another day.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,370 Member
    Joyce - Jessica's dream is to go to vet school, too. But, and I think she realizes it now, her grades in college weren't that great. She would have to take a few other classes, get her GPA up even to be CONSIDERED for vet school. To me, it would be lovely if she'd live here for a year so that would mean no rent, etc, take a few classes, establish residency in NC, then go to NC Vet school. However, she's taken an apt by herself in Reston VA (outside of Washington). The cost of living is high there. Admitted, there aren't a whole lot of jobs in our area, but she would only need something to pay for her car. But I can't force her to do something.

    You know how every year I get an infusion of reclast (for osteoporosis). Well, evidentally, the doctor's office sends the request to some company who does their preauthorizations. I called the hosp and the hosp told me that they were told it didn't need to be preauthorized. Last year it did so I called the insurance co. to confirm it. Seems it does. They've been trying to get in touch with the MD office to get the needed info. I don't know why it's taking so much. From what the insurance co. told me today, the gal at the MD office is going to call the company that does the preauthorization and tell them that it DOES need to be preautorized. I'm going to call her Thurs just to be sure she's taken care of it.

    DeeDee - are you SURE just a dusting of snow isn't enough to make southern people crazy? The first year we were here, I went out to get the newspaper, there was snow on the ground but you could still see the grass. Well, dh had a MD appt that day, so he brushed off the car and went. He was the only person there!

    Patty - yoga does help with the flexibility -- and this is coming from the most inflexible person on the face of the earth. Hope your Y does go with it. To me, it's a great compliment to aerobic and weights. One thing I did learn the hard way is not to take a yoga class right after an aerobic class. In the aerobic class you get all sweaty and in the yoga class after the aerobic class I was, literally, shaking from the cold. I swore never again. Now to have a yoga class BEFORE an aerobics class, that could work. But not after. Just think of all the good you will do once you have your certification.

    Gloria - one of the reason I like having different exercises that can be done on different machines is if someone is using one machine, I can easily change.

    Cynthia - WooHoo on the smaller jeans

    Alison - what a shame that they cancelled you. I would think they'd need at least one person in the office.

    Amanda - it's probably a good thing that you took time off. Hope you're feeling better real fast.

    Mazof Oz - welcome! Are you from Australia maybe?

    Laura in CO - boy, you've sure been busy! Congrats on the upcoming birth

    Did an hour of a spinning downloadable workout today. Haven't done spinning in a while. Tomorrow I'm planning to go to yoga and then the deep water class. Then we have senior bowling and then the Newcomer bowling, so another busy day but that also translates into my not eating a whole lot.

    katla - a friend of mine had to go on a very restricted sodium diet, and on the top of the list off foods that she needed to avoid was celery! But I still like it anyway. I agaree, some of the worst drivers in snow are in these big pickups especially if they have 4 wheel drive. They seem to think that having 4 wheel drive means you can go anywhere. Not always...... Sure hope you feel better soon

    Heather - an ovarian cyst crossed my mind. Would that account for a distended (at least to me) part below your ribs? I've always been able to see my ribs but now I can't. And it's weird, like just a few minutes ago, my stomach was growling yet I didn't feel like I wanted anything. You have every right to be proud as can be about your son. I know I am

    Jane in CO - glad those cupcakes worked out for you. I was watching Hungry Girl and she was saying how she used seltzer water in place of the oil and eggs in a cake mix. I don't know about that so I'm going to give it a try. She also didn't say if it was a 1:1 ratio or not, so I'll just have to experiment.

    Vicki - I just had a bit of a party with two brownies. There is one more in the house, and I can't wait for it to be out of the house. I should have just thrown them out the minute I got home. But instead I put them in the freezer. My guess is that I used one that was in the database and I'm thinking that what I had was more calories. But then again, I didn't add in my exercise calories so that probably covered it. I always told my kids that there is only one dumb question --- that is the question that isn't asked. So, anyone, ask away. Good luck to you in your challenge. Now listen here -- get rid of those slacks!!! You will not, I repeat will not, gain the weight back

    Good new and bad news from the vet. First the bad news, Lexi lost 10ozs. Now she's a bit over 6 pounds so that's a significant weight loss for her. Why is she losing the weight? We don't know, but PJ and Sadie both had hypothyroidism and had to have the radioactive isotope treatment so hopefully, Lexi won't.b The vet also felt her thyroid, and you usually can't feel a cat's thyroid. Hopefully, it's just that she's burning more weight off. If ony I had such problems! Now for the good news: the vet said to decrease Loki's phenobarbitol from 1-1/2 pills/day to 1 pill/day. He used to get 1 pill in the morning and 1/2 in the evening. We'll just give him 1 in the morning and see how it goes. Honestly, the other cats always used to come at his pill time and that was their "treat" time so they're only going to get treats once/day. Oh well.....

    Joyce - you're a hoot...matching mobility scooters....lol

    Terri - now isn't that interesting??? We're interested in having you join us and having you as a friend. Boy, life sometimes is weird. Welcome!

    Meg - sure hope your daughter gets better fast. So sorry to hear about your dad. If it isn't one thing, it's another. But you're handling it all well. Hey, if you leave your Christmas decorations up until next year, just think of how much time you'll save not having to put them up? Being able to cross your legs for the first time in a long time is something to get excited about.

    Gail - so glad you got your replacement!

    Gloria - at least you're stress eating with Skinny Pop, could be worse!

    marfeez - you've come to a good place for motivation, that's for sure.

    Carol in NC - oh, no, snow!!!! We don't have any...yet. At least I don't think we do since it's so dark outside.

    Michele in NC