

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Good Morning from Nebraska where the wind chill is below zero again. DH bought one of those tv stand-fireplace deals and got it all put up and working, so last evening we sat in front of the fire and watched tv. Admit it was nice and extra heat was nice. Since I have lost weight I am cold most the time. I was down 2 pounds for the week this morning when I weighed in. I was surprised as had several over days. I am back to logging every bite. So now I am down 144 pounds. When DH was moving stuff around to put in the new deal he showed me a picture taken of us and our DGD 4 years ago and he said now can you see the difference and I really did. Yesterday I went and cleaned out all the sizes 3-4x and bagged them up and brough them to work for the foundation to give to a lady that works in the kitchen that can use them. I am glad someone is able to us them and I am glad to have them gone.
    Tomorrow is the day my dad is having his surgery. Going to be over in Kearney at 7:30 to get him checked in. I am taking a bag as plan to spend the night with my mom. I just pray all goes well and know that in the end God is in charge.

    Brenda--Good Luck and I have found that when I look at this as a lifestyle change I do better.

    Michelle--Thanks for the push. It does feel good to have it done. I have tried some 1x on and some fit others not. I think I am at the inbetween. I hope you get this with your period checked out and find out what is going on!!! After all these years of not having one I would not be a happy person if it started back up.

    yanniejannie--Sorry to hear about your friends obit. I know they charge by the word at the paper here. Some are short some and some are like a book. My friend Linda that passed last March had no write up or service. I was so upset. It was like she was here one day, gone the next. I know it was because of money. I think Heather has a great idea about you writing a piece for your friend Linda.

    Alison--Great news that Sean is home, Pray all goes well. My DGD plays with my phone and downloads games. I have no clue how. Then Satuday night DH and I were going out to eat and my phone says why will you not take care of me. Scared me to start with and then we figured out she had downloaded some cat deal and if you do not feed or whatever it will talk to you. When I clicked on it at first the cat is jumping around with his paws in front of him, had to take him to the bathroom and feed him and then put him to bed. I am always asking her to explain my phone to me. she is 6. DH husband has the covers for the front of his phone, I wish I had put one on mine as now there is a long scratch down one side. Praying things inprove for DFIL.

    Heather--hope you are enjoying your new toaster.

    Sylvia--So glad to hear you are back in the studio and enjoying it. I pray the judge uses his brain on the custody. I would think she wouldn't be given contact with her history.


    Eileen--So glad DS and family were not hurt. It really upsets me when someone on a motorcycle is not careful. I know when we ride DH is very alert.
    And when we ride as a group with have a leader and then DH and I usually ride at the end in case someone has problems. Sometimes when we ride and I look ahead and see the group I think it looks neat.

    Jane--Congrates on the 2 pound loss!! I do enjoy my shoes and the month of Dec I put two bells on each one. Say they are my Happy Birthday Jesus bells. Grandkids love them, but when I put them on their shoes they are gone the next time. But we do it again. They love it.

    Sandy--I got that book from the library and started reading and loved it so went out and bought my own copy so I can take notes Makes so much sense when I am reading.. Just have to put it into practice and I am working on that. Thanks Barbie for telling me about it. Glad you are feeling better. Alot of crud going around.

    Meg-- yes schellac and I couldn't afford it if I wasn't friend with the lady and she gives me a big discount. So far they still look nice.

    Barbie--how your day got better and even better today. I think the prices of glasses is over the top. I know how you feel about insurance and meds. My insurance at the start of the year will only cover mail order meds. I do not like that idea.

    Yesterday in the mail I got a check from Bank of America for $.05. I thought are you kidding me!!! The memo line said interest for the insurance money they had so long.

    Patty-- Good luck on your tests, Be sure and let us know how it goes.

    Pat--I am enjoying my fake fireplace. Looks nice and gald it is done. The fur babies are not sure what to think. DH said they had a good turn out to help with the Bingo. I enjoy going when I can as they have such interesting stories.

    Well I am upto date and out of time. So wishing you all a good evening and stay safe and warm. We could use some moisture but to cold to snow they say. I just hope it is not bad in the morning when we leave for Kearney, It is only about 50 miles but since my accident in Nov I do not travel well. Hugs and prayers to all of you.
    Blessed! Vicki GI NE
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi ladies. This will be brief; I’m tired and headachy and just want to go to bed but had to stop in and see how everyone is doing.

    Yanniejannie: stay safe in the snow

    Pat stay warm!

    Sylvia; thanks for your comments! I enjoy this group so much including you!

    Barbie: so sorry you had such a bad start to the day

    Amanda: three is a fun and funny year!

    Heather: I wish I liked quinoa!

    Sue: glad the doctors appointments and therapy have slowed down!

    Vicki: your weight loss is so impressive!

    Well I know I am missing many of you but I’m off to bed and some zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzs. Take care, Meg vying with Joyce for the polar ice cap
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Well ladies, I just got off of the treadmill for the first time in a long time. I went a whopping 13 minutes! But I did 3 levels (2, 2.5, 3) with an incline so I am encouraged. Hoping I can persuade myself to do another round and maybe I'll make 15 minutes. :smile:

    I caught wind of a conversation on here about losing weight and the time spent doing it. I have lost 42 lbs in a year and half myself. It would probably be double if I didn't have to re-lose what I already lost which is exactly why I was on the treadmill today. I've been in a losing pattern and I want to keep that trend going for as long as I can. I know life gets in the way or is it my age?! :laugh:

    Who's going to listen to the President's SOTU address tonight? The League for Women Voter's put out a set of bingo cards to play while he talks so hoping they will help keep me focused. And maybe just maybe my hubby will play along too.

    Time to make dinner preparations. I need to have finished eating by 6:30 pm and the last couple of evenings I have fallen short. Giving it a better effort tonight.

    I hope everyone is keeping warm; I am still so tired of this cold. :sad:

    Plano Teral :flowerforyou:
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Hi ladies. This will be brief; I’m tired and headachy and just want to go to bed but had to stop in and see how everyone is doing.

    Meg, sure hope that headachy feeling passes quickly and keep warm my friend.
  • seasonsofjoy
    seasonsofjoy Posts: 47 Member
    Hello everyone:smile: !

    I have been absent for a bit, and found the new thread, wowsie! It is hard to catch up, but I read a couple of pages, and wow! So many of you in cold (frigid!) places! I know winter is especially brutal this year, and I wish you warm, cozy blankies, and socks!
    I live in the Phoenix area, and you really do not want to hear how it's been here.

    To all of you dealing with physical issues, I wish you fast healing! I have had many physical issues in my past, especially the last 15 years, and sometimes it seems like one after another. :grumble: It is very frustrating, but all you can do is take one step at a time. The same with our weight loss and healthy eating, true.

    I have a bad cold of some sort, there is so much going around, and my 17 year old daughter has the flu. I feel like a truck ran over me, and it is in my chest, but not too bad so far.

    I want to ask you some advice, both about being the parent of a kid ready to go off to college (our second one), and to those of you who live in cold, snowy places.
    My daughter is a high achiever, and applied to several colleges and universities, and has narrowed it down to one in AZ, about 1 1/2 hours from us, and one in Chicago, that we visited once, on a vacation, in June (so it was perfectly lovely, with flowers, fountains, etc.). She has received a MUCH better scholarship to the AZ one, as they try hard to keep their scholars in-state. My hubby and I told both kids we would pay for in-state, tuition, room and board,etc., basically the whole thing, and unless there was some unique degree they had to get somewhere else, that is it. So, she knows there will be loans with the Chicago choice, and not, with the AZ one. Her major right now, is attainable both places, and of course she may change her mind. Seriously, the only reason she is leaning towards Chicago is the pretty campus, she liked how the tour guide said you get to know your professors, and she loved Chicago. She has NO idea how cold it is, and how much "baggage" and effort that is required when you live in that climate, as she has never experienced it. Several people asked us about our trip when we were there, and when they found out where we are from, all were surprised, and said THEY wanted to live HERE, and why would she want to come up there to school? We get no snow here, and moved here from Albuquerque 10 years ago, so she just got to play in snow there, with sunshine, and it melting fast, and we moved away when she was 7. She doesn't think that weather of any kind should influence her decision at all. She would have to live on campus and cannot bring a car for the first 2 years, so I am not concerned about her driving. We do have a really good relationship with her, she is not trying to go far away to get away, in fact she has told us many times she doesn't know how she got so lucky with us as her parents. We know that even if she is in AZ, we won't see her much more than if she were in Chicago, because they get busy with their own life, (which we want), like our son has. That is not why I don't think Chicago is the best choice. I am thinking, why have school loans, on undergrad, when you will need to go to grad school and it is very expensive, to add on top of that? She has even said that the IL school, being less than half the size of the AZ one, might not have as many different people for her, she wants to meet all kinds of people.

    So, here's my questions:
    Should hubby and I just shut up, and let her do what she wants to do, the chips fall where they may? She may love it, and really bloom, of course, which is what we want, no matter where our kids end up!
    Do you think the weather should have any impact on choice of college? I am worried that after living in the sunshine her entire life, the often overcast skies would even get to her, as it did our friends who moved to OR after NM.
    Any advice???

    Thanks for listening, if nothing else. I just want her to take advantage of the scholarship, wherever it is, and be happy!

    in sunny Arizona
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Barbie – ask for your eye glass prescription, then view this link for some websites where you can get inexpensive glasses (http://www.clarkhoward.com/videos/clark-howard/health-health-care/cheap-eyeglasses/vHK/). Clark Howard is an Atlanta local consumer advocate and is also on TV, has published many books, etc. His website is a great resource for lots of things, even outside of Atlanta. Costco and BJs both have eyeglasses as well. DS#1 ordered his glasses online and loves them. At the price of some of them it might be worth a try to replace the glasses.

    Heather, I don’t know exactly where you want to be in NYC, but I just booked one through the Choice Hotel website for my boss in NY for a few days in February for $118/night. You have to join their rewards program (no additional charge), but you get some great prices. The boss goes to NYC frequently so we are always looking for a deal. (http://www.ascendcollection.com/hotel-new_york-new_york-NY424 )

    Nasty snow and ice here in Georgia today – and you know we don’t really have the appropriate road equipment since it is such a rarity! I had no trouble getting home, though it took about 45 minutes for the 10 miles. Many were stuck on the road either due to poor tires or lack of experience driving in it. Tomorrow morning will be ugly, but we have 60’s predicted for Saturday, so it will soon be gone. One co-worker was out today with dental work, another left about 2p and I left about 5:30p so I could get home before it was dark. Tomorrow will be an adventure, I’m sure. (Oh, and if I’m ‘lucky’ my boss said he would come pick me up!)

    DH was scheduled to work, but after taking 45 minutes to go about 3 miles, they called his cell and said they were closing anyway, so he went back home.

    Gail, metro ATL
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    bump till the morning, im exsausted!!
  • gmom316
    gmom316 Posts: 244
    seasonsofjoy, as someone who's lived in varying climates around the country my advice is to send her for a short trip ASAP. Spending a few cold, windy winter days and letting her know that she'd be in for several months of bad weather at a time might give her an accurate gauge to make the best decision.

    On the other hand, I moved from the north to Tampa. The first summer I was sure I was in purgatory and was looking for the quickest way out. As the years passed my body and lifestyle acclimated. Same way when I moved back north unexpectedly.
  • seasonsofjoy
    seasonsofjoy Posts: 47 Member
    seasonsofjoy, as someone who's lived in varying climates around the country my advice is to send her for a short trip ASAP. Spending a few cold, windy winter days and letting her know that she'd be in for several months of bad weather at a time might give her an accurate gauge to make the best decision.

    On the other hand, I moved from the north to Tampa. The first summer I was sure I was in purgatory and was looking for the quickest way out. As the years passed my body and lifestyle acclimated. Same way when I moved back north unexpectedly.

    Thanks so much, and I agree, it would be great to take her up there NOW, or just send her by herself, and hubby and I have discussed it. But it is SO expensive to fly there, and hotel, etc. I still would like to do it. He says just let her decide and live with the decision. And you are right, too, you do get acclimated some to where you live.
    Sorry I already can't remember your MFP name! And now on a new page. Thanks for your input!:flowerforyou:

  • seasonsofjoy
    seasonsofjoy Posts: 47 Member
    gmom316, that is, thanks!:flowerforyou:
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Hubby and I finally made it downtown to the art museum yesterday (in the snow storm), only to discover that it is closed on Mondays! :huh: We ended up going to the science and nature museum instead, but I was truly disappointed as I’d been trying to get to the Paris exhibit for several weeks. I’ll have to try to get him to go again, or maybe go by myself.

    I tried upping my intervals to 3 minutes 6% incline and 2 minutes rest (2% incline) yesterday morning. I even got carried away and did the final set on 7%. I could barely walk the rest of the day – just really stiff and sore. Today I just did plain old walking with no incline. I wonder how long it takes for your body to get used to a certain level of exercise, or if we just stay stiff because of our age? Hubby thinks it’s the latter, but I keep hoping for the former!

    Allison – Could your FIL afford to have a full-time caregiver come into his home (and maybe ask your SIL to leave, since he has the rights to the house)?

    Katia – A Denver superbowl party would probably be mostly Mexican-type finger foods, definitely with guacamole and chips. I have to admit that the seafood sounds better. Go Broncos!

    Sandy – Glad you’re feeling better again. Aquafit sounds like such fun! Neither of the last two gyms I joined had a pool, so I’ve never really gotten to try it.

    Meg – If your jeep trip passes through Denver next summer, let us know! It would be great fun if our Colorado group could meet you for lunch. :happy: I’m sorry that you still aren’t feeling well today.

    Sylvia – Glad that the lawyer had some positive news over visitation. I used to take my son on “lunch dates” when he was small. We would sit across the table from each other and share a milkshake in between us with two straws. It was so cute! (He grew up really skinny and I’m still fat).

    Barbie – I’m sorry about your glasses, and about Jake’s medication. I hope that today was a better day than yesterday!

    Michele – The shark sounds like quite an adventure! When hubby first learned how to catch fish, he didn’t know how to clean them. He brought them home and put them directly onto my electric burners, to remove the scales, he said. There were fish scales & skin stuck to all of my burners, and fish eggs bouncing around my kitchen! I said “never again,” :noway: and he now has to take any fish he catches to his mother, so that she can clean them for him.

    Amanda – I’ll bet your granddaughter was adorable! What foods do you have to eat?

    Laura – It took me a few days to get back into the logging habit, too. You’ll get there! I finally figured out when Downton Abbey is on, so am now caught up, as well. :smile:

    Margaret – I don’t know what a fantasy league is. Do they just pretend to play?

    Joyce – I have a monthly meeting at the Jason’s Deli here. I usually get the salad bar and a cup of soup. Glad you’ve gotten your Fitbit problem solved!

    Vicki – Congrats on the 2 lbs. down, and HUGE congrats on the 144 lbs. gone! That is amazing!!! The bells on the shoes sound like a lot of fun. Mine haven’t arrived yet, but I understand are now in transit.

    Teral – Good for you, getting on the treadmill!!

    Seasons of Joy -- My vote would be for the AZ school. I told my kids that they had to do undergrad in Colorado, and then could go wherever they wanted for grad school. I let my son choose the Colorado school, but not my daughter. She won a $100,000 scholarship to one of our private universities, so I made her go there (she was mad). Undergrad just isn’t worth the out-of-state tuition, but the grad school they choose could make a big difference later in life. I don’t think that weather should have much influence. I did undergrad in Montana, where the wind chill was -40 in the winter – I lived on campus and just didn’t take early morning classes in the winter.

    Jane in Colorado
  • Kalley1959
    Kalley1959 Posts: 287 Member
    Just jumping in to say G'nite all Did an 45 min of strength training tonight at the gym. Busy day at work today and I'm exhausted.

    :heart: Sandy from ON
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    :flowerforyou: Heather, hotels in NYC are all expensive…..I have a cousin in Manhattan who keeps suggesting that I come visit her and she can’t understand that we can’t afford to stay there even if we used our frequent flier miles for the plane trip….good luck in finding a place that will work for your budget.

    :bigsmile: Amanda, I’m know your granddaughter was adorable and clearly has great stage presence.

    :flowerforyou: Anamika, I am wearing my old glasses and they work fine so I’ll just keep them for as long as possible and get new ones some day when we don’t have so many other expenses.

    :bigsmile: Renny, happy to hear you got to Holland safely….thanks for letting us know.

    :flowerforyou: Vicki, when I first started using the mail order med service it made me nervous because I liked talking to the local pharmacist but now that we’ve been getting meds by mail for years, I like it a lot……ordering on line and getting stuff in the mail rather than going out to get them.

    :flowerforyou: Teral, starting with just a few minutes on the treadmill is a great idea…..you’ll add a few minutes each day until you have a great workout…..take it one day at a time.

    :flowerforyou: Gail, thank you for the suggestion about replacing my glasses but for now, I’m going to wear my old ones since I already have them and won’t have to spend any money for the moment.

    :flowerforyou: Seasonofjoy, I have no experience as a parent, but as a student, I left California to go to college in Minnesota…the cold and the darkness in winter overwhelmed me the first year but I loved it after that and appreciated the chance to be more independent of my family by being so far away.

    :flowerforyou: This morning when I was getting my hair cut, the man who cuts it mentioned our overcast chilly weather and I said that I’d been in touch with so many people in super cold places that I was grateful to be able to walk on sidewalks that weren’t icy…..then he told me about his sister in Virginia where the schools have been closed for over a week and she’s having a tough time with her kids confined in the house with her so much.

    :brokenheart: Jake is fighting a cold and dealing with the results of biting his lip when his mouth was numbed with Novocain for the dentist so he has stayed in his jammies all day and watched TV except for putting on jeans to do his regular noon dog walking. I got my hair cut, did errands, worked on the income tax, walked dogs, and practiced dancing.

    :heart: Barbie from beautiful NW Washington


    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: ...23,000 steps today ----

    “All truly great thoughts are conceived while walking."
    - Friedrich Nietzsche
  • jenero52
    jenero52 Posts: 8 Member
    Wow! I can't imagine what it's like for you who are having this cold when you are not used to it! It's hard enough here where we have cold cold cold for at least 4 months of the year. It's enough to make you cranky. We've had some beautiful sunrises on the way to work AND it's still light out when I'm coming home! WOOHOO!!! I hate the months of dark going to work and dark again already on the way home. I missed my workout today. I just couldn't fit it in. It's final exam time so lots of marking, prepping, and scheduling for me. I was late getting home then out for a birthday supper for our favourite little 9 year old. I have time to work out now BUT I just can't sleep if I exercise after 7. Ah well… tomorrow is another day. I am thinking of cutting back on carbs a bit more to see if that will jump start some weight loss. I know I need to focus on health, clean eating, exercise, and inches not just the weight but it is so frustrating when that scale do NOT budge at all. Thoughts??
    Have a restful night everyone. Stay warm!!
    - Tammy
  • seasonsofjoy
    seasonsofjoy Posts: 47 Member
    Jane in Colorado: Thanks for the input! I guess we could try to make her go in state. We have not had to really ever do something like that, both of our kids have usually really respected our input, and have made good choices, we have never had to ground them or anything like that, even. We need to keep talking to her about what it means to have debt, whatever kind of debt it is. Neither my hubby nor I had loans to repay after college, and we both landed great jobs, but that was many years ago. We just need to keep talking, I just asked her tonight at dinner to make a list of what she really thinks she wants in a college. It has changed so much since just a year ago!
    And go Broncos!:wink:
    Nancy in AZ
  • seasonsofjoy
    seasonsofjoy Posts: 47 Member
    Barbie, Thank you, too! I do think the independence will be great for her, but she will get that both places. Of course, in IL, she cannot hop in a car and be home to us in 1 1/2 hours. She would have to deal with whatever.
    SeasonsOfJoy in AZ
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Hi all! Well, we have *maybe* an inch of snow so school is cancelled for tomorrow and I plan to turn my alarm off! I'll see how the roads are whenever I wake up! I left work at 5 p.m. today instead of 6 p.m. (or after) and I've felt like I've had the whole afternoon off. :smile:

    seasonsofjoy (I think) re: colleges--I had no stipulations on where my daughter went to college. She went to boarding school almost four hours away for high school so I had no real worries about her adjusting to wherever she ended up. Fortunately, she received a full ride ($55,000+ annually) to Washington and Lee University in Virginia (all the way across the state from her high school) which was actually closer to home than high school. She knew from the get go that I would not be able to contribute anything towards her education since her dad decided he no longer wanted to be an active parent just a few days before her senior year and it was actually more than I could do to keep a roof over her brother's head. My son, on the other hand, has multiple health issues that make me want to keep him fairly close by. And, wouldn't you know, he wants to go to George Mason or University of Maryland at College Park! He is aware that wherever he goes, he will bear the brunt of any expenses not covered by financial aid. I never really thought about trying to deny my children the opportunity to attend school out of state. If your daughter is fully aware that she will be responsible for the loans, I would try my best to send her on a visit during winter and then trust her decision. I imagine she could transfer back to an in-state school if she changes her mind. Just my two-cents worth! :flowerforyou:

    I ate badly yesterday! I was so tired and so hungry by the time I got home from my meeting last night that I grabbed "treat" food instead of "real" food. That's the first time I've ended up in the red on calories in forever! Well, except when I was visiting my parents at Christmas. I have no clue how many calories I ate then! I was eating scramble eggs for breakfast and thinking I knew how many calories I was was ingesting when my mother announced, "These eggs are SO much better since I put butter in them!" :noway: I have stayed on track today so I'm not going to beat myself up for yesterday.

    Oh!! I had the most delicious Oreo cookies and cream smoothie tonight! It tasted divine and had only 140 calories.

    Michele in NC, I'm sorry you have snow...I talked to my mother this evening and she said they were surprised because snow wasn't in their forecast but they got it anyway.

    I truly do read everyone's posts and send prayers and good vibes your way, I'm just crappy at remembering names. (I blame it on old age and the concussion I had in August.)

    Good night, everyone, and stay warm!

    Carol in snowy and VERY cold NC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Seasons of joy, I learned when my daughter was a teenager that if I chose anything for her she would rebel. I just had to grit my teeth, let her see for herself how that trendy style would look on her and she made the decision herself that she didn't like it. I agree with whoever else said that let her spend some time in Chicago in this awful weather and see if she can take it. Have her do some computer research on cost of living in the two areas. College isn't just going to class, it's living in the area, getting around, eating, if not in a dorm there are living expenses such as utilities. How much is gas there vs Az.? Let her do her research. Yes, Arizona is better for right now but what about your daughters growth as an individual? My daughter had to just learn for herself. Unfortunately in high school she made most of the decisions that I wanted her to. In college and after it didn't work so well. But we just continues to love her, accept who she was and now she is a wonderful daughter and individual.

    State of the Union address. HMMM. I watched The Biggest Loser and then turned it over to a movie I had on my DVR. I had no desire to watch it. Honestly I can say I don't even watch it when a favorite President is speaking. Speeches are so political and I'm sure they don't mean half of what they say. shoot, I'm not even sure if they even wrote the speech.

    Joyce, indiana
  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
    bump....chatty women :)
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    I'm back! Have y'all missed me? No way can I ever catch up so I'm just going to have to jump in.

    Saturday a week ago I fell while walking downhill and broke my left wrist. My first broken bone ever in 59 years. They did surgery on Tuesday of last week. I still can't drive and will go back to the doctor on Monday. I am working some from home but taking sick days so that I don't have to feel guilty for not doing much. I tire very easily. Typing on the iPad is doable but not not comfortable. Exercise and dieting are on hold, but I am trying to stay within my calories. I pretty much have to eat what is available, though. I can't cook. I only have one sweater that will go over my splint. I am not a good patient. DH is being very attentive.

    And we are totally snowed in. Atlanta is crazy! No school tomorrow so a free sick day for me.

    I'll try to catch up some tomorrow.

    Kay in NEGA